Dental implant failure or peri-implantitis
Problem: the patient came to the Family Dentistry with a complaint of “pimple on the gum.” Diagnosed with chronic apical
Deep caries
Treatment of tooth root caries when the neck of the tooth is exposed
Deep caries is the last stage of dental caries and is considered an advanced form of the disease. Treat
Looks like COVID-19! What to do if you suspect you have a coronavirus infection?
I had contact with a person who was sick. Will I inevitably get sick too? Risk of getting sick
Rehabilitation of teeth with complex anatomical shape
Author: Sheplev Boris Valentinovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences Center for Postgraduate Education "DentMaster", Novosibirsk Analysis of literary sources reveals
The causes of dry mouth, burning tongue, bitterness are symptoms of what disease?
The causes of dry mouth, burning tongue, bitterness are symptoms of what disease? 10/29/2014 Dryness
Photo of a fistula on the gum of a child
Fistula on the gums in children - causes and methods of treatment
A gum fistula or fistula on the gum is a kind of channel connecting the source of inflammation with
zirconium dioxide
Which is better - zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) or lithium silicate (E.max)?
What is zirconium dioxide? Features of manufacturing and installation. Types of zirconium dioxide crowns.
A modern method of treating tonsillitis is cauterization of the tonsils.
Cauterization of the tonsils (ablation) is a modern method of treating chronic tonsillitis, which consists of partial removal
The wisdom tooth grows and the gums hurt: what to do
Toothache, although an unpleasant phenomenon, is sometimes quite expected, for example, if you have
Negative consequences of wearing braces: common myths
This is a headache and a nightmare for any orthodontist: a patient who has had his braces removed and received
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