Review of the Glister line from Amway for oral care

Features of the line

Amway has been producing health and beauty products for 50 years. A recent update was the oral hygiene line. Glister is a brand of products for daily oral and dental care, which has a significant preventive effect. Amway products can prevent diseases of the mouth, teeth, and gums.

  • Toothpaste;
  • concentrating rinse liquid;
  • air freshener in spray form;
  • dental floss;
  • children's toothbrush;
  • universal brushes.

The complex was tested not only by dentists, but also by representatives of other fields of medicine. Products from the Glister line are often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. The line has a quality mark from the Russian Dental Association. The “Seal of Approval” confirms the safety of the product.

Glister Rinse Liquid

The line includes a special mouthwash. It is sold in 50 ml bottles. Like most Amway products, the liquid is a concentrate. The mouthwash is a thick, dark green liquid. It has a pronounced menthol smell and contains a small amount of alcohol. To prepare the solution, you need to spray the liquid into the cap and dilute with water.

It is worth noting that the product is economical: the bottle is enough for one hundred rinses (6 liters of solution). You can take the jar on the road or to work, because it is equipped with a dispenser and a measuring cup-cap. It is recommended to use the liquid twice a day immediately after brushing your teeth.

The therapeutic effect of Amway products has been proven in practical medicine, so the mouthwash is prescribed not only for prevention purposes, but also for the treatment of diseases of the mouth and teeth.

Rinse liquid is recommended for the following conditions:

  • initial stage of caries;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • plaque;
  • damage to the mucosa;
  • halitosis (bad breath).


  • critical thinning of enamel;
  • violation of the integrity of the enamel;
  • mucosal erosion;
  • hyperesthesia (tooth sensitivity);
  • age up to 12 years;
  • individual sensitivity to components.

The rinse solution from the Glister line is even more effective in combating plaque than toothpaste. There is a significant medicinal effect: the liquid has helped many people relieve the symptoms of periodontal disease. After rinsing, a persistent pleasant taste remains in the mouth. Fresh breath lasts all day.

Composition of the solution

  1. Poloxamer-407. One of the few substances that can destroy hard dental plaque.
  2. Cetylpyridinium chloride. Powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Thanks to it, the solution is able to destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Glycerin ensures the creation of an invisible protective film on the teeth.
  4. Ethyl alcohol enhances the effects of other components and promotes their instant penetration into tissues.
  5. Polysorbate-20. An emulsifier that gives a light cleansing effect.
  6. Saccharin is used to improve taste.
  7. Menthol is refreshing and has a slight anesthetic effect.

For prevention, the liquid is used twice a day. Morning and evening brushing of teeth, supplemented by rinsing the mouth, meet all hygiene requirements. Such solutions are widely used in dentistry, gynecology and other areas of medicine. Dentists recommend rinse for the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries and scurvy.

The components of the product are of plant origin. The solution contains antiseptic additives and is therefore capable of destroying harmful microorganisms. Brushing your teeth, supplemented by rinsing, will be many times more effective. Products from the Glister line help reduce bleeding gums, break down tartar, and plaque.

The exceptional effectiveness of the rinse aid in the fight against caries is noted. The Russian Dental Association distinguishes Glister mouthwash among others. This proves the effectiveness and safety of Amway products.

Benefits of liquid

  1. Strengthening oral and dental health. After just a month of using the product, you can notice its anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Breakdown of dental plaque. It is noteworthy that Glister liquid copes with this task faster than its analogues.
  3. Solution concentration. Thanks to the richness of the product, it lasts for a long time.
  4. Fresh breath. They note the persistence of a pleasant odor in the mouth even with severe halitosis.
  5. Quick impact. The effect of the drug is noted already during the first rinse.
  6. Depth of impact. The active components of the solution can penetrate deep into the tissue and strengthen dentin.
  7. Loosening of dental stones. The influence of the active components of the liquid contributes to the destruction of solid deposits, as well as their careful removal without damaging the enamel.
  8. Accelerated recovery. Promotes the regeneration of damaged areas of the mucosa.

How to use

For rinsing, the liquid obtained from five injections is enough, but it is recommended to start with one. This will allow you to notice side effects and stop using the product if necessary. There is a mark on the measuring cup that shows the required amount of water. Reducing or increasing the dose will reduce the effectiveness of the rinse aid. The rinsing procedure should take a minute. The product should not be swallowed.

With regular use, you can notice the following results:

  • disappearance of hard plaque;
  • no recurrence of inflammation;
  • persistent fresh breath;
  • comfortable feeling in the mouth throughout the day.

The indisputable advantage of the design is the ability to dose the product.

Glister oral spray

Glister spray from the famous American manufacturer Amway is a very high-quality and, as a result, expensive product designed to freshen the oral cavity and provide sustainable breath freshness for a long time. Glister spray is a concentrated universal liquid that can not only freshen breath and thoroughly clean the oral cavity, but also provide better removal of plaque that forms throughout the day. This liquid has a distinct fresh mint smell. The contents of one glass bottle with a volume of fifty milliliters are designed for one hundred rinses. This product has a bright green liquid color with a pleasant, non-pungent odor. Brushing your teeth followed by using a mouth rinse is much more effective than simply brushing your teeth, while at the same time providing fresh breath, after using this spray the cleanliness effect is maintained for at least twelve hours. Glister spray is a concentrated mouthwash that has the characteristics of being highly effective in removing plaque from teeth. This is a concentrated formula with a minty, refreshing scent. To use mouthwash, spray five pumps of the spray into the included measuring cup and then fill it to the top with water. It is necessary to rinse your mouth for thirty seconds after brushing your teeth after sleep and before bed. Also, this liquid, but with a lower concentration, can be used to treat and disinfect wounds on the human body. This remedy can be used in the form of lotions to relieve inflammation and swelling caused by the bites of blood-sucking insects.

It is necessary to use Glister spray for the oral cavity in order to wash away the smallest remnants of food particles that always clog between the teeth. By choosing a mouthwash that has an antibacterial formula, you can reduce plaque. After rinsing the mouth, the effect of using the spray continues to operate for a certain period of time from the moment the rinsing is completed. This paste contains a component such as fluoride, which is a natural material, and its presence in the spray will help prevent the process of tooth decay during their growth and formation, especially if the concentrate is directed locally to the erupting teeth.

Glister toothpaste

Among a huge number of different products, this paste stands out due to its unique gentle effectiveness. Glister toothpaste is a concentrate, so a small volume (literally half a pea) is enough for one teeth cleaning.

Some people report good results when brushing their teeth with a dry brush. The composition of the paste is selected so as to eliminate the need to wet the brush and rinse your mouth. It takes 3-5 minutes to completely clean all teeth.

The company produces only two versions of toothpaste, which differ only in size. For everyday use there is a tube of 200 g, and for travel there is a compact package of 75 g. Many people are dissatisfied with the modest choice, because Amway produces only one flavor of toothpaste, but this allows you to carefully and efficiently develop the product without wasting money on analogues.

Glister toothpaste does not contain components that can destroy enamel, in particular calcium carbonate and bicarbonate. However, this does not mean that the product has no effect on the teeth. The polishing effect is visible even after the first use.

Paste composition

  • Water;
  • sorbitol;
  • silica;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • xylitol;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • PEG-8;
  • xanthan gum;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • saccharin;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben.

The advantage of Amway paste is gentle but effective cleansing, while analogues provoke cracking of the enamel. For the first two months, tooth enamel will actively absorb the components of the paste, so during this period sensitivity to cold and hot may appear.

If you use half a pea of ​​paste, one tube is enough for one person for a whole year. But many doubt the effectiveness of cleansing with such a small amount of product, so they use more than just enhance the already pronounced effect on the teeth.

Amway specialists recommend using Glister paste in combination with their brushes. The paste does not destroy dental tissue, but rather strengthens them and maintains healthy gums.

Few oral care products can effectively remove even mild bacterial plaque. Glister toothpaste destroys tartar. The toothpaste itself does not erase the enamel, but if you regularly clean your teeth immediately after eating, you can damage their coating. Experts allow you to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth half an hour after eating.

Pasta capabilities

  • removing soft plaque;
  • destruction of dental stones;
  • strengthening enamel;
  • removing stains from tobacco and coloring drinks;
  • teeth whitening;
  • freshening breath;
  • prevention of inflammation;
  • relief of toothache.

Glister toothpaste is considered universal. It is suitable for those who want to whiten their teeth and who need protection against caries. In terms of effectiveness and composition, Glister toothpaste is equal to a kilogram of regular product, so the high cost of the product is completely justified.

Since the product is concentrated and used in small doses, one tube of paste can last almost a whole year. To realize the scale of the savings, it is enough to remember the number of pastes that you buy over the course of twelve months.

GLISTER™ oral care products

What are the main advantages of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

1. The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush provides better cleaning compared to a regular toothbrush.*
2. The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush has five cleaning modes, including a Sensitive mode, which allows you to reduce the traumatic moment when brushing teeth with increased sensitivity *. * Confirmed as a result of clinical studies at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

3. The geography of consumers’ residence often shapes their diet, which directly affects the characteristics of dental plaque. The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush has passed clinical trials directly in Russia, at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

4. The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush and its attachments have been approved by experts from the Russian Dental Association.

5. The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is equipped with a new lithium-ion battery model, which reduces charging time to 8 hours and increases the operating time of the device to 4 weeks (battery life of the device after a full charge is 8 hours when used in Clean mode 2 minutes 2 times a day when connected to the application via Bluetooth).

6. The Glister Smart mobile application, synchronized with the Glister Smart Sonic toothbrush via Bluetooth, accurately records every brush movement using sensors built into the brush and allows you to control the quality and duration of brushing. The application is adapted for devices with Android and iOS and is available in Russian and Kazakh languages.

7. A high level of water protection (IPX7) and a brush head replacement indicator create additional convenience for users of the device, allowing them not to worry about accidentally dropping the brush into the water and reminding them of the need to replace the head.

How does the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush work?

The effectiveness of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is due to the high frequency of vibrations of the cleaning head, which results in a complex effect on the oral cavity. It consists of mechanical destruction and cleansing of plaque in contact with the moving bristles of the cleaning head, as well as the so-called “irrigation” or fluid dynamics effect: high vibration frequencies create multidirectional fluid flows (a mixture of saliva, water and toothpaste) , which exert hydrodynamic pressure on colonies of microorganisms located on the surface of the teeth. According to some studies, this action can help clean areas within 3 mm that are not in direct physical contact with the cleaning head.

The cleaning head of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is capable of performing up to 35,000 movements per minute, which corresponds to ~292 Hz - a frequency that lies within the sound range of 20–20,000 Hz perceived by the human ear. This is 100 times more than the number of movements a person makes when using a manual toothbrush (250-350 per minute). This frequency allows for effective and gentle cleansing of the oral cavity. The declared values ​​are confirmed by stroboscopic and oscillometric methods. *Confirmed as a result of clinical studies - at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

What are the differences between the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush and a regular electric toothbrush?

Regular electric brushes are the old generation brushes. They do not produce such a high vibration frequency as the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush, and they also do not have the so-called irrigation effect, or fluid dynamics.

What is the difference between brushing your teeth with a Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush and ultrasonic teeth cleaning performed by professional dentists?

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is performed by professional dentists using ultrasonic scalpers. The end of the scalper vibrates at a frequency of 20–50 KHz, which creates a cavitation effect in the flow of liquid supplied to the working surface of the tool. Thanks to this effect, you can clean your teeth from plaque and tartar. The vibration frequency of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is 290 Hz. Its vibrations do not create a cavitation effect and cannot destroy tartar, but such cleanliness helps to better cleanse teeth from plaque and bacteria, which can delay the need to see a dentist.

What are the features of the five cleaning modes of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

Clean, Soft and Sensitive modes are the main modes for daily use. They have a constant frequency of movements and are designed for people with varying sensitivity of teeth and gums. The cleaning head will perform the greatest number of bristle movements per minute in Clean mode (~35,000). If the user feels that this mode causes discomfort, it is suggested to try the Soft (32,000 movements per minute) or Sensitive (28,000 movements per minute) mode. It should be noted that the recommended daily brushing time using the Sensitive mode may be increased. Follow the instructions in the app.

The White and Polish modes are functional and are intended for occasional use to achieve additional smoothness and whiteness of teeth. In White mode, the brush will evenly increase the frequency of head vibrations up to a maximum instantaneous frequency of 42,000 movements per minute. In Polish mode, the cleaning head also has a variable frequency of movements, but the maximum instantaneous frequency does not exceed 34,000. For maximum efficiency, these modes are recommended to be used in accordance with the instructions of the application. Strictly following the instructions will allow the brush to complete a full cleaning cycle every time.

Does my Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush have a warranty?

The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush comes with a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. You can enjoy your purchase without worrying about possible problems. If within 1 year from the date of purchase you have problems, for example, the brush has stopped working, but there is no mechanical damage to it, the brush must be replaced.

What is the procedure for claiming a warranty?

If within 1 year after purchase you find problems with the performance of your Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush, you can contact My Amway Center or Amway Sales Center for a replacement. The brush must be returned under warranty in a complete set, enclosing a completed warranty card. The brush must be free of any mechanical damage (chips, cracks, abrasions), all parts must be in place. For some mechanical failures (eg burnt/melted adapter), a written explanation must be provided including the product lot number. Such cases will be referred for additional analysis.

Can I return my Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush and its attachments if they are not defective?

Because the Glister Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush and its replacement brush heads are a personal care product, it and its parts are NOT covered by the Amway 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee and cannot be returned.

At what age can you use a Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

It is not recommended to use the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush for children under 18 years of age, as the brush and its attachments have not been tested on children under 18 years of age.

What material is the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush and brush head made of?

The cleaning head is made of food-grade ABS plastic. The bristles are nylon.

The main device, charging base and adapter are propylene carbonate + food-grade ABS plastic.

Are there any contraindications for using the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is not recommended for use by those who have retainers installed, and those with braces are advised to use the brush with caution.

How were the 35,000 strokes of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush claimed on the packaging measured?

The declared values ​​are confirmed by stroboscopic and oscillometric methods.

Will any other brush heads work with my Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

Glister Smart Sonic cleaning heads have a unique design and cannot be replaced with cleaning heads from other manufacturers.

There is a small gap between the base and the cleaning head of the brush, is this normal?

A small amount of clearance is necessary to allow the brush head to move freely enough to provide a good clean. However, the cleaning brush head should not sit too loosely and slide on the drive shaft during use. If this occurs, it is recommended to install a new cleaning head.

How do you know when it's time to charge your Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

If the brush is running low, the battery charge icon on the base of the brush will glow red. This signals that it is time to charge the brush.

What do the different colors of the battery indicator on my Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush mean?

The battery charge indicator on your brush has the following modes.

• The indicator remains white and does not blink: the battery is fully charged. • The indicator flashes white: The battery is charging. • The indicator flashes red: the battery is low, you need to charge the brush using the charging base.

How to properly charge the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

1. Connect the charger to a power outlet using an adapter or to another power source via a USB cable. 2. Place the base of the brush into the charging base. 3. Please note that it takes 8 hours to fully charge the battery. Note. The battery charge icon on the base of the brush flashes white when it is charging. When the battery is fully charged, the icon on the base of the brush stops flashing and turns white.

Can I leave my brush on the charging base between brushes?

It is recommended to connect the charging base to the network only while charging the battery. The brush uses a lithium-ion battery that does not require full charge-full discharge operation, however, constant connection to the network may have a negative impact on the battery capacity.

How long can I use the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush without recharging?

The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush has a very reliable lithium-ion battery that can work without recharging for up to 4 weeks (battery life of the device after a full charge is 8 hours when used in Clean mode for 2 minutes 2 times a day when connected to application via Bluetooth).

How to install the Glister Smart application?

The Glister Smart app is free and available for download on the App Store and Google Play. It can be easily found by searching for the word glister.

If I delete or reinstall the Glister Smart app, will my entire cleaning history be lost?

If you delete the application and then reinstall it on the same or another smartphone, the next time you connect to the brush, the data from your last 120 teeth brushings will be restored. As long as you're using the app in the same country you originally downloaded it from, you'll be able to see your entire cleaning history.

Is it always necessary to use the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush with the app only?

The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush can be used without a mobile application, but then you will not be able to monitor the quality of your teeth brushing in real time and track the coverage of brushings.

Can the brush be used by several people from different phones? How is cleaning data displayed in applications in this case?

The Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush can be used by several people, but when using the brush together with the Glister Smart application, even installed on different phones, it will display general brushing statistics, since the data is transferred from one brush.

How to update the software of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush?

Instructions for updating the firmware of the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush

1. Before updating, please ensure that the Glister Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush has been charged for at least 15 minutes to ensure successful installation. 2. Update (or download) the latest version of the Glister Smart app from the App Store or Google Play. 3. Open the application. 4. Connect your Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush to the Glister Smart app (via Bluetooth). 5. Go to the “Settings” section. The “New Firmware Found” notification highlighted in red will let you know that a new firmware update is available for download and installation on your phone. 6. Click on the menu item with the red notification highlighted and then follow the instructions in the application to update to the latest firmware.

Is the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush waterproof?

Yes, the Glister Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is waterproof and has a high level of water protection (IPX7). However, you should not immerse the brush in water for a long time and wash it in the dishwasher. Only short-term (up to half an hour) immersion to a depth of 1 m is allowed.

Can I use the Glister Sonic app without a Wi-Fi connection?

The Glister Smartc app does not require Wi-Fi to work, but Bluetooth must be turned on to connect the brush to the app.

Refreshing spray

Calorie-free spray Glister has a mint flavor with menthol. The principle of its action is similar to tonics and means for masking alcohol intoxication.

Composition of the freshener spray:

  • alcohol denatured alcohol;
  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • flavorings;
  • isobutane;
  • saccharin;
  • menthol.

The spray effectively combats bad breath in cases of liver dysfunction. One injection is enough to normalize the acid-base balance and destroy most bacteria. One bottle of Glister spray can replace 50 packs of chewing gum.

We must not forget about the therapeutic effect of the drug. It is often prescribed as an additional treatment for laryngitis, sore throat and throat discomfort. In some cases, the spray can stop a sore throat at the initial stage and instantly relieve pain. The product is recommended for sore throats in children, since it does not contain antibiotics.

During the cold season, the spray helps maintain the health of the vocal cords. It effectively relieves tension from the throat and softens the negative effects of transitional seasonal phenomena.

Amway Glister Mouthwash - reviews

(af899587) Adril

Great stuff


Its medicinal properties


Did not find


About 8 years ago, my mother became involved with Amway, as a result of which we began to try many of these products. From powders, and actually to this rinse aid. At first, we had it as unnecessary, we rarely rinsed our mouths with it and it seemed that it was basically no different from other mouthwashes. It has such a sharp smell, a pleasant herbal taste, and to rinse, you only need a couple of drops of rinse aid per glass.

Over time, my mother began to use it for burns, pain in the mouth, throat, and by the way, it helped. At that moment I was struggling with teenage rashes, I smeared it on an inflamed pimple at night and in the morning there was no more inflammation.

And one day I fell ill with a purulent sore throat. The doctor prescribed me to smear the purulent place in my throat with Lugol. My mother applied it to me and she couldn’t do it more than once; the action was not pleasant. I had a sore throat for a couple of weeks, it didn’t go away, they even wanted to put me in an infectious disease unit, and then my mother decided to try glister. And you won’t believe it, my purulent sore throat went away in literally 3-4 days!!!

Now glister is an indispensable thing in our home. I recommend!


I like it, it’s a useful liquid, I’ve been using it for a long time, no complaints.


I have been inseparable from this product for at least 10 years!

It heals wounds in the mouth and gum inflammation very well. Everything related to oral problems is cured, even tooth sensitivity!

Definitely recommend!

The can lasts a very long time.


The website provides a brief general description of the product. This is actually a very cool product. Incredibly multifunctional and effective product! And it’s really a very good thing in cases where it’s not possible to brush your teeth (in transport, for example)



Lasts a long time; taste; Effect.


You can't just buy Amway.

My boyfriend once brought this liquid and said that he was simply delighted with it. I’m somehow indifferent to such things, but I decided to try. I liked the bottle itself, so green and fashionable))) It includes a measuring cup into which you spray the product and dilute it with water to the mark. In general, in principle, it is surprising that you need to spray the mouthwash rather than pour it. The taste is quite pleasant, minty, and very refreshing. But, the main thing is not to overdo it with the product itself, it is concentrated, and pour no less water than up to the mark, otherwise it will burn a little. And once I rinsed my mouth when I had stomatitis, and I was amazed by the effect, the pain subsided for a while, it became easier))) So, it’s a fairly universal remedy, it will refresh you and relieve the pain)))



disinfection, pleasant smell, pleasant taste



Today we will talk about one important topic - how to take care of your mouth and teeth. For this purpose, I have long chosen Amway Glister mouthwash. It all started when my mother bought it two or three years ago. At first I was skeptical, then I tried it and began to use it often. But I really appreciated it when an abscess popped up on my gum. And I am afraid of tooth-cutters worse than death. I endured and endured and decided that I would try to pierce it with a needle. If it doesn’t hurt, I’ll go to the dentist... I pierced this abomination, the pus came out. I rinsed with soda, and then it dawned on me and I started rinsing with Glister. On day 2 I pierced it again and both days with glister, glister. In general, I cured everything with glister, a needle, which I boiled in boiling water for half the night and without any dental treatment. I am very grateful to Glister for saving me from any infections and infections! This is what our bottle looks like. We see that the liquid is green in color. As usual, a very convenient dispenser, that is, you won’t spill it, splash it, or accidentally pour out half the bottle) And we’ll talk about the cap separately. Look how charming this gray cap is! I usually spray liquid into this cap once or twice and pour water into the same cap. This is very convenient, no need to dirty the dishes. After using this oral fluid, I always have a pleasant feeling of freshness in my mouth and it smells nice. I highly recommend it!



Quality, efficient



Glister mouthwash from the famous Amway brand was recommended to me by a friend. The liquid turned out to be, frankly, not cheap, 560 rubles, the volume is only 50 ml, but I still decided to try it. The liquid turned out to be concentrated and is consumed quite economically. The bottle has a convenient dispenser that allows you to measure the required amount for one rinse, and a measuring cup was also included. You need five drops to rinse your mouth once. The liquid has a pleasant green color, mint smell, liquid consistency, and tastes a little sweet. After use, you feel incredible freshness, the acid-base balance is immediately normalized.

Katya 30 years old


Economical, helps gums


Price, contains alcohol, strong odor

I would like to share my impression of a good oral product from Amway. I have been familiar with this tool for a long time. A work colleague recommended it to me for rinsing my gums. I have frequent problems with my gums, bleeding, pain, so I decided to purchase. The price for the rinse aid is not cheap, but I still bought it. And since then, this mouthwash and I have been friends. Very economical and efficient. The composition is not particularly clear to me, but I still found the alcohol content. Convenient dispenser. Therefore, you should not use this product every day, as it can cause irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes, as that’s what happened to me.



lasts a long time, keeps freshness for a long time



Good day to all!!! A few years ago, I was looking for the perfect product for brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth. And you know, I found him. This is a universal product Glister from the Amway brand. 50 ml bottle, green liquid, we call it brilliant green as it really resembles brilliant brilliant green. This is a very good product, an extract from herbs, concentrated and lasts a long time. Gives off a fresh and very minty taste. The bottle is glass, with a spray dispenser on top and a cap, very convenient to use. I use it not only for rinsing my mouth, but also for brushing my teeth. I wet my toothbrush, spray it directly onto the toothbrush once, and brush my teeth. After it, your teeth are clean, and your mouth remains fresh and minty for a long time. And also, when I have a runny nose, I dilute it with water and rinse my nose. A very good and versatile product. Expensive, but worth it and lasts a long time.



very refreshing, economical


cost (but given its economy, it’s normal)

I bought mouthwash from Amway once or twice a few years ago. I liked the product, but it is very concentrated and thermonuclear). But it is wonderfully refreshing. Packaging volume 50 ml. Transparent bottle with dispenser and measuring cup. The liquid is a rich dark green color. The manufacturer assures that the product prevents periodontal disease, removes plaque and freshens breath. I can’t say anything about periodontal disease, it hasn’t appeared, it’s probably preventing it) (I’m kidding, of course), to effectively remove plaque, you still need to brush your teeth; without brushing, plaque removal is mediocre, or even questionable. But the breath is very refreshing and this effect of freshness lasts for quite a long time, definitely enough for an hour. Therefore, I recommend it to anyone who is expecting a kiss in the next hour). You need to use it like this: pour 5 drops of liquid into the measuring cap and fill with water up to the mark. After this, rinse your mouth with the prepared liquid. The taste is very, very strong, rich, vigorous mint. And even more so if you take into account the fact that I usually made my own rinse solution by eye. If you overdo it, it turns out even more thermonuclear. The product is economical if used correctly. I didn’t count the exact number of times, but the manufacturer assures that 1 bottle is enough for 100 times. I read in other reviews that people use it for a year or more, which means it’s really economical. Some people also manage to treat sore throats, sinusitis, and the like with this remedy. I haven't tried it, but the reviews are impressive. I recommend it as a healthy breath freshener, this product is wonderful and strong. Well, it’s definitely economical if you use it according to the instructions. Everything else promised by the manufacturer is in question. Other reviews about Amway products:

Amway “Glister” toothpaste – Not bad, but not a favorite

Amway “SA 8 Premium” washing powder - Not bad, but it doesn’t last for a year, as they say, and it’s not so fabulous

Amway DishDrops dishwashing liquid - Doesn’t wash better than its own kind, cost-effectiveness is a big question


Why, why, when buying an Amway product, does everyone expect something impossible from it, just some kind of miracle? I don't understand, is it because of the price? Why use mouth rinse as nasal drops or vaginal rinse?!! Expecting a miracle and not receiving it, of course, you will be disappointed in the product. And how many horror stories I have read here about damaged tooth enamel, burnt mucous membranes, untreated periodontal disease. I'm just amazed.

I bought this product for my husband - he really loves all kinds of mouth rinses. I was immediately warned that the product was powerful and it was better to dilute not five sprays, as written in the instructions, but three. In the evening I went first to test it. I diluted 5 sprays for the purity of the experiment. Wow! Wow! The tongue is on fire! Eyes on the forehead! But under the influence of menthol, my nose immediately began to breathe easily (I have sinusitis). Then the husband went to the bathroom. He soon ran out and asked how much I had bought and recommended stocking up. I don’t know how he diluted the product; I never asked. And for three and a half months now we have been rinsing our mouths with this product - it is wonderfully refreshing and invigorating. When I have a stuffy nose in the morning, I dilute five drops to ease breathing and, sorry, mucus removal, but more often, still, three. But I have never once inserted a bottle with the product into my nose, gargled a sore throat, or used it for gynecological purposes. Why, to burn the mucous membrane? The manufacturer did not promise anything other than fresh breath. I don’t know about the plaque, I always use it after toothpaste, I no longer have it by the time I rinse. Yes, the price of the product is considerable. But it will be enough for the two of us for 4 months. So I see no reason to scold this product and accuse it of not meeting its stated qualities. And, since I didn’t expect a miracle, I wasn’t disappointed and I don’t find any downsides. By the way, another plus for me is that the product is bottled in a glass bottle. For me, glass = quality, because glass is chemically neutral and does not have any effect on the product.


I take great care of my teeth and oral cavity, not because everything is bad, but because these are normal everyday procedures for maintaining dental health. I usually buy Listerine or Colgate Plax mouthwash, but while visiting my parents, my mother bought me a mouthwash from her favorite company, Amway Glister . Since I had some problems with my teeth and gums, she was advised to buy me this mouthwash, because it is intended for use as a course by people who have problems with their gums.

Since I don’t really like this company because of their discrepancy between price and quality, I don’t buy their products, but my mother has already gotten involved in shopping and periodically buys something from them.

This mouthwash is available in a small, completely transparent glass bottle, with brief information about the place of production and composition in green letters. To be honest, it’s impossible to read, because the rinse aid itself is green and the information is written in green letters.

The bottle has a dispenser in the form of a spray. Quite convenient, it looks like a travel version of a mouth freshener.

The rinse itself has a rich green color, I would say a shade of grass.

The taste is very similar to mint tincture, a little with the addition of menthol. Not a nasty mouthwash, I like it. It freshens your breath not for the whole day, but still for a long time. My husband smokes and it didn’t really help him get rid of the smell of tobacco, it just freshened him up a bit, so it’s not for smokers.

It is concentrated and I used it simply by adding it to water; for this, a measuring cup comes with the concentrate. It seems very convenient to me, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, otherwise it will burn. Used economically.

I started using this mouthwash after visiting the dentist and undergoing some procedures that slightly damaged my gums:

Removal of an ill-fated wisdom tooth

There are no hopeless situations in dental treatment

Honestly, I didn’t think that this rinse could help me treat my gums, but I noticed that after using it, my gums became less sensitive, stopped bleeding, and the healing of my gums was painless and good. I also liked that this rinse kills the unpleasant odor of medicines in the mouth, I’m talking about medicines used in dentistry, otherwise before I could actually feel the taste.

The manufacturer recommends using this rinse for a course of no more than 2 weeks. I took this advice and used it for exactly two weeks; after a while I will do another two-week course.


This is the only product from this manufacturer that I really liked. Overall a really good mouthwash.

Price - 165 hryvnia (430 rubles)

⇓⇓⇓ Something else from Amway⇓⇓⇓

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Dental floss

Most people prefer to limit themselves to brushing, but dental floss can penetrate hard-to-reach places and make oral hygiene complete. Any dentist will confirm that only an integrated approach ensures healthy teeth and gums. The Amway line has a unique floss in stock.

Flossing daily prevents tartar buildup more effectively than brushing. Floss cleans the interdental spaces, the space between braces and dentures. The main advantage of dental floss is safety. Floss does not injure the enamel and gums, but if the thread breaks, the mucous membrane may be damaged. Floss from Amway has a pleasant mint taste that easily freshens breath.

Advantages of Glister dental floss:

  • simplicity, convenience;
  • complete cleansing;
  • access to interdental space;
  • safety;
  • antibacterial.

Usually people experience difficulties only when flossing for the first time. One procedure requires 40 cm of thread. Its ends are wound around the fingers so that it is between the index and thumb. The floss is carefully inserted into the interdental space, moving back and forth, wrapping the floss around the tooth. As you go, you need to change the angle to capture all the deposits. Near the gums you should act carefully.

Toothbrushes for adults and children

At first glance, the Glister toothbrush is no different from hundreds of others. The fibers are made from semi-synthetic bristles and piles, with each hair including proteins and biopolymers. The bristles for the brushes are soldered using gene welding technology.

The set contains four brushes of different colors. Stains on the bristles and handle help monitor the condition of your teeth. Initially, the spots have a standard size and color, but as you use the brush, they can decrease or increase, lighten or darken.

The growth of the spot signals the development of the disease and the need to increase the amount of paste. Reduction of the spot indicates the effectiveness of the prevention. An unchanged spot indicates no changes. Lightening the stain until it completely disappears is a reason to change your toothbrush. If lightening occurs very quickly, you need to urgently make an appointment with a dentist. There may be serious violations.

Glister toothbrushes have been tested for strength and safety. The bristles are securely soldered into the frame, which prevents them from falling out and getting into the dental canals and salivary gland ducts. Amway products are optimal in terms of rigidity.

Children's brushes are designed for baby teeth. They help to take good care of your child's teeth, and the soft rounded bristles provide gentle, effective cleansing of the oral cavity. The wide handle of the brush fits well in the baby's palm.

Regular purchase of low-quality toothpastes ends up being more expensive than one tube of Amway, and Glister mouthwash can replace up to five bottles of regular solution. The Amway company offers a complete hygiene complex designed for teeth, gums, and oral mucosa.

Sources used:

  • Official site
  • Hygiene/Rumyantsev G.I. // Textbook for medical universities. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2001.
  • Oral hygiene / Yu.A. Fedorov. — M.: Medicine
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