wedge-shaped defect
Why does the gum recede, the neck and root of the tooth become exposed? What to do to prevent and treat gum recession?
Recession (recession) of the gums: why do the roots of the teeth become exposed and what to do about it? If you
How does a nerve hurt in a tooth? Symptoms and treatment
Why do teeth need nerves? Why is toothache so painful?
11/17/2019 Many people mistakenly believe that a tooth is a completely bony structure. Really tight
White plaque and plugs on the tonsils
Enlarged tonsils in a child may indicate that the body is fighting some kind of infectious disease.
Generalized periodontitis
Chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity
General, or generalized periodontitis, is the process of inflammation that destroys the soft tissue of the periodontium throughout the entire cavity.
Can a nursing mother take painkillers and which ones?
Breastfeeding and painkillers Most mothers try to endure pain for as long as possible.
Causes of bad breath in children in pictures
Baby's breath is bad - a guide for worried parents
Where does bad breath come from in a child? Bad breath in adults
Benign tumors in the mouth must be removed
Surgeon Bokhyan Tigran Surenovich Experience 36 years Surgeon of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, member
Features of preparation of the III class according to Black Performed by: 5th year student of the 2nd group of the Faculty of Dentistry Bashanov Kh.S. - presentation
Among existing dental pathologies, the most common problem is caries - a disease that has no age-related
Inflammation of the lymph node in the neck
Inflamed lymph node on one side of the neck
Lymph nodes are part of the human immune system. They can be compared to biological filters that do not allow
Tooth wear – pathological and physiological
Abrasion is the process of loss of hard dental tissues. Teeth wear occurs as in temporary dentition,
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