Bad breath: causes and methods of solving the problem
Halitosis, or halitosis, is bad breath. This is not an independent disease, but
Allergic stomatitis - Dentistry Line Smile
What is stomatitis and how to prevent it
To understand what allergic stomatitis is, it is necessary to clarify two concepts. Allergy. Overprotectiveness
Pus in the gums - Dentistry Line of Smiles
Ulcers on the gums: causes and treatment
From this article you will learn: why an abscess appears on the gum, what to do when it festeres
Honestly about depulpation: should you be afraid of the nerve removal procedure?
Inflammation and piercing toothache are frequent companions of various dental problems: pulpitis, periodontitis
Proper nutrition for a child
Bad breath in a child is an important diagnostic symptom!
The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth, medically called “halitosis,” is a signal of trouble
Root canal treatment: filling with gutta-percha
As soon as you say “tooth canal,” people worry about toothache. Why mention of
Consumption of coloring products
Black teeth, why they darken, and how to deal with it
A snow-white smile today is considered a mandatory attribute of beautiful appearance. Therefore, when black spots appear on
This is what the gum contour looks like after atraumatic removal of the upper front tooth. Surgeon Dkhkilgov Magomed Umatgireevich
Ulcer on the gum: causes, symptoms, treatment, first aid
Every day we subject our teeth to serious tests: physical activity during hard and
Antibiotics for flux
Antibiotics for toothache: what, when and why?
CLASSIFICATION Odontogenic infections (infections of the oral cavity), depending on the anatomical location, are divided into true
why do teeth crumble
Why teeth crumble and fall out in adults: causes and treatment
Symptoms Causes Diagnosis During pregnancy Treatment methods Help with severe pain Help with severe
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