Favorable and unfavorable days for dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

The lunar dental calendar will help you choose a favorable date for going to the dentist.

  • Medicine is an exact and strict science, and astrology is not taken seriously by many people. It would seem that there might be something in common between these sciences, but there is a connection. Even the most ardent skeptics take it into account - this is the influence of the Moon on the human body
  • Our great-grandfathers also knew about the guidance of the eternal satellite of the Earth over the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. Depending on the phases of this planet, water produces movement. All this happens with the liquids of living organisms on our planet.
  • During the period of the waning moon, the living organism is in a calm state, the blood becomes thick. Therefore, it is better to carry out any manipulations with teeth in the waning phase . During treatment, a person will feel almost no pain, and during removal there will be no severe bleeding or complications.

Dental treatment, extraction, prosthetics and dental surgery: the influence of the Moon and zodiac signs

  • If you take into account the signs of the Zodiac, then the best time to go to the dentist is when the Earth's satellite passes through Scorpio, Cancer or Libra.
  • You should not plan dental treatment on the new moon and 1 day before and after it, since at this time lunar energy absorbs earthly energy.
  • The full moon and 1 day before and after it are also not the most suitable period for going to the dental clinic.
  • Do not visit the dentist during lunar and solar eclipses .

Important: The lunar calendar is compiled by experienced astrologers based on many years of observations and knowledge. Therefore, you can rely on it if there is a need for a medical procedure.

When the Moon is in Capricorn , all tissues of our body become weakened and vulnerable. At this time, you should not carry out dental treatment, extraction, prosthetics or dental surgery. Also, you should not carry out any procedures related to the head, face, teeth at the time the Moon passes through the signs of Aries and Pisces, Taurus .

Surgical intervention (tooth extraction, dental surgery, dental implantation, nerve removal) is carried out on the waning Moon in the favorable zodiac signs listed above.

It is worth remembering: Do not wait for “special” days according to the Moon if you are worried about toothache. Be smart about your health and use the lunar calendar when routine treatment is needed. In case of acute pain, immediately consult a doctor, regardless of the lunar calendar.

Below are suitable and bad days for treatment and tooth extraction by month of 2021.

What phases of the moon are suitable for treatment?

During the new moon, you can fill teeth, clean stones, remove wisdom teeth, and install dentures.

During the phase of the crescent Moon and during the first quarter, a decrease in immunity and tissue regenerative capacity is observed. A visit to the dentist should be postponed.

On a convex Moon, you can brush your teeth. But any other procedures require increased caution, since there is a risk of bleeding due to decreased blood clotting during this period.

During the full moon, the heart pumps blood faster than usual, and blood pressure rises. Bleeding is possible. It is better to postpone dental treatment to another period.

On the dispersing Moon, the risk of infectious diseases is reduced, since the immune system is active at this time. You don’t have to worry about complications after surgery; rehabilitation is quick. Since the pain threshold drops during this lunar phase, you can take advantage of the moment and prescribe painful procedures: putting fillings, dentures, removing teeth.

The last week before the new moon is the best time to perform dental procedures of any level of complexity.

Lunar dental calendar for January 2021

Many people use the lunar calendar to make their lives easier and more successful. Astrologers offer a lunar table for gardeners if you want to grow beautiful home flowers.

If your teeth are bothering you and you need to go to the dentist, listen to the astrological table, which was compiled by experienced specialists in the world of space.

Lunar dental calendar for January 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
January5, 6, 7, 8, 91, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 3112, (13 - new moon), 14-27, (28 - full moon and lunar eclipse), 2912, (13 - new moon), 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, (28 - full moon), 29
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not indicated in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure

January position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.

Other useful tips

  • Treat your teeth according to the calendar only for slow processes! If you are experiencing severe pain, contact the clinic immediately without waiting for an opportune day.
  • Before a serious and delayed operation, consult an astrologer to find the optimal treatment time for you, taking into account the movement of not only the Moon, but also other celestial bodies.
  • Peel your teeth in the morning, as at this time the body can more easily cope with pain and stress.
  • It is better not to consult a dentist about the lunar calendar: many of them are skeptical and are unlikely to be able to give you the advice you need.
  • Try not to have teeth removed or perform other painful operations during solar and lunar eclipses.

Lunar dental calendar for February 2021

Many doctors are aware of the existence of a lunar calendar for surgical operations . They know that when operations are performed on the waning moon, blood loss is minimal, and the human body recovers faster.

Lunar dental calendar for February 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
February2, 3, 4, 51, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 258, 9, 10, (11 - new moon), 12-26, (27 - full moon), 288, 9, 10, (11 - new moon), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, (27 - full moon), 28
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

February position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.

Positions of the Moon in the zodiac sign

When choosing a day for dental treatment based on the moon, the horoscope is also important. When visiting a dental clinic, you should also take into account the position of the transit Moon, that is, in which zodiac sign it is located.

There is a connection between the organs and systems of the human body and a certain zodiac sign.

The transit of the Moon through the zodiac sign makes the corresponding organs of the human body especially sensitive and vulnerable.

Surgical manipulations on a weakened organ at this time can cause complications. Treatment of organs belonging to the opposite sign of the zodiac circle will be more successful than usual.

Unfavorable signs

Aries . The first sign of the zodiac is responsible for the skull. This is the worst time to perform surgery in the upper jaw and remove nerves.

Fish . This is a bad time to visit a doctor, as the pain threshold decreases, but anesthesia is not recommended - allergic reactions may occur. Gum operations and dental prosthetics definitely need to be rescheduled.

Calf . The maxillotemporal joint and lower jaw correspond to this zodiac sign. Any surgery on this part of the body will give poor results these days.

Capricorn . Bones become vulnerable, and there is a high risk of injury and fractures. Dental procedures should not be performed.

Favorable signs

Scales . All aesthetic dentistry procedures are recommended: whitening, bite correction, prosthetics.

Virgo _ Dental fillings and implants will last a long time. You can install dentures and strengthen tooth enamel.

Cancer is great for whitening. You can remove tartar and carry out other procedures to prevent caries. But it’s better not to touch the gums - there is a risk of bleeding and swelling.

Neutral signs

Gemini - fillings can be placed, but the nerve should not be affected. There is reason to fear the appearance of severe pain and inflammation of the gums in the future.

A lion . It is allowed to place fillings, but tooth extraction operations should not be performed: there is a danger of bleeding. It is better to carry out chemical whitening on other days, since at this time there is a risk of damaging tooth enamel.

Transit through Scorpio is not suitable for installing fillings on root canals, however, teeth can be removed painlessly.

During the transit Moon in Sagittarius, it is recommended not to touch the dental canals. As a result of manipulations, they may not be sealed along the entire length.

The Moon in Aquarius is not suitable for operations such as dental implants and root canal cleaning. But it is recommended to destroy old fillings, remove teeth and old dentures.

Lunar dental calendar for March 2021

Lunar calendar for March
Modern beauties use the lunar hair removal table , which allows this procedure to be carried out painlessly and quickly.

Important: Painful procedures and surgical interventions should not be performed during solar and lunar eclipses. These days the body is weakened due to the influence of Space.

Lunar dental calendar for March 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
March1, 2, 3, 4, 30, 311, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 317, 8, 12, (13 - new moon), 14-27, (28 - full moon), 297, 8, 12, (13 - new moon), 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, (28 - full moon), 29
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

March position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations of 2021.

Astrologer's tip

Astrologers recommend choosing 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 or 30 lunar days for successful tooth extraction and their further treatment. Installation of orthodontic devices, whitening, cleaning of tartar and dentures will also be successful these days.

Also, the Moon must be in the fixed signs of the Zodiac, such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, as well as Virgo (conscientiousness and attention to detail). This way, you can consolidate the therapeutic effect for a long time and postpone your next visit to the dental clinic for at least a year, and maybe later.

Lunar dental calendar for April 2021

Severe pain may indicate serious dental problems. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the dentist, waiting for favorable days on the Moon.

Astrology helps to gain health, but this science must be used wisely.

Tip: Follow the instructions of the lunar table if you are having a planned medical procedure. There is no need to assume that the lunar calendar is a panacea if you have serious dental problems.

Lunar dental calendar for April 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
April1, 2, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 303, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, (12 - new moon), 13-26, (27 - full moon), 283, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, (12 - new moon), 13, 14, 26, (27 - full moon), 28
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

April position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.

Recommendations for visiting the dentist

To avoid infections and other complications, you need to remember which moon is best for dental treatment and surgery. You should not visit the dentist on a new moon. Surgery during a full moon risks severe bleeding. The best time to perform any operation is from 16 to 30 lunar days. Also, in any month of the year there are unfavorable days: 9,15, 19, 23, 29 lunar days. The body's protective functions decrease at this time and complications often arise. A visit to the doctor should be planned on favorable days when teeth can be treated and removed according to the lunar calendar: 6, 16, 24, 28 days.

Lunar dental calendar for May 2021

Lunar calendar for May

Important: Dentists and dental prosthetics specialists note an interesting pattern: in the same person, crowns and fillings can hold differently.

Naturally, the state of health at the time of the procedure influences, but such a factor as the lunar table is of great importance.

There will be a partial lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021 Be careful!

Lunar dental calendar for May 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
May3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 311, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (11 - new moon), 12-25, (26 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 27, 28, 291, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (11 - new moon), 12, 25, (26 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 27, 28, 29
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

May position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.


  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages several days before implantation, at least 1-2 days. Alcohol reduces blood clotting and reduces the analgesic effect of anesthetics.
  • Limit or completely eliminate coffee consumption for a couple of days, as this can negatively affect blood pressure.
  • The diet should be varied, including a complex of vitamins and minerals. The diet should include vegetables, herbs, fruits, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese.

Lunar dental calendar for June 2021

Modern scientific research confirms the influence of the earth's satellite on the human body. But many people consider all this to be meaningless arguments of astrologers.

In June 2021 there will be 3 days that are especially unpleasant for the treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth - these are:

  • June 10 solar eclipse and days nearby

However, it is worth listening to their advice. People who actively use the lunar table in different areas of their lives are sure of this.

Lunar dental calendar for June 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
June1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 282, 3, 4, 5, 9, (10 - new moon, solar eclipse), 11-23, (24 - full moon), 25, 26, 29, 302, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (10 - new moon, solar eclipse), 11, 23, (24 - full moon), 25, 26, 29, 30
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

June position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.

Possible complications

If you follow the advice of astrologers and follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, you can learn to use lunar energy for your benefit, and following the dental treatment calendar will help you endure dental procedures with ease.

However, you should not blindly adhere to the lunar calendar for tooth extraction. Especially in cases where emergency medical care is needed. Untimely treatment can lead to such unpleasant phenomena as pulpitis, acute and chronic periodontitis, and infection of the entire oral cavity.

( 1 ratings, average: 3.00 out of 5)

Lunar dental calendar for July 2021

Despite the fact that the influence of the Cosmos on a person is not entirely noticeable, its presence should not be doubted. The Moon sends powerful energy flows to Earth every second.

Important: On certain days these currents are harmless and do not affect our body, but on others a person needs to be attentive to himself and his health.

Lunar dental calendar for July 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
July6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 211, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, (10 - new moon), 11-23, (24 - full moon), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 311, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, (10 - new moon), 11, 22, 23, (24 - full moon), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

July position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations.

Tips after wisdom tooth removal

  • Self-medication, warming compresses, etc. are strictly prohibited.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for the first few days after tooth extraction. Both have a negative effect on healing. Smoking causes burns to the mucous membrane and rupture of the blood clot
  • Eliminate coarse, spicy, salty and hot foods from your diet. These foods negatively impact healing and can also cause discomfort and even pain at the extraction site.
  • You can brush your teeth in the first days after tooth extraction; the only rule is to avoid the operation area. Avoid strong mouth rinses for 2-3 days.
  • Do not drink for about 2 hours after removal until the blood clot fills the socket and adheres to it.
  • In case of concerns about deterioration of health or simply doubts. Do not hesitate and consult a doctor or clinic!!!
  • Behind the wheel. You should drive carefully if you have undergone a complex extraction, such as a wisdom tooth. Stress can lead to loss of consciousness. Patients often fall asleep while driving after visiting the dentist.
  • Economy operation site mode. That is, to prevent chewing on the side of the operation, do not put your tongue into the cavity of the extracted tooth. In other words, create peace in the area where the tooth was removed.
  • In case of a complex operation, if necessary, arrange for support in advance.
  • Avoid sports and do not warm up your body (bath, sauna, solarium, hot shower) for 3 days. Sports and heat can cause bleeding from the socket and severe swelling of the head and neck.
  • It is strictly forbidden to rinse your mouth with anything after tooth extraction for 2-3 days.
  • Do not clean the socket of an extracted tooth. Even if you notice anything unusual, consult your doctor. Independent activity can lead to very long and difficult to treat complications!
  • Ask your dentist for his cell phone number and emergency clinic number to contact your doctor. Always get first-hand information quickly if you have any concerns or simply have a question after surgery.
  • Do not eat until the anesthetic wears off. Otherwise, during the chewing process, healthy tissues may be damaged, which under anesthesia are insensitive to injury.

Remember! In 90% of all complications after tooth extraction, the cause is non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Lunar dental calendar for August 2021

The history of space exploration is an integral part of the education of modern people. Space plays an important role in human life and in the creation of nature on Earth. All living things depend on the movement of the planets around our planet, namely the Moon.

  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

Lunar dental calendar for August 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
August5, 62, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 30, 311, 7, (8 - new moon), 9-21, (22 - full moon), 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 291, 7, (8 - new moon), 9, 18, 19, 21, (22 - full moon), 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

August position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations of 2021

Lunar calendar for dental treatment for September 2021

People often report worsening health on certain days. This is due to the Moon and changes in its biorhythms. The blood thickens, the pressure rises, the pulse quickens. During this period, it is not recommended to interfere with the tissues and functioning of the body.

  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment for September 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
September1, 2, 3, 29, 301, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 306, (7 - new moon), 8-20, (21 - full moon), 22, 23, 24, 256, (7 - new moon), 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, (21 - full moon), 22, 23, 24, 25

September position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations for 2021.

When you should not postpone treatment until a favorable day

The lunar calendar is an excellent tool for planning non-urgent operations. For example, it is suitable if you need to remove teeth before dentures or treat a wisdom tooth that is not bothering you but is not erupting.

However, if the tooth hurts badly, causes inflammation and suppuration, and the gums around it swell, you should not delay removal even for a day. The beneficial influence of the Moon does not prevail over the consequences that a sick and inflamed tooth can cause, and enduring toothache is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

IMPORTANT: In emergency cases, it is better to postpone the lunar calendar and consult a doctor even on unfavorable lunar days.

Lunar dental calendar for October 2021

There is such a science as medical astrology. She studies the influence of planets on the human body. Experts of this science are confident that if a doctor adopts the components of medical astrology, then he will be able to improve his treatment methods.

  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment for October 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
October26, 271, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 315, (6 - new moon), 7-19, (20 - full moon), 21, 225, (6 - new moon), 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, (20 - full moon), 21, 22

October position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2021.

If, nevertheless, the patient postponed the start of implantation

And he put it off for a very long time. Returns to the doctor after a few years, for example. What regulations will be followed in this case for implant installation? Here, the moment of implantation also depends on the previous tooth extraction. The dentist must remove the tooth in such a way as not to damage the walls

bone tissue. That is, atraumatic:

You should always try to remove the tooth as carefully as possible. And if the tooth was removed with damage to the bone tissue, and the patient was not implanted immediately, then after two months the question of bone tissue augmentation will arise. What to say if the patient arrived even later? Of course, the question of bone restoration and bone grafting will arise.

How disadvantageous is it for a patient to delay dental implantation?

Research conducted in Russia by independent institutes shows that there is no increase in the number of implantations from year to year, despite the fact that the total number of dental services provided to the population is growing steadily every year. The most popular type of implantation is the implantation of the frontal group of teeth, that is, the front teeth. But in the area of ​​the chewing group of teeth, patients are in no hurry to undergo implantation.

Are there medical reasons for postponing dental implants? Medical reasons for refusing to install a dental implant include general reasons:

(diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes, systemic lupus erythematosus, HIV infection, etc.) and

For local reasons related to the area of ​​the mouth, at present there is practically no list that existed in Russia 15-20-25 years ago, when this area of ​​dentistry had just begun to develop in the country. At that time, the widespread leadership was held by removable dentures, which had and still have a number of serious disadvantages. Yes, there were many local medical reasons, but progress and technology do not stand still. Therefore, now we can (even conditionally) talk about the general reasons for delayed dental implantation, which I mentioned above.

Removable prosthetics as a deterrent to implantation

Removable prosthetics, which prevents the increase in the number of requests for implantation, should probably be considered from the point of view of the economics of patient costs. Removable dentures are much cheaper than implantation followed by turnkey prosthetics. But removable dentures have a significant drawback - they do not prevent the resorption of bone tissue, and in some cases they increase the rate of resorption, with an increase in the pathological load on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Therefore, in the long term, dental implants have a huge advantage

before removable prosthetics to preserve the patient’s bone tissue and, accordingly, the healthy state of all the patient’s maxillofacial system. As they say, “the miser pays,” but not twice, but several times more during his life with removable dentures.

Lunar dental calendar for November 2021

The moon really affects humans and other living organisms. This is a normal physical process, there is no mysticism or quackery in it.

Important: A person is influenced by all the planets in outer space, but this influence is exerted to a greater extent by the Moon, since it and the Sun are located closest to the Earth.

  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

on November 19, 2021 . Be careful!

Lunar dental calendar for November 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
November2, 3, 22, 23, 24, 29, 301, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 304, (5 - new moon), 6-18, (19 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 204, (5 - new moon), 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, (19 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 20
  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

November position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations.

Let's return to the problem of delayed dental implantation

And let's talk about the situation when a patient decides to have an implant installed 5-10-15 years after its loss. Let’s call it the general term “implantation after some years.”

In implantation, after “some” years, even installing one implant in the chewing area can actually become a big problem.

Implantation in the chewing area

The problem may arise that a traumatic removal of this tooth from the chewing area was previously performed. If a traumatic extraction is performed in the area of ​​the 6th upper or 6th lower tooth or the bone tissue has narrowed, then bone augmentation must be done, because the bone tissue is narrow. There is a problem there, yes. Precisely with bone tissue growth. This problem is quite complex, and for the patient it is an unpleasant procedure. Unpleasant in what way?

The fact is that the patient will be uncomfortable for some time after bone grafting.

The following discomfort is possible after bone grafting:

  • there will be swelling,
  • chewing will be difficult, you can only eat on the other side of the teeth,
  • pain will occur.

Pain after bone grafting depends on the patient’s pain sensitivity threshold. There is really no need to be afraid of pain. There are drugs that reduce this sensitivity and act as a complete pain reliever. The painful moment in implantation and bone grafting is a quickly passing phenomenon, and it is not so tragic.

In November 2021, my colleague, implant surgeon of the Scientific Research Center Kolushev Gleb Valerievich personally performed dental implantation in the chewing department for me, as a patient. Two Astra Tech implants with sinus lift were installed. Below in the video I attach a report on the progress of the operation and my personal feelings:

Dental implantation in the anterior region

Another question is if you need to install an implant in the frontal region, i.e. in the area of ​​the front teeth. In the anterior region, it is more difficult to implant a tooth, because the anterior teeth are an aesthetically significant area:

It will be necessary to do both plastic surgery of the bone material and plastic surgery of the soft tissues, that is, plastic surgery of the mucous membrane. And this is a rather serious point, the doctor must be professionally savvy in this matter, and the process of implantation in combination with plastic surgery turns from a momentary procedure into a complex sequential process that requires quite a lot of time.

Why? Because even 1-2 years are needed to get a good result. What do patients usually need? - so that he comes today

, and
he has already become the most beautiful.

This metamorphosis is not only in the field of implantology, it exists everywhere in the beauty industry. Therefore, the optimal solution must be chosen, and the dental clinic must have advanced equipment and the best technologies that allow solving the most complex problems of the aesthetics of the patient’s smile. Each clinic of the German Implantology Center is equipped with such equipment. And all our specialists undergo continuous training in the best European and world training centers.

In the examples of work presented below, implantation was carried out both in the area of ​​the chewing group of teeth and in the frontal region, followed by prosthetics with two types of crowns. You can select an example to learn more about it.

Lunar dental calendar for December 2021

Currently, scientists are arguing about the influence of celestial bodies on the human body. But they agree on one opinion - the influence of the Moon. Therefore, with any interventions in the body’s systems, the influence of the Earth’s satellite must be taken into account.

  • Manipulations with teeth on other days are almost independent of the Moon.
  • In urgent cases, do not pay attention to the lunar calendar, consult a doctor any day.
  • On days not listed in the table, the Moon is neutral for this procedure.

4th 2021 , which will negatively affect your health.

Lunar dental calendar for December 2021:

Month of 2021Perfect days for tooth extraction and implantation, jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of dental canals, nerve removalPerfect days for fillings, teeth whitening and prosthetics, ultra-sonic cleaning of tartar, and installation of bracesDays when, according to the Moon, it is not recommended to remove teeth, perform jaw surgery, or implantationDays when dental fillings and prosthetics, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, and braces are not recommended according to the Moon
December1, 2, 21, 27, 28, 29, 301, 2, 8, 9, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 313, (4 - new moon, solar eclipse), 5-18, (19 - full moon), 203, (4 - new moon, solar eclipse), 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, (19 - full moon), 20

A person must have all the necessary information so that he can live easier. Official science is skeptical about stellar forecasts, but the experience of many people shows that those people who own information own the world.

December position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations.

Preparation and x-ray

Before implanting titanium pins into the oral cavity, a person needs to be prepared to undergo a comprehensive examination of the entire body. Specialists check the condition of periodontal tissues especially carefully. To do this, you may need to undergo some tests, as well as undergo an x-ray examination. This will help determine the presence of contraindications and the sufficiency of bone volume in the place where it is planned to install an artificial tooth substitute.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will guide his client regarding suitable treatment methods, the duration of the rehabilitation period, and also predict the final result. At the initial consultation, you are also asked to take a short survey, this will help identify whether the patient has bad habits, for example, addiction to alcohol, as well as chronic diseases. Such points must be taken into account at the stage of preparation for surgery.

Based on the clinical picture, the doctor can refer his patient for a computed tomography scan, local x-ray or orthopantomogram, that is, a panoramic examination (in case of multiple missing teeth). Modern equipment guarantees three-dimensional and clear images that help to understand the exact condition of the vessels and nerve endings at the site of the operation. CT is an important stage at which the doctor determines the optimal parameters of future implants, as well as their angle of inclination during installation.

Video: How does the Moon affect dental treatment?

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