What to do if a baby tooth falls out or is pulled out, but the root remains in the gum?
What to do if a child breaks a tooth? A child's tooth is dislocated. If a child knocks out his milk
Dental treatment for a child after an injury in Aesculapius
A child has broken a molar: what to do? Possible complications!
What to do if a child breaks a tooth? A child's tooth is dislocated. If a child knocks out his milk
Fluoridation or silvering of baby teeth for a child: which is better to choose?
Silvering of teeth is a method of treating mild caries. The procedure involves applying a solution
Replacement of baby teeth
Teeth in children from 9 to 13 years old. Peculiarities.
Signs of change of baby teeth Before the molars appear, a very interesting physiological process begins -
Pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment
Sore throat - this unpleasant symptom is familiar, if not to everyone, then at least
What to do if your baby has a fever during teething
What reaction is possible for a baby when teething? What reaction can a child have when
Why do pieces of food get stuck between the teeth and what can this mean?
Symptoms of periodontitis Let's start with the fact that in the initial stages the disease occurs without symptoms, and
How to treat a child’s teeth: show children a thematic video
It is highly advisable to preserve baby teeth in children until they are approximately 6-7 years old
4 upper teeth cut at once
Fusion of the lateral and central incisors with congenital edentia of one of the incisors
When and how do the upper teeth cut? Teeth, including the upper ones, are not cut
Treatment and prevention
How to help your baby teething
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