6 Secrets to Effectively Using Wax for Braces

Metal parts of the brace system often injure the oral mucosa, causing discomfort. In this case, dentists recommend using wax for braces, which protects the tongue and cheeks from injury and irritation. In the article we will consider the composition and use of orthodontic wax, alternative methods of protecting the mucous membrane.

Start using wax already at the stage of getting used to braces

Braces are equipped with protruding elements. At a minimum, they have an arc, grooves, and locks. As a maximum - rings and ligatures. All these components, one way or another, come into contact with the soft tissues of the oral cavity (the inside of the cheeks, lips, tongue). This can cause discomfort, irritation, and pain. And also contribute to the appearance of microcracks and wounds, especially at the adaptation stage.

But unpleasant sensations and aggravation of the situation, for example, the development of ulcers and an infectious inflammatory process, can be avoided if you apply a special wax called orthodontic wax to the protruding parts of the structure. It protects tissue from chafing and reduces friction between the arch and the braces themselves. And at the same time it does not affect the functionality of the system in any way. If you start using it immediately after installing orthodontic appliances, this will help shorten the adaptation period.

Is it necessary to use additional products to clean braces?

On forums (and sometimes in the recommendations of “experts”!) there are numerous additional products that supposedly make oral hygiene easier in the presence of braces (rinses, ultrasonic brushes, etc.)

In fact, with a responsible approach, it is quite possible to get by with three basic tools (toothbrush, dental floss, brush). In this case, you should not rely on someone else’s opinion. The quality of care will be assessed by a doctor who conducts regular examinations, and he will also recommend additional remedies, if necessary.

Seal the end of the arc with wax if it falls out of the groove

Sometimes it happens that during the use of braces, the power arc fixed in the grooves jumps out. And then there is a possibility of damaging soft tissues with its sharp edges. To prevent this from happening, you can again glue orthodontic wax to the ends of the arch. This will help avoid injuries before a visit to the clinic, which, of course, needs to be done as soon as possible.

Wax can be used to hide braces and protect the mucous membrane.

Some patients use braces wax as a camouflage agent. If you apply it to the locks and rub the power arc with it, this will partially dull the shine and make the systems less noticeable in general.

Bottom line

Wax for braces makes it easier for the mucous membrane to get used to the metal elements of the system. Sometimes the adaptation period passes with major injuries, cuts, ulcers, and cracks in the mucous membrane. An unprepared oral cavity suffers from an additional metal element. Sometimes the arc can break and become detached: this also causes injury to the mucous membrane. Wax paste protects from injuries, antimicrobial components protect wounds from suppuration. Some pastes have added wound-healing substances, which ensures rapid tissue restoration.

Sources used:

  • Gerasimov S. N. Fixed orthodontic equipment. Publishing house. St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2002
  • Proffitt W.R., Modern orthodontics (3rd edition), MEDpress-inform, 2015.
  • Borkowski RN The biologically based case for truly light-force mechanics, Clinical Impressions
  • Wikipedia article

When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition

Modern manufacturers produce different types of orthodontic wax. It mainly consists of an elastic silicone base, paraffin and flavors (apple, orange, mint and others) that give freshness to your breath. But some varieties also contain antiseptic components, extracts of medicinal plants and vitamin E - all this will come in very handy if you periodically injure the mucous membranes. After all, bacteria can get into a fresh wound at any time, which will lead to the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. Such products reduce risks and promote faster healing of damaged tissues.

Manufacturers produce different types of orthodontic wax

It is important to understand that orthodontic wax primarily performs a protective function; with antibacterial components, it also has an anti-inflammatory function. However, this is not a therapeutic agent, therefore it is not a panacea for diseases of the oral cavity, for example, gingivitis, stomatitis and others.

If you are prone to allergies, then a fragrance-free product will be your best option. Since in rare cases, it is precisely such additives that contribute to the appearance of characteristic signs of allergies: redness and swelling of tissues, rash, itching, dry mucous membranes.

Is it possible to install and wear braces during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period of serious changes in a woman’s body, including, among other things, bone tissue, tooth roots and bone plates. This is definitely a stressful condition, which should not be aggravated.

Thus, it is strictly forbidden to begin correcting the bite if there are plans to expand the family or in the process of bearing a child, and if an unplanned pregnancy occurs during the current course of correction, the brace system must be removed as quickly as possible.

Give preference to proven and popular brands

Typically, wax is purchased from the dentist where the braces were installed. It can also be purchased in pharmacies and online stores. Below we present to your attention the most popular, inexpensive, economical options, according to customer reviews:

  • PresiDENT L'industria Zingardi (Italy): the package contains 7 strips of tasteless and odorless wax. According to reviews, it holds well and does not dissolve for a long time. Cost – from 180 rubles,
  • Ortho Performance (USA): the manufacturer of this product offers a whole line of flavors for pleasant application and fresh breath - orange, pineapple, candy, strawberry, mint. There are 5 plates in the package. Price – from 120 rubles,
  • Dentaid Vitis Orthodonic Wax (Spain): with a soft texture. You can choose unscented, or you can choose apple or mint flavor. The package contains several sealed cases with five strips in each. Cost – from 300 rubles,
  • Revyline (Russia): you can choose unscented, or with the aroma of chewing gum1, watermelon or orange. The kit includes a convenient reusable case and 5 strips of wax. Price – from 130 rubles,
  • GUM (USA): has a dense texture, with vitamin E and Aloe Vera. Price – from 400 rubles per package, which contains 5 plates.

Give preference to proven and popular brands

At what age is it better to start correcting a child’s bite?

The optimal age to begin orthodontic treatment is after the formation of the bite is completed (usually at 11-12 years). Why shouldn’t you follow the recommendations of some clinics that invite patients aged 7-9 years for treatment?

The answer is provided by the results of a scientific study of tooth growth and bite formation in children, which showed that the curvature of the dentition during the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth is not indicative and does not require intervention, since the dentition gradually straightens naturally (for example, the lateral teeth eliminate the gap between In front of them).

This, of course, does not mean that you should not visit a pediatric orthodontist if you see reasons for concern. The primary bite is formed by the age of 3-4 years, and from this age you can consult with specialists. But you shouldn’t start treatment unless there are good reasons for it.

Final general recommendation:

the patient is not obliged to agree in everything with the doctor’s opinion if it seems erroneous. Consult another clinic, get an alternative opinion, because we are talking about your health, about your appearance, about your money, finally. Get treatment from those you trust!

Use wax correctly

To ensure that the barrier between the elements of the braces system and the mucous membrane is reliable, you need to know how to use wax for braces. We will tell you about this now:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and make sure that there are no food residues or contaminants in your mouth, as well as on the elements of the orthodontic system,
  • blot the protruding areas of the structure, which cause discomfort when in contact with the mucous membrane. You can do this with a cotton sponge or napkin,
  • remove a small piece of wax from the container where the product is usually packaged. During production, it is formed into thin plates, strips or sticks, and during use, you need to separate part of the plastic mass and soften it by rolling it between your fingers,
  • when the wax warms up from your fingers, it becomes quite pliable, and then you need to roll it into a small ball,
  • Apply the formed mass to the problematic protruding area, press lightly with your fingertips for a few seconds and distribute evenly: usually no one has any problems with how to use wax for braces. It is important to understand that the wax should protrude slightly above the structure of the system, forming a protective layer, otherwise there will be no benefit from it.

It is important to use wax correctly
“On the doctor’s advice, I bought wax for braces immediately after they were installed. Everything was explained to me how to use it. But there was no significant discomfort during the entire treatment. I glued it, maybe a couple of times at most, and then put it in the far drawer of the table. It turns out that it was not particularly useful to me. It turns out that this happens too.”

Katyunya, review from breket.info

Is it true that sapphire braces are the best?

Sapphire braces are much more expensive than iron braces, but their advantages do not lie in the effectiveness of treatment. Moreover, in reliability they are inferior to metal ones. But on the teeth, such brace systems look much more aesthetically pleasing, since transparent brace locks are almost invisible.

Let us clarify: the precious natural stone sapphire has nothing to do with the production of such briquettes; we are talking about artificially grown crystals.

By the way, there are also cheaper transparent braces - ceramic (much more expensive than metal ones, but not as expensive as sapphires) and plastic designs. Only the former are too fragile and unstable in relation to food dyes (can lead to yellowing of teeth), and the latter are intended only for short-term use.

Update your composition periodically

How long the wax will last in the mouth depends on the quality of the product and the individual characteristics of the person himself. It is important to remember that even the densest composition is gradually eroded by saliva when talking, eating, moving the lips, tongue and jaws. Accordingly, it must be periodically updated to enhance the protection of soft tissues.

Experts say that wax for braces is harmless and nothing bad will happen even if it is accidentally swallowed. Therefore, it can be left in the mouth even overnight. But before consuming drinks or food, it is still better to remove the product from your mouth with a brush or clean fingers.

And don't try to use the same bead of wax over and over again, as once it peels off it will be less effective. In fact, you won't even be able to reattach it due to loss of adhesiveness.


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  1. According to the official website of the manufacturer: https://revyline.ru

Expert “Orthodontic wax is sold without a prescription, as it has a composition that is safe for the body and is easy to use. However, if it does not provide significant relief within 4-7 days of starting use, you should contact your treating orthodontist. Perhaps the discomfort is due to the fact that the braces are not installed correctly.” Orthodontist Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich

Consulting specialist

Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich

Doctor rating: 7 out of 10 (3) Specialization: Orthodontist Experience: 15 years

Are there any contraindications

The wax used in orthodontic practice has a completely safe composition, and therefore is characterized by a minimum number of contraindications. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to sleep with it. Because it is non-toxic, it does not need to be washed off before bed if your braces become chafed while you sleep.

In some cases, the use of this product is not recommended, mainly due to increased sensitivity to individual components included in the composition. Otherwise, the risk of developing an allergic reaction will increase, which can be expressed in the form of itching, swelling, redness of soft tissues and the development of an inflammatory process1. If you observe something similar in yourself, stop using the composition and consult a dentist for advice on eliminating symptoms.


Is it possible to glue something else if there is no wax on hand? Chewing gum, for example.

Maria (04/13/2021 at 12:55 pm) Reply to comment

    Gluing gum is a bad option. It will get stuck in the elements of the bracket system, and it will be quite difficult to remove it from there without leaving any residue. As an alternative to specialized orthodontic wax, you can apply a one-time piece of cotton wool or gauze, as well as beeswax, if you are not allergic to bee products.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04/16/2021 at 09:16) Reply to comment

Hello. My brother had braces and no one even talked about any waxing. I got used to it and wore it. Now I am planning to get braces and have already begun to doubt whether I should buy this wax.

Anastasia (07/08/2021 at 08:59) Reply to comment

The therapist is persuading me to get braces, tooth enamel crumbles very quickly due to an incorrect bite, but I doubt it, I’m almost 50 years old and it seems I’ll never get used to putting glands in my mouth, and there are many side effects. And how much does wax, in general, reduce the risk of inflammation?

Maria (07/08/2021 at 11:53 am) Reply to comment

I only recently found out about it, mostly I walked around with a torn mouth, I couldn’t find anything in my city pharmacy. Tell me, please, how long do they stay on braces if you don’t eat anything?

Alina (07/08/2021 at 20:22) Reply to comment

I had braces installed and the doctor didn’t tell me anything about wax. I read the article and am thinking about going to buy it myself. When is the best time to apply it: in the morning or evening before bed? Are there any recommendations on this matter?

Veronica (07/08/2021 at 23:02) Reply to comment

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Are lingual braces worth their high cost?

The most expensive lingual brace systems today are much more expensive than expensive sapphire braces; correction costs the patient up to 500 thousand rubles. But progressive doctors have already abandoned this solution, the only advantage of which is invisibility to others due to installation on the inside of the teeth.

This only advantage is greatly diluted by numerous disadvantages: adaptation to such systems is more difficult and longer (up to several months), the likelihood of injury to the tongue is high, the effect on diction is more pronounced, the requirements for caring for them are stricter, and recovery in case of peeling is more difficult.

What is it for?

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms and help quickly get used to a foreign object in the mouth.

Wax plates are designed to create a protective layer between the metal structure and the oral mucosa.

After installing braces, not only discomfort is felt, but also pain resulting from the contact of protruding elements with the gums, the inside of the cheeks, and lips.

During the grinding of the system to the teeth, the main load falls on the gums with which the arches come into contact.

Constant friction provokes the development of inflammation and pain, which often calls into question the wearing of a correction device.

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms and help quickly get used to a foreign object in the mouth. Thanks to the softening effect, pain and discomfort are reduced, and the risk of injury to the mucous membrane and other surfaces of the mouth is eliminated.

Where can I buy?

When installing braces in large dental clinics, protective wax is included in the cost of services or sold directly at the hospital .

A wide range of products is presented on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores that sell medical supplies.

For residents of provincial towns and villages where there are no specialized sales points, it is possible to purchase products for braces in online stores.


The assortment of orthodontic wax is represented by products with different flavoring additives (fruit, floral and others that replicate food aromas of natural origin), which determines the varieties.

For discerning consumers, a product is available that is odorless and tasteless (neutral).

Some manufacturers supplement the composition with substances that have the following effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Most often, wax is produced in the form of portioned strips, but there are also solid plates, from which, if necessary, you need to pinch off a piece and roll it into a ball, and then apply it to the braces. Products divided into portions are considered more convenient to use.

What to replace it with?

If it is not possible to purchase special protective agents in the form of wax plates, you can replace them with ordinary beeswax, paraffin or dental silicone.

It is not recommended to use chewing gum as a protective agent. It tends to stick to the components of dental systems and is difficult to clean even with a special brush.

Some people have success with pieces of cotton wool inserted between the cheek and problem areas of the orthodontic system, which reduces chafing and prevents the formation of sores.

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Tags: braces vestibular braces metal braces ulcers

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