What to do if your tooth hurts? 46 proven ways to get rid of toothache

When aching pain in a tooth appears, a person is simply unable to think about anything else, because this is one of the most unpleasant sensations. Moreover, it often happens that the pain begins at night or at times when dental care is not available (at the dacha, on a trip, etc.), and it is not possible to immediately see a doctor for treatment. Why does pain occur, and how to soothe an aching tooth before visiting the dentist?

Causes of acute dental pain

The following are the root causes of acute toothache:

  1. Caries. Exacerbation of dentalgia causes food to get into the inflamed area. The sensations are characterized as aching, wave-like.
  2. Periodontitis (inflammation of the gums) . Manifested by throbbing pain. The patient observes tooth instability, which is associated with the looseness of the inflamed gum tissue.
  3. Violation of the integrity of the enamel . The condition causes mechanical damage to the jaw (teeth), long-term lack of treatment for caries. Several hours may pass from the moment the defect appears to the first pain.
  4. Pulpitis. It manifests itself as intense pain that does not respond to the analgesics taken. The wave-like nature of the unpleasant sensation is explained by the transition of caries to the pulp, which is supplied with a large number of nerve fibers. The pain covers the ear, adjacent teeth, and spreads to the temple.
  5. Periodontitis. The pathology is caused by mechanical damage to the tooth and is characterized by an inflammatory process of the periosteum ligaments. These structures help hold the tooth inside the socket. Manifests itself with sudden, sharp pain. Against the background of infection, a cystic neoplasm or granuloma forms inside the periosteum.

Each of these conditions needs to be treated. If the patient does not want to see a doctor, the risk of complications increases. These include: osteomyelitis (destruction of bone tissue), abscess, phlegmon (pathologies mean massive suppuration of the gums and tooth sockets).

Why do my teeth hurt?

The main causes of toothache include:

  • Caries.
    The initial stage is characterized by the destruction of the upper tooth tissues. The pain occurs periodically or one-time - the tooth reacts to pressure, cold and hot.
  • Deep caries.
    The middle tissues of the tooth are affected, the pain becomes more prolonged, aching or throbbing.
  • Pulpitis.
    The result of untreated caries. A nerve has been hit. The pain is severe and incessant.
  • Periodontitis.
    Inflammation of the tissues around the roots of the teeth. It occurs as a consequence of pulpitis or after erroneous medical procedures. The pain is acute, intense.
  • Residues of food stuck
    between teeth, even healthy ones. First there is a feeling of discomfort, then a pressing pain that can cover the entire jaw. Use dental floss or metal (dental) tape.

Non-dental reasons

The doctor’s task when treating a patient with pain is to establish that it was dental problems that caused the deterioration in health. For this purpose, the specialist conducts differential diagnostics. The doctor compares and then excludes other diseases that manifest symptoms similar to dentalgia.

The specialist will have to make sure that there are no pathologies of the neurological, cardiovascular system, or ENT organs. These diseases include:

  1. Neuralgia . The trigeminal nerve is present in the human body. The structure provides sensitivity to the face and oral cavity. With inflammatory damage to the trigeminal nerve, the patient experiences intense pain. Clinical manifestations are complemented by irritability, swelling of the cheeks, and lacrimation. Standard analgesics are practically ineffective, and when they reduce discomfort, the result does not last long. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is treated by a neurologist. An experienced dentist is able to immediately determine that the disease does not apply to his profile.
  2. Migraine . The headache is characterized by unilateral localization. The patient's general well-being worsens from loud sounds and bright lights. The location of pain can migrate - cover the temporal, parietal region. Debilitating discomfort spreads to the orbit and frontal part. When the condition is left untreated for a long time, standard analgesics do not have the expected effect. Then the intensity increases, and the patient mistakenly perceives the headache as a toothache.
  3. Otitis. Inflammation of the ear canal most often occurs in children, but also occurs among adults. Clinical manifestations of the disease are hearing loss, throbbing pain on one side of the head. An unpleasant sensation spreads to the lower jaw.
  4. Violation of the functional ability of the heart (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction). Pain syndrome is predominant in this case. An unpleasant (burning, pulsating) sensation spreads to the left shoulder blade, shoulder, and lower jaw. If the heart rhythm is disturbed, the patient notes pain in the lower jaw. This becomes a reason to suspect problems with the condition of the teeth. In the process of performing diagnostics, the doctor focuses on the clinical picture and examination results. To determine the cause of dentalgia, a person seeking help will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures.

Toothache with sinusitis

When a patient presents with acute toothache, the doctor should rule out sinusitis – inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Discomfort in the jaw is similar in both diseases. In case of sinusitis, the patient is concerned about:

  • The presence of copious mucous discharge from the nose.
  • The wavy nature of the pain, its localization in addition to the jaw - the forehead, with a transition to the area under the eyes.
  • Increase in body temperature to high levels.
  • Sore throat, irritation inside the throat, difficulty swallowing.
  • Weakness, dizziness, apathy, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite).

It is important that with sinusitis the deterioration of the condition develops against the background or after a cold. Treatment of the disease in question is carried out by an ENT doctor.

When you can't put off visiting a doctor

Night pain is dangerous because a person does not have the opportunity to immediately go to a doctor and fix the problem. In particular, in the pre-dawn time, against the background of pain and anxiety, blood pressure may rise and a stroke may occur.

If you have severe night pain:

  • body temperature increased;
  • breathing became difficult;
  • heart rate increased;
  • severe swelling appeared on one side of the face;
  • facial sensitivity on the affected side is impaired,

We call an ambulance and don’t wait for the condition to worsen.

In cases where the pain simply becomes unbearable and it becomes impossible to endure it, look for clinics or services that provide dental care around the clock.


Be careful when taking medications. Under no circumstances should an overdose be allowed, as this can lead to an allergic reaction, including swelling.

General recommendations for pain relief

The following tips will help relieve tooth pain:

  • Do not concentrate on feeling unwell, try to distract your thoughts from it.
  • Make sure that the disturbing part of the mouth is not clogged with food fragments. In addition to putting pressure on the inflamed area, pieces of food create a favorable environment for the life of pathogenic microflora. It is advisable to use a toothpick.
  • The horizontal position aggravates the condition due to increased blood flow to the jaw. For dental problems, it is better to minimize bed rest (with the exception of high body temperature).
  • Limit contact of food with the inflamed area of ​​the mouth. When chewing food, try to use the healthy side.
  • It is equally important to abandon the idea of ​​using heat sources. High temperatures relieve discomfort for a short time. Heat can aggravate the inflammatory process if it is accompanied by the formation of a purulent focus.

How to relieve acute toothache

There is a wide range of means and methods that can be used to get rid of or minimize tooth pain. All of them are divided into main and auxiliary methods and are related to official or folk medicine. Modern analgesics are aimed at eliminating pain of various types, localization, and degrees of intensity. An insufficiently pronounced analgesic effect provides:

  • Nurofen . Contains Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance.
  • Spasmalgon. The drug is made on the basis of Analgin. The drug is contraindicated for use in children under 6 years of age.
  • Baralgin. Analgin produces an analgesic effect. Dosed use is acceptable even for dentalgia in children.
  • Askofen . Relieves debilitating sensations due to the presence of powerful substances in the combination. They are represented by Paracetamol, Aspirin and Caffeine. Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age.
  • Grippostad. The active ingredients of the drug are Paracetamol and vitamin C. Ascorbic acid prolongs the analgesic effect of the drug. The use of the drug requires a high level of care and caution.
  • Actasulide. An effective medicine that provides relief from pain, but the patient’s age under 12 years is a limiting factor. Direct contraindications for use are the presence of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, kidney failure, liver failure; impairment of the functional ability of the heart.
  • Nise. Eliminates dentalgia in 5-7 minutes. The effect lasts for 6-8 hours, but the root cause of the unpleasant sensation is of decisive importance. Taking several tablets at once is neither practical nor safe. To achieve the desired effect, just take 1 Nise tablet with water.
  • Ketorol. A powerful pain reliever, but you can take it no more than once every 3 hours. Before visiting the dentist, you should refrain from using Ketorol for at least 4-5 hours. Since the drug negatively affects the possibility and duration of anesthesia, it distorts clinical manifestations.
  • Tempalgin . Eliminates low-intensity dentalgia. The permissible frequency of use is 4 times a day, 1 tablet. Before using any of the listed drugs, it is important to read the accompanying instructions.

The use of the medicine will not cause harm if the patient is not allergic to its active substances. In order to determine sensitivity to the drug, you should initially take ¼ of the tablet and monitor how you feel.

If after half an hour there is no dizziness, nausea, itchy skin, lacrimation, or shortness of breath, you can take the rest of the tablet. Then the expected analgesic effect occurs, and the patient knows for sure that the drug is safe for him.

Questions and answers

From the site https://thequestion.ru/:

Question 1:

Are folk remedies for relieving toothache, such as aspirin and alcohol lotions, effective?

Answer 1:

Well, wow, the folk remedy Aspirin. In short, all folk remedies are not very effective from a pharmacological point of view, but the placebo effect should not be canceled out. Aspirin, which can hardly be called a folk remedy, is indeed a working and effective drug from a scientific point of view, however, there are much more effective drugs with an acceptable level of side effects, for example, Nise (about 150 rubles for 20 tablets) or Ketorol (about 50 rubles for 20 tablets) , and their numerous clones and analogues. However, I strongly do not recommend abusing them, since in addition to the fact that they simply relieve the symptom and do not remove the cause of the pain in the tooth, they themselves also cause a number of side effects in the long term, the most common of which are ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding.

Answer 2:

One day, on the eve of an important exam, I had a toothache. I listened to my grandmother’s advice and made damned alcohol lotions. Apparently, there was too much alcohol, so the experiment ended with a burn to the mucous membrane. I no longer felt toothache; my whole mouth hurt at once. Did this teach me anything? Of course not. The next time I had a toothache, I used herbal drops from the pharmacy, rinses with chamomile and soda. The pain disappeared for about 15 minutes, but still returned. I lasted a month and a half (don’t ask), after which I finally went to the dentist. The tooth had to be removed. In short, toothache is a symptom. Caries cannot be cured with alcohol lotions. The most correct folk remedy is a trip to the dentist, who will work with the cause of the pain.

Question 2:

Is it possible to get rid of tooth sensitivity using folk remedies?

Additional recommendations for pain management

Ketorol, Pentalgin, Ketanov, Nimesulide have a high analgesic effect. Despite the guaranteed analgesic effect, these medications should not be taken by pregnant women and children. The active components of analgesics easily cross the placental barrier and can harm the fetus. As for children, a more careful, accurate calculation of the dosage of the drug is required. You will not be able to install it yourself.

Ultracaine injection eliminates dentalgia for 6 hours. But performing the injection yourself is contraindicated. At home, you can moisten a cotton swab with one of the indicated solutions (you must first carefully open the ampoule). Then apply the prepared tampon to the gum. The first signs of effectiveness are a decrease in the sensitivity of oral tissues.

The use of antibacterial drugs is contraindicated. These medications require schematic administration and are prescribed only taking into account the existing pathology.

Taking analgesics must be stopped before visiting a doctor (at least 3 hours before). The active ingredients in painkillers reduce sensitivity in the mouth. The patient cannot accurately explain to the doctor the location of the pain and its nature. This makes it difficult for a specialist to diagnose.

If the dentist confirms that the pain is caused by dental problems and excludes the presence of other pathologies, anesthesia will be required. A patient who has been taking analgesics for a long time to feel better, such an action reduces the possibility of performing it.

Traditional methods of relieving toothache

To eliminate pain before visiting a doctor and not make a mistake in choosing an analgesic, it is advisable to use traditional medicine methods. The following remedies are known to have beneficial effects in inflammatory and destructive processes of teeth:

  • Sea salt. The substance is enriched with microelements, minerals, provides a bactericidal effect - destroys pathogens. It is both a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Prevents the development of complications, prevents tooth loss, strengthens gums. Dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of salt 250 ml of warm water, stir, avoiding sediment, rinse until dentalgia is eliminated.
  • Baking soda. It is known for its antiseptic properties - it relieves inflammation, thereby eliminating tooth pain. To prepare a soda solution, use 1 teaspoon of powder per 1 tbsp. warm water. Rinse up to 5-6 times a day, then be sure to visit a doctor.
  • Alcohol-based drops: peppermint, valerian, camphor solution. The healing properties are explained by the presence of essential oils in the composition. The main effects are the elimination of the pulsating phenomenon, the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, and the normalization of blood supply. Use to prepare a compress. Fold a small piece of gauze several times, moisten it with a healing solution, and apply it to the diseased tooth.
  • Chamomile decoction . Application allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, reduce or eliminate discomfort. To prepare the remedy, 2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile (sold at any pharmacy) pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Wait 10 minutes, strain, drink as tea (do not drink the drink at high temperatures). It is advisable to rinse the mouth with a warm chamomile decoction.
  • Sage decoction has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Due to the presence of alkaloids in the composition, it is an anesthetic. Used for rinsing the mouth.
  • Clove oil has antiseptic and soothing properties. If dentalgia occurs, moisten a cotton swab with a small amount of this product. Apply to the problematic gum. An alternative way to use clove oil is to rub the area of ​​your mouth that is bothering you. In this case, an additional beneficial effect is gum massage. It helps improve blood circulation in their tissue.
  • Echinacea infusion. It has antioxidant properties and increases the body's resistance at the local level. To prepare the drink, use 4 tbsp. l. dry raw materials per 2 tbsp. boiling water Wait 10-15 minutes. to activate all the beneficial properties of echinacea under the influence of high temperatures. Use the product for rinsing.
  • Propolis . The beekeeping product has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. To achieve this, apply a piece of the product to the problem tooth.

Vodka is known for its anesthetic properties. To eliminate pulsating dentalgia, you need to rinse your gums with vodka, tilting your head to the side of the problem area.

  • Garlic. Has intense antiseptic properties. It is enough to apply 1 clove of garlic to the inner surface of the wrist, then securely secure it with a bandage.
  • Furacilin. The solution helps reduce swelling, reduce inflammation of the gums, and reduce the intensity of pain. These phenomena are explained by the property of furatsilin to destroy pathogenic microflora.
  • Black radish juice . It has a wide range of healing effects - it functions as an antibiotic, strengthens the gums (when they become inflamed, they become loose). Provides protection to problem areas of the oral cavity.
  • Ice Cube. Provides pain reduction. But it is characterized by a short-lived effect, aggravating the condition when the sensitivity of the enamel increases.

The listed remedies and recipes do not replace necessary treatment. Therefore, even after eliminating dentalgia, you should visit a dentist. The absence of an unpleasant sensation does not indicate normalization of the tooth’s condition. In addition, the pain syndrome may resume after a certain period of time.

What to do if your tooth hurts badly

Let's take a closer look at how to quickly relieve toothache at home using medications and improvised means.


The most reliable and fastest way to get rid of suffering is to take a painkiller. There are several groups of such medications that can be taken for toothache.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

This is the most common group of painkillers used for toothache. NSAIDs have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. Such drugs act by suppressing the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which in turn takes part in the synthesis of prostaglandins. The latter are mediators of inflammation3.

What to take for toothache?

When a tooth hurts, nimesulide, ketoprofen, dexketoprofen, ketorolac, meloxicam, and ibuprofen are most often used. The names listed refer to the active ingredients. Drugs containing them may have different names.


There is no clear difference between analgesics and NSAIDs. However, while all NSAIDs can be considered analgesics, not all analgesics are NSAIDs.

The most popular analgesics used for toothache include metamizole sodium (analgin) and paracetamol.

Unlike NSAIDs, analgesics act directly on the nerve endings and pain centers of the brain. In this case, there is no effect on the inflammatory process.

Combination drugs

These are medications that contain several types of painkillers, for example, an analgesic and an NSAID or an NSAID and an antispasmodic. Most often, one of the components of combination drugs is paracetamol. Some medicines may also contain plant extracts, vitamins and other components.

Important! There are contraindications for taking painkillers. The above drugs should not be taken in the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • severe dysfunction of internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, ulcerative colitis);
  • bleeding and bleeding disorders.

Children under 16 should not take aspirin because there is a small risk of developing a condition called Reye's syndrome.

How often can you take a painkiller?

The tablet will not cure the tooth, but it will temporarily relieve the pain.
Source: dml5050 / Depositphotos Medicines are used only to relieve symptoms. They should not be taken for longer than 3-5 days. If you do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor (for example, in case of acute toothache at night), strictly follow the instructions regarding the single dosage and duration of use without consulting a doctor.

The regimen for taking pain medications also depends on the mechanism of action of the drug. For example, doctors prescribe strong tablets for toothache after surgical operations. They can be taken for several days until the post-operative pain subsides.

Rinse for toothache

If you don’t have a painkiller on hand, you can rinse your mouth at home. The main effect of this procedure is the removal of food debris, which can irritate the nerve endings of the affected teeth.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution after each meal. Instead of soda, you can use salt. Solutions of salt and soda have a mild anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Folk remedies

The advisability of using folk remedies for toothache is questionable, but, nevertheless, some people willingly resort to such methods. Let's look at the most popular folk recipes:

  • Apply cotton wool with a few drops of essential oil (for example, clove or tea tree oil) to the sore tooth.
  • Rinse your mouth with a cooled decoction of medicinal herbs. Often, decoctions of sage, oak bark or horsetail are used for these purposes.
  • Apply cotton wool soaked in tincture of valerian, eucalyptus or propolis to the tooth.

Unconventional ways to relieve pain

It will be possible to enhance the analgesic effect of drugs and alternative remedies through Japanese massage. Dentalgia will decrease or be eliminated if you do the following:

  1. Massage vigorously the space between the nose and upper lip.
  2. First, apply a little pressure on the earlobe, then run your fingers along the edge of the ear. Repeat several times.
  3. Using light movements, massage the carotid artery located on the side of the problematic tooth.

To reduce dentalgia, regular chewing helps - use mint leaves, plantain leaves, and a piece of peeled ginger.

Children and pregnant women

During pregnancy and childhood, dentalgia occurs no less frequently than in representatives of other social groups. Considering the characteristics of both cases, the selection of an analgesic presents certain difficulties. The active components of painkillers are absorbed into the blood of the fetus - they can harm it, cause developmental defects, and fading.

The first dental problems are caused by the growth of teeth. The phenomenon is observed at the age of 4-6 months. For a child, the physiological process during which bone tissue cuts through the gums causes pain and stress. Then it is advisable to apply applications of gels or medicinal pastes to problem areas. They will reduce pain, relieve swelling, inflammation - the child will be able to calm down, fall asleep, and his appetite will normalize.

Acute pain in children occurs in response to a food particle entering the cavity of a carious tooth. A pulsating sensation occurs, which is often confused with inflammation of the ear. Dentalgia is also caused by food getting into a healthy tooth - the foreign body compresses and irritates the enamel. Feeling better is facilitated by the evacuation of the trapped substance - this is easier to achieve by rinsing the mouth. It is advisable to use a baking soda solution.

Dentalgia in pregnant women is treated with gels intended for children - so as not to harm the developing child in utero. They do not contain harmful components and are safe for the fetus. Particular care should be taken during pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimesters.

To normalize the well-being of children and expectant mothers, the following remedies are suitable:

  • Clove oil.
  • Liniment “Star” (the drug needs to be lubricated on the problematic gum).
  • Herbal remedies – chamomile, calendula, sage. Use as a decoction for rinsing the mouth.
  • It is permissible for children to take Nurofen (the manufacturer indicated the permissible dosage in the instructions).
  • Rinse with a solution of baking soda and sea salt.

After you feel better from taking the above remedies, you should rush to the dentist to receive qualified medical care.

Prevention of dental diseases

If you want your teeth to be healthy and pain-free, you should adhere to only two rules - daily oral hygiene and regular (1-2 times a year) visits to the dentist. The doctor will promptly identify the beginning of carious processes and carry out treatment. If necessary, preventive cleaning will be prescribed (ultrasound, Air Flow, laser), during which stones and soft deposits on the enamel and in the interdental space will be removed.

Proper nutrition plays an important role. A well-designed diet helps provide teeth with calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, and microelements. The menu must include products such as cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Try to reduce the number of cups of strong coffee or tea you drink, and also reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Nicotine and tannins contribute to the formation of deposits on the enamel, which leads to caries and periodontitis.

Author: Elena Kopylova Dentist-therapist, endodontist. Work experience more than 8 years.

The information is for reference only. Before treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Acute toothache at night

A toothache that occurs at night can cause a person to wake up. Especially if it is caused by pulpitis, caries - if they are present, the unpleasant sensation is difficult to eliminate with analgesics. It is also not uncommon for dentalgia to worsen in the evening and to bother you throughout the night. It is exhausting, causes weakness, irritability, since the fact of discomfort is complemented by a lack of rest.

Independent elimination of dentalgia (without the use of drugs) is a rare case. Most often, this phenomenon is observed precisely during nighttime dental pain. The inflammatory process is regulated by the adrenal cortex. The hormones it produces stop the intensity of the pathology. The reason why improvement in well-being occurs closer to the morning is that in the evening the adrenal glands slow down their activity.

Mandatory visit to the dentist

However, in any case, severe toothache at night will not completely disappear. We can only reduce the unpleasant aching sensations. The dentist can finally relieve the pain.

The dentist will identify the main causes of pain symptoms and will structure the treatment process in such a way as to effectively remove even the slightest manifestations of pain. And the main thing that you should always remember is timely prevention and systematic medical examinations. With this approach to your health, you won’t be afraid of any pain at night.

If the toothache occurs outside of the home

Acute dentalgia develops regardless of the location of the person. It is especially difficult if the phenomenon occurs while he is at work. The only correct tactic is to ask management and visit a doctor. If for various reasons it is impossible to leave the workplace, you should immediately take a painkiller. Ketanov, Dolaren are characterized by a long-lasting analgesic effect. 1 tablet is enough to eliminate dentalgia for 5-6 hours. By then the workday will be over and you can visit the dentist. Additionally, you should rinse your mouth with soda or saline solution.


Rinses are suitable for all categories of patients. They help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. You need to rinse your mouth with warm solutions. You can use ready-made mixtures that are sold in pharmacies, or prepare your own:

  • Salt. 2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water. Relieves swelling, disinfects the oral cavity, neutralizes fungi.
  • Oak bark. Boil 2-3 tablespoons of dry bark on the stove, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, strain and cool. The solution relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Soda solution. Rinsing with soda reduces swelling and helps relieve discomfort that occurs during meals. Rinse with baking soda for 5–10 minutes.

If toothache bothers you on vacation

If dental problems begin to bother you long before your vacation, it is better to stop them first and then go on vacation. It is possible that the specialist will determine the possibility of delayed treatment - upon the patient’s return.

On the eve of the trip, it is important to carefully read the information in the contract concluded with the insurance company. It prescribes the type of assistance that you can count on when the need arises.

Some insurance firms use compensation practices. The costs that the patient incurred while abroad are returned to him upon arrival home. But subject to the presence of a receipt for payment.

In order not to overshadow your vacation with unnecessary troubles with finding a dentist abroad, it is advisable to get a temporary filling from your dentist. Then, upon return, you can begin full treatment.

Toothache is a clear sign of poor health. Only a doctor can determine whether the dental or other area is suffering. He relies on professional experience and examination results to make a diagnosis. The patient cannot solve his problem on his own - he should consult a specialist and receive competent treatment.

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