Apical microsurgery as an opportunity to save a tooth
Dentinal tubules. They are pathways connecting the pulp and periodontium, the separating barrier between which is cement,
How teeth are filled (types of filling materials).
A filling in dentistry is a material intended for filling a tooth cavity during the treatment of carious
Removing the root of a damaged or rotten tooth: does it hurt, the removal process
From this article you will learn: how a wisdom tooth is removed - photos and videos, how much
When should you contact a dentist?
Dentist-therapist: what does he treat and what problems should he be addressed with?
Unbearable toothache, sore gums and bad breath require urgent dental attention,
grit your teeth
Gritting your teeth: how restrained emotions are reflected in your appearance (plus a massage that will help relieve tensions)
What dictionaries say In Dahl's dictionary there is no interpretation of this expression, but there is a link to
Root canal treatment: filling with gutta-percha
Root canal filling - this method is used in dentistry in the treatment of such dental diseases
Pain-relieving ointments: competent consultation
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most popular pharmaceutical products. They are appointed
5 tips to help avoid bad breath after tooth extraction
January 2, 2020 Bad breath after tooth extraction is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. This
canal filling
Temporary tooth filling during endodontic treatment
When is canal filling indicated? What are the purposes of temporary filling? What should be the material for
Wisdom tooth removal: indications, complications and recommendations after removal
Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure during which the third molar is removed from
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