From this article you will learn: how to improve the fixation of complete removable dentures, types of overdentures
When the compound described above interacts with the salts that make up saliva, its mineralization occurs
Many parents are still confident that baby teeth do not need the same
General, or generalized periodontitis, is the process of inflammation that destroys the soft tissue of the periodontium throughout the entire cavity.
For every parent, teething in a baby is a cause of worry and sleepless nights.
August 8, 2017 Gum inflammation is a problem faced by 98% of all residents
Preparation for implantation always begins with the first consultation, where a panoramic image and computer
Probably many people have encountered the problem of dark tooth enamel. The enamel loses its whiteness
Foredent – a material based on resorcinol-formalin resin, used for permanent filling of root canals
There are universal products that can be used for medical purposes, in cosmetology, and in the household.