Toothache is a problem that almost every person is familiar with. It signals available
Yellow teeth are one of the most common problems in the field of dentistry.
1687 Pulposeptin is a dental paste for the treatment of bacterial root canal infections. The drug is available for
Trismus of the masticatory muscles is a severe spasmodic condition when the temporomandibular joint is immobilized, the masticatory muscles
A perfect smile that will be the envy of Hollywood stars is the dream of thousands of people. But healthy, never
March 20 is the International Day of Happiness, proclaimed in 2012. The presence (or absence) of a smile
11/17/2019 Many people mistakenly believe that a tooth is a completely bony structure. Really tight
From this article you will learn: before and after photos, Zoom teeth whitening – price
Smiles and laughter have a positive effect on your condition, but many people, growing up, are completely
There are many myths surrounding the concept of “bad bite”. Many people believe that the only way to correct the position of teeth is