Comparing Nise and Ketanov | Important differences
Update date: 01/13/2021 15:33:37 3830 Share: Author: Maria Feldstein *Review of the best according to the editors
Anesthesia in dentistry - types and contraindications
Advantages and disadvantages For simple surgical interventions, local anesthesia is indispensable, it has advantages
Simple rules for preparing for a visit to the dentist
Drink alcohol No matter how much you are afraid of dentists, drink “for courage” before
Folk signs about wisdom teeth
What to do after tooth extraction? We answer the most popular questions
Home / Braces Back Published: 06/30/2020 Reading time: 5 min 0 25 1
Flux: how to treat and avoid complications
Pain in the mouth can make life very difficult. Some immediately, if the need arises,
The main stages of socket healing after wisdom tooth removal - Smile Line
Healing of peri-implant tissues when implanted into a post-extraction socket without additional augmentation
Dental granuloma is an inflammatory formation at the apex of the root. It represents the proliferation of granulation tissue
Molar x-ray
Removal of a tooth that has two or more roots that are curved or diverging
Indications for removal of a permanent tooth In a planned manner, removal is carried out for those patients who have
Paresthesia after tooth extraction - Smile Line Dentistry
Numbness of the jaw after wisdom tooth removal
For patient comfort, dental extractions and some types of dental treatment are performed under anesthesia. This allows
Treatment of pulpitis in children
Treatment of caries and pulpitis for children under 14 years of age and adolescents
Pulpitis is an inflammation of the internal structure of the tooth - the neurovascular bundle. In the vast majority of cases
Inflamed gums after tooth extraction: what to do?
After tooth extraction, a strong inflammatory process may occur in the gum socket, which is called -
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