Sore throat during pregnancy: “Protection for two”!

Plugs in the throat are accumulations of pus that form in the recesses of the palatine tonsils. Purulent accumulations and, as a result, the development of inflammatory processes cause pain in the oral cavity and complicate swallowing food. In case of exacerbation, the infection can spread throughout the body. It is important to take all necessary measures in time to eliminate the disease.

To avoid vision problems and diagnose possible diseases in time, it is important to regularly visit an ophthalmologist. Moreover, it is better to start preventive visits to the doctor from childhood. The fact is that some vision defects can be inherited or appear during the formation of the fetus in the womb. The earlier a certain pathology is detected, the more effective treatment can be prescribed.

Congestion in the throat: symptoms

  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat

Constant purulent discharge from the plug causes irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membrane and can provoke a dry cough.

  • Pain while swallowing food

Purulent formations can create physical obstacles in the throat for pieces of swallowed food and cause pain. Also, biologically active substances make the nerve endings of the mucous membrane much more sensitive.

  • Bad breath

Bacteria and fungi caused by inflammation produce hydrogen sulfide. It becomes the cause of the characteristic odor, which cannot be eliminated with the help of usual hygiene (toothpaste, chewing gum).

  • Presence of white spots

This symptom is relevant for cases where purulent plugs are located at the back of the throat. They look like thick deposits and are clearly visible even with the naked eye.

  • Swelling of the tonsils

The infection often causes swelling of the tonsils and a very sharp increase in their size. The symptom can be determined with the naked eye.

  • Ear pain

The hearing organs are closely connected to the throat by nerve endings. When purulent accumulations form in the recesses of the palatine tonsils, this often affects nearby organs.

What are tonsils?

Tonsils are lymph nodes located superficially in the oropharynx between the palatine arches. They represent an organ of immune defense against the threat of pathogenic microorganisms entering the lower respiratory tract, that is, an organ designed to purify the inhaled air from infection, or to localize this infection (take the fire upon itself) in order to prevent its spread below.

Healthy tonsils are formations permeated with “lacunae” and “crypts” (folds and passages), this is designed to greatly increase the surface of the working epithelium, which produces protective antibodies and immunoglobulins. That is, the intentions to have such a “multi-pass” structure are absolutely good. But, as you know, all our advantages are also our shortcomings. So in this case, if healthy tissue of the tonsil should self-clean, and lacunae (pockets) and crypts (passages) should not accumulate any contents, then the tonsil, exhausted from work, cannot cope with this function and accumulates desquamated epithelium in its “feeds”, and sometimes food remains in the form of whitish-yellowish masses, which are an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, as evidenced by the unpleasant odor from these accumulations.

Patients themselves notice that some content accumulates in the tonsils, either by determining this visually, or by the feeling of a foreign body on the right or left, “tingling” when swallowing, sometimes this discharge can be coughed up and spat out, or is discovered as an accidental finding when examining the throat by an otolaryngologist .

In this case, the tonsil no longer works as a protective organ and is rather a source of infection.

Causes of purulent plugs in the throat

  • Chronic inflammation and diseases of the nasopharynx

Sinus bacteria can be released into the throat and into the tonsils, increasing the likelihood of pus.

  • Insufficient oral hygiene

Promotes an increase in the number of bacteria and their activity, because of this the immune system weakens and inflammation develops. Also, food particles can enter the enlarged lacunae of the tonsils and create an even more favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

  • A sharp decrease in the body's immunity

When the human body's defenses are weakened, they cannot resist pathogens and inflammation increases. Even an increase in the activity of normal microflora in the oral cavity often leads to negative consequences for the tonsils.

  • Nutritional Features

A monotonous diet with a predominance of protein can reduce the body’s protective properties and even contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the tonsils. Vitamin deficiency can also stimulate inflammation and reduce the body's immunity as a whole.

  • Tonsil injuries

Pathogenic bacteria can enter the tonsils through ordinary wounds caused by a fork or a bone. The wound channel is a suitable place for the successful and rapid development of infection.

A purulent plug in the throat can have either a single or complex cause. In some cases, the causes include: bad habits, stress, hypothermia, heredity, and dental diseases. Often, a deviated nasal septum can contribute to the development of a plug.

Sometimes patients mistake purulent plugs for stuck pieces of food and do not attach much importance to this problem. It is important to understand that food cannot get stuck in the tonsils in principle, and the presence of the symptoms described above indicates an urgent need to consult an otolaryngologist.


Before taking measures to eliminate purulent plugs in the throat, it is important to undergo a medical examination. It involves a general blood test and taking a throat swab to accurately determine the extent of the damage. Based on the results of the analysis, an individual treatment plan is drawn up. Most often, treatment involves special procedures to cleanse the tonsils.

There are two main treatment methods that help get rid of purulent plugs. The first involves rinsing with warm water in which salt is dissolved. The procedure significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, after it the throat hurts less and other symptoms are significantly smoothed out. As for the second method, it involves surgical intervention.

It is safest and most effective to rinse the tonsils in an ENT clinic! A special technique is used for the procedure!

Large plugs in the throat are dangerous due to the high risk of various complications. Therefore, in some cases, when the disease rapidly progresses, surgery under local anesthesia is prescribed. This approach is required when traffic jams increase in size very quickly.

Most often, a complex treatment process is required, including taking medications. Patients are prescribed antibacterial and antihistamines, probiotics and antiseptic sprays. Sometimes immunostimulants and painkillers are prescribed.

Special physiotherapy helps to consolidate the results. With their help, not only the inflammatory process is reduced, but also the absorption of medications is improved. An auxiliary treatment method can be ultrasound, ultraviolet or laser therapy.

How is it treated?

Regardless of the course of the disease, it is advisable to undergo treatment twice a year. Courses of washing the tonsils are prescribed.

The procedure is performed in the ENT doctor's office. A syringe is inserted into the lacunae of the tonsils, and they are washed with special solutions. The procedure lasts several minutes. It is painless, a little unpleasant. One course of treatment consists of 5-10 procedures.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also used

. They are prescribed in courses of 5 to 15 procedures. Three methods are considered the most effective - ultrasound, ultraviolet and VHF.

For each patient, the ENT individually selects systemic antibiotics and safe local septic tanks, since not all medications are approved during pregnancy. When selecting medications, all possible risks for the pregnant woman and fetus are assessed.

Question answer

— Is it possible to take Augmentin during pregnancy?

If indicated, it is worth noting that this particular antibiotic is approved during pregnancy. It is prescribed in a standard dosage.

— Does tonsillitis pose a danger to the fetus?

Chronic tonsillitis is dangerous for the fetus, especially during the period of acute infection. Toxins enter the bloodstream and can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus.

— What medications can be taken for simple forms of tonsillitis?

For uncomplicated forms of tonsillitis, which are accompanied by a sore throat, gargling with herbal infusions, Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Tantum Verde, is prescribed.

Why are purulent plugs in the throat dangerous?

If traffic jams and inflammation are not eliminated, the disease can affect the heart and kidneys. Inflammation can affect joints and skin. When pyogenic bacteria penetrate from the throat into the blood, it can become infected and spread the infection to other tissues and organs. There are also known cases of replacement of lymphatic tissues in the palatine tonsils with scar tissue.

Common complications are neck cellulitis and peritonsillar abscess. In the first case, infectious inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue of the neck occurs and, in the absence of surgical treatment, there is a high probability of death. In the second case, the inflammation spreads to the fiber surrounding the tonsils and causes an acute inflammatory process.

Are throat congestions dangerous during pregnancy?

The presence of purulent plugs in the tonsils is very dangerous for pregnant women. Sore throat not only has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body, but can also cause premature birth or miscarriage. To avoid complications during pregnancy, it is very important to consult an otolaryngologist for individual recommendations.

If you find purulent plugs in the throat and the symptoms of the disease are similar to the manifestations described above, it is important to immediately begin treatment. Doctors strongly recommend against trying to remove formations in the recesses of the tonsils on your own. There are great risks of aggravating the situation, and the likelihood of achieving a positive effect is extremely small.

It is important to understand that an incorrectly performed procedure for cleansing the tonsils can provoke the spread of infection throughout the body. In order to cure throat congestion in Kyiv, make an appointment with an otolaryngologist at the nearest convenient time. The doctor will assess your situation and prescribe appropriate procedures and medications to take.

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Chronic form

Chronic form of tonsillitis or its acute form - sore throat

, manifested by severe pain in the throat, especially when swallowing, a significant increase in body temperature, pain throughout the body, weakness and a significant increase in cervical lymph nodes.

The causes of tonsillitis are common colds, especially those suffered on the legs, untreated sore throat and decreased local immunity. Untreated diseases lead to the fact that some of the bacteria remain in the body; at the slightest weakening - the person freezes, or gets his feet wet, for example, and the infection is activated. The presence of dental caries is also a source of inflammation, so pregnant women must undergo a dental examination.

More about dental care for pregnant women >>

Diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis

includes examination with pharyngoscopy, clinical tests, including blood tests, and rheumatic tests. Bacterial examination of tonsil discharge allows one to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain groups of antibiotics and bacteriophages. If there are indications, the patient is sent for an ultrasound of the lymph nodes, a consultation with a dentist and a rheumatologist.

Disease prevention

You can prevent sore throats and avoid their recurrence by following simple tips on preventive measures. It is important to treat teeth and gums in a timely manner, and do not forget about daily hygiene and rinsing your mouth after eating. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water, monitor the condition of your nasal cavity and dress for the weather.

A complete cessation of smoking will be very useful; nicotine smoke toxins affect lymphoid tissues and can aggravate the patient’s condition. The same applies to alcohol, which burns the tonsils and aggravates the inflammatory process. It is important to take care of proper and balanced nutrition so that the body receives a complex of important vitamins and elements.

If you have already identified purulent plugs in your throat, be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Timely assistance from a specialist will help avoid complications dangerous to the body!

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