Global White teeth whitening system: reviews. Global White: Pros and Cons

What does the manufacturer offer?

A snow-white smile is the key to beauty and success. But the natural color of tooth enamel is not always pleasing to the eye. There are people for whom a yellowish tint is the norm. In this case, modern medicine suggests using a teeth whitening service. This procedure is quite expensive. But the result exceeds all expectations.

But what should those people do who cannot afford to spend a fabulous amount on this service? There are options in this case too. For example, whitening paste. Many manufacturers offer similar products, but experts highlight the Global White series. The assortment amazes with the richness of choice. You can purchase the following types of products:

  1. Whitening system. The kit includes a special gel and paste. Dentists recommend choosing this complex.
  2. Whitening pencil.
  3. Set “Gift for your smile”. It includes a pencil and several whitening pastes.

Teeth whitening has become quite popular lately. Types and prices vary. You can find a cheaper option, such as changing the shade of your teeth at home. The cost of the set will be about 1000-1500 rubles. In a dental office, such a procedure can cost 15,000 rubles.

Recommendations for using lightening gels

Whichever manufacturer you prefer, it is worth remembering one important rule. Lightening agents can only be applied to healthy teeth, even if the composition gently cleanses the enamel. Caries, chips and other diseases of the oral cavity must first be cured and only then think about a snow-white smile. Mostly, unpleasant sensations and side effects occur in people who did not take care of sanitation.

It is also important not to overdo it with the application of the drug. If you have doubts about the dosage, it is better to take just a little bit of whitening gel. Excessive amounts of it can simply thin out the enamel and ruin even healthy teeth.

You cannot use gels while wearing braces. The composition can get under the structure, and its untimely removal can lead to tooth destruction. And even after removing braces, you can see that the whitening effect will be uneven. The same goes for dentures and fillings. Their material is artificial and cannot be dyed.

Reviews of lightening gels prove their effectiveness and confirm that they are worthy of attention. Of course, you need to follow the recommendations and instructions provided by the manufacturer himself. But before purchasing the product, do not forget to visit your dentist to avoid complications.

A few words about the Global White whitening system

On forums you can often come across the question: “How to get rid of the yellow tint of teeth?” Doctors recommend not drinking coffee and not smoking. But what to do when an unpleasant color has already appeared and regular paste has stopped helping? In this case, you can purchase Global White. The teeth whitening system will return your white, natural color. There are 2 series of this product:

  • For sensitive teeth. Will help whiten by 2-3 tones. The cost is about 700-800 rubles.
  • Intensive whitening. Teeth will lighten 3-5 shades. The price ranges from 1000 rubles.

You can purchase Global White at any pharmacy. The kit includes:

  1. A package of gel, which is enough for a month of procedures.
  2. A special paste that can enhance the whitening effect.
  3. Brush.
  4. A retractor that fixes the lips.

Before choosing a type of whitening, I would like to hear feedback. Global White has proven itself only on the positive side. Customers note the high efficiency and ease of use of this system.

The result will be noticeable after just a few procedures. The complex is designed for 1 month. So, how to use the gel?

  • First you need to clean your mouth of plaque and food debris. This can be done with toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • After this, carefully insert the retractor into the oral cavity. If you did the procedure correctly, your lips will be “isolated.”
  • Apply the gel in an even layer using the brush included in the kit.
  • If solution gets on the gums, it must be removed with a cotton swab to prevent a wound or burn from forming.
  • Leave the gel for 7-10 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with boiled warm water.

It is advisable to do the procedure 2 times a day for a month.

Colgate "Simply White"

Whitens teeth in just three days. And after the full course (this is two weeks), the enamel becomes four shades lighter. The result lasts from six months to a year. The tube is convenient, there is already a brush on the cap. There is no discomfort during use, except that some buyers note that the product tastes not very pleasant. The manufacturer also produces a night version of the gel to get a more pronounced effect. If you do not neglect the instructions, there will be no harm to tooth enamel. The biggest disadvantage of the drug is its price. It is almost 4 times more expensive than Global or Plus teeth whitening gels.

Whitening pencil: is there any result?

A snow-white smile is a luxury for many people. After all, most teeth naturally have a yellowish or gray tint. And that's okay. Doctors claim that this enamel is the strongest. But in the modern world, you want to look good. To give teeth a white color, whitening is used. If you don’t want to visit a dentist’s office, you can do the procedure at home.

The Global White whitening pencil has good reviews among customers. What is its advantage?

  1. Price (about 500 rubles).
  2. Quick results.
  3. Ease of use.
  4. Variety of tastes.

This product will help whiten your teeth by 3-4 shades. The effect will be noticeable after a week of use. It is advisable to use it 2 times a day (morning and evening). The dental treatment process takes no more than 10 minutes. The gel is fully capable of breaking down dark spots on and inside the enamel without compromising its integrity.

Plus White "5 minutes"

It differs from its brother in lower hydrogen peroxide content, so this gel is more gentle. The result is visible after a couple of weeks, but lasts up to one year. For some, the drug helps after just a few uses. You can apply the whitening gel after cleaning with a special brush, cotton swabs or together with mouth guards. Those who have already tried this remedy try not to use the latter method, since sometimes the gums burn. On sale you can find a set that includes the gel itself, a mouth guard and a rinse aid. Reviews confirm the manufacturer's slogan (five minutes a day - and your teeth will become whiter), if you do not overdo it with the dosage and do not strive for the best result.

Doctors' opinions about this product

Many people choose a procedure such as teeth whitening. There are different types and prices for it. At home it will cost no more than 1000 rubles. But what do professionals think about this?

Most dentists are skeptical about this process. The result will be noticeable only in those people whose teeth have only a slight degree of damage to the enamel by dark pigments. In difficult cases, neither a pencil nor a whitening paste will help.

The composition of the gels is harmless and does not harm the enamel. Dentists advise visiting specialized clinics and performing, albeit expensive, but high-quality and effective whitening procedures.


“Oxygen whitening”, due to its formula, is also considered a gentle gel. During use, consumers did not notice any destruction of enamel or irritation of the mucous membranes. The product should be used in combination with the “Delicate Whitening” hygienic paste of the same name. She is recommended to brush her teeth in the morning and use gel in the evening. Visible lightening occurs after about two weeks. But it’s still worth using the product for a whole course, which lasts a month. To protect the enamel, it is also recommended to use strengthening gel from Rox. Buying all three products may seem expensive. But they are economical, so they will last more than once.

Positive points

Global White home whitening undoubtedly has many advantages. Among them are the following:

  1. Saving money. The system will cost you up to 1000 rubles.
  2. Safety for enamel.
  3. You can carry out the procedure at home, and the process takes no more than 10 minutes.
  4. The effect is noticeable within a week.
  5. The result lasts for several months.

Operating principle

The active ingredient in all whitening pencils is carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, familiar to everyone from childhood. The first component is essentially the same hydrogen peroxide, but also contains urea residues.

The beneficial effect of peroxide on enamel is achieved through conventional chemical processes. After applying the composition to the teeth, urea reacts with saliva, then breaks down into active oxygen and water, penetrating into all the pores of the enamel.

The coloring pigments deposited in the depths of the pores are broken down by oxygen, washed to the surface with water and then removed by saliva. The ability of oxygen to remain in dental tissues, while maintaining its properties, prolongs the whitening process by 10 days or more.

Peculiarity. Carbamide peroxide functions more slowly, but due to its higher concentration and gradual conversion of urea into hydrogen peroxide, it is more effective and does not damage the gums.

How safe is teeth whitening with soda, reviews from dentists and patients.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of whitening toothpastes here.

At this address we will talk about the effect of dental varnish.


Many people are wondering if Global White at-home whitening is suitable for everyone? The method is considered completely harmless, but there are still contraindications:

  1. Age. It is not recommended to use such whitening systems under 16 years of age. You can damage your tooth enamel.
  2. Pregnancy. During this period, it is better to exclude all substances and elements that could hypothetically harm the fetus.
  3. Individual intolerance to hydrogen peroxide.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, but they still exist and must be taken into account.

General information

All whitening products differ from each other in form, manufacturer, composition, application method, design solution and, accordingly, price.

Outwardly, they can look like a pen, lipstick, pencil, bottle, container with soft brushes at the end.

The internal filler is a whitening composition with a gel-like consistency based on carbamide peroxide or traditional hydrogen peroxide.

Thanks to its ease of use and compactness, you can effortlessly and effectively whiten your teeth enamel a couple of shades. The product is sold in a pharmacy or at a discount in an online store.

Customer Reviews

Many people want to know reviews before whitening their teeth. Global White is a system that has earned the love and trust of customers. The undoubted advantage is that the procedure can be carried out at home. This does not require special expensive equipment. It will be enough to purchase the Global White system. All necessary components and elements are already included. Customers note the detailed instructions, which make all actions seem simple.

The retractor causes great confusion. This clip must be used to prevent the gel from getting on your lips. It protects against burns and irritation. Many people note that it is better to put on the retractor while lying down, so that it is more convenient to fix it.

The next advantage is the presence of whitening paste. It helps to consolidate the resulting effect. In addition, tooth enamel becomes stronger and enriched with microelements.

Of course, those patients who have tried whitening in dental clinics usually end up with it. But you must admit, the price for a home procedure is several times lower. This is a significant bonus.

Before choosing one or another type of whitening, it is advisable to study reviews. Global White allows you to carry out the procedure at home. Using this complex is very simple; there is no need to purchase expensive equipment in the form of ultraviolet lamps.

Application Features

The indisputable advantage of gels is the ability to apply the product not only to the front teeth, but also to the back and sides. This way you can achieve uniform whitening of the entire enamel. The duration of the procedure varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some gels can be applied at night without sacrificing daytime for the procedure. Others generally act in literally a matter of minutes, which is more attractive to buyers. Teeth whitening gels receive negative reviews only because they are inconvenient to dose. And an excessive amount of the drug can damage the enamel.


Considering the different parameters, components and effectiveness of teeth whitening pencils from different manufacturers, only users can give a real assessment of these drugs.

By leaving your reviews about this or that whitening product at the end of this page, as well as sharing photos with tangible results or lack thereof, you will help other users make their choice.

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Possible consequences

In an effort to achieve instant whitening, some people may become overzealous, using a special pencil almost hourly. Such erroneous actions can lead to tooth enamel starting to deteriorate within a couple of days.

In some cases, even precisely dosed use of bleach can provoke:

  1. Increased sensitivity of teeth. This feature is mentioned in the instructions of most manufacturers of whitening products.
    It is especially unpleasant when sensitivity worsens with repeated use of the product. Using special toothpastes for sensitive teeth helps to cope with this.
  2. Destruction of enamel. Along with excessive use, enamel destruction can occur if a person has cracks or caries in their teeth. The pencil will only aggravate the disease.
  3. Conditional lightening of tooth enamel. It is expressed in the ineffectiveness of the result or the insignificant effect of the procedure. In this case, professional whitening, giving up coffee and smoking will help.

Important! Whitening pencil is a medical product, not a harmless cosmetic product. Failure to follow user instructions is unacceptable.


All whitening products also have some disadvantages, namely:

  • Reduction of the enamel layer. Occurs if you neglect to consult a dentist before use, or as a result of violation of the frequency of application.
  • Increased level of sensitivity. Teeth may remain too sensitive to irritants and even fresh air after a course of using the gel.
  • Inconvenient to use. Despite the compactness of the product, not everyone considers it appropriate to stay for 1-10 minutes with your mouth open.
  • Unpleasant sensations. The reaction of hydrogen peroxide in the oral cavity is quite aggressive, so some end the procedure prematurely.

Precautionary measures

Do not keep the gel on your teeth longer than indicated in the instructions. On average, manufacturers indicate a period from 1 to 12 minutes.

Failure to follow these rules can lead to irritation on the gums and mucous membranes, and the protective layer of tooth enamel may also be damaged.


  1. During the procedure, you cannot relax your lips or close your mouth - the task is not difficult and quite doable. You just need to smile widely while the pencil brightens your teeth.
  2. You should not swallow the gel, as its purpose is purely cosmetic.
  3. You also need to be careful to prevent the product from getting into the eye mucosa.
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