The practice of oil sucking originates from Ayurvedic medicine. It is recommended to rinse your mouth every day
The prosthetic procedure is the restoration of damaged or lost teeth, which allows not only to get beautiful
The main reasons why lips are damaged The skin consists of several layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis.
What are gum diseases and their classification? To understand the details of the issue under consideration, let us clarify
From this article you will learn: is it painful to install a crown, the stages of prosthetics, how much does it cost to install
Symptoms of violation of the integrity of the sinus Treatment options Consequences and complications Tooth extraction is considered by dentists
In order to make an informed decision regarding the installation of braces, it is worth knowing what they entail.
Suturing the gums after tooth extraction: when is it required On the eve of surgery, patients are often interested in:
From this article you will learn: why the tooth under the crown hurts, what causes inflammation
The appearance of acne and pimples always upsets a person and gives him a lot of unpleasant moments, regardless