Cloves for toothache. How to quickly get rid of toothache

Clove oil: benefits, side effects
Clove oil has many uses, from relieving pain and improving circulation to reducing inflammation and fighting acne.

Clove oil is especially effective for oral problems such as toothache. Even popular toothpaste brands like Colgate agree that the oil has amazing properties that can protect your teeth, gums, and overall mouth.

Clove oil can act as a natural remedy for inflammation and pain. In addition, it has antimicrobial and cleansing effects.

Clove oil in toothpaste

Native to Indonesia and Madagascar, carnation (Eugenia caryophyllata) is a tropical evergreen tree with pink flowers that are harvested while still in bloom.

The buds are handpicked in late summer and winter, then dried until they turn brown. The buds can be purchased whole or ground and are also used to make essential oil.

Cloves are typically 14-20% essential oil. The main chemical component of the oil is eugenol, which gives it its unique aroma.

In addition to common medicinal uses (particularly for oral health), eugenol is often found in mouthwashes and perfumes, and is also used to create vanilla extract.

Why is clove used in toothpaste?

Eugenol present in clove oil helps reduce pain. It is the main component of clove fragrance oil and makes up 70-90% of the volatile oil.

How does clove oil relieve toothache? It helps to numb the dental nerve for 2-3 hours. However, this does not treat the cause of the inflammation, such as tooth decay.

There is evidence that traditional medicine practitioners in China used cloves as a homeopathic remedy to relieve toothache as early as 2,000 years ago. In the past, cloves were ground and applied to the affected area, but today clove essential oil has become more accessible and effective due to its high concentration of eugenol and other components.

Cloves are often used to relieve pain and discomfort in the mouth. Thus, the Journal of Dentistry published a study that confirmed that clove essential oil has a freezing effect, similar to benzocaine, often used before injections.

The study also suggests that clove oil may have widespread effects on the oral cavity.

Scientists evaluated the ability of cloves to slow tooth decalcification or tooth enamel erosion compared to eugenol, eugenyl acetate, fluoride, and a control group. Clove oil not only reduced decalcification, but also remineralized and strengthened teeth.

It can help slow the development of organisms that cause tooth decay, acting as a natural means of preventing dental disease.

What will happen if left untreated?

If the toothache has passed, do not rest on it. Sooner or later she will definitely make herself known. The teeth are in close proximity to the brain and digestive organs. Can you imagine where the infection will first spread through the blood vessels from the oral cavity? In medicine, there are cases where the cause of death was untreated caries.

In addition, our body is designed in such a way that when pain appears, it devotes all its strength to fighting inflammation. The immune system cannot cope with the increased load. Therefore, do not be surprised if, in addition to toothache, you also get a cold.

From all of the above we draw a conclusion. Toothache cannot be tolerated. Folk remedies are ineffective. And there is only one correct way to help yourself in this situation - make an appointment with a dentist. Moreover, to a competent one, working in a multidisciplinary dental clinic, in sterile conditions, using high-tech equipment. The Center for Modern Dentistry has everything you need to quickly and painlessly provide dental treatment to adults and children.

Interesting Facts

  • The largest producer of cloves is the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Indonesia and Madagascar are considered other major suppliers. Unlike other spices, cloves can be grown all year round, which means that local tribes can enjoy the benefits of this plant at any time, unlike those living in cities.
  • History claims that in China, cloves have been used as a flavoring agent, spice and medicine for over 2,000 years. Cloves were brought to China from Indonesia in the 200s BC. e. during the Han Dynasty. Back then, people kept clove buds in their mouths to improve their breath odor during an audience with the emperor.
  • Clove oil has even saved lives. It was one of the most effective essential oils in protecting Europeans from the bubonic plague.
  • It is believed that in ancient Persia the oil was used as a love potion.
  • Ayurvedic practitioners have long used cloves to treat digestive problems, fever, and respiratory conditions.
  • In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cloves are valued for their antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • Today, clove oil is added to many cosmetic, agricultural and health products.

Rules for choosing cloves when purchasing: buds should not break

Merchants who came to the markets for a large batch of spice used this method of checking the quality and freshness of the product: they took several buds and dipped them in a glass of water. If the carnation unfolded vertically in the liquid and remained that way (inflorescence up, petiole down), then the product could be safely purchased. Another behavior of the buds indicated that the cloves were overdried or, on the contrary, stored in a too humid room and some of its valuable essential oils evaporated.

We can also take a bottle of water with us if we buy spices in bulk at the market or in a spice shop. In other cases, you need to look at the production date and expiration date so as not to buy an expired product. Good quality cloves have a strong aroma and the buds bend rather than crumble (you can rub them between your fingers to see if the characteristic slightly oily residue remains on the skin).

Ground cloves quickly lose all their taste and healing qualities, so it is better to buy the spice in buds and grind it in a mortar or coffee grinder immediately before use.

Benefit for health

Clove oil may be beneficial for the liver, skin, and mouth. Below we will talk about the capabilities of the oil, backed by scientific research:

Supports Skin Health

Scientific research demonstrates the ability of clove oil to effectively destroy planktonic cells and biofilm of dangerous bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus). What does skin and acne have to do with it? Staphylococci are several strains of bacteria associated with the pathogenesis of acne.

As a remedy for acne, mix 3 drops of clove oil with two spoons of honey and wipe your face with this mixture. Afterwards, wash your face with water and dry your face.

Fights fungus

Clove essential oil can combat candidiasis, which occurs as a result of overgrowth of yeast.

A study published in the journal Oral Microbiology & Immunology compared the effects of cloves with other antifungal drugs. Cloves were found to be at least as effective as nystatin, a drug commonly prescribed to treat oral yeast infections (thrush) that can have many unpleasant side effects.

In addition to fungi, clove essential oil may be useful in the fight against intestinal parasites.

To get rid of candidiasis and parasites, clove oil must be taken orally for two weeks. However, it is best to undergo treatment under the supervision of a specialist and with the addition of plenty of probiotic-rich foods and/or probiotic supplements to the diet.

Contains a large amount of antioxidants

Second only to raw mackerel bran, ground cloves are valued at 290,283 ORAC units. This means that 1 gram of cloves contains 30 times more antioxidants than 1 gram of blueberries (9,621 ORAC units).

Simply put, antioxidants are molecules that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, which can lead to cell death and even cancer. Research shows that antioxidants slow down the aging process, slow down degeneration, and protect the body from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Strengthens digestion and treats ulcers

Clove oil can be used to treat problems related to the digestive system, including intestinal upset, motion sickness, bloating, and flatulence (accumulation of gases in the digestive tract).

The study also demonstrates the ability of cloves to affect the formation of ulcers. Thus, scientists have discovered that cloves can promote the production of gastric mucus, which protects the surface of the digestive tract and prevents erosions that lead to gastritis and ulcers.

Has powerful antibacterial properties

Cloves can naturally fight harmful bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses and other ailments.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this plant as an antibacterial agent, scientists decided to find out which bacteria are most sensitive to the effects of cloves. According to their study, clove has a powerful antibacterial effect on E. coli (Escherichia coli) and controls the development of Staph. aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), which causes acne, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), which causes pneumonia.

Strengthens immunity

Scientists believe that due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, clove oil can strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of colds and flu.

Eugenol is able to slow down the effects of oxidative stress and the inflammatory response, so it helps protect the body from chronic diseases. There is also evidence that suggests the powerful anti-cancer properties of cloves are due to the active component eugenol.

Helps lower blood pressure and improve heart health

If your blood pressure often rises and you suffer from hypertension, then cloves can help you. Experiments conducted mainly on animals have shown that eugenol is able to dilate arteries in the body, thereby reducing blood pressure.

One study concluded that "eugenol may be therapeutically useful as an antihypertensive agent."

Stops inflammation and protects the liver

Although cloves have been used to treat inflammation for hundreds of years, it was only recently that the Journal of Immunotoxicology published the first study showing that the eugenol in clove oil actually has anti-inflammatory properties.

The study demonstrates that eugenol in small doses may protect the liver from disease. Eugenol has also been noted to stop inflammation and cellular oxidation, which accelerates the aging process.

In addition, scientists have noticed that in large quantities, taking clove oil internally can harm the surface of the digestive tract, and external use can lead to skin irritation. For this reason, as with any other essential oil, it is important to use moderation.

Clove oil (and all essential oils in general) is very concentrated, so it should be used in small quantities.


Clove oil can be used in many different ways. Here are just a few ways to use it at home:

  • I have a toothache? Place a few drops of clove oil diluted in a carrier oil (olive or coconut oil, for example) onto a cotton pad and apply to the gum next to the sore tooth for about 10 minutes. If the smell is still too strong, add more carrier oil. The pain will subside within 2-3 hours. You can also use peppermint oil or gargle with warm salt water to soothe the pain.
  • If you don’t have clove oil on hand, then whole clove buds are also suitable for relieving toothache. Place the bud on the gum next to the inflamed area and hold until the pain subsides. Try not to bite it, as the taste may be too intense.
  • Cloves have a spicy, sweetish, pungent taste with a fruity undertone. Diffuse essential oils around your home as an air freshener. By diffusing the oil, you will also strengthen your immune system and normalize your blood pressure.
  • Add a little oil to cosmetics, such as deodorant or toothpaste, or to cleaning products. When applied to the skin, we recommend adding the oil to unscented skincare products such as lotions or creams and using small amounts.
  • If you come into contact with someone who has a cold or flu, rub some clove oil diluted in a carrier oil onto your neck and chest to protect yourself from infection.
  • For high blood pressure, rub diluted oil into your wrists.
  • As a spice, cloves can be added to a variety of dishes, such as pumpkin pie, muffins, etc.

Clove oil is very strong, so when used externally, it should always be diluted with softer oils, such as coconut. When taken orally, the course should be no more than two weeks.

Clove oil can be purchased at pharmacies, online, or in beauty supply stores. Make sure you choose 100 percent pure, organic, therapeutic grade clove oil, especially if you plan to use it internally.

Getting rid of pain due to pulpitis.

To avoid sudden toothache, high-quality prevention is necessary. These include appropriate regular hygiene procedures and certain food restrictions. It is necessary to limit yourself in consuming sweets (at the same time, this will have a positive effect on your figure). You should not take temperature-contrasting food - for example, after hot borscht, eat ice cream. Such recommendations should be especially taken into account when the nearest dental clinic is far away, and there are no pharmacies nearby.

The most common cause of toothache is pulpitis. It develops from caries when the infection penetrates deep into the tooth and reaches the pulp. The pain from pulpitis intensifies at night and can “radiate” to the temporal region, towards the ear or throat. To calm an attack of such pain, you need to rinse your mouth with a warm solution of furatsilin (0.2%). An enhanced effect can be achieved by adding a teaspoon of table soda.

When this method does not help, you need to take painkillers (analgesics) and see a dentist as soon as possible.

There are other, conventionally called reflex, methods for eliminating pain due to pulpitis. For example, placing a heating pad on the back of the neck, or a bag of grated horseradish or mustard (to warm it up).

You can also use your fingers - placing their pads on the sore spot.

How oil works

How exactly does clove oil fight infection? Dentists and scientists say this happens because:

  • Eugenol is a natural anesthetic and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve swelling and irritation on the gums, reducing discomfort.
  • Thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants and eugenol, cloves can protect against the effects of free radicals.
  • Clove oil slows down the action of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as yeast. This is very important given the fact that gram-negative bacteria are often resistant to antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs.
  • In terms of skin, clove supports tissue remodeling and protects dermal fibroblasts from damage. In addition, when used externally, it has an anti-cancer effect.
  • According to some studies, a number of active components in cloves, including acetyl eugenol, also have a therapeutic effect. Acetyl eugenol appears to be a “potent platelet inhibitor” in human blood cells. This means that it prevents platelets in the blood from sticking together, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. Cloves are known to act as a natural blood thinner, so clove oil is not recommended for use with other traditional blood thinners.

Cloves instead of chemical repellent

One of the strongest natural repellents is clove oil. It can be added to the aroma lamp to prevent mosquitoes from flying into the room. Our mothers and grandmothers rubbed their skin with “Carnation” cologne and sprayed it on their clothes when they went into the forest to pick berries or mushrooms; we can also use this product.

Another option for protecting against flies and mosquitoes is to stick several clove inflorescences into a lemon and place them on a shelf near the front door: insects really don’t like this combination, so they will try to fly around your home.

Do you use cloves often?

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