Who's who in dentistry: specialization of dentists


When a patient turns to dental treatment specialists, the first step is to be examined by a dental therapist. Sometimes he also carries out a set of medical procedures, after which the help of other specialists is no longer required. The therapist first carefully examines the oral cavity and, based on the results of this examination, makes a preliminary diagnosis. Quite often, in order to clarify the situation as much as possible, this doctor writes the patient a referral to an X-ray room, where the current condition of the teeth can be studied in maximum detail.

If the diagnosis requires tooth filling, the dentist-therapist can perform this operation independently, without the intervention of other specialists, having first expanded the cavity that has arisen in the tissues due to caries and carried out antiseptic measures. If there is a serious illness, as well as if complications develop after treatment, the patient is referred to more specialized specialists.

Sokolova Svetlana Igorevna

Dentist therapist

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Korotkikh Tatyana Vitalievna

dentist therapist

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This specialist also has a secondary specialized education. They train dentists at the medical college.

A dentist usually works as a dental assistant, but may also see patients independently. But he does not have the right to perform complex types of treatment, such as complicated caries, for example, or prosthetics.

The competence of this specialist includes examination, examination, detection of problem teeth, dental plaque, bite pathologies, and proposal of a treatment plan. He can treat simple types of caries, work as a hygienist - perform professional teeth cleaning, and help the patient with the choice of dental hygiene products.

However, in practice, it happens that a dentist has to take on complex cases if other specialists are simply not available and the person needs help. This happens in small villages, where it can be difficult to quickly get to a dentist. And often a dentist with extensive experience copes well with these responsibilities.


The teeth in the oral cavity are surrounded by soft tissue. They are in a rather vulnerable position and can suffer from various diseases. Periodontists are specialists who primarily deal with this problem, as well as the condition of the mucous membrane. In particular, such doctors, when tartar or other deposits appear above or below the gum, remove these tumors. When treating, periodontists often use so-called applications, applying medications directly to the area affected by the disease.

Kravets Olga Yurievna

Dentist, periodontist

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Orlova Elena Lvovna

dentist, periodontist

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#3 Names of existing clinics and basic naming principles

Please be aware that some names may be registered trademarks. Trademark infringement can result in expensive legal fees and other significant expenses. Before you approve a clinic name, consult with a trademark lawyer and, at a minimum, check the uniqueness of the name with free online resources.

We have prepared for you several lists of names of operating Russian clinics. To stand out from the crowd of competitors, you should avoid hackneyed constructions and identical words (health, doctor, clinic, honey). Otherwise, there is a high probability that your brand will get lost among hundreds of similar ones.

There are several options for coming up with a brand name:

  1. Use words related to the topic of healthcare in the title.
  2. Include the specialization of the medical center in the name.
  3. Snap to the location of the object.
  4. Focus on the founder's name.
  5. Make a reference to ancient healers and ancient Greek myths. In this case, there is a risk of being misunderstood, since not all people are equally erudite.
  6. Create an abbreviation. Often, for this purpose, the specialization of the clinic and some word related to medicine are combined. For example, as in the name “Osteomed”, “Osteoclinic”.
  7. Choose a capacious, sonorous word that is only indirectly related to healthcare.

Names containing variations of the word “health”

  • Health
  • Health House
  • Healthy Family Center
  • Vivo Clinic
  • Be healthy
  • Health algorithm
  • Healthy generation
  • Health history
  • Healthy man
  • Healthy people
  • Health Academy
  • Age of Health
  • Medical health center
  • Women's Health Clinic
  • Hello!
  • Healthy smile
  • Health Clinic
  • Health is the basis of everything

Names containing the word “clinic” or parts thereof

  • Clinic of Hope
  • Medical clinic
  • Doctor Clinic
  • Family clinic
  • Best Clinic
  • Nova Clinic
  • Alan Clinic
  • GUTA Clinic
  • GMS Clinic
  • World Vision Clinic
  • Polyclinic.ru
  • Multiclinic

Titles containing the word “doctor”

  • My doctor
  • Doc+
  • Good Doctor
  • The doctor is nearby
  • Dr. Ost
  • Dr. Martin
  • Family doctor
  • First Doctor
  • Best doctor
  • Happy Doctor
  • Miracle Doctor
  • 7 capital doctors
  • Dr. Lens
  • Doctor Smile
  • Doctor Laser
  • Doctor friend
  • Doctor Magician
  • Cheerful medic

Medical clinic name ideas that include part of the word “medicine”

  • Medsi
  • MobileMed
  • Medicine
  • Center for Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Doctors
  • Dobromed
  • Eurasia Honey
  • Trust Honey
  • Med and Care
  • MedSwiss
  • President-med
  • ABC Medicine
  • SM clinic
  • ONclinic
  • Open Clinic
  • Medical home
  • Medcenterservice
  • DocMed
  • Euromed
  • Medicine and beauty
  • Medical Council
  • Citymed
  • MedStar Hospital Center
  • Polymedica
  • Tsentraviamed
  • Neuromed
  • Medical family
  • MedSwiss
  • GenoMed
  • Medical staff

Medical clinic name ideas that include the word “wellness”

  • Wellness Daily live
  • Back Smart Wellness Center
  • Elite Wellness
  • Trinity Health and Wellness Medical Group

Names of medical clinics that include the word “therapy”

  • Manual Therapy Center
  • Radiation Therapy Center “Onkostop”
  • Manual therapy clinic “Back is healthy”

Brand formed on behalf of the founder

  • Clinic of Dr. Shilova
  • Clinic of Dr. Bubnovsky
  • Elena Malysheva Medical Center
  • Clinic of Dr. Mukhina “Origitea”
  • Children's Medical Center named after Svyatoslav Fedorov

The name of the clinic, which is associated with the location of the facility or type of medicine

  • Capital Medical Center
  • Medical center on Kolomenskaya
  • Tagansky Medical Center
  • Moscow doctor
  • Levoberezhnaya Clinic
  • Scandinavian Medical Center
  • European Medical Center
  • Sinai Clinic

Using the names of ancient philosophers, healers, doctors

  • Grandsons of Hippocrates
  • Hippocratic Oath
  • Avicenna
  • Asklepius

Indication of the medical center's specialization in the name

  • Mother and child
  • DocDeti
  • Innovative Vascular Center
  • Osteopathy plus
  • Moscow Eye Clinic
  • ENT center
  • CityLab
  • SkifLab
  • Beauty Institute

Short and sonorous names of medical clinics

  • Dialogue
  • Genesis (reproductive medicine clinic)
  • Professor
  • Florence
  • All yours
  • Healing
  • Lux
  • Levita
  • Tradition
  • City of Childhood (children's medical center)
  • Fantasy (children's medical center)
  • Anderson (pediatric dentistry)
  • The quality of life
  • Evolution
  • Wave
  • Patient selection
  • Althea
  • Plus 1 (reproductive medicine clinic)
  • Medoc (gynecology)
  • Vector
  • Emerald
  • Life line
  • May
  • Pearl


If the help of a therapist and periodontist did not produce results and the tooth could not be saved, it becomes necessary to install a prosthesis. This is what orthopedists do. At the first stage, their task is to obtain an impression of the tooth. Based on the results obtained, the dental technician makes a prosthesis. After this, the orthopedist first performs the so-called fitting, and then the final installation of the artificial tooth. There are many different options for prosthetics, from installing crowns to using removable jaws.

Konychev Evgeniy Alexandrovich

orthopedic dentist

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Turovets Alexander Igorevich

orthopedic dentist

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Indications for visiting a dentist

If something hurts or bothers you in your mouth, this is a direct indication for visiting a dental office or dental clinic. The primary examination will be carried out by a therapist, and then, depending on the clinical picture and symptoms, he will either conduct treatment himself or refer the patient to the appropriate specialist.

Treatment with a therapist will be required if the following symptoms occur:

  • Sensitivity of teeth to thermal effects, to sour and sweet foods has arisen.
  • Spots or depressions, so-called carious cavities, appear on the enamel.
  • Uncomfortable sensations appeared in the process of chewing food, closing the jaws, sudden “shots” of pain or constant pain.

Indications for visiting a hygienist:

  • Visually noticeable hard yellowish formations are tartar at the border where the gum adheres to the tooth.
  • Changes in enamel color - darkening, yellowing, appearance of spots of different colors.

Indications for visiting an orthopedist:

  • Destruction of the tooth crown by more than 40%.
  • Congenital or acquired disorders of the appearance of teeth, their shape, size, structure.
  • Injuries to teeth due to the formation of cracks and chips.
  • Wide interdental gaps.
  • Pigmentation of dentin due to age-related changes or hemorrhage.
  • The absence of one tooth, several or complete edentia.
  • Impaired diction, the cause of which is some kind of dentofacial anomaly.

Indications for visiting an orthodontist:

  • Curvature of the teeth, their incorrect position in the dentition, especially in combination with non-closure of the lips.
  • Incorrect closure of the dentition.
  • The lower jaw protrudes forward and overlaps the upper jaw.
  • Crossbite.

Indications for visiting a surgeon:

  • Destruction of the crown due to advanced caries, fracture, dislocation of a tooth without the possibility of its preservation and restoration due to injury or accident.
  • Severe toothache that does not subside even after taking painkillers.
  • If your wisdom teeth are bothering you.
  • Irregularly positioned or difficult to erupt teeth.
  • Injuries, damage, diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity or jaw bones.

Indications for visiting a periodontist:

  • Any disturbances in the structure and function of the gums - bleeding, looseness, pallor, redness or cyanosis, swelling, pain, hypertrophy. The appearance of a whitish, serous plaque on the gums. Ulceration of the gum edge, its detachment from the tooth enamel (exposure of the parts of the tooth that are under the crown - neck and root), necrosis of periodontal tissue.
  • A feeling as if the tooth has become taller or a visual lengthening of the tooth without mobility.
  • Unpleasant, putrid odor from the mouth.
  • Lack of periodontal and gum pockets.
  • The formation of first spaces, then gaps between the teeth.
  • Mobility, displacement, loss of healthy teeth.
  • The above symptoms are accompanied by general malaise and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

Important! You should also contact a dentist if there is absolutely nothing bothering you. Preventative examination 1 or 2 times a year in combination with professional hygienic teeth cleaning at the same frequency are the best methods for preventing any oral diseases.

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