Dental therapy is one of the components of dentistry that helps maintain health and aesthetics
Pros and cons of laser teeth whitening, description of the method
Laser whitening is the latest modern dental procedure. Marketing offers clients whiter teeth
How long can an adult keep arsenic in a tooth?
Why do they put arsenic in the tooth and how long can you keep it?
Depulpation of a dental element is a procedure that allows you to kill a painful nerve that worries the patient. For this
Removal Features
What to do if a wisdom tooth grows horizontally into another tooth
For many people, as practice shows, panic fear is caused by the mere fact that
Pain when pressing as a sign of periodontitis
Tooth hurts after caries treatment: why does it hurt and what to do?
Our clinic’s dentists answer questions every day from their patients and the people they consult.
Bleeding after wisdom tooth removal
A tooth was pulled out and the bleeding doesn’t stop: what to do?
From the moment they appear, wisdom teeth often behave unpredictably, slowly and crookedly
Photo of the tooth extraction process
The appearance of a dry socket effect after tooth extraction
Tooth extraction is a process that traumatizes the gums. After healing a diseased tooth, nerves, ligaments and
Plasmolifting – the use of platelet membranes from blood plasma in dentistry
Plasmolifting is an innovative restorative technique. Actively used in the maxillofacial surgery industry, cosmetologists, dermatologists, including
Anesthesia and sedation in dentistry: is it safe? What about the children?
A device with everything necessary for anesthesia in children. I have such a wonderful phobia
Tooth extraction during menstruation - Line of Smile Dentistry
Is it possible to remove or treat teeth for women during menstruation?
Over the course of a month, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body. From them in many ways
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