“Maraslavin” - a review of a remedy for pain and inflammation of the gums

"Maraslavin" for sore gums - composition and principle of action, methods of application

Periodontitis and periodontal disease are complex and quite dangerous dental diseases. It is impossible to cure them completely, but with the right and comprehensive approach to therapy, stable remission can be achieved. Various methods and means are used as part of the treatment. One of the most effective drugs in this regard is Maraslavin. The product is intended for local treatment of the oral mucosa and gum pockets. Read more about what kind of medicine this is, its purpose and instructions for using Maraslavin further in this article.

Composition and key characteristics

“Maraslavin” is a liquid solution created on the basis of plant components. In dentistry it is used for local treatment of the oral mucosa and gingival pockets. The drug contains extracts of medicinal plants, which together have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

pharmachologic effect

The active components stimulate tissue regeneration, have a moderate anesthetic and astringent effect, effectively relieve inflammation and provide antiseptic treatment. The composition includes the following active ingredients in the form of oils and decoctions:

  • Pontian wormwood – has a wound-healing effect,
  • ginger roots – relieve pain and prevent the growth of tumors,
  • clove flowers – have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects,
  • black pepper – provides an anti-carious effect and promotes the restoration of gum tissue during periodontal disease, relieves pain and provides bactericidal treatment,
  • thyme – has an analgesic and disinfectant effect.

The composition includes the following active ingredients in the form of oils and decoctions. In rare cases, the patient experiences intolerance to some of the components included in the drug. Then the use of the solution can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, the appearance of a rash and itchy skin. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor. You may not even have to stop taking the drug. Sometimes it is simply recommended to dilute it in a lower concentration.

Release form

The drug is sold in tinted glass bottles. One bottle contains 100 ml. The solution is prepared using the technology of decoction of plant materials based on purified water and with the addition of wine vinegar in the same dosage. The composition also contains ammonium chloride - 2.399 g. The product is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The drug is available in tinted glass bottles

Pharmacological authorities


Maraslavin® is a combination of rosin preparations for dental stagnation in dentistry. It has antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, astringent, local anesthetic and regenerative effects. When the drug is locally infused into the kidney, hyperemia of the soft tissues is prevented and exudation is promoted. The presence of ammonium chloride in a hypertonic concentration leads to a decrease in exudation, the removal of toxic substances from periodontal guts, and stimulates renal processes. As a result of the fibrous action, the course of treatment prevents an increase in collagen fibrils and their strengthening, meaning a decrease in swelling and bleeding. Regular use of the drug Maraslavin® after complete removal of tartar and root surface removal removes the unpleasant odor from the mouth. The drug reduces sensitivity in case of exposed teeth and lowers the pH of acidic acid, acting bacteriostatically on the fusospirilous microflora of the oral cavity. The ash papillae adhere tightly to the necks of the teeth. The depth of periodontal tissues, which are determined by special periodontal probes, is significantly changing.

Grass Polina pontiyskogo / Artemisia pontis L.

/, before entering the preparation, contain the active ingredients - essential oils, among which the blue-green essential oil has the most activity. The herb also contains thujol alcohol, thujone ketone, terpene, octolic acid and isovaleric acid.

The main pharmacological effects of systemic stagnation include stimulation of savoury receptors, sap production (sleep has a bactericidal effect). With local stagnation, it accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing of wounds, wounds.

Savory herb / Satureja hortensis L.

/ avenge essential oils: carvacrol, paracymol; tannins and lickable speech. It has an astringent, bactericidal and antispasmodic effect.

Clove buds / Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et L.M. Perry

/ replace essential oils: eugenol, acetoeugenol, vanillin and caryophyllene. Essential oils of cloves are used in dental practice as an antiseptic agent, and their stench can also have a soothing effect.

Black pepper / Piper nigrum L.

/ contain approximately 1.2-2.6% essential oils, which provide antimicrobial and therapeutic effects in periodontitis.

Vin stimulates the receptors of the saccharine nerves and promotes increased secretion of the mucus and mucus. It also has an insecticidal effect.

The medicinal warehouse also includes the ginger root / Zingiber officinale Roscoe

/. It is possible to contain up to 3% essential oils, arylalkanes, gingerdiols and starch. These main components have the following pharmacological effects: stimulation of salivary, scutaneous and gallbladder secretions, anti-vomiting, antioxidant, antiplatelet, anti-lipidemic and anti-inflammatory actions.

Based on the presence of essential oils and other types of medicinal plants, the drug contains a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic combination. The presence of tannins, acids and barberries in the warehouse is combined with antiexudative, antihemorrhagic and local anesthetic combinations.


Daily data on the pharmacokinetics of various storage components and their combinations during local curing on clear or clear husks.

How the drug works

"Maraslavin" effectively relieves acute inflammation and also prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions. It acts as a local anesthetic, thereby facilitating the patient’s condition and speeding up therapy. Regular rinsing with this product cleanses the oral tissues of microbial plaque and purulent plaques.

The drug also stimulates regenerative processes in tissues and increases the density of collagen fibers. The active components in its composition activate the growth and compaction of the epithelial layer of gingival tissue, due to which the natural restoration of the oral mucosa occurs1.

Before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions. There you can also find special instructions regarding the use of the drug:

  • in the first stages of therapy, an increase in the inflammatory process, the appearance of swelling and irritation may be observed,
  • relief of the condition will come after the gum pockets are completely cleansed of toxic deposits, and this will be followed by rapid healing of the mucous membrane,
  • with prolonged use, gum bleeding decreases, the mucous membrane becomes denser and adheres better to the cervical area of ​​the teeth.

The drug relieves gum inflammation well

“When I had bad breath, I first tried to remove it with different pastes and rinses. Nothing really helped. I thought there was something wrong with my stomach, and then I went to the dentist and it turned out that it was all about deposits under the gums. I didn't even notice them in the mirror. We diagnosed the initial stage of periodontitis. I underwent ultrasonic cleaning and was prescribed rinsing with Maraslavin. After about a week, a little less, your gums began to look much better. The smell is completely gone."

Yuri, from correspondence on the forum www.32top.ru

Rinsing with the solution protects against further spread of infection, helps to reduce gum pockets and level the gum level. "Maraslavin" also prevents the appearance of pathological mobility of teeth and their loss.


Vladimir Fedorovich, Moscow. As an experienced dentist, I have been prescribing Maraslavin to my patients for quite some time. I consider the local remedy especially valuable for the treatment of chronic periodontal disease with purulent exudate. Therapy helps prevent surgery.

Yuri, Vladivostok. I had bad breath, I struggled with the problem for a long time, I used expensive toothpastes and magic elixirs for rinsing, but there was no effect. And then the dentist discovered periodontal disease. Therapy with Maraslavin saved me not only from bad breath, but also from tooth mobility. Thanks to the author of the wonderful remedy, and to the dentist for the correct treatment.

Katerina, Novosibirsk. After removing the tartar, the doctor prescribed rinsing with Maraslavin three times a day. I bought one bottle for the course, it was enough, but I had to suffer from the terrible taste of the solution, I remembered it for a long time. However, this is a small price to pay for recovery.

Oleg, Peter. I became friends with Maraslavin during the eruption of my wisdom teeth. To reduce pain and inflammation, the dentist prescribed rinses for me. I diluted the suspension in water according to the instructions and rinsed my mouth after eating. I had to put up with the unpleasant smell, but the treatment was short-lived. Now I use the product for preventive purposes so that my gums no longer become inflamed.

Sources used:

  • Alien CM, Camisa C. In: Sama WM, Lynch PJ, eds. Principles and practice of dermatology. New York: Churchill-Livingstone
  • Therapeutic dentistry / I.G. Lukomsky. — M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature
  • Products webpage

In what cases are rinses prescribed - indications for use

The drug is prescribed for various pathological processes in the gums and periodontal tissues - inflammatory and destructive in nature. Among the main indications, experts identify stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Let's consider some clinical cases of using the composition for periodontal disease.

Hemorrhagic form of periodontal disease

Characteristic signs of this form are severe bleeding of the gums, their swelling and soreness. Over time, the disease causes tooth mobility. Against the background of its development, shallow gingival pockets with subgingival deposits and a slight release of exudate are formed. In this case, rinsing with Maraslavin has the following effect:

  • reduce pain,
  • reduce swelling,
  • stop bleeding.

The product relieves swelling and bleeding.
The solution helps to restore a tight fit of the gums to the cervical area of ​​the teeth, as well as significantly reduce gum pockets and prevent the appearance of purulent processes.

Periodontal disease, including pyorrhea

With the purulent form of periodontal disease, a large number of pockets appear at once, filled with purulent exudate and hardened deposits. After starting to use the solution, the intensity of the discharge of purulent masses initially increases, but then the therapy leads to its decrease until the pathological process is completely eliminated.

The drug also helps with periodontal disease

How is the treatment carried out?

As mentioned above, a solution for gum inflammation and for antibacterial treatment of mucous membranes is prescribed for various pathological conditions. In this case, the product is indicated both for independent use at home and for therapeutic procedures in a dental clinic.

When using the drug, you should follow the instructions

Instructions for professional therapy at the dentist

When a dentist performs a procedure, he acts according to the following scheme:

  • first, the doctor performs mechanical treatment of the supra- and subgingival area throughout the entire dentition,
  • then the specialist places special tampons, previously soaked with a medicinal solution, into the cleaned alveolar pockets. Such lotions are left on for literally 5 minutes, after which they are replaced with new ones. As part of one procedure, 5-6 inserts are usually made - this ensures deep penetration of the active ingredients of the drug into the soft tissues,
  • At the end of the session, the tampons are left inside the pockets for another day. These lotions should not be touched with your hands. The doctor schedules a second visit the next day,
  • at the next session, the specialist carefully removes the tampons, cleans the pockets of newly formed stone and repeats 5-6 packs of tampons soaked in Maraslavin. The last batch is again left for a day - you will have to visit the dentist the next day, since it is not recommended to remove the lotions yourself.

The specialist moistens the tampon with the drug and places it in the periodontal pocket.
The duration of the course does not exceed 3 months. Over the entire period, at least 17-20 manipulations should be performed. Six months after completing the course, you must visit the specialist again to evaluate the results of the therapy. If necessary, the course is re-assigned.

Instructions for “Maraslavin” for independent use

To use the product yourself, you first need to learn how to dilute it correctly. Do not try to put tampons into periodontal pockets and remove the lotions left there without the help of a specialist - only a doctor can do this correctly. At home, the drug can be used as a mouth rinse.

The following describes how to dilute Maraslavin to treat gums:

  • for rinsing - dilute a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is repeated up to 5 times a day for no more than 3 months,
  • baths - 2 tablespoons of the solution are kept in the mouth undiluted for 10-15 minutes, the procedure is repeated no more than 5 times a day,
  • applications - gauze dressings are moistened in the preparation, applied to the gums and left there for 15 minutes.

For rinsing - dilute a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water.
The drug can be combined with other medications. However, before starting therapy, you should definitely consult with your dentist.

Features of good stagnation

It is necessary to take into account that, instead of a large amount of organic acids, rosacea exhibits a weak demineralizing effect on the hard dental tissue, and should not be recommended for caries and dentition disorders (crowded teeth, incorrect strong bite).

As the doctor requires, it is necessary to carry out a thorough sanitation of the teeth using orthopedic methods. It is recommended for the patient to be enriched with vitamins and supplemented with vitamins A and C. At the time of bathing, the infused urchins (chasnik, cybul, pots, etc.) are removed, without brushing your teeth. brush with paste or vikorist to rinse the mouth empty disinfectant liquid. Rinse your mouth with cold water morning and evening. A trace of the uniqueness of a painful experience in the sun.

Recommendations and warnings

Like any drug, Maraslavin requires strict adherence to the instructions. It cannot be used if the patient has specific contraindications. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations and warnings for using this product.

What are the contraindications

It is not recommended to use Maraslavin if you are hypersensitive to the components and under the age of 18 years. The composition does not affect the enamel and dentin in any way, does not cause harm to the body and does not cause intoxication. It is also worth noting that there is no reliable data yet on the harm from using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The admissibility of its use during these periods is determined by the attending physician.

The drug is not recommended for use in children

Interaction with other drugs

The instructions say that the product can be combined with other medications. However, reliable data on possible interactions do not yet exist. If you are undergoing drug therapy at the same time, consult your doctor about this. But it is better to avoid spicy and irritating foods during the course in order to avoid unnecessary injury to the mucous membrane.

Side effects

Adverse reactions are possible if the outflow of purulent masses from the alveolar cavity is impaired. In such a situation, there is a risk of low-grade fever due to too close contact of the lotions with the mucous membrane. In this case, the symptom goes away almost immediately after removing the tampons. In other cases, an allergic reaction may develop due to individual intolerance to one or several components at once.

Recommendations for effective treatment

For therapy to bring the desired results, experts recommend following simple rules. Here are the main recommendations in this regard:

  • During the course, it is better to refuse to use disinfectant solutions for rinsing the mouth - after eating, it will be enough to rinse your mouth with plain water,
  • It is recommended to adjust your usual diet, give up acidic and too hard foods, as well as spicy foods. It is better to add more foods high in healthy vitamins and microelements to your diet,
  • Experts advise to refrain from sunbathing and, if possible, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

During treatment, you should avoid eating acidic foods.
The drug does not affect psychomotor functions, does not reduce the level of concentration and does not prohibit driving. The bottle, when printed, can be stored for no more than a month.

Means with similar effects

Now about what can replace “Maraslavin”. Among analogues, experts identify several effective means. These include Russian-made Proposol - indicated for periodontitis, gingivitis and tonsillitis. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, but is not suitable for treating children under 12 years of age. Another good drug is Novosept Forte (Netherlands). The product in the form of a spray contains propolis, ethyl alcohol and glycerin. It is used for inflammation of the gums and periodontium, as well as for stomatitis.

"Maraslavin" produces Bulgarian. The company has existed since 1933, conducts active research and supplies high-quality, effective and proven products to world markets, including the well-known painkiller Tempalgin. You can buy “Maraslavin” at a pharmacy at a price of 150 to 200 rubles. However, before you start using the product, you should consult a specialist.

1According to information presented at the office. Manufacturer's website: sopharmagroup.com.


Sensitivity to all speeches or to any other words to the drug has been increased.

Sensitivity has been increased to other plants of the aister family (composite flowers) and to Peruvian balsam.

It is not recommended to administer the drug to patients with an active abscess and evidence of purulent exudation.

Self-administration of the drug is not recommended when the loss of bone structures occurs due to the inability to adhere to pathological changes in periodontal tissue in the depths.

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