How to properly brush teeth with braces?
How to properly brush teeth with braces: devices, steps, recommendations
During orthodontic treatment, patients experience difficulties with oral hygiene. This happens because
Frenkel apparatus
Frenkel apparatus: for what cases is it intended, application
The Frenkel appliance is one of the types of orthodontic appliances created to eliminate problems of malocclusion,
Tigerstedt splints - a fixation method for restoring the functions of the jaw apparatus
{jcomments on}Treatment of victims with jaw fractures consists of repositioning and immobilization of jaw fragments, and
How to floss your teeth with braces
Preparing teeth for straightening: cleaning before installing braces
Getting used to braces Eating while wearing braces Elastic bands for braces Caring for braces How to
Nimesil for how many days to take after wisdom tooth removal
Tooth extraction is a very serious procedure, even if it happens quickly and without
9 Most Common Reasons Why Your Jaws Go Numb
Physiological causes of lip numbness Dental causes of lip numbness Lip numbness due to damage or inflammation
Photo of sapphire braces with a white arch
Advantages and disadvantages of sapphire bracket systems
If you need to make your smile beautiful and eliminate malocclusion, then the solution to the problem is treatment
braces during pregnancy
Correcting your bite during pregnancy: myths and truth about braces and pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman has many restrictions on taking medications, as well as
gap between teeth, disproportionate teeth
Hutchinson's teeth: causes, description of shape and structure, photo
Hutchinson, Pfluger and Fournier teeth are a type of dental enamel hypoplasia. This disease appears as
Facial pain. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of prosopalgia
1.What is facial pain and classification of prosopalgia? Facial pain (“prosopalgia” from the Greek prosopon -
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