Which painkiller should I choose for teething?
One of the most popular drugs in dentistry are dental drops. It's simple but effective
- 15% on first visit
Sores in the mouth: what to do when they appear and how to treat them
Human health is a very fragile and unpredictable thing, and diseases often appear out of nowhere.
Granuloma on the root of the tooth - what is it, symptoms and how to cure the dentition
Toothache can be caused by various reasons, including dental granuloma,
gum recession
Gum recession: why does it occur and how to fix it?
Classification Causes of recession Diagnosis and consequences of recession Treatment methods Prevention Gum recession - a process
On the relationship between bite and tongue position in the oral cavity
MOUTH, ORAL CAVITY [mouth, oral cavity; os (oris) (PNA), os (JNA, BNA),
Sialolithiasis (salivary gland stones) - symptoms and treatment
Purulent plugs in the throat are a sign of untreated acute tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. If
Features of the development of permanent teeth in children. Timing of eruption
From this article you will learn: when the first teeth appear, the order of teething in children,
photo of throat cancer
Throat cancer in the early stages: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Throat cancer is a malignant tumor that forms from the tissue of the larynx and is squamous cell in nature.
Manifestations of tooth sensitivity
A sore throat on the tongue and teeth: why it occurs and how to get rid of it
Oskomina, oskoma: understanding the concepts The word oskomina has deep roots, it comes from the old Russian
Alveoli in the mouth
Lump (tubercle) on the upper palate in the mouth: causes of cysts, lumps, tumors and growths on the palate
The term “alveoli” in dentistry refers to the anatomical pits located in the upper and lower jaws and
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