Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable aid for oral hygiene.

Properties of peroxide

The product is an odorless and colorless liquid with the chemical formula H2O2. It contains twice as many oxygen atoms as water and is a strong oxidizing agent. This explains the disinfecting ability: oxygen, foaming, cleans even the deepest parts of the wound. Main properties of the drug:

  • disinfection;
  • hemostatic effect;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • removal of contaminants from wound surfaces.

The drug is widely used in medicine for treating wounds and treating ENT diseases. Another area of ​​application is cosmetology: the product can whiten teeth at home; it is an integral part of cosmetic face masks.

Peroxide contains twice as many oxygen atoms as water and is a strong oxidizing agent.
For stomatitis, the drug is used not as an independent remedy, but as part of complex therapy, to cleanse the oral cavity before applying medicinal gels.

Use in adults

When treating stomatitis, only a solution with a concentration of 3% is used. 6% peroxide is also sold in pharmacies, but it is intended for treating the skin. The product is used in two ways:

  1. Rinse . To prepare the solution, dilute a tablespoon into a glass of water. You need to rinse your mouth for five minutes, repeating the procedure 5-6 times a day.
  2. Lotions . A cotton swab is moistened and applied to the sores in the mouth. For this method, it is recommended to use a drug having a concentration of 0.25%.

When treating stomatitis, only a solution with a concentration of 3% is used.
After treatment, do not eat or drink for 20 minutes. It is important to ensure that liquid does not get inside to avoid burns to the gastric mucosa.

Treatment at the I. V. Neumyvakin health center

Ivan Pavlovich has his own small center in the Kirov region. No more than 30 patients can be here at the same time. The course of treatment is 21 days. After completing it, people receive detailed instructions on what to do next. Thanks to this, they have the opportunity to refuse medications.

How does recovery work at the center:

  1. The first thing they will offer here is computer iridology (examination of the iris) and dowsing method (reading information from a person’s aura). In this way, the general condition of the body is determined.
  2. Toxins are removed from the body. One of the ways to get rid of it is a strong antioxidant that destroys pathogenic microflora and eliminates oxygen starvation.
  3. Bioenergetic processes are strengthened using unique techniques.
  4. After several sessions of special massage, the spine is strengthened.
  5. Specialists correct the biofield, helping a person solve everyday problems at home and at work. Patients are offered products that promote biocorrection.
  6. Treatment is carried out with soda and hydrogen peroxide, blood irradiation, and natural deposits.

After undergoing treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda, the future fate of a person is in his hands. The main thing is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow all recommendations.

Using hydrogen peroxide for stomatitis in a child

The difficulty of treating the disease in children is that they cannot rinse their mouths on their own, so this method is excluded. The procedure for cleaning the affected oral cavity in infants is as follows:

  1. Hands are thoroughly treated with an antibacterial agent.
  2. Sterile gauze is moistened with peroxide and wrapped around the mother’s finger.
  3. You need to carefully run your finger along the mucous membrane of the baby’s oral cavity.

Before using the described method, you should consult your pediatrician.

Peroxide is used to relieve symptoms, but it does not eliminate the root cause of the disease.
Older children (over 6 years old) can rinse their mouths on their own. It is important to explain to them that it is absolutely forbidden to swallow the solution. If the child refuses to perform the procedure due to an unpleasant taste, you can add a small drop of essential oil to the solution.

Types of rinses and how to choose them

All rinses can be divided into two large groups.

1) Therapeutic or therapeutic-prophylactic - contain active substances that help with dental diseases and during the rehabilitation period. Such rinses should not be used constantly, but in courses.

If a patient needs to eliminate microorganisms due to periodontal disease, we offer certain antibacterial herbal rinses: eucalyptus or oak bark, for example. Other drugs are needed against caries.

Parviz Narziev , dentist at the Mariinsky Hospital

2) Hygienic - intended for superficial cleansing of the mouth, freshening breath. Suitable for those who do not have problems with teeth, gums and mucous membranes.

Here, rinses, on the contrary, maintain the balance of microflora. There are certainly benefits to this, but you definitely need to read the components. The main thing is that they are natural, no chemicals, otherwise the pH environment will be disturbed. Everything needs to be selected individually. You can use it several times a day, after each meal.

Parviz Narziev, dentist at the Mariinsky Hospital

Depending on your purpose and the active substance in the product, there is a more detailed classification of rinses.

Problem Active substance Action
Caries appears frequently

Occurs under the influence of acids released by bacteria on the enamel.

Aminofluoride and its analogue - sodium fluoride. Neutralizes lactic acid. Forms a film of fluoride on the teeth, which gradually penetrates the enamel and strengthens it.

Sodium Fluoride Rinse Concentrate. Fluoride rinse. (ex. Dental Resour...

CURAPROX PerioPlus BALANCE chx 0.05%

miradent mirafluor chx rinse

Vivax balm. Remineralization.

Problem Active substance Action
Teeth ache from hot and cold

Lack of nutrients in the body or taking certain medications can reduce the density of enamel and make it more sensitive. Restoration of enamel is also necessary after in-office bleaching.

Medical hydroxyapatite is an analogue of the natural substance of enamel. Penetrates into areas of demineralization, regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in tissues, creates a film on the enamel, reducing tooth sensitivity. Over time, it strengthens the enamel, making it denser and stronger. Important: not compatible with fluoride. Fluorides create a protective film on the teeth, and calcium is not absorbed. Pair the mouthwash with a paste that also contains hydroxyapatite.

ApaCare Liquid mouthwash, 200ml

Suspension Splat Innova Liquid Enamel

Vivax balm. Remineralization.

Biorepair Mouthwash 500 ml

Problem Active substance Action
Plaque forms quickly

Plaque is most often formed due to excess consumption of carbohydrates and insufficient oral care.

Tartar is an advanced form of plaque in the form of hard formations on the enamel near the teeth growth line.


Zinc chloride.

Calcium citrate.

Chlorhexidine slows down plaque formation and reduces the risk of gum inflammation.

Zinc chloride and calcium citrate prevent plaque from settling on the enamel and in periodontal pockets.

Waterdent mouthwash Chlorhexidine

Dentaid Perio-aid Active control with chlorhexidine 0.05%

CURAPROX PerioPlus FORTE chx 0.20%

Pierre Fabre Eludril rinse solution 90 ml

Problem Active substance Action
Gums bleed when brushing

A sign of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease or other oral diseases.


Extracts of berries, chamomile, nettle, sage, licorice, fir.

Nut oils and coniferous tree extracts.

Triclosan relieves inflammation.

Natural extracts moisturize, soften, have an astringent effect, and heal wounds.

Anti-inflammatory balm Vivax

Vivax balm. Prevention.

miradent paroguard chx rinse

Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection 500 ml

Problem Active substance Action
Teeth darken quickly after in-office cleaning/whitening

Tea, coffee, wine and tobacco can negate the effects of recent office cleaning and bleaching.

Sodium tetrapyrophosphate.

Hydrogen peroxide.

Lightens enamel and protects teeth from further staining.

Yotuel Mouthwash

Blanx White Shock Rinse Aid

Dentissimo Advanced Whitening Gold rinse Perfect whitening

Rinse aid ROCS Black edition Whitening

Problem Active substance Action
Confused by bad breath Zinc chloride.


Essential oils of eucalyptus, thymol, cardamom, mint.

Neutralizes volatile sulfur compounds - the cause of unpleasant odors.

Halita mouthwash against halitosis, 150 ml

Philips BreathRX mouthwash

Dentissimo Fresh Breath mouthwash Fresh breath


When used externally, hydrogen peroxide is a completely safe drug, the use of which is permitted, including during pregnancy. It is believed that the only contraindication to use is individual intolerance, which is rare. However, doctors also recommend caution with the following diseases:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Dühring's dermatitis.

    The solution should not be swallowed.

In reviews, patients call hydrogen peroxide a universal remedy that can disinfect wounds and stop inflammatory processes. This liquid eliminates the symptoms of stomatitis, but does not affect its causes, so it is impossible to limit therapy to peroxide alone. It must be comprehensive, prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis has determined the main cause of the disease.


  1. Therapeutic dentistry. Ed. E.V. Borovsky. Moscow, 2004.
  2. Kildiyarova R., Kolesnikova M. Handbook of pediatricians. Moscow, 2015.

Diagnostic features

A dentist can detect stomatitis during the first visual examination. But in controversial cases, laboratory tests may be required. Thus, bacterial inflammation may require identification of the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics. A scraping and/or virological study will help determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If a combination of several ailments with a similar picture is suspected, as well as if the child’s general well-being deteriorates, laboratory tests of blood and urine and consultations with other specialists may be prescribed.

Sometimes stomatitis can be the first manifestation of systemic diseases, general somatic pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus or malignant neoplasms. Therefore, a timely visit to the doctor is extremely important.

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