What is a “frenulum” in men, location and solutions to problems with it

The frenulum in men is an elastic fold on the head of the penis, which is responsible for the normal function of the foreskin.

It is visible with forced exposure of the head, with erectile tension. Most often in urological practice, the problem of a short frenulum and its insufficient stretching prevails.

Normally, it is elastic, ensuring the straightness of the male genital organ during arousal. The formation of tissue in intimate places in boys begins in utero, so insufficient length can be diagnosed during puberty.

Only plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis in men will help correct the situation. It is performed by a urological surgeon in almost any medical center, it is called frenulotomy.

Cost of surgery to restore the frenulum

If a man's frenulum breaks during sex, he must understand that without proper treatment it will happen again.
Do not neglect the operation, it can solve this problem once and for all. The cost of plastic surgery of the frenulum of the male genital organ is only 4,000 rubles. You will also additionally need to pay for anesthesia, which is about 300 rubles, and further processing – 450 rubles. If, in addition, the doctor recommends removing the foreskin, that is, performing circumcision, then this will cost 8,000 rubles. This is how you can solve a big problem for a very small price and no longer worry about your intimate health.

Sometimes the presence of a problem is discovered by men during masturbation. At the same time, most representatives of the stronger half are embarrassed to go to the urologist and talk about the inconveniences. In the future, a short frenulum, of course, provokes the appearance of other problems, not only related to its rupture. Due to the fact that the head of the penis is not completely released, dirt often accumulates in the folds of the foreskin, creating an ideal environment for the development of bacteria. As a result, a man constantly suffers from various diseases and infections.

Regular problems with the intimate area often cause complexes in men and provoke self-doubt. Such men rarely manage to create strong relationships, they are embarrassed to communicate with women, and are afraid of problems arising during sexual intercourse. At the same time, few people know that solving all these problems is actually very simple, you just need to take the first step and contact a urologist. Next, the doctor himself will tell you what to do and where to go.

It’s quite simple to regain a vibrant sex life; the main thing is not to let the health of your genitals take its course.

Circumcision as an alternative

Since ancient times, due to religious beliefs, boys have been circumcised, also known as circumcision. Besides being useful for maintaining hygiene in hot and humid climates, it avoided frenulum problems. The fact is that this part of the skin is removed along with the foreskin. Nowadays such operations are performed not only due to belonging to a religious group, but also purely out of aesthetic preferences.

In the USA, for example, this procedure has long become ubiquitous, not related to religion, and is rather a tradition. The foundation was laid about 140 years ago, when in America it was believed that many diseases were associated with dysfunction in the genital organs. After a fairly short period of time, this began to be considered the norm.

There are also less radical operations performed under local anesthesia. With them, the frenulum is cut and stitched at a different angle, which ultimately leads to its lengthening. Such operations are preferred among patients, since in the case of circulation, the sensitivity of the head decreases.

Frenum of the upper and lower lips

In the human oral cavity there are 2 more folds of skin. They serve as an additional attachment of the lips to the jaws.

The frenulum of the upper lip is a fold located vertically. According to its structure, it is of the following types:

  1. Mucous. Outwardly, it resembles a thin film that stretches very well.
  2. Fibrous. The fold is very tight and practically does not stretch.
  3. Muco-fibrous. In this case, they speak of an average degree of density and extensibility of the upper frenulum.

In addition, it is classified by attachment height:

  • Low. The fold passes directly into the gingival papilla.
  • Average. Located in the middle of the gum.
  • High. It is located in the transitional fold of the upper lip.

It is considered normal if the lower connection of the lip frenulum is located at a distance of approximately 5 mm from the neck of the anterior incisors. If it is located lower or even goes behind the teeth, then the fold is considered shortened.

The lower frenulum is located deep in the area between the gum and the inside of the lip. Normally, it is a thin, barely noticeable film. Its difference from the frenulum of the upper lip is also that it should not be attached to the gingival papilla. Otherwise, correction of the fold is indicated to avoid the appearance of speech defects. As a rule, its abnormal location is detected soon after birth. The correction is carried out surgically, after which the film does not affect the development of the child’s speech in any way.

Possible complications

As a rule, after plastic surgery to correct the frenulum, there are no complications due to the low traumatic nature of the surgical intervention. Normally, the patient may experience minor pain and discomfort after the anesthesia expires, and may experience some discomfort associated with the “acclimation” of the oral cavity to the changed conditions. It is extremely rare that scar deformation may form at the site of sutures, and then repeated surgical intervention is required. This complication is less likely to occur if you consult a qualified, experienced doctor for frenulum correction.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Surgery is necessary if a man has:

  • phimosis and paraphimosis with urination problems;
  • tension of the frenulum causes pain during sexual intercourse and loss of potency;
  • examination revealed cicatricial deformation, growths, and tissue deposits;
  • ruptures are manifested by bleeding;
  • painful sexual intercourse ends with premature ejaculation.

Contraindications include:

  • infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • low blood clotting;
  • diseases of the urinary system in the acute stage;
  • any oncological processes;
  • the presence of a pathology of autoimmune origin;

In acute infectious diseases, surgery is postponed until complete recovery.

Rehabilitation period

Regardless of the method of operation, severe pain and swelling of the genitals are observed in the first days. To avoid complications, you must follow the rules:

  • In the first week, do not wet your penis. Before water procedures, you must wear a condom.
  • Every day after frenuloplasty, until the wound is completely healed, dressings should be made using antibacterial and antiseptic ointments prescribed by a doctor, and the wound should be treated with a solution of furatsilin, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.
  • Avoid sexual contact for a month. After the wound has healed, apply lubricants to the formed tender scar for another month to soften friction during sexual intercourse.

If the operation is carried out correctly and the doctor’s recommendations are followed, after the wound has healed, the man’s intimate life improves, he quickly forgets about pain and discomfort during the procedure and the rehabilitation period.

After completing the manipulations, the patient remains under the supervision of medical personnel for several more hours, after which, if there are no complications, he is sent home, recommending leaving the bandage on for at least 12 hours (or better yet, for one day). After this, it must be removed and the operated area kept open.

To prevent infection of the wound, he needs to regularly treat the seams with a solution of potassium permanganate or “green paint”. Elimination of pain symptoms in the first days is carried out by taking painkillers.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations of the attending physician:

  • carry out hygiene measures after each visit to the toilet and use an antiseptic solution prescribed by a doctor for this;
  • take a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of purulent infections;
  • during rapid healing, do not use fat-based ointments, as they can prolong the rehabilitation period;
  • visit a urologist a week after the operation so that he can determine the need to remove the remaining threads, which should be completely resolved by this time.

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In addition, during the recovery period you should avoid:

  • physical activity and sports;
  • visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • taking baths;
  • sexual intercourse and masturbation.

Problems with the frenulum in men and their solutions

A small piece of skin with insufficient length or elasticity can cause a lot of troubles: from discomfort to erectile dysfunction.

Short length

A short frenulum on the head in men is more often a congenital pathology and, if severe, is diagnosed in childhood. But sometimes a decrease in length occurs during puberty or due to a scar that appears as a result of injury - a tear or crack (with mechanical damage or as a result of an inflammatory process, the tissue may lose its elasticity, as a result of which it can no longer fulfill its intended purpose).

If the shortening is insignificant, it does not cause discomfort, otherwise the main symptom is pain or a feeling of tension during blood flow to the penis and sexual intercourse, and the head may bend downward relative to the shaft of the penis. In severe forms, there is a complete impossibility of erection.

The pathology is treated surgically, usually by lengthening the frenulum.


The most harmless damage to the frenulum. This may occur for a number of reasons:

  • failure to maintain intimate hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to artificial lubricants, body washes, contraceptives;
  • dryness during sexual intercourse;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • diabetes;
  • infection;
  • avitaminosis.

If the crack is small, it may not be noticeable upon inspection. The pathology is manifested by dryness of the foreskin, pain in the glans area even in the absence of an erection, and an unpleasant sensation during hygiene procedures.

Treatment consists of regularly washing the frenulum and nearby tissues with an antiseptic solution - for example, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or intimate care soap (or baby soap) diluted in warm water. After identifying the root cause, antifungal (Clotrimazole, Triderm and others) or antibacterial ointments (Levomekol, Baneocin and others) are prescribed, local healing agents are also indicated - special pharmaceutical creams (Bepanten, Solcoseryl, etc.) or sea buckthorn oil.


Quite a serious injury in which there is significant bleeding, although the penis does not hurt too much

More often it occurs due to a shortened frenulum, less often - due to dryness of the partner’s vagina, overly active or anal sex without lubrication, careless masturbation

First of all, you need to stop sexual intercourse, wash your hands thoroughly and press the frenulum to the head to stop the bleeding. As a rule, this takes up to 15 minutes. Afterwards it is necessary to treat the penis with a disinfectant solution - preferably Miramistin, but it is acceptable to use hydrogen peroxide - and apply a loose bandage of sterile bandage or gauze

Next, it is important to contact a urologist as quickly as possible to correct tissue fusion, abstaining from intimate life until complete healing


A torn frenulum causes more pain and bleeding and takes longer to heal. Injury occurs for reasons similar to the problem described above: insufficient length or elasticity of the cord, lack of lubrication, sharp friction.

A frenulum rupture in men must be treated under the supervision of a specialist: despite the fact that the damage will heal on its own, there is a high probability of scarring, which can cause pain during erection and sexual intercourse, impaired mobility of the foreskin, and repeated injury. Another negative consequence of scarring is increased sensitivity of the damaged area of ​​skin, which subsequently leads to premature ejaculation.

To eliminate the pathology, surgical intervention is indicated: plastic surgery or complete removal of the frenulum. You can have sex again only after the tissue has completely healed.

Why does the frenulum break?

Among the main reasons for this violation are:

  • Congenital shortening of the frenulum - surgical operation to eliminate the pathology is recommended in adolescence, since incomplete exposure of the head makes it impossible to have sufficient personal hygiene and increases the likelihood of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Violent sex - intense and prolonged friction causes irritation, cracks, tears and, finally, complete rupture.
  • Insufficient moisture in the vagina of the sexual partner - difficult movement of the penis significantly increases the risk of injury. In this case, it is necessary to use a special lubricant.

Injury Prevention Measures

A short frenulum is considered a pathology of intrauterine development, so there are no special preventive measures that parents or the child himself could take. Although for women who are planning to get pregnant and for pregnant women. These preventative measures consist of limiting harmful exposures from the environment.

Starting from the age of 3, it is necessary to observe hygienic measures for the condition of the foreskin. It is necessary to include such monitoring in the program of pediatric interventions. At the same time, you need to teach the little boy how to push back the flesh correctly and carefully. If discomfort and pain occur in the area of ​​the frenulum of the penis, seek help from a urologist and undergo timely treatment.

Where to go?

The presence of an anomaly can be determined by a variety of specialists who understand what a normal hypoglossal ligament should look like

In the maternity hospital, the problem can be brought to the attention of a neonatologist, and in the first month - a local pediatrician, who will often visit the newborn at home. Later, a surgeon, orthodontist, ENT doctor and dentist can determine the anatomical abnormality

A speech therapist can also draw attention to the problem and note that the length of the frenulum does not correspond to the norm.

At a later age, parents themselves may suspect the presence of a problem - children with a short frenulum cannot easily lick their lips on their own, reach the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, or stick out their tongue when asked.

Method one: done by the child himself

Many parents wonder whether it is possible to stretch the frenulum on a child’s head? In the process itself, however, it is only possible if you follow all the advice of a professional and begin treatment as early as possible.

So, the most common method of performing this operation is that the boy needs to carefully climb into the preputial sac with two fingers and lower it, pulling it in different directions. In no case should adults carry out such impacts, as their fingers are much larger.

If it is not developed and is short, then the following exercises should be used:

  1. “Mushroom” - you need to open your mouth wide and smile. Then suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth so that the tip does not curl up. And you still need to smile. Exercises should be done for one minute, then increase the time every day. This way, the ligament will gradually stretch and will not be damaged.
  2. “Painter” - you need to open your mouth and smile. Run the tip of your tongue across the roof of your mouth from your teeth to your throat and back. And this needs to be done several times without moving the lower part of the jaw.
  3. Smiling, open your mouth. You need to stretch your tongue to your nose, then to your upper lip. The tongue should not be constricted; it should be in a relaxed state. It won't work out right away, but over time everything will work out. During this exercise, you need to make sure that your lips and lower jaw do not move.
  4. Smiling, place your tongue as in the “Mushroom” exercise and open and close your mouth. There may be some pain in the ligament area, but this is normal as this exercise helps stretch the hyoid ligaments.
  5. “Horse” - you need to put your tongue in the “Mushroom” position and click your tongue, as if imitating the clopping of a horse. You have to suck your tongue and click, suck and click. In this exercise, only the tongue works, the lower jaw is motionless.
  6. "Kitty". This exercise is reminiscent of how a cat laps milk. So a person needs to try this, sticking his tongue out.

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All these exercises will bring results only when a person does them every day and several times.

If you don’t want to perform this complex, then you can simply stretch your tongue to your nose. This exercise should be done frequently over a long period of time. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you suffer for a long time, something will work out.” Therefore, you need to put in as much effort as possible.

This is the main way to lengthen your tongue at home; exercises can be done at any age. Kids will be able to cope with them from the age of two years.

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The most favorable and best treatment is excision of the frenulum immediately after birth in the maternity hospital. In the first days of life, this area of ​​the mucous membrane does not have nerve endings and significant blood supply. The operation is quick, painless for the baby and easy for the doctor.

If the problem has not been solved in the first months of life, then the following rules should be followed:

  • The operation to trim the frenulum of the upper and lower lips is recommended to be performed at 6-8 years of age. This is necessary for the eruption and formation of permanent central teeth.
  • The best time to trim the hyoid frenulum in children should be determined by the doctor individually, depending on the functional impairment.

We make our own equipment for horses

In nature, horses do not require any additional equipment. Pets need equipment that will allow the owner to easily control the horse and also protect the pet from the cold.

It is also important to remember about horseshoes; without them, domestic horses, unlike their wild counterparts, have a very difficult time. Fans of making their own everything necessary for their pet not only receive exclusive equipment for the animal, tailored individually to it, but also significantly save their budget

When made with high quality, homemade products are not inferior to purchased ones, and sometimes even surpass them.


A halter for a horse is necessary for convenient removal of the animal and direction of its movement. They put it on the head. A halter also allows you to secure a horse in a stall or in a pasture.

Externally, a halter looks like a bridle that does not have a bit and has one rein. Hold the horse by the halter strap on the left side in the cheek area. All human movements must be calm and not cause sudden jerks in the equipment.

Otherwise, the horse will become frightened and may cause serious injuries.

You can make a halter from leather or rope. The second option is preferable for pets with delicate skin. They make a halter after first taking measurements of their pet's head.

To make the item, you need to take 7 soft straps lined with fleece 4-5 cm longer than necessary (will be used for seam allowances). A carabiner clasp should be placed on the left side of the back strap. The straps are connected to each other according to the scheme using strong metal rings of sufficient size.

The leather will rub the skin on the horse's muzzle, and therefore the poll strap and the fastening strap must be hemmed with fleece, folded in half. Thick flannel will also work.

A halter is made from rope using knots. You need to take a soft synthetic rope of sufficient strength. There are different schemes for linking equipment, and you can choose the one that is most understandable for yourself. The process of making a halter from leather belts is quite complex, and if possible it is better to purchase it ready-made. The rope one can only be made independently.


Unlike a halter, a horse bridle has a bit or snaffle - a special metal ring that is inserted into the horse's mouth. A bridle is required for riding. It is made with your own hands as follows:

  • A piece of soft belt equal to 3 lengths is cut from one corner of the mouth to the other through the cheeks and back of the head, making a 10 cm allowance for the seams;
  • A piece of the strap is cut off from ear to ear - it will be the frontal one. The allowance is also 10 cm;
  • The volume of the chin strap is determined by adding 3 cm for the comfort of the horse to the length obtained after the measurement;
  • Assembling the belts according to the instructions.

The reins are sewn to the bridle last, choosing their length depending on your own convenience. It will change according to the growth of the animal and the rider.

When choosing a ring for a bridle, you need to make sure that it fits comfortably in the animal’s mouth without touching the teeth. The mucous membrane of a horse's oral cavity is delicate, and it can be injured even with your fingers when putting on a bridle.

For this reason, it is important that the bit is smooth, without cracks or nicks. Every owner knows how to make a bridle for a horse with his own hands.


Horses cannot tolerate frost without harm to their health. To be in good condition, they need, like people, outer clothing, which is a blanket. The blanket looks like a blanket. There is no need to buy a ready-made blanket, because it is very easy to sew it yourself.

To obtain measurements the following are measured:

  • Length from chest through legs (sides) to tail;
  • Length of the back from the withers to the beginning of the tail.

When taking measurements is impossible, you need to rely on the average table used to sew blankets in workshops. A DIY horse blanket is as comfortable as possible for the animal.

Using a standard pattern, adjust it to the size of your horse. After this, all the details are cut out from the selected fabric (cotton for summer, wool for winter). You need to add 15-20 cm to the seams. First, all the elements are swept away, and then stitched on a sewing machine.

For a winter blanket, you also need to provide a lining. A fastener is made in the abdomen and chest area. At the discretion of the owner, it can be made of Velcro, buttons, carabiners (preferred) and large metal buttons.

Blankets should be summer and winter, as well as light wool, which are put on the animal if it sweats during work in cool weather. You can’t put on a warm blanket right away, but a light, slightly insulated one is necessary. As soon as the animal has cooled down, it is wrapped in warm clothes. Knowing how to sew a horse blanket can save you a lot of money.

At what age is surgery performed?

There are no age restrictions in the case of such an operation. It can be performed on a newly born baby, a schoolchild, or even an adult.

If a correction is required for a baby, the baby does not need to be separated from the mother for a long time, because the procedure itself is very quick. Doctors note that small children tolerate surgery more easily, so if ankyloglossia is detected in a newborn, plastic surgery is performed in the first months of life.

For older children, it is more difficult to make a correction, since you must not move during the procedure. For this reason, surgery is often postponed until the age of 5–8 years. During this period, the change of baby teeth occurs, and it becomes clear whether surgery is really necessary. In some children, as the jaw grows, the frenulum changes, and trimming is no longer necessary.

However, sometimes waiting can lead to serious speech impairments, which will require the child to work with a speech therapist for a long time. Therefore, if a short frenulum affects the bite and pronunciation, some doctors insist on treatment under general anesthesia.

Horse riding equipment. Bridle

07/30/2013 Tips for horse lovers

Who became the first person to ride a horse and under what circumstances this happened is still one of the biggest mysteries of the equestrian world. But it can be assumed that the first attempts at horse riding were without special devices, that is, without a saddle and bridle. And if now riding bareback is one of the training methods that improves the sense of balance and makes all muscle groups work as much as possible, then you no longer have to hold on to the mane, since there are a huge number of types of bridles. There are so many options for fishing rods that there are books dedicated to them.

The modern rider has a huge selection of equipment, which includes a bridle. This article is devoted to this attribute of the minimum kit for everyday riding.

Bridle structure for a horse

A bridle for a horse (snaffle headband) consists of a snaffle (occipital) strap (1), cheek straps of the mouthpiece (4), a noseband cheek strap (5), a snaffle cheek strap (6), a snaffle bit (9) and a chin strap are attached to them (3), which prevents the nape (occipital) strap from sliding forward through the horse’s ears and the forehead strap (2), which prevents it from sliding back along the neck, snore noseband (7), mouthpiece (8), snaffle reins (10), mouthpiece reins (11 ).

To train a novice rider, a simple snaffle headband (snaffle bit) is usually used, without a noseband or mouthpiece. The horse industry has a variety of bits that take time and experience to understand, but it is quite possible for a beginning rider to learn the difference between hard and soft bits. The softest option is considered to be a bite without joints, since it only affects the toothless edge of the horse’s mouth. The next most severe is the single-jointed bit; in addition to affecting the toothless edge, it puts pressure on the corners of the horse's mouth

The so-called “eight”, a double-jointed snaffle, is considered the most stringent at the box office; you need to work with such a bit carefully and competently, since even the hardiest mouth can be damaged

The rings on the bit are movable (rotating) and D-shaped (preventing pinching of the lips during rough work of the rider’s hands)

Nowadays rubber bits are becoming popular, but they need to be worked no less carefully than with a regular bit. It is also useful to know that the thinner the bit, the stricter it is

For entry-level rider training, horses are given a thick, unjointed bit with D-rings.

The mouthpiece is used to increase the impact of the reins on the horse's mouth. Regular riding training does not require additional iron. The mouthpiece is usually a component of the headband for dressage classes and has its own subtleties and rules of use.

A regular headband may not have a capsule, but more often it is still attached. It serves to limit the opening of the horse's mouth, thereby increasing control over it. Often, under a novice rider, the horse opens and twists his mouth to reduce the impact of the bit, so it is better if the noseband is still on the bridle. Nozzles, like snaffles, come in different degrees of severity; the thinner the straps and the lower they are located, the stricter the noseband is considered.

There are also bitless bridles (for example, a hackamore), the absence of iron in the horse’s mouth misleads the idea that such a bridle is softer. On the contrary, such a bridle is preferred by more experienced riders, since such a bridle works due to the fact that a system of levers puts pressure on the nose and chin fossa of the horse. Incorrect handling by an inexperienced rider can seriously injure a horse.

Most bridles are made of leather in various colors. Narrow leather belts look better on thoroughbred or light horses; heavy and semi-heavy horses are more suitable for bridles with wide belts.

The technology for putting on a bridle is not at all complicated; it is enough to see how a trainer or a more experienced rider does it once to cope with this simple task yourself.

Treatment of pathologically short frenulum of the foreskin

Treatment of this disease involves exclusively surgical method. During the intervention, plastic surgery may be necessary to lengthen the skin. Before surgery, the patient must undergo a series of examinations and tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis and a general blood test.

There are several options for treating pathology:

  • Circumcision. This procedure is suitable for those patients who have also been diagnosed with phimosis. In this case, any other types of operations will not produce results and can only worsen the situation. The process involves excision of the outermost covering from the circumference of the penis. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia. Rehabilitation lasts about six weeks.
  • Frenulotomy. Prescribed when pathology is detected. With frenulotomy, the fold is trimmed and sutured in the longitudinal direction. The doctor stretches it to a length that is optimal for the parameters of the penis. The operation lasts only 20 minutes, and recovery takes no more than three weeks.
  • Laser surgery. An expensive procedure that allows the necessary manipulations to be carried out without stitches. During the incision, the blood vessels are sealed, preventing bleeding.
  • VU-plasty. The most accessible method of treatment for short frenulum of the penis is microbial, which is used to lengthen the integument. The operation involves several incisions and a certain stitching technique. The only drawback of the procedure is that the seams are too noticeable. The rehabilitation period is one month.

Before the procedure, the patient is invited to the operating room, where the penis is disinfected and pain is relieved. For mature men, local anesthesia is sufficient for the intervention, but for a child, it is better to use general anesthesia. Pathology in adults is easier to treat with laser surgery.

On average, the postoperative recovery period takes 10-14 days. For the fastest healing of wounds, you must follow the following rules:

  • Avoid sexual relations and masturbation until complete recovery and removal of stitches.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity.
  • Change your underwear at least twice a day.
  • Change bandages and clean the wound daily.
  • Take antibacterial drugs.

It is worth remembering that surgery is a complex process that has its limitations. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic liver pathology;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • autoimmune diseases.

For minor pathologies, non-surgical treatment methods are allowed. Pharmacies sell special creams that will help stretch scarred tissue, making it more elastic. This method can only be used for adult men whose problem is at the initial stage of development. The ointment must be applied to the cover and stretched with your fingers. You should act with extreme caution, as with additional damage this exposure can cause complications.

Emergency assistance↑

If there is a rupture, do not panic - in this situation, heavy bleeding is natural, since many blood vessels pass through the frenulum. Press the torn fold tightly with your fingers for ten to fifteen minutes. Usually this time is enough to stop the bleeding. As soon as the blood stops flowing, treat the injured area with an antiseptic solution. You can use regular hydrogen peroxide, but be careful not to burn sensitive skin.

Please note that the penis cannot be pinched or tightly bandaged. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will assess the extent of the disorder and recommend further treatment. If the tear is minor, you likely won't have to do anything other than practice good hygiene. In case of a large rupture and massive bleeding, it is necessary to apply sutures and perform frenuloplasty.

Methods of frenulum surgery in men

The frenulum is dissected using a transverse incision. To create an elongated ligament based on existing tissue, doctors choose the most suitable method:

  • The bloodless method of cauterization with a laser beam is the best option; it prevents infection because it does not require incisions.
  • Simple frenuloplasty - involves a combination of transverse incisions and longitudinal suturing, a thin cord is formed. Disadvantage: uneven edges.
  • Z-frenuloplasty - a complex version consists of a Z-shaped incision followed by suturing a pair of triangular flaps. It is possible to eliminate scar tissue and form an elastic frenulum.
  • VY-plasty is less popular among surgeons; the incision is made in the shape of the letter V, resulting in a rougher suture than with the previous method.

What is the frenulum on the head and where is it located in men?

What is a frenulum in guys? It is a small patch of skin located under the head of the penis. The frenulum on the penis connects the flesh of the male organ and the head. It has many small capillaries and is very sensitive.

The structure of each man is different, depending on the characteristics of the body and growth conditions. The majority have a frenulum on the head of normal length, strength, and the ability to stretch during an erection.

But there are cases when this fold is too short or not elastic enough.

What is a short frenulum of the foreskin?

The frenulum of the penis does not become “short” due to any life factors or developmental conditions. This is a congenital pathology if there was no tear or blow. After the wound heals, a scar will form, which will reduce the length of the fishing rod.

During vigorous sexual intercourse or masturbation, intercourse with a small amount of vaginal secretion, the risk of damage to the short frenulum is higher. You may also experience pain during sex. Sometimes premature ejaculation is the cause of a shortened frenulum. But it is worth understanding that the frenulum of the penis with normal length and elasticity can also tear under the mentioned conditions.

How to understand that a gap has occurred?

If the integrity of the frenulum of the penis is violated, a man feels acute pain, not always severe. Bleeding may be profuse, and minor blood loss may occur. Many guys ignore pain and don’t seek help. The result is a tear in the flesh - an open gate for infections. And these are serious diseases of the urethra and the entire genital area.

After the tear, a scar is formed, which reduces the strength and elasticity of the frenulum of the penis. Therefore, in such cases, seek medical help immediately. What if the problem occurs at night, when a visit to a specialist is impossible?

What to do if the frenulum of the penis is torn?

First of all, don't panic:

  1. Stop the bleeding. Press the area where the frenulum is located in men tightly with your fingers and hold for 10 minutes. You can press a towel, soft toilet paper, or napkin. There is no need to remove your fingers every minute and check whether the bleeding has stopped or not, wait the right time.
  2. After you have stopped the bleeding, treat the wound on the penis with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic. Consult a doctor.

Types of possible treatment

In medicine, there are a number of types and methods of treating a damaged or short frenulum of the penis. Basic:

  • frelunotoplasty;
  • circumcision;
  • VY plastic;
  • laser surgery.

Frenulotomy or frelunotoplasty is an operation to restore the normal length and correct anatomical structure of the frenulum of the penis. Experts note that the procedure is simple, takes about 30 minutes, and is painless. During the procedure, skin extensions are performed. How does this happen?

  1. An incision is made in the transverse direction along the foreskin of the penis. The incision is made with a laser or radio wave scalpel.
  2. After this, a suture is applied, but in the longitudinal direction; this is an increase in length, which reduces the risk of stretching the skin. When applying a suture, absorbable suture material is used, due to which no noticeable scars remain in place.
  3. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Pain relief lasts approximately six hours. If the patient’s psycho-emotional state is severe, the operation can be performed under general anesthesia.

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin. It is often done to eliminate phimosis, a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin. With such a pathology, it is impossible to fully open the head. Reducing the length of the foreskin makes it easier to open the head and reduces the load on the frenulum.

VY plastic is used to correct the thickness of the lips, facial skin, body and other types of plastic surgery. Using the method to correct the frenulum of the penis is unjustified, because subsequently unnaturally large scars form at the site of the operation. Also, the risk of phimosis increases significantly.

Laser surgery is a replacement for traditional intervention. It ensures the absence of bleeding, since the laser immediately cauterizes the damaged vessels along the cut. The absence of seams by sealing the incision with a laser ensures maximum aesthetic results.

Will traditional medicine help?

You can use traditional methods after surgery. These are disinfecting infusions of herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. You can make antiseptic baths.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Even in men, the first sexual intercourse can be accompanied by painful sensations, as the frenulum is stretched. If you are not careful, you may end up with injuries.

Sheila Nazaryan

plastic surgeon

If the frenulum is torn, it is worth providing first aid.
Hands must be clean; it is worth treating the affected area with Septomirin or Miramistin. Using, for example, a bandage, you need to press the area of ​​the tear. The bleeding should stop after a quarter of an hour. If you have not consumed alcoholic beverages, then you can take analgin to reduce pain. After stopping the bleeding, treatment with hydrogen peroxide is necessary. More serious injuries should be seen by a doctor. Unfortunately, most men ignore the problem of discomfort during sex and do not consult a doctor. This is due to the specifics of complaints and prejudices.

Over time, the problem does not go away; the clinical situation progresses, leading to a deterioration in the quality of sexual life. The earlier the correction is made, the greater the chances of avoiding negative consequences.

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