Who's who in dentistry: specialization of dentists

Fortunately, you and I live in a time when the profession of “Dentist” itself is much broader than it was before. Today, each specialist has a narrow focus of work, is an expert in his field, and therefore can provide truly high-quality services. This article is intended primarily to introduce the reader to different dentists and help in the further selection of the right specialist. Therefore, let's look at a few main areas that you need to know before visiting a dental clinic.

Dentist surgeon

The specialty of a dental surgeon is performing outpatient operations . This includes plastic surgery of frenulum in the oral cavity, operations on the roots of teeth, and tooth extraction. In most cases, a dental surgeon is consulted specifically for tooth extraction. These are primarily wisdom teeth, teeth that cannot be restored due to damage. In some cases, when a tooth breaks off, it is necessary to remove the roots. During the work of the dental surgeon, patients are under local anesthesia. However, in some cases, general anesthesia may be used. This depends primarily on the nature of the operation and the personal preferences of the patient. Many people nowadays prefer to sleep soundly during surgery.

A virtual reality

Just like augmented reality technology, virtual reality (VR) can be used for training and advanced training of dentists. Typically, only a couple of students can peer over the surgeon's shoulder as he performs a complex operation, and this significantly complicates the learning process. But a VR camera allows you to broadcast an operation around the world and do it literally “through the eyes of a surgeon” if students use VR glasses. For example, back in 2015, Nobel Biocare organized a broadcast of dental surgery, which was accessible through virtual reality devices.

Virtual reality technology is also useful for patients. An experiment involving 69 patients showed that VR can be used as an effective distraction tool. Patients wore glasses that displayed calming natural scenes and then recalled the treatment more positively. One such VR tool for reducing dental anxiety is the OperaVR system.

Dentist therapist

Dental therapists are also commonly called odontologists. The main specialization of the therapist is the treatment of caries and various types of complications that it causes . He also restores damage and defects to teeth using fillings and other materials. The filling procedure is a complex and responsible job. Plus, this is a high-tech process that requires skill and experience. In this case, each tooth is considered by the doctor as a separate anatomical object. That is, its position, shape, size and other features are taken into account. Filling is performed by a dentist not only in case of caries formation, but also in the presence of various types of congenital defects or when a tooth is damaged due to physical impact.

Working conditions

The work of a dentist is influenced by many factors. Unfortunately, most of them negatively affect the doctor’s work stoppage. Dentists work in conditions of constant noise, emotional stress and sudden changes in light levels. Interaction with polymer materials used to make fillings and a forced static posture throughout the working day also do not contribute to the specialist’s comfort.

The work of a dentist is also associated with visual strain, because competent examination and treatment of a patient requires constant concentration.

Doctors are protected from pathogenic microorganisms, liquid droplets, mechanical and thermal damage by special masks and plastic goggles. However, this is not enough and for a full-fledged comfortable state of the specialist, the dental office must be equipped with a modern air ventilation system.

Orthopedic dentist

A specialist who primarily deals with dental prosthetics and restoration of natural dentition . Prosthetics are currently removable, fixed and conditionally removable. The choice of the most suitable type is made by an experienced orthopedist due to the specifics of the problem, the condition of the jawbone and the number of missing teeth. Orthopedic dentists are contacted in cases where teeth have already been extracted or the patient is just arriving for extraction. Patients should remember that the sooner they contact an orthopedist after tooth loss, the greater the chance of successful prosthetics.

Intraoral camera

One of the biggest inconveniences that we encounter in the dentist's chair is the inability to open our mouth even wider, which does not allow the doctor to clearly see what he needs to see, even with the help of his dental mirror. Such situations are not only inconvenient for both the patient and the doctor, but also painful. An intraoral camera solves this problem.

Various types of such devices are already offered by MouthWatch, Dürrdental and Carestream Dental. Recent developments in this area make it possible to create revolutionary devices with unique “liquid” lenses that work like the human eye, allowing you to easily obtain a clear, detailed image of all corners of the patient’s mouth.

For example, the MouthWatch mobile camera is a special medical tool for visualizing the condition of the inner surface of the mouth, which, unlike existing systems, is very inexpensive. The device connects to a computer or tablet via USB and includes special MouthWatch Home Monitoring software and an image capture program. The system integrates with popular imaging systems such as Dexis, Schick, Apteryx and many others. The camera does not need to be focused, and it is controlled with just one button.

Such devices are very useful for launching teledentistry services.

Dental technician

A dental technician is a specialist who, as a rule, works in tandem with an orthopedist . Its task is to manufacture dentures, crowns, implants and bridges. The dental technician does not independently take impressions, select the color shade of the material, or install dentures. He, so to speak, remains in the shadows. However, it is through the professional work of the technician that one can obtain high-quality dental prosthetic results even in the most difficult cases.

Modeling and 3D printing

Computer modeling and manufacturing technologies using 3D printing are beginning to revolutionize dental laboratories. They are being transformed into significantly cheaper and more efficient digital laboratories.

With the help of new technologies, the manufacturing process, for example, of crowns, is significantly accelerated. The tooth is prepared for installation of the prosthesis, then a picture of it is taken, which is sent to the computer, which controls the machine, which produces a crown suitable for this particular patient right in the office and very quickly.

By using 3D printing, all intermediate stages that create a queue are eliminated, and the doctor’s work is significantly simplified. Such solutions for dentists are already offered by Stratasys, Envisiontech and FormLabs.

3D printers are also capable of faster and more accurate creation of orthodontic models, surgical guides, aligners, retainers, and more dental equipment. These are tasks that would take longer using traditional methods. This helps improve workflows, reduce errors and effort, ultimately saving time and money.

The importance of this technology has been further highlighted during the COVID-19 crisis as it can bypass traditional supply chains to meet hospital needs. Since the technology is expected to become an integral part of medical practice, it will also be introduced in dental laboratories.

Pediatric dentist

The main job of a pediatric dentist is the treatment of caries on primary and permanent teeth . Pediatric dentists also treat dental injuries, damage to the mucous membrane, etc. If necessary, the pediatric dentist seals (seals) the natural gaps between individual teeth and coats the teeth with a special compound – fluoride varnish. And another important point in the work of a pediatric dentist is teaching children proper hygiene, using a toothbrush, floss and other oral hygiene products, which is especially important at a young age.

Orthodontic dentistry

Orthodontists correct bites and straighten teeth. If there is a problem of improper positioning of teeth, you must seek help from a doctor of the above specialization. As a rule, braces are used to correct the bite. At the same time, it is possible to correct the bite not only in childhood, as was previously thought. Modern braces allow, if necessary, to straighten teeth for a person of any age. Therefore, if you want to have a beautiful smile and straight teeth, you need to consult an orthodontist.

Dentist for pregnant women

Due to changes in the body of a pregnant girl, a special approach to the treatment and restoration of teeth is required . Pregnancy is one of the main reasons for the loss of large amounts of calcium in the body, which in turn causes dental problems. In this case, the dentist’s work must be as responsible and professional as possible, so as not to cause damage to weakened tooth enamel. For a long time it was believed that dental treatment during pregnancy is very harmful for mother and child. But modern technologies, tools and facilities allow a maternity dentist to perform complex treatment procedures without any damage.

Therapeutic dentistry

Dental therapists have the largest workload. These specialists perform an examination of the oral cavity, where they check the teeth, the presence of caries, plaque on the teeth, and dental deposits. To rid the patient of plaque and tartar, this specialist performs professional teeth cleaning. This allows you to avoid serious troubles in the future. Dentists-therapists treat diseased teeth, fill them, and also treat the root system of the tooth. Today, these procedures are absolutely painless, so fainting from the sounds of a drill and fear of the dentist’s office is no longer justified.

It should be noted that the services in this area also include artistic restoration of teeth. It consists of a whole range of measures, the goal of which is complete restoration of the tooth. Restoration, as well as whitening and installation of veneers are classified as cosmetic dentistry.

A periodontist will help solve gum problems; his activities are aimed at preventing the possibility of tooth loss. If all efforts to save the tooth do not yield results, it is necessary to seek the services of surgeons.


The broadest concept. Each of the specialists we consider is a dentist. The main specialization is the treatment of the entire oral cavity: teeth, dentition, gums, mucous membranes, and so on .
The main task of a dentist is to diagnose the problem, perform treatment and prescribe disease prevention. The area of ​​work combines a complex of professional knowledge and professional activities: orthodontics, odontology, periodontics, prosthetics (see prices for prosthetics), maxillofacial surgery, etc. However, again, the concept is quite broad, so many people call all specialists in the industry dentists. ... As you can see, the profession of “Dentist” is much more multifaceted and highly specialized than many are accustomed to believe. In practice, many specialists are able to perform the tasks of several doctors at once. For example, a dental therapist may well act as a pediatric dentist and a dentist for pregnant women. However, if you need a truly high-quality and comprehensive treatment result, it is best to turn to highly specialized dentists. And in the dental clinic “Yulistom” exactly such doctors are waiting for you! Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

Employment opportunities and salary levels

After graduating from a medical university, students are required to undergo an internship and residency, so there are no difficulties with getting a job.

If we take the public sector of medical services, then a young specialist has two options:

  • Improve your professional skills and grow up the career ladder, the peak of which is the post of chief physician.
  • Develop in the field of scientific research and engage in theoretical aspects of solving dental problems. To do this, a doctor needs to enroll in graduate school and then strive for doctoral dissertation and scientific degrees.

In private clinics the situation is different. In addition to the fact that the employee has the opportunity to realize his career aspirations, paid medical centers show the doctor medicine from a commercial point of view and give him a chance to open his own clinic or medical school in the future.

A dentist’s income depends on his place of work, region of residence, work experience and position. Moscow specialists working in state clinics receive from 20,000 rubles. The average is 40-45,000 rubles.

As for medical centers that provide paid services, dentists there earn 60-80,000 rubles per month. The most qualified employees receive up to 100,000 rubles per month.

These are average numbers. Private medical centers are willing to pay more to the most experienced doctors who strive for continuous development.

There are also differences in the salaries of dentists responsible for different areas: a surgeon or, for example, an orthodontist earns more than a dental therapist. But this is not a reason to be upset, because the modern distance education market offers many retraining courses that allow you to learn surgical, therapeutic, orthopedic, general, preventive and even pediatric dentistry on the basis of your existing medical education. Possession of skills in several areas gives a doctor an advantage over his colleagues and is almost certainly the key to higher wages.

How is the diagnosis made?

All oral diseases differ from each other by various symptoms. The following types of studies are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. Bacteriological research. Dentists use this type of diagnosis to determine which pathogenic microorganisms cause a particular disease. The doctor takes a smear and sends it for biochemical analysis. After receiving the result from the laboratory, the dentist begins treatment.
  2. Cold or hot test. To confirm the diagnosis of caries, periodontitis or pulpitis, the doctor uses a cold or hot temperature test. This type of examination is absolutely harmless to teeth, and it is the most effective and simplest way to make a primary diagnosis.
  3. Electroodontodiagnostics. The sensitivity threshold of a tooth is calculated with a special device - an electroodontometer. This is a good method for confirming or refuting the diagnosis of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.
  1. Transillumination (laser diagnostics). Using a laser, the doctor examines the tooth.
  2. Radiography. The diagnostic method that dentistry most often uses in practice. Allows you to accurately determine the lesions of the dental system and find out how likely it is to save the tooth. Different types of X-rays are used (sighting, tomography, computed tomography).
  3. Special compounds. Pathologies of the salivary glands are also on the list of diseases that dentists have to treat. Using a contrast liquid, the doctor checks the functioning of the glands. Most often, problems arise due to blockage of the ducts.

The MY ORT clinic always provides high-quality diagnostics and treatment. Contact us! Registration for a consultation is carried out by telephone.

Types of dental diseases

Therapy in dentistry is one of the main areas, since diseases that destroy tooth enamel and the tooth itself are fraught with the fact that the tooth will be irretrievably lost. To avoid such developments, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of pathologies that can be easily treated by a dental therapist at the MY ORT clinic:

  • Caries.
  • Pulpitis.
  • Periodontitis (gingivitis).
  • Periodontitis (cysts) of the tooth.

During treatment procedures, we use the latest materials and techniques that guarantee you a healthy smile. All processes are absolutely painless.

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