Types of dental fillings, their cost, pros and cons

For many people, visiting a private dental office seems quite expensive. Therefore, many people try to avoid a visit to the dentist and save money and time. Quite a lot of modern people who are faced with the need for fillings try to make fillings on their teeth at home. Special skills and medical experience are not required for such procedures. The required materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. An excellent alternative option is suitable only in some situations, the process will take no more than ten minutes. In today's article we will take a closer look at how it is possible to make a tooth filling at home.

Disadvantages of dental fillings at home

Before you make an analogue of a filling yourself, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the disadvantages of home filling. If you are sure that in this case you can do without the intervention of a professional dentist, it is worth considering the disadvantages of an independent procedure:

  • It is impossible to drill a hole correctly at home.
  • It is not always possible to find high-quality material in the public domain.
  • Possible pigmentation of teeth in yellow or brown color.

Some people may have difficulty performing the procedure due to a small jaw.

Are there any contraindications

Before making a filling at home, you must make sure that there is no point in turning to a competent dentist for help. When you can’t make a filling yourself at home:

  • It is not possible to eliminate the painful sensations.
  • Severely progressive caries requiring root canal filling.
  • Small size of the carious cavity.
  • Pathological processes developing in soft tissues.
  • In case of pulpitis and cysts, independent intervention is contraindicated.

What are the advantages of filling a tooth at home?

If there is no intense pain and the carious lesion is small, then it is permissible to use a method such as home filling. What are the advantages of this approach:

  • You can save a lot of money. In terms of money, installing a filling yourself and the filling material itself will cost much less than visiting a dentist.
  • You can protect yourself from infection. If you carry out treatment at home, you can be sure that all materials and products used will be sterile clean. Not every dentist will provide the patient with evidence that his instruments are sterile.
  • Possibility to save a tooth. Dentists often immediately resort to drastic measures, so self-treatment will make it possible to preserve the dental unit.
  • An opportunity to avoid stress. Many people immediately panic when they need to visit the dentist, some may even faint.
  • The technology for installing a filling on a tooth at home can be seen in a video on the Internet.

A dental filling at home is an alternative option that may be suitable for many people. But do not forget that only a specialist can objectively assess the condition of the dentition and oral cavity as a whole, so if in doubt, it is better to consult a dentist.

How does the installation work?

  • Using a drill, the tooth is slightly ground down for better adhesion of the filling to the tooth.
  • Thorough treatment with antiseptic drugs.
  • Applying a special filling substance to the tooth, evenly distributing the composition.
  • Polymerization using a blue lamp.
  • At the end of the procedure, sanding and polishing are carried out to make the unit as similar as possible to the rest.

On average, installing a light seal will cost 4-7 thousand. Some clinics often hold promotions, thanks to which you can restore a tooth at a reduced price.

Types of temporary fillings

Before you begin the tooth filling procedure, you should choose the composition of the dental filling at home. There are several types of temporary fillings:

  • Doctors use so-called artificial dentin, which is based on water. The material is a special mixture of distilled water, which is mixed in the required proportions with powder (this is zinc sulfate and zinc oxide). Water is added to the powder until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Artificial dentin with oil. This material contains the same components, only now clove (or peach) oil is added. The advantage of choosing such a composition is that it can be purchased in ready-made form.
  • Cement composition. This material is available in various versions. It is used for chewing teeth. Also used as a gasket when filling canals.
  • Polymer materials. A special rubber-like paste that hardens when exposed to light is widely used. These are quite durable materials that adhere perfectly to the tooth surface.

Anyone can purchase temporary fillings. The choice of materials for temporary fillings is very diverse. A budget and at the same time universal option is dentin paste or powder for making your own composition with the addition of water. The key problem is not finding and buying the right material. The danger comes from insufficient sanitation of the cavity before installing filling material there.

Reviews from patients and dentists

Dentists have different opinions about various fillings, but they agree that it is not so much the material that is important, but the quality of the installation. A cement filling installed in free dentistry can last more than twenty years, provided that the procedure is carried out competently and in compliance with all technologies. At the same time, a filling made from an expensive photopolymer, if installed incorrectly, can fall out of the tooth in just a couple of weeks. Experts advise paying attention first of all to the doctor who will perform the procedure and his level of professionalism.

Category Dental filling Posted by Mister stomatolog

Dental filling at home: specifics of the procedure

After the necessary filling materials have been purchased, a person must make sure that there is no inflammation of the nerve and carious lesions in the tooth cavity. If the tooth begins to cause discomfort and you feel aching pain, you can temporarily cover the affected area with a ball of toothpaste. It contains fluoride, which can eliminate painful sensations. Under no circumstances should you pour alcohol-based solutions into the cavity - they can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the dental nerve or even kill it. This is also fraught with such an unpleasant consequence as nerve decomposition; in this case, only a professional dentist can help. At home, areas affected by caries can only be treated with acid; in the dental office, drills are used for this purpose. What the procedure looks like step by step:

  • The material is mixed according to specific instructions. It is necessary to accurately calculate the time so that the filling material becomes plastic.
  • The affected area where the filling will be placed must be treated with Chlorhexidine, and then the moisture must be removed.
  • The filling tool is a special spatula. It is very important to check the size of the filling, since one that is too large will not be able to be securely fixed.
  • In some situations, several small fillings from different compositions are made at once. A more liquid composition is used for the lower part of the channel, and a denser solution is used for the middle part. The upper section should be covered with the densest composition.
  • To get rid of incoming saliva, you need to prepare small cotton swabs in advance and place them behind your cheek.

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to assess the degree of tooth decay.

Which one is better to choose for the smile area?

If you are thinking about which option to choose for dental restoration, the best option in terms of price and quality is a light filling. It has a number of positive aspects:

  • There is no need to wait two hours to eat and drink after a dental procedure.
  • It is characterized by high strength and a longer service life. On average, a light filling lasts up to 7 years.
  • Absolute safety for the body.
  • It is possible to choose the color of the seal so that the restored unit does not differ from the rest.

Tsivinsky's technique

Classic dental filling in a dental clinic involves the use of a drill, which drills out carious lesions. Doctor Tsivinsky has developed his own unique technique, which makes it possible not to use the drilling method. Therefore, the procedure will be painless and simple. The doctor proposed his own patented composition - a powder mixture called “Santedex”. The drug is freely available at pharmacies. Contains biologically compatible ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions. This method allows you to place some of the most reliable dental fillings at home.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to knead the composite. To do this, you need to take the dry mixture that comes in the kit and combine it with a special liquid solution. The substance must be continuously stirred to obtain a sufficiently dense material. Then the cavity in the tooth is prepared, where the filling is supposed to be installed. It is extremely important to thoroughly clean your teeth with hygienic paste and treat the canal that is affected by caries. It is advisable to do the filling at night, so that during the night the composition performs a therapeutic function. In the morning, the product can be removed and filled with a filling. For many people, the procedure raises a lot of questions. This method will help maintain normal dental health for some time. Some people who use Santedex claim that such fillings can last for years. According to the author of the method, his drug is capable of performing the following actions:

  • Block the development of inflammation.
  • Disinfect the area.

Application of Acrodent

In addition to the drug mentioned above, the drug Acrodent is also actively used. It is advisable to use it as a permanent filling. For the procedure you will need: a household hair dryer, cotton swabs, Chlorhexidine, a special spatula. The kit includes detailed instructions that describe the entire procedure, which consists of several stages:

  • Brushing your teeth with toothpaste.
  • Treating a diseased tooth with antiseptic and cotton wool.
  • Drying the area.
  • Then you need to apply an oxidizing agent and dry the area again.
  • To prevent saliva from entering the open cavity, pieces of cotton wool should be used.
  • Now a special mixture is being prepared, which will be used as a filling.
  • The bottom of the cavity needs to be filled with a small volume of solution.

If the cavity is large, it will require two fillings to completely fill it. Such work is unacceptable for advanced caries and acute toothache.

Harm to health

As mentioned earlier, metal fillings are harmful to health, in some cases even more than they are beneficial. This is due to the presence of mercury in the alloy, which, when entering the body, poisons it, especially if there is more than one such filling in the mouth. The main symptoms of this phenomenon are:

  • constant headaches that are practically not eliminated by medications;
  • allergic reactions (if they were not there before, they appear; if the patient has suffered from allergies before, they become more aggressive);
  • functional and organic disorders in the kidneys.

In addition, it has not yet been determined how metal fillings will behave if they enter the zone of influence of electromagnetic waves, of which there are a lot in a modern room, especially if there are computers and household appliances there.

It is also worth noting that such a filling protects the tooth from damage only during service. When it is removed, the tooth will certainly die, and the nerve will also need to be removed.

Such fillings were widely used in the USSR. People took it for granted and did not in any way associate numerous health problems with the metal filling. However, studies and numerous reviews prove a negative effect on the body.

How to care for a temporary tooth filling at home

  • Avoid eating sweets. It is better to remove sweets, chocolate and cakes from your diet.
  • Give preference to vegetables and fruits, foods enriched with microelements and vitamins.
  • Monitor the temperature of the food - it should be at room temperature. Avoid foods that are too hot or cold.
  • Avoid frequent snacking, especially at night.
  • For oral hygiene, use only suitable toothpastes and accessories.
  • In addition to classic brushing, use floss and irrigator.
  • Don't ignore regular visits to the dentist.

Fillings that are installed at home are only a temporary solution to the problem. Therefore, it is best to visit your dentist periodically.

Prevention of caries

The easiest way to avoid fillings or minimize the number of fillings is to visit your dentist regularly. This should be done at least once every six months. Simple tips will also help keep your teeth healthy:

  • Careful hygiene. You need to brush your teeth with a high-quality brush and toothpaste at least twice a day.
  • Using dental floss will help remove plaque from hard-to-reach places.
  • Rinsing with special liquids will also help keep your gums healthy, which play a huge role in keeping your mouth healthy.
  • A balanced diet will help ensure you have enough vitamins and minerals to keep your teeth strong.

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