Traumeel in dentistry: injections and other forms of the drug for the treatment of gums
Nosological classification (ICD-10) M65.4 Tenosynovitis of the styloid process of the radius [de Quervain syndrome] M71 Others
treatment of allergic stomatitis
What to do if your gums itch and itch?
Types of stomatitis Depending on the nature of the disease and its clinical manifestations, experts divide catarrhal,
Can a dead tooth hurt?
All the reasons why a dead tooth hurts when pressed
Let’s figure out what causes unpleasant sensations in a “dead tooth” and determine how to solve the problem
Advice to keep your head up
How to kill a dental nerve at home: effective methods, remedies and tips
January 18, 2019 Dentistry Elena Zhmakina Intense toothache may indicate an inflammatory process,
Techniques for Restoring Chewing Teeth Modified Approach
Restoring a damaged tooth is a complex work aimed at preserving one’s dental unit and
What is edentia and the dangers of missing teeth?
Lack of teeth in humans: what is it and what does it mean? What is edentia
gum burn
What can cause a gum burn, and how to prevent complications?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Treatment of gums during pregnancy: diagnosis - gingivitis
From this article you will learn: why gums bleed during pregnancy, what is gingivitis in pregnant women,
Pyogenic granuloma as an interdisciplinary problem
An inflammatory formation affecting the upper part of the tooth root is called granuloma. It is formed in the process
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Remain unnoticed - how to quickly get rid of beer fumes
The unpleasant smell of beer fumes from the mouth is a problem that many people have had to deal with. After all
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