Artistic restoration of anterior teeth - aesthetic restoration of incisors

The condition of teeth is very important for every person, because dental diseases can not only affect the overall health of the body, but also worsen the aesthetics of teeth. That’s why it’s so important to restore teeth that are cracked, chipped, damaged, and so on. There are many methods of dental restoration. The restoration of the front teeth is especially important, because they are located in the smile zone and are visible to others.

Restoration of anterior teeth

Restoring front teeth is not an easy task. After all, when biting food, the tooth is not subject to the same load as when chewing. This means that the strength of the material is not as important as the aesthetic component after restoration. As a result of artistic restoration, your smile will become much more beautiful. There is no need for a metal crown with this type of restoration, so the tooth will not have to be ground down. Small cracks, curvature and even darkening of the enamel can be eliminated through restoration with a composite material.

Ceramic veneers are often used to restore anterior teeth. To do this, you need to grind only the visible surface of the tooth, where the veneer will then be applied. One of the advantages of veneers is that they can resist the development of caries, do not allow germs to pass through, preventing the inflammatory process. In addition to veneers, inlays can also be used to restore front teeth.


If the patient has periodontitis, caries, bruxism, a small amount of enamel on the teeth, as well as in the case of some occlusion pathologies, insufficiently erupted teeth, it is first necessary to eliminate the existing pathology, and then carry out aesthetic restoration. At the same time, contraindications include malignant tumors during radiation or chemical therapy and some time after its completion, diseases of the skeletal system that reduce its regenerative capabilities, diseases of the circulatory system that impair blood clotting, serious diseases of the heart, central nervous and immune systems, intolerance anesthesia, mental disorders in the acute stage.


Most often, patients resort to artistic restoration of teeth in order to improve, first of all, their aesthetic appearance. But at the same time, you need to understand that the procedure pursues another main goal, namely to restore the tooth completely, returning functionality.

Let's consider the indications for artistic restoration:

  • large gaps between teeth;
  • the presence of irregularities in the dentition;
  • presence of chips on the front teeth;
  • severe wear of the teeth.

Veneers and luminars

This is one of the most modern methods of prosthetics. Veneers and luminars are a thin ceramic plate attached to the surface of the tooth. Luminaries are the thinnest. The method does not require removal of the nerve and minimal grinding of the tooth is used. This method of restoration allows not only to protect the tooth and restore its original shape, but also to completely change and improve it, achieving a Hollywood smile. The procedure is expensive and is more often used to completely replace teeth.

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Composites used

Light composites have many features regarding the restoration of anterior teeth. They are primarily plastic, so they have a number of disadvantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Unstable effect. As a result of eating, brushing teeth and constant mechanical impact on the teeth, composites used in restoration gradually lose their shine. They can also fade, become rough and even begin to scratch. As a result, food dyes can linger on the enamel, which will change the color of your teeth.
  2. The low strength of the composite can cause them to chip after five to seven years, and the filling may no longer fit tightly to the tooth, forming a stained stripe between itself and the tooth and contributing to the development of caries.
  3. Most of these materials are not sufficiently similar to natural fabrics. In such cases, even a highly qualified doctor will not be able to make the tooth so that it is not at all different from the rest.
  4. The lack of fluorescence can cause composite areas to appear as holes due to ultraviolet light hitting the teeth.

Of course, composite materials also have advantages. Let's look at their main positive qualities:

  1. Quick and easy installation. There is no need to take impressions, as happens when using veneers, and wait for the structures to be made. The entire extension procedure takes place in one visit to the dentist.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Possibility of correction.
  4. There is no need to grind down living tooth tissue; only caries and old fillings are removed.

How is artistic restoration different from fillings?

There is a misconception that reconstruction and filling are the same procedure, but this is not the case. These techniques can use similar materials, but solve different problems. When filling, the treatment is first and foremost, while when reconstructing, more attention is paid to aesthetics.

Traces of dental intervention are not visible on the restored tooth, it looks the same as a natural one, and the filling, even from high-quality materials, is always noticeable. Photopolymers and ceramics can be perfectly matched to the shade of natural enamel. Composites are applied in layers with different transparency gradients, so the restored incisor or canine will look like a real one.

In addition, photocomposites allow you to build up dental tissue when chipped, change the shape and even the inclination of teeth. They are highly durable, wear-resistant and do not wear out like regular fillings. The material is very plastic, hardens only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so the doctor is not limited in time when modeling.


The method used to restore a tooth depends on its condition. There are direct and indirect restorations. Let's look at the features of each:

  1. The direct method uses photopolymers, that is, composite materials that can reflect light. The dentist-therapist performs extensions using these materials. This is the so-called artistic restoration.
  2. The indirect method is carried out through the installation of veneers and resembles prosthetics. This type of restoration is performed by an orthopedic dentist. He prepares the tooth, takes an impression, which is used to make a ceramic veneer, which is then installed on the tooth.

Direct restoration

Restoration of anterior teeth using the direct method is usually carried out for minor defects.

Teeth are built up according to the following scheme:

  1. Preparing the teeth, cleaning them with polishing paste and nylon brushes. From a special scale, the desired shade of the composite is selected, matching the color of the dental organ that needs to be restored. Anesthesia is also administered.
  2. Next, the tooth is prepared, removing tissue that has been affected by caries. When repeating restoration, the previously supplied composite is removed. Preparation is carried out using gentle technology in order to preserve the healthy parts of the tooth as much as possible.
  3. Then you need to isolate the tooth from moisture. It is important that saliva does not get on it, which negatively affects the condition of the reflective polymers. For this purpose, cotton balls and rollers are used. In addition, the front teeth can be protected from moisture thanks to the rubber dam used.
  4. If the tooth is severely damaged, a pin may be installed in it.
  5. Next, the dental crown is modeled through layer-by-layer application of the composite.
  6. Finally, the shape of the restored dental unit is finally modeled with a bur, the surface is ground and polished.

Indirect method

In case of indirect restoration, veneers are attached to the tooth surface (on one side). This way the surface and shape of the tooth can become ideal. In this case, the doctor does not need to painstakingly work on each tooth cusp.

While direct restoration has no contraindications, the indirect method has them.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • malocclusion;
  • destruction of the tooth crown by more than half;
  • fillings on the lingual side of the dental organ that needs to be restored or severe destruction of its back part;
  • bruxism;
  • the presence of pathological abrasion of teeth;
  • bad habits such as opening bottles with teeth, biting off threads, and so on;
  • if the tooth was subjected to resorcinol-formalin treatment;
  • a lifestyle that may expose your teeth to ongoing trauma, such as boxing;
  • when restoring one or a group of chewing teeth.

Alternative methods to composite materials

  1. Ceramic veneers can be used when a tooth is damaged only on the visible side, when the back side has minor damage. The ceramic composition does not darken over time and does not lose its shine. The main disadvantage of using this alternative to composite material is the high cost.
  2. Ceramic or metal-ceramic crowns are used when the tooth is severely damaged, more than half of it. If the tooth is also dipulped, artistic restoration will definitely not help here. At the same time, a complete tooth restoration costs about the same as a metal-ceramic crown. And the service life, aesthetics and reliability of the crown are much higher.
  3. Inlays are good to use when restoring a lateral chewing tooth. Their service life and reliability are much higher than that of composites. If you use a ceramic inlay rather than a metal one, then the aesthetics will be superior to the use of composites.

Installing Tabs

This is the most common filling method. It is used mainly to restore the chewing function of permanent posterior teeth. Inlays are divided into temporary (made from light and unreliable raw materials) and permanent (metal and ceramic). Inlays have the ability to cover a significant part of the tooth, but not more than 50% of its surface.

Installation of the inlay is carried out at least two visits to the doctor. During the first one, the tooth is depulped (if necessary), the canals and “hollow” are filled, then an impression of the repaired tooth is made. During the second visit, a temporary filling is removed and, based on the impression, a permanent one is placed on a special solution, which duplicates the shape of the tooth and restores the main function of this group of the dental system - chewing.

Advantages : durability, relatively low cost, chewing function is completely restored.


Let's consider the main stages of artistic restoration:

  1. Preparatory stage. The doctor cleans the teeth of stone and plaque, selects the color of the composite that best matches the shade of the enamel. If necessary, anesthesia is administered.
  2. Removal of affected tissue using a drill. If a filling has already been placed on the tooth, it is also drilled out.
  3. Next, the doctor isolates the dental organ from the patient’s wet breath and saliva. For this purpose, today they use a rubber dam, that is, a latex scarf stretched over the teeth, in which there are holes for the teeth. If moisture gets on the composite, the marginal seal of the filling may be disrupted, which can again provoke caries. The composite can also deform or fall out under load or on its own.
  4. If there is significant damage in the crown part of the tooth (more than 1/2), a pin can be placed in it; the bark helps strengthen the filling. For teeth in the smile zone, fiberglass pins are used, thanks to the transparency of which the front dental organ will look natural.
  5. Then the doctor applies the composite material, creating a layered restoration. In this case, a small amount of composite with different shades and transparency is applied in layers, which will then allow the tooth to look natural.
  6. Processing of a tooth for the purpose of final modeling of its shape. For this purpose boron is used.
  7. Then the doctor grinds and polishes the surface of the dental organ.

Stages of restoration with veneers

Indirect restoration is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Determining the shade of the material used to make the veneer.
  2. Preparation of the dental organ to a thickness of 0.5 - 1.5 millimeters, depending on the destruction.
  3. Taking an impression.
  4. Attaching a temporary plastic veneer to the prepared part of the front tooth. This way the tooth is protected from external influences while a permanent veneer is being made.
  5. Making veneers in the laboratory. First, a model is made from plaster, from which the product is made using different methods. You can even draw microcracks on it, which will give the tooth a natural appearance.


A crown is the simplest type of prosthesis, a cover that fits over a heavily ground down tooth or a prepared pin. The outer part is identical to the shape of the tooth, since it is made from a cast or 3D model. This restoration is indicated for large lesions on the tooth surface.

Advantages : high production speed, low cost, appearance corresponds to a healthy tooth.

Disadvantages : fragility of the design, bacteria may get under the crown, leading to inflammation.

Ceramic veneers

Despite the fact that veneering has appeared quite recently, this procedure already has many fans. After all, ceramics have almost no disadvantages. It will not fade or change its original color over time.

It is advisable to use ceramic veneers in the following cases:

  • the need to restore the front tooth by more than 1/3 of it;
  • What is important is the long-term effect of the restoration, which will not lose its aesthetics over time;
  • if necessary, remove the cutting edges.

Veneers will allow teeth to become light, not different in texture from their neighbors. Unlike composite materials, even after years (at least 3) they will remain in their original form, without darkening or staining. That is, their use is more practical and durable.

In this case, the choice in favor of veneer or composite material should remain with the specialist. After all, only the doctor knows what is best for the patient in his particular case. The dentist should tell the patient about both methods of restoration, including their cost, so that he can also participate in the choice, if any.

Comparison of direct and indirect restoration

  • With direct restorations, it is very difficult to create perfect contact with adjacent teeth. There are also difficulties with access to the restoration site. In turn, veneers are made from impressions in the laboratory, which is much more convenient;
  • Composite materials have less wear resistance than ceramics;
  • In terms of preserving the original color, ceramics, albeit slightly, wins;
  • Installing a filling is a more gentle procedure than installing a veneer.

Extension technique

Restoration of dental organs through extension is carried out using filling materials. This way you can easily remove chips and damage.

Note: The advantage of this method is that there is no need to grind down the tooth.

In addition, this procedure is quite inexpensive compared to other methods.

Heliocomposites, reflective compounds and photopolymers can be used as filling materials. These materials belong to a new generation, restoration with them gives high-quality and effective results. Their aesthetics are at a high level. When using them, the enamel is not damaged, there is no rejection, since such composites adapt well to living teeth.

The color of such fillings does not change over time. The composition of heliocomposites and photopolymers is highly similar to the composition of tooth enamel. The transparency of teeth can also be imitated through the use of such materials.

Such filling substances also contain fluorine and a very durable special filler, which allows you to restore teeth both after mechanical damage and those destroyed due to improper metabolism.

It is also important that the tooth remains in place; its nerve is also not removed. In addition to restoring the destroyed anterior dental organ, the composite can also correct its size and shape, as well as hide age spots and old fillings.

New materials for extensions can make teeth as natural, healthy and strong as possible, and a perfect smile.

Disadvantages of restoration

  • the ability of light polymers to gradually lose shine and darken. In this case, such a composite will have to be changed every few years;
  • the possibility of breaks and chips of the material when the tooth is destroyed by more than half. This situation is even more often found in teeth with a removed nerve and in patients who often eat solid foods. Breakages of restored teeth are often observed in cases where restoration took place from the very root. If the chewing load is exceeded, such a dental organ can easily break. There are often cases when the tooth root also breaks, in which case the tooth can only be removed.


Thanks to the affordable price, today every patient can have their teeth restored. After the procedure, a person gets a perfect smile, which improves his mood and relationships with others. The price for such a procedure depends on the condition of the teeth, how many of them need to be treated, what method of restoration will be used, the materials used, the qualifications of the doctor and the status of the clinic.

In terms of price, artistic restoration is inferior to restoration with veneers. At the same time, thanks to a wide selection of composite shades, you can make the tooth as natural as possible. It is important to carefully select the material. It is clear that a composite that is too cheap will not last long.

The total price, including all preparatory stage procedures, is approximately 5-6 thousand rubles for the direct method and 8-20 thousand rubles for restoration with veneers.

Let's consider the prices for each item of the restoration procedure using the direct method:

  • pain relief - 200-300 rubles;
  • insulation from moisture using a rubber dam - approximately 350 rubles;
  • sterility kit (gloves and doctor’s mask, shoe covers, bib and sterilization of instruments) - 100 rubles;
  • restoration of the crown with a light composite - 3.5-4 thousand rubles;
  • installation of a pin - 1.5 thousand rubles when using a fiberglass pin, which is more acceptable compared to installing a metal pin that can be seen through the composite.

If the entire crown of the tooth does not need to be restored, then there is no need to install a pin, and the restoration will cost approximately 3 to 4 thousand rubles. If you only need to fix a chip on the cutting edge of the incisor, you will need to pay the dentist approximately 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles.


Patients who have had their front teeth restored often complain that the shape and color of the tooth are not what they would like to see. That is, the main claims relate to the aesthetic result. It is important to carry out restoration taking into account all the rules. For example, if you ignore transparency, the filling will be clearly visible on the tooth.

But most patients are still satisfied with the result of the procedure. Let's look at a few reviews.

Marina, 31 years old

After I had an accident, I was very embarrassed about my teeth, since there were significant chips on the visible part. The doctor advised to make a restoration. I’m happy with the result, now I don’t have to cover my mouth with my hand when talking. The smile is almost perfect.

Ekaterina, 29 years old

I had crooked front teeth, which caused a lot of inconvenience. I still couldn’t decide on braces, so the dentist recommended getting veneers. After them, the smile changed beyond recognition. True, the doctor said that they most likely will not last for a long time, since my bite is incorrect, but I hope to wear them for as long as possible. I carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Nikolay, 26 years old

After straightening the teeth with braces, caries stains appeared on the enamel. They did an artistic restoration. So far everything is fine. Those places where photopolymer extensions were applied are not at all different from teeth.

Historical reference

Human civilization has strived for aesthetic perfection, including dental perfection throughout history. The desire to “create beauty” was characteristic of all eras and peoples, although in different parts of the world ideas about the beauty of the dentition differed and were often very specific. For example, archaeological finds of the remains of skulls of representatives of the Mayan people made it possible to establish that even then cosmetic contouring of teeth was carried out: they were specially sharpened, and for a greater “effect” they were decorated with inlays of precious stones.

In South America and Central Africa there was also a custom of sharpening teeth. On the island of Bali, using a method called grinding, women ground off their enamel, because... dark teeth were considered an aesthetic ideal.

In ancient times, the so-called postulates of beauty appeared, which subsequently influenced the aesthetic canons of our time. They concerned not the “creation” of beauty, but the proportions that determine it. For example, the ancient Greek sculptor Polykleitos determined that the height of the face fits into the height of the body 10 times1, and it was thanks to his discovery that in modern aesthetic dentistry the concept of physiognomic height of the face * appeared, and it became obvious that it is the teeth that hold, preserve, and determine proportions the lower third, and, accordingly, the entire face. Another important discovery for aesthetic dentistry was the law of equality of the frontal, nasal and oromental sections, discovered by the great Michelangelo.

In the 20th century (60s), the scientist Ricketts found that the law of the golden ratio “works” in aesthetic dentistry. Soon after this, aesthetic dentistry began to develop very actively and with every decade it provides people with more and more new opportunities to improve the aesthetics of their teeth. Most of these opportunities relate to aesthetic dental restoration.

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