You should pay the closest attention to dental treatment in children and visit the dentist with your child not only if problems arise, but also for preventive examinations. Thinking that a child’s baby teeth can’t be taken care of is not only wrong, but also dangerous. Under the baby teeth there are the rudiments of molars, and therefore their early loss or extensive infections in the oral cavity can lead to the most severe complications: the development of bite defects, anomalies of permanent teeth, and severe dental pathologies.
Therefore, you need to monitor the dental health of children and it is best to do this together with a pediatric dentist at a premium clinic in Moscow - AestheticA. Our clinic provides a full range of services in the field of pediatric dentistry. We treat caries, pulpitis, periodontitis of children's teeth, and save teeth in the most severe cases! You can get a consultation with a pediatric dentist by making an appointment with a specialist and visiting our clinic, located on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, in the village of Barvikha, 85/1, Dream House shopping center, 3rd floor.
Features of treatment of primary teeth in children
Treatment of baby teeth in children has its own characteristics, since their structure differs from the structure of permanent teeth. Baby teeth have thinner enamel and dentin layers, and their pulp chamber is much larger, therefore, the infection spreads faster and penetrates into the pulp.
In addition, baby teeth are more often susceptible to carious lesions due to the fact that babies often eat sweets, and parents give them sweetened cereals, drinks, and sugar-containing juices during night feedings. Often, multiple caries on baby teeth appears due to plaque, which appears much faster in children than in adults.
It is imperative to remove plaque from baby teeth, and begin brushing your child’s teeth literally from the moment they erupt. For this, there are special tools, soft brushes, that allow children to perform oral hygiene from 6 months. Older children can and should be periodically brought to the pediatric dentist for professional hygiene of baby teeth.
The appearance of dental problems in children is also facilitated by a lack of solid food in the child’s diet. When we eat solid foods, a process of self-cleaning of plaque from dental surfaces occurs. If there are no or very few such foods in a child’s diet, the risks of caries and pulpitis increase significantly.
A low level of hygiene, an improper diet with a lot of sweets lead to the appearance of such a dangerous form of caries as circular caries: it affects the entire crown part of a baby tooth.
Treatment of primary teeth in children should begin at the first symptoms of caries, since it quickly turns into pulpitis, which can develop into periodontitis.
The most common dental diseases in childhood
Among the main problems that force children to undergo dental treatment:
- Caries. Children encounter it most often. The disease is found in more than 60% of children under six years of age. It especially often affects molars. This is due to their relief volumetric surface and the baby’s nutritional conditions. On the crown of molars, plaque is deposited more actively. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply in it. The result of their life activity is progressive caries. The difficulty is that in the first stages, parents are not always able to detect a carious cavity on their own. It looks like a light speck and practically merges with the healthy surrounding enamel. Not knowing about the presence of the disease, mothers and fathers postpone a visit to the pediatric dentist. When the child arrives for an appointment, the carious “hollow” already turns out to be very large.
- Periostitis (flux). A complication of advanced caries, caused by the spread of bacteria, damage to tooth roots and tissues adjacent to them. The cheek is swollen. A voluminous abscess forms on the surface of the gum. When palpated, acute pain occurs. Flux may worsen the baby's general condition.
- Periodontitis. Inflammatory periodontal disease. The latter is formed by: periodontal ligament, gums, root cement and alveolar bone. It hurts your baby to bite into hard food. His temperature rises and headaches appear.
All of these dental diseases are highly treatable. The most important thing is not to put off visiting a dental clinic until later.
Treatment of caries in children
Regular examinations by a pediatric dentist make it possible to identify caries in children at the earliest stages of development and treat it without the use of a drill. Treatment of dental caries in children in the stain stage is carried out by remineralization of tooth enamel with special preparations, as well as using Icon technology, which allows filling baby teeth without preliminary drilling.
However, all these methods are available and are used only if caries has not reached the dentinal layer of the tooth. If caries has destroyed the internal tissues of the tooth and reached the pulp chamber, it is impossible to do without the use of a drill and tissue preparation. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure: modern anesthetic drugs completely eliminate pain.
For children, syringes with ultra-thin needles are used, and in addition, the injection site is preliminarily anesthetized with topical anesthesia in the form of a spray or gel. Parents should not worry either: harmless, non-toxic drugs with a minimum concentration of the active substance are used as anesthetics for children.
Experienced pediatric dentists at the AestheticA clinic try to carry out all the necessary manipulations quickly, so that the baby does not get tired, start being capricious, or nervous. The clinic has created all the necessary conditions for comfortable treatment of caries and other dental diseases in children: in the children's office, bright toys and a large monitor for watching cartoons and favorite TV programs are waiting for the baby.
If the doctor has to perform a large amount of complex manipulations in the treatment of caries or pulpitis, or the child is afraid of dentists to the point of panic, we are ready to offer treatment under sedation, which in our clinic is carried out using nitrous oxide.
Prevention is better than cure
As with adults, it is easier to keep children's teeth healthy than to get fillings. This task falls on the parents.
First of all, you need to brush your teeth from the moment they erupt. For babies there are soft silicone brushes that are used without paste. For children over 2 years old - children's brushes and toothpastes. There are also electric sonic brushes that introduce an element of game into the routine process: in a special application, daily “points” are given, a “reward” is given for good brushing of teeth for 30 days in a row and taken to the next level. You just need to choose a brush that is suitable for the child’s age - so that the bristles are not too hard.
Also, do not forget about scheduled appointments. If at the first appointments with the doctor the child’s teeth are not treated, but only examined, he will remember that there is nothing wrong with visiting the dentist. If you need treatment, it will be easier to go to a doctor you know.
Is there any other way to prevent the development of caries? There are several preventive procedures - remineralization, fluoridation of enamel, sealing of fissures (indentations of chewing teeth). In what case it is worth carrying out them, the doctor will advise.
When the time comes for the permanent teeth to erupt, the roots of the milk teeth gradually dissolve - therefore they are removed easily and painlessly. It is best to ensure that the first teeth last the entire required period, then the risk of problems with permanent teeth will be less.
Other articles:
- When should you not correct your bite? Temporary and permanent contraindications
- What to choose for a child – braces or aligners?
Treatment of tooth pulpitis in a child
Pulpitis in 90% of cases is a complication of caries and in children it develops extremely quickly due to the anatomy of baby teeth. The following symptoms indicate the development of dental pulpitis in a child:
- Pain that the baby complains of when eating food;
- Temperature without signs of a cold;
- Purulent discharge from the gums;
- General weakness.
At the slightest sign of this disease, you should urgently contact a dentist for diagnosis and treatment. For pulpitis, the diagnosis is complex, implying not only an examination, but also a visiography, which allows one to assess the degree of development and spread of the inflammatory process.
Just a few years ago, pulpitis was an unambiguous indication for tooth extraction, but the development of technologies in pediatric dentistry makes it possible to save and preserve milk teeth with pulpitis and provide them with high-quality treatment and restoration. The dentists at the AestheticA clinic consider the removal of baby teeth to be an extreme and undesirable measure, because premature loss of primary teeth is fraught with the development of malocclusions, can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a negative impact on diction, and therefore they try to save children’s teeth in the most difficult cases!
Treatment of pulpitis in children, as well as in adults, involves performing the following manipulations:
- Removal of all tissues affected and destroyed by caries;
- Treatment of canals with antiseptic drugs;
- Installation of a temporary filling.
With a temporary filling, the little patient will walk until the diagnosis shows that the inflammatory process has completely stopped. After this, the temporary filling is removed, the root canals are filled with special materials that dissolve along with the root of the baby tooth, and the crown is restored with a permanent filling. The use of special materials for filling the canals of baby teeth guarantees that they will remain in the socket and become an obstacle to the growth of the molar tooth.
What to do if a child does not allow or is afraid to have his teeth treated?
Many children experience panic, so it is very important to intelligently approach the question of how to properly persuade a small child to have their teeth treated. To make the process painless and, perhaps, even positive, adhere to the following rules:
- Meet the doctor.
This should be done not at the moment when the tooth is already sick, but in advance - during a preventive examination.
- Motivation.
The child does not know why this is needed and what awaits him in general, so you should tell him about the importance of the procedure or, for example, show him in a playful way on his favorite toy.
- Elimination of physical force.
If a child resists, is capricious and protests, he should not be forced into the dental chair. This will not only traumatize the psyche, but will also completely discourage you from visiting dentists. Here it is better to act carefully - persuade, talk about the great benefits of treatment, or offer a new toy as a present.
- Timing.
If treatment is required, you should see a doctor without delay, but you should also consider the child’s needs. If he is used to, for example, sleeping at a certain time, you should not go to the doctor at that very moment. This is fraught with bad mood and whims. First, let your child sleep, and only after that get ready for the dentist. The same goes for eating, playing and other hobbies.
- Do not lie.
Many parents say that the doctor will only look and do nothing. This is a very big mistake, because the child expects one thing, but in the end it turns out something completely different. It will be better if you tell him the truth in a positive way.
Another good way to motivate your child is by example. If you regularly visit a doctor for preventive purposes and talk about the benefits of procedures, then your child will follow your example.
Dental restoration in children
Restoration of baby teeth is carried out in case of chips, injuries and severe destruction of the crown part of the tooth by caries. This process in pediatric dentistry also has its own characteristics; functional restorative materials must be used in it.
Filling materials for dental treatment in children are always selected based on the age of the young patient. For children, the aesthetics and durability of fillings are not as important as for adults; it is much more important that the restorations have a high-quality marginal fit and ensure the preservation of the natural tooth tissues.
Materials that are too hard are not used for dental restoration in children, since hard fillings put increased pressure on the natural tissues of the tooth and lead to their destruction.
Therefore, pediatric dentists select composites that will allow for high-quality restoration of the dental crown and preserve the tooth until its natural loss.
Opportunities of modern pediatric dentistry
Just recently, no one thought about the fact that a child’s teeth should be treated as painlessly as possible. Treatment for the baby should take place in a psychologically comfortable environment. That nothing bad will happen, he will cry and forget. This is why there are so many adults who are afraid of dentists. They go only when the teeth hurt so much that it is no longer possible to endure.
Now there are many specialized children's dental clinics that take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of children. These dentists do not resemble hospitals. On the contrary, their interiors are decorated in a children's style. This creates a relaxing environment for kids. These clinics are staffed by dentists and paramedical personnel. They specialize in treating young patients and know their psychological characteristics. In these medical institutions, only modern, gentle methods of treating dental diseases are used, and modern anesthesia is used. If the baby is completely unable to withstand the treatment, it is carried out under anesthesia.
Tooth extraction in children
Removal of baby teeth is an operation that is performed only if there are specific indications or in situations where a temporary tooth is ready to fall out on its own, but needs a little “help.” Tooth extraction in children is a last resort, which the dentists at the AestheticA clinic resort to only when all conservative treatment methods are ineffective.
Removing teeth from a child should only be performed by a specialist - a pediatric dentist-surgeon. Independent attempts to remove a baby tooth can lead to severe soft tissue injuries, infection penetration into the tooth socket, and injury to the molar tooth germ. A pediatric dental surgeon at the AestheticA clinic will perform an operation to remove a baby tooth efficiently, professionally and without pain.
Treatment of bite in children
If you notice that your baby's baby teeth are growing crowded or crooked, you should definitely consult a pediatric orthodontist and not wait until the temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones.
Crowding, crooked teeth, and problems with diction may indicate malocclusions, which are most easily treated and corrected in childhood. Special methods have been developed for children to correct bite defects, as well as various orthodontic devices that help them get straight teeth and a beautiful smile.
Gum inflammation
The most common inflammatory gum diseases in children are stomatitis and gingivitis. Stomatitis, or, as it is usually called, thrush, is an infectious inflammatory process provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. Treatment is antifungal and anti-inflammatory therapy, always carried out under the supervision and recommendations of a dentist. Self-medication can be dangerous, as some children may have allergic reactions to certain medications or antiseptics.
Gingivitis most often occurs due to plaque on baby teeth and insufficient general hygiene, but the reasons for their development can also be trauma to the gums during teething or other injuries, untreated caries. With this problem, you also need to contact a doctor, who will select the optimal treatment regimen and prevent gingivitis from developing into childhood periodontitis.
Dental treatment under sedation in children
Young patients often experience severe fear of dental treatment and, due to their age, cannot control their fears and emotions. A frightened child will not be able to sit calmly in the doctor’s chair and, naturally, it will be difficult for the specialist to perform all the necessary manipulations. To solve this problem, a special technology has appeared in pediatric dentistry: dental treatment under sedation.
Quite often, sedation is confused with general anesthesia, but these are fundamentally different technologies. During the use of anesthesia, a person’s consciousness is completely switched off, along with the body’s main reflexes, therefore recovery from general anesthesia is extremely difficult, accompanied by a number of unpleasant side effects.
In our clinic, general anesthesia is not used to treat children; we use only sedation, which is a light medical sleep in which the small patient remains conscious, can hear the doctor, and fulfill his requests.
Sedation at the AestheticA clinic is performed using the inhalation method using nitrous oxide. We chose this technology for our young patients for a number of reasons:
- Nitrous oxide is a safe substance and can be used to treat children from the age of 3 years;
- The gas has a mild effect on the child’s body, recovery from sedation with nitrous oxide occurs quickly, without side effects, the substance itself is quickly eliminated from the child’s body;
- The effect of nitrous oxide is short, but it is quite enough to perform all the necessary manipulations and cure the child’s teeth.
The use of sedation allows us to treat the teeth of young patients without tears, fear, or stress, which is harmful to the fragile child’s psyche. Before using sedation, we make sure to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis that excludes contraindications to the use of technology, and during treatment we use modern monitoring tools that allow us to monitor the condition and well-being of the child.
Reviews of the treatment of children under sedation confirm the effectiveness and safety of the technology, and treatment without pain is a guarantee of no fear of dentists in adulthood.
Dmitry Surovy
08/22/2021 at 15:38
Excellent pediatric dentistry! I really enjoyed all three visits! They came twice to remove pigmentation, once for a routine examination. The 2.5 year old child behaved calmly and fearlessly. After visiting they give you a gift))) I recommend it to everyone!
Alla I.
08/04/2021 at 14:37
We have been seeing the clinic for a long time, about 6 years, with the same dentist-therapist. I like the quality and service. Sometimes we visit a hygienist until we find a doctor who would suit us 100%. At first, the two-year-old child was very afraid to have his teeth treated, but the doctors at the clinic managed to find an approach. And they saved all our teeth.
Natalya F.
03.08.2021 at 17:01
We treat our teeth with Dr. Nenko. A very excellent doctor. My child was scared at 2 years old in a regular clinic so that he cried when he heard the word from the dentist. And he went to Alexander Vladimirovich with a smile. And now he is already 13 years old, but he only goes to him. I am very grateful to this doctor. Thank you very much !!! And regarding the prices. Damn, the prices are stinging right now. I'm not a millionaire. But wherever I was, the child was not treated better than in cramming. And really...
Katya M.
08/03/2021 at 10:11
We treat our teeth with Dr. Nenko. A very excellent doctor. My child was scared at 2 years old in a regular clinic so that he cried when he heard the word from the dentist. And he went to Alexander Vladimirovich with a smile. And now he is already 13 years old, but he only goes to him. I am very grateful to this doctor. Thank you very much !!! And regarding the prices. Damn, the prices are stinging right now. I'm not a millionaire. But wherever I was, the child was not treated better than in cramming. And really...
07/18/2021 at 21:15
Expensive - but the kids love it! It's not scary to have your teeth treated there!
Natalya Mostovaya
07/14/2021 at 19:55
The main thing is to find your doctor, who is, first of all, a professional, will establish contact with the child, teach him how to take care of his teeth, and therefore his health. We were lucky! Since our daughter was three years old and for 7 years now, we have been entrusting her teeth to the dentist Nenko Alexander Vladimirovich. Thank you, our beloved doctor!
Irina K.
07/02/2021 at 10:22
Excellent pediatric dentistry, the child enjoys going there. They don’t impose anything, they suggest that you decide for yourself. I can’t say about the prices; I have nothing to compare with; we came here once and are not going anywhere else. The prices are quite reasonable for me.
Call me O
06/15/2021 at 11:43
The best place! Just the tooth fairy's house! A 2-year-8 month old baby sits in a chair for cleaning without any problems, we hope that we can also heal a small hole in a tooth without any problems.
Evgeniy Eremin
06/05/2021 at 21:03
Nice place, attentive doctors. I've been driving my daughter for two years now (4 years). Not afraid! Everything is fine!
Andrey Skibin
05/29/2021 at 19:20
We have been going with our child for 9 years now. No complaints.
Marina Marina
05/27/2021 at 09:47
Children enjoy going to the dentist. Polite staff. In general, although not cheap, it is worth the money.
Stanislav Mironov
05/19/2021 at 12:47
Good dentistry for children.
Elina Monakova
05/16/2021 at 10:48
Now we only go to Tarasova, an excellent doctor, a competent specialist, she communicates very kindly and gently with children, and so does her assistant. I can’t say the same about the others; they saw other doctors, but they didn’t like them, and they didn’t treat their teeth. Very expensive. But we go because of the doctor, his experience and attitude.
Andrey Nazarov
05/15/2021 at 15:43
Good doctors. Reasonable prices. Saved more than one child's teeth. I recommend.
Aleksandr Vladimirovich
05/13/2021 at 12:19
Get your child's teeth done, only here!
04/29/2021 at 11:33
The quality is top notch. Without further ado, just to the point. The price will drop on the spot. But you won't find this quality in others.
Olga Zhurko
04/28/2021 at 14:11
We have been going to this clinic for several years. I like quality service, good equipment. The employees are always pleasant and polite in their communication, from the dressing room to the doctors. The price tag is average. There are always cartoons for children during procedures and gifts afterward. And of course, our wonderful doctor, Tsutskikh A.V., is beyond praise!
The child walks almost with pleasure, if you can say that about visiting the dentist)
Anna Kmet
04/22/2021 at 15:55
We have known the Zubryonok clinic for a long time. We like everything about it: the staff, the approach to the little patient, and the result has always pleased us. The price is reasonable for the current times. Prices are no higher than in public clinics, and the approach is completely different. The last time we were at a reception, I was especially pleased with the work of Maxim Alexandrovich Goncharov! The doctor completely restored our front tooth, making it identical to the lost one. I can't even before...
04/11/2021 at 18:19
A wonderful clinic, a real nursery, where everything is for the child’s comfort. Special thanks to the doctor, Nenko Alexander Vladimirovich, for his patience, individual approach and professionalism. My son was terrified of having his teeth treated (he was 5 years old), but by the end of the treatment he loved going to the dentist and it makes me happy. We treated complex teeth without general anesthesia, quickly and efficiently. Very pleased, thanks again. Sincerely, mother Elena and son Egor.
Alexandra Shevchenko
03/29/2021 at 20:17
Very good dentistry. The child is not scared, the doctors are all in tune with the child; they will entertain, distract, persuade, play cartoons, give small gifts for courage, just to make the treatment as comfortable as possible.
All reviews
Prices for dental treatment for children
Prices for dental treatment for children depend on the complexity of the manipulations that need to be performed in order to cure and restore baby teeth, so the cost of services is calculated only after diagnosis in the pediatric dentist’s office.
You can get a consultation with a pediatric dentist on dental treatment for a child in Moscow by contacting our premium dentistry AestheticA: we are located in the village of Barvikha, 85/1, Dream House shopping center, 3rd floor. To make an appointment with a specialist, use the form on our website or dial the contact phone number of our clinic!