Consequences of dental prosthetics: causes and treatment of complications

After installing a prosthesis (in most cases a crown), unpleasant symptoms can be detected. This is pain, discomfort, swelling, the sensation of a foreign body in the oral cavity, and even suppuration of the tooth. This is due to improper installation of the prosthesis or independent diseases of periodontal tissue. If the material is incorrectly selected, an allergic reaction may develop. Vulture, itching, redness, and swelling appear on the mucous membrane. The troubles don't end there.

It often happens that a removable denture is installed incorrectly by the dentist or by the patient himself after cleaning. This does not mean the doctor is unprofessional; it happens that after orthopedic treatment, the tooth is injured or the enamel cracks. The reason for this may be injuries, biting hard objects, bad habits - holding a needle or coffee bean in your teeth, thread (these are more likely professional bad habits). All this cannot go unnoticed and both the jaw itself and the installed prosthesis suffer. Any complication after prosthetics can be associated with external or internal irritants, but each time it is accompanied by minor or severe pain.

Causes of complications

After the prosthetic procedure, the patient may experience undesirable consequences. The main reasons for this phenomenon are considered to be the following:

  • Incorrectly installed prosthesis. Maintaining balance in the process of fixing the prosthesis is an important component of the procedure, since between the gum and the structure there should not be too large gaps or, on the contrary, completely absent. The first case involves the accumulation of food debris and various bacteria in the gap, and the second case involves excessive pressure of the prosthesis on the gum, which leads to unpleasant sensations.
  • Change in bite. This reason is common, because if the position of even a few teeth changes, the denture will not be able to remain in its original place and will cause problems.
  • Error in the technique of the prosthetic device. Since each treatment case is purely individual, the dental laboratory staff bears a considerable responsibility: to mold a prosthesis that exactly matches the size and shape of the lost tooth or teeth. At the same time, it is important that the product does not put pressure on the gums and does not “lobble” due to errors in fastening.
  • Poor preparation for the procedure. Before installing a prosthesis, the dentist must sanitize the oral cavity and treat at least those teeth that will support the artificial element. If the doctor does not pay enough attention to oral problems, the patient may experience unpleasant consequences.
  • Defective prosthesis. This purely technical problem, however, is quite capable of leading to complications. If the product cracks or simply breaks, it will become impossible to wear it, and the range of troubles for the patient can be very wide.

Complications after dental prosthetics can also be caused by a person’s inattention to oral hygiene, as well as the general condition of the body, when the immune system is weakened for one reason or another.

How to identify postoperative complications? Characteristic symptoms of implant rejection

The first thing to know about implant failure is that it does not necessarily start immediately after surgery. It may take months or even years after the implantation of a denture before the first symptoms of rejection appear. However, the first signs that the implant is not taking root may appear during the healing period, which can greatly complicate the diagnosis.

The following symptoms indicate problems with implant healing:

  • swelling of the gums and swelling at the site of implantation (may appear during the healing period even if implantation is successful);
  • inflammatory process in the gum, change in its color, unpleasant odor from the installation site;
  • bleeding at the implant site (possible in the first few days after successful implantation);
  • discharge of pus from the gums at the implantation site;
  • strong pain.

As you can see, some of the symptoms are characteristic of the normal course of the postoperative period. Therefore, in order not to miss the onset of inflammatory processes and not to start the rejection process, it is important to inform the doctor about all changes in the condition in the postoperative period.

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years

Endodontist, Therapist, Orthopedist

Varvyanskaya Anastasia Andreevna

Experience: 6 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

Discomfort from the prosthesis

This problem may arise due to errors during installation of the structure or in the event of a mismatch between the denture and the size and shape of the jaw.

What kind of discomfort can we talk about?

  • 1
    the prosthesis interferes with the normal pronunciation of words;
  • 2

    there is a constant sensation of a foreign body in the oral cavity;

  • 3

    the prosthesis rubs contact surfaces (mucosa, gums);

  • 4

    salivation increases.

Discomfort from wearing a new denture for a few days to 2 weeks is normal. If discomfort in the mouth does not go away for a long time, you need to contact an orthopedic dentist to correct the orthopedic structure itself or correct installation errors.

Complications after prosthetics

After installation of the prosthesis, the patient may experience the following problems:

  • Stomatitis. In the area where the product is adjacent to the gum, if the fixation is too tight, inflammation may occur and even small pustules may form. This occurs due to increased pressure on soft tissue cells and blood vessels. In advanced cases, a person may develop bedsores due to the death of soft tissue.
  • Diseases of supporting teeth. If a prosthetic element is attached to “living teeth,” the latter may suffer as a result of a person’s negligent attitude to oral hygiene. Due to the accumulation of food debris in the area where the foreign element is installed, bacteria begin to spread, which can lead to caries and even pulpitis.
  • Peeling off of a crown or dental bridge, weakening the fixation. Changing the location of the prosthesis can lead not only to discomfort, but also to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  • Discomfort. This complication is not painful, but functional in nature. Not every patient is able to quickly get used to the installed product, which is why discomfort and even problems with pronouncing sounds arise.
  • Galvanic syndrome. This complication after dental prosthetics is associated with the use of several types of metal in the product. As a result of saliva getting on the prosthesis, the metals acquire different potentials and galvanic currents are formed. The patient may complain of headaches, bad taste in the mouth, sleep disturbances and other problems.
  • Allergy. There is a high probability that a person is immune to the material from which the prosthesis is made. This is due, in particular, to the constant emergence of new artificial materials for the orthopedic needs of dentistry.

It is important to understand that the occurrence of undesirable consequences of the prosthetic procedure is still unlikely due to the professionalism of modern dentists and the high level of current technologies.

What to do to prevent the installation of implants from causing harm

To avoid complications during dental implantation, you need to cooperate with the implantologist and strictly adhere to the recommendations. It is important to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the procedure in order to recognize the danger.

Follow your doctor's recommendations

Expert advice is aimed at speeding up the implant healing process. But the main task is to protect a person from complications. Recommendations from experts that must be followed strictly:

  1. Take prescribed medications (strictly on time, in the indicated doses, for the prescribed period).
  2. Irrigate the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions (do this regularly for the required period to prevent tissue infection).
  3. Monitor (by the visual condition of the gums or the patient’s own feelings) the process of implant integration, consult a doctor if alarming symptoms occur.
  4. Care for the oral cavity according to the prescribed scheme (do not skip hygiene treatments, do it conscientiously).
  5. Quit smoking for at least 2 weeks before and after surgery (bad habit slows down healing).

Choose quality implants

Cheap artificial roots have not undergone sufficient clinical testing, and it is impossible to predict safety and stability during use. The surface of the material may contain tiny foreign particles that interfere with osseointegration, which increases the risk of complications.

In our Center for dental implantation, implants from Nobel Biocare are used, which were developed based on the results of clinical research
over 50 years.
Nobel Biocare advantages:

  • Survival rate 99,3%.
  • The microstructure of the TI-Unite implant surface imitates root dentin; the artificial root takes root within 2 weeks .
  • Protection against counterfeiting thanks to proprietary numbering of Nobel Biocare implants.
  • Lifetime warranty.

Find out the cost

The price of implantation includes the cost of materials, preparation and operation of expensive equipment, and the services of several specialists on whom the result depends. Taking into account acceptable costs, dental implantation cannot cost 10-20 thousand rubles.


Methods to counteract the unpleasant consequences that arise after prosthetics are different in each individual case. For example, in case of an allergic reaction, the patient simply changes the denture to a product made of a different material, and if stomatitis develops in the mouth, special antiseptics and ointments will be prescribed. If a person feels discomfort after installation, the best way out of the situation is to wait, because any artificial “innovation” takes a long time to get used to.


In our Center, implant installation is safe and completely painless

Painful sensations can be considered a complication during installation. But anesthesia is carried out first, the patient should not feel anything. Increased pain is possible, but the discomfort goes away after an additional dose of anesthetic is administered. The patient should not endure the pain; if it intensifies, the doctor must be informed immediately. We offer implantation in medicated sleep under sedation , when the patient is in a relaxed, comfortable state of half-sleep and does not feel any pain.

Levin Dmitry Valerievich

Chief physician, Ph.D.

Periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontal tissues)

The development of periodontitis after prosthetics is most often associated with improper formation of the stump for the prosthesis (without a ledge) and the wrong choice of orthopedic design. In this case, the gums acquire a bluish tint, begin to bleed, swell, and over time, recession of the gum tissue begins. This, in turn, leads to the exposure of the unaesthetic gray edge of the orthopedic structure, and can also have unpleasant consequences for the health of the tooth itself, since inflammation spreads to all periodontal tissues, leading to damage and atrophy of the jaw bone, and tooth loss.

Chips in the lining of orthopedic structures

The outer layer of orthopedic products is made of ceramics. Thanks to the veneer, dentures and crowns look like real teeth – natural and aesthetically pleasing. The facing layer is quite durable, and subject to high-quality prosthetics and proper operation, orthopedic structures retain their original appearance and integrity for many years.

Chips of the aesthetic layer are possible for two reasons - errors at the planning stage, manufacturing of the orthopedic structure, and the patient’s violation of the ban on cracking nuts and gnawing bones.

In case of a chip, depending on the nature and size of the damage, you can correct the situation in two ways:

  • 1

    Replace the ortho construction.

  • 2

    Restore the facing layer without removing the prosthesis.

What does pain depend on during rehabilitation, on what days what sensations should be felt?

Pain after implantation begins when the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic drug ends. After 1.5-2 hours

Some tissue numbness may also be present. After 5-7 hours
, if normal sensitivity does not appear, you should consult a doctor, because There is a risk of damage to the facial nerve. Severe pain after dental implantation in the lower jaw can also be caused by trauma to the trigeminal nerve, because it is in close proximity to the roots.

The severity and degree of pain depends on:

  • depending on the number of implants installed: one or several;
  • depending on the type of operation: for implantation, the gum tissue was cut, followed by sutures - patchwork method (in rare cases) or a puncture was made (transgingival method);
  • on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, his pain threshold;
  • from additional surgical interventions: sinus lifting, bone tissue augmentation, etc.

Failure of bridge orthopedic structures

This problem can occur with temporary plastic and permanent stamped-soldered products due to intense stress. The main reason is technical errors at the stage of modeling and production of the prosthesis. As for stamped-soldered structures, today their failure occurs extremely rarely, since very durable materials are used in the manufacture of dentures.

If a temporary plastic prosthesis breaks, there will not be a big problem, since it can be quickly replaced.

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