Yellow and white lumps in the throat with an unpleasant odor: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

White, foul-smelling balls in the tonsils

These are tonsillar plugs or stones; they form in the lacunae - the recesses of the tonsils. Their color, size, shape, and consistency depend on the composition. Most often, white lumps of soft consistency are observed; in some cases, if the composition contains calcium compounds, the lumps can be dense.

White lumps in the lacunae are formed from exfoliated old mucosal cells, bacteria and a small amount of food debris. Sometimes the lumps contain pus, and then they acquire an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

You should know! When white and yellow lumps appear, a person experiences a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the tonsils, a sore throat and bad breath.

Reasons for appearance

Experts say that the appearance of white lumps in the throat is a consequence of an inflammatory process, for example, chronic tonsillitis. This is an infectious pathology that develops against the background of weak immunity.

Provocateurs can be:

  • sore throats that have not been fully treated;
  • frequent consumption of cold drinks;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • stress;
  • lack of work and rest schedule;
  • bad ecology;
  • work in hazardous production.

Chronic tonsillitis is caused mainly by streptococci and staphylococci, but sometimes this process can be triggered by:

  1. chlamydia;
  2. microplasma;
  3. viruses;
  4. Candida fungi.

However, the exact reasons for the appearance of white lumps in the throat are not fully known, since in some people they appear during an exacerbation of tonsillitis, while in others they do not.

According to statistics, more often white lumps appear in the throat of men.

Diagnostics. When should you see a doctor?

In general, any person can periodically form white lumps with an unpleasant odor in the mouth. When this is not accompanied by discomfort or the formation of persistent plaque and these are not lumps of pus, no specific treatment is required.

But still, the appearance of such traffic jams should serve as a reason to contact a specialist and conduct an examination in order to determine the causes of their occurrence. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • ECG;
  • immunogram;
  • bacteriological examination of a throat smear.

These examinations are necessary to determine the existing chronic disorders and the presence of possible complications that chronic tonsillitis could cause.

Possible complications

Since the function of the tonsils is a barrier - they protect the lower respiratory tract from the penetration of pathogenic flora into them, a failure in their work can lead to a large number of negative consequences. In addition, healthy tonsils are directly involved in the synthesis of lymphocytes and in the regulation of immune processes. When the tonsils are damaged, they begin to work against their own body and damage target organs:

  • heart – rhythm disturbances, myocarditis, endocarditis, tonsillocardial syndrome, etc.;
  • kidneys – nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • liver – cholecystitis, toxic hepatitis;
  • joints;
  • genitourinary organs.

Systemic pathologies such as:

  1. rheumatism;
  2. psoriasis;
  3. polyarthritis;
  4. neurodermatitis and so on.

In some cases, the pathology may be complicated by a peritonsillar abscess, which requires immediate treatment in a hospital setting.

Important! After a sore throat or tonsillitis, it is necessary to donate blood and undergo a cardiogram in a couple of weeks in order to exclude the acquisition of another chronic disease due to tonsillitis.

Is it possible to remove purulent plugs on the tonsils yourself?

Sometimes patients make attempts to remove all stones and plaques on their own so that their breath does not stink. But doctors warn that getting rid of tonsil blockages at home is fraught with serious consequences. By wielding a foreign object, the patient can disrupt the integrity of the lacunae and cause an infection in the throat.

At home, you can perform inhalations with compounds that have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. To combat white formations on the tonsils, it is recommended to use herbal preparations, with which you can rinse your mouth or carry out inhalations. To increase efficiency, you can add cedar essential oil to the inhaler.

If white lumps on your tonsils don’t give you peace, you can try to get rid of them in several safe ways:

  • Sometimes the plugs “come out” of the gaps if you press on them with your tongue. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  • You can try removing the plugs with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

White balls in the throat and tonsils indicate inflammation in the pharynx, so it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Remember that manipulations carried out at home do not guarantee getting rid of white formations in the throat and relieving chronic tonsillitis.

White lumps in the throat can appear against the background of diphtheria, sore throat, respiratory diseases; they form on the side walls of the throat, tonsils, and sometimes cough up on their own during coughing or sneezing. Effective medicines and traditional medicine methods will help eliminate the appearance of clots.

White lumps in the throat are a consequence of the development of the disease

Symptomatic manifestations

Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Expectoration of white or purulent lumps with a foul odor. White and yellow stinking balls are coughed up not only when coughing and sneezing, but sometimes even during normal conversation. In most cases, they are no larger than a match head, but they can be quite large.
  2. White plaques can be observed on the surface of the tonsils, but it happens that they are concentrated in the deep layers and remain invisible.
  3. The patient complains of a constant sore throat, especially in the morning; sometimes this symptom can be so pronounced that the person begins to choke.
  4. Sore throat and redness prevent a person from swallowing saliva normally, and then food and water.
  5. Discomfortable sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the tonsil area, many complain of the sensation of a large lump in the throat.
  6. An unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, most often it is so pronounced that it can be felt by people around.
  7. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
  8. General malaise, aches.
  9. Unproductive cough - a person tries to clear his throat, but he does not always succeed.

White lumps are not always cleared up when coughing; it can also be a thick mucous mass. Its jelly-like consistency makes it difficult to cough up completely. However, a person may not be bothered by any other signs other than lumps leaving the throat .

Causes of the unpleasant phenomenon

The cause of white lumps in the mouth is chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tonsils of the palate . It can occur as a result of untreated acute tonsillitis, reduced immunity, smoking and other negative factors.

Due to constant inflammation in the tonsils, pathogenic flora multiplies. Bacteria accumulate and, together with waste products and food particles, form white or yellow lumps.

More often they occur due to streptococci and staphylococci. Less commonly, chlamydia, viruses, and fungi lead to their appearance. They are present in the oral cavity of every person, but in minimal quantities. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply excessively, leading to the formation of lumps. The lacunae expand, and general intoxication of the body is observed.

To prevent tonsillitis from developing, it must be treated in an acute form. The disease is accompanied by severe sore throat, malaise, and weakness.

The chronic form of the pathology is almost asymptomatic, so a person may not notice when plugs form. Gradually, the white blood cells surround the bacteria present in the throat of the patient. In the absence of treatment, they are filled with deposits of magnesium and calcium salts, and therefore become hard.

Here are the main factors leading to their occurrence:

  • Diseases of the nasal cavity that have a chronic course. As a result, the infection can spread to the throat.
  • Improper oral hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth, a large number of bacteria develop in your mouth, which can get on your tonsils.
  • Reduced immunity. Because of this, a person becomes vulnerable to any infectious diseases.
  • Damage to the tonsils. An infection gets into the wound, causing a purulent inflammatory process to begin.

This pathology is more often observed in adults. Children, especially preschoolers, rarely experience traffic jams, as parents pay more attention to their children’s health than their own. In childhood, such a symptom may also indicate candidiasis. This phenomenon is accompanied by a stink from the oral cavity, a burning sensation, a sore throat, and a white coating on the mucous membrane. Over time, the pathological process spreads to the palate, cheeks, tongue and lips.

Why do you need to get rid of them?

Since the presence of white lumps in the throat negatively affects the state of the human immune system, and they can give impetus to the development of complications and chronic pathologies of target organs, it is imperative to get rid of them.

Keep in mind! In addition to the complications listed above, the balance of microflora in the oral cavity is disrupted, and pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply. At the same time, they can penetrate the organs of the digestive tract and provoke ulcers, dysbacteriosis and other pathologies.

What it is

Smelly lumps in the throat are tonsillar plugs that form in the lacunae of the palatine tonsils. They can be small, barely noticeable, or slightly larger. Their consistency can also change - soft, jelly-like and even hard, like pebbles (they contain calcium).

They are formed from dead mucosal cells, food particles and some bacteria present in the oral cavity (staphylococci, streptococci). If they contain pus, they turn yellow or green. At the same time, their smell is very pungent, putrid, they smell rotten.

General approach to therapy

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • immunogram;
  • ECG;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • throat swab.

Based on the results of these studies, the doctor can determine the severity of the pathology and select a treatment regimen that is appropriate to the situation.

The patient must be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be quite long and complex. The treatment regimen is prescribed in several directions at once :

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • gargling and rinsing;
  • exposure to antibacterial drugs;
  • physiotherapy.

Before treating chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to get rid of caries, since carious teeth are another source of infection .

In addition, you need to adjust your diet and review your daily routine. The following is recommended:

  1. spend more time outdoors;
  2. eat more vegetables, fruits, seafood;
  3. take vitamin complexes, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  4. sleep enough time.

It's nice to visit a seaside resort.

Flushing with a syringe

This method, although old, is very effective and widespread, especially in district clinics. The procedure is carried out as follows :

  1. A brass replacement tip is attached to the syringe.
  2. The patient's larynx is treated with lipocaine to reduce discomfort.
  3. The lacunae are irrigated with a special solution, with the help of which purulent plugs, white lumps, bacteria and their waste products are washed out.

The procedure lasts 10 minutes and is considered traumatic , since the cannula can damage the mucous membrane if the patient twitches or if the doctor does not have enough experience. In addition, it will be difficult for those who have a particularly strong gag reflex. Moreover, to wash the tortuous passages, one procedure will not be enough; 6-10 sessions will be required, but after a couple of procedures the patient will be able to tolerate them more easily.

Washing using the Tonsilor device

Vacuum rinsing using the Tonsilor device is a more gentle way to get rid of plugs and white lumps. In this case, ultrasound is used. The full course is 5 procedures, during which the contents of the tonsils are sucked out.

Important! Remission after hardware rinsing can last a couple of years, and if you actively increase immunity during this time, then you can forget about white lumps with an unpleasant odor forever.

How is physiotherapy performed?

Washing the tonsils gives a very good effect if combined with physiotherapeutic treatment. The main goal of physiotherapy is to restore the proper functioning of the tonsils and improve blood supply to the lymph nodes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. The most popular methods are :

  1. Ultrasound . This method has a number of contraindications, but it is absolutely painless and effectively stops the inflammatory process in the tonsils.
  2. UHF warming up . Eliminates swelling in the area of ​​the tonsils and lymph nodes.
  3. UV irradiation . The inflammatory process is relieved using ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Laser therapy . The tonsils are treated with a laser, which leads to the complete elimination of swelling and inflammation. The method has no contraindications.

Inhalations, electrophoresis, and magnetic therapy may also be recommended.


Drug therapy to strengthen the immune system involves taking the following medications::

  • Levamisole.
  • Immunofan.
  • Isoprinosine.
  • Methyluracil.
  • Bemitil.
  • Immunomax.

Note! As for vitamins, a complex of vitamins with a high content of vitamin C is mainly prescribed. Antibacterial agents can also be prescribed, but only after analyzing the sensitivity of the bacterial flora to the components of the drugs.

While the resistance test is being carried out, the patient is prescribed antibiotics of the cephalosporin group:

  • Cefepi.
  • Ceftiaxone.

The dosage and duration of taking antibacterial agents is prescribed only by a doctor.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, the patient is recommended to undergo surgery.

Reasons for the appearance of white lumps on the tonsils

They usually occur in people suffering from chronic tonsillitis. This disease often results from the lack of proper treatment for the acute form of the pathology.

The following can provoke its aggravation:

  • ARVI;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • taking excessively chilled drinks, ice cream, etc.;
  • overwork.

However, sometimes white lumps with an unpleasant odor on the tonsils are also found in absolutely healthy people who have a certain tissue structure of the tonsils and have previously had a sore throat.

Treatment at home

If the pathology is mild, the doctor may advise treating it at home with the help of medicines or traditional medicine. However, they should only be prescribed by a specialist. Activities that can be done at home :

  1. Flushing the throat . To do this, you can use a solution of Furacilin, a weak solution of iodine, a solution of hydrogen peroxide, an infusion of sage or chamomile. The liquid must be drawn into a syringe without a needle and directed at the tonsils. To prevent liquid from entering the respiratory tract, the head should be tilted down over the sink. The procedure is carried out 5 times a day, after which you are not allowed to drink or eat for 40 minutes.
  2. Inhalations . Herbal decoctions and infusions are used - oak bark, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile. A decoction of medicinal herbs or a few drops of essential oil are added to the water heated in a bowl. You need to bend over the dishes and cover your head with a towel. You need to breathe deeply, through your mouth. It is better to carry out such procedures before bedtime. At elevated temperatures, inhalation is prohibited.
  3. Gargling . Indispensable helpers in the fight against white lumps in the throat are iodine, salt and soda.
  4. Strengthening the immune system . A tincture of echinacea or eleutherococcus is recommended.


If the state of the body has reached the point where white lumps come out of the throat, then it can be said that the person has developed chronic tonsillitis. Scientists have concluded that the tonsils are an integral part of the immune system. This means that the appearance of caseous plugs can be provoked by a weakened immune system. Therefore, smokers, alcohol drinkers, and people living in unfavorable environmental conditions are at risk.

One of the reasons for the appearance of white lumps can be infection. Usually a strong body quickly copes with this kind of problem, but if it weakens, it can no longer overcome it. The infection is actively developing, inflammation occurs and, as a result, caseous plugs. People who have breathing problems to varying degrees should be especially careful, for example, if the bridge of their nose is bent.


To avoid the appearance of purulent plugs, sore throat should be treated correctly. But if it has already become chronic, unpleasant symptoms will periodically manifest themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly visit an ENT specialist to rinse the tonsils . The preventive course includes 15 rinses. It should be repeated twice a year.

It is also not recommended to stay in the cold for a long time. This leads to colds. You should dress appropriately for the weather, lead an active lifestyle, and eat right. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals - fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, white meat and fish.

Thus, white growths on the tonsils are purulent plugs, which are the main manifestation of chronic tonsillitis. They must be removed periodically to avoid various complications.


Folk remedies

Time-tested folk recipes can help in the fight against white plaque on the tonsils:

  • natural honey, which can be added to warm drinks or eaten pure in a teaspoon;
  • garlic, which can destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • lemon, which helps relieve pain;
  • onions, which should be used for inhalation;
  • beets, in particular the water in which they were boiled (used for rinsing the mouth).

The following recommendations are effective and safe:

  • gargling with symptoms of sore throat at the initial stage of its development with beetroot broth (inhibits the growth of bacteria);
  • solution from crushed furatsilin tablets or 1 tsp. will help reduce pain and stop the division of bacteria when rinsing (every 30-60 minutes);
  • Honey has an antibacterial effect (dissolve a teaspoon every 1.5 hours);
  • chewing a clove of garlic every 2 hours (significantly reduces the number of bacteria);
  • sucking a slice of lemon in the mouth (do not sweeten or salt it, you can injure the mucous membrane).

Important! When using folk remedies, it is worth considering that their action is effective at the initial stage of the development of the disease; in an aggravated form, it is necessary to carry out full-fledged therapy. The treatment process can be supplemented with such a pleasant procedure as drinking tea

Thanks to the healing drink, it has an effect in several directions at once: strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory and wound healing.

The treatment process can be supplemented with such a pleasant procedure as drinking tea. Thanks to the healing drink, it has an effect in several directions at once: strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory and wound healing.

The following teas and decoctions are considered the most effective:

  • infusion of chamomile and calendula (in equal proportions);
  • fruit drinks from black currants and cranberries;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • infusion of sage leaves and St. John's wort;
  • milk (warm) with honey.

Worrying about a cyst

“Some people are very afraid of cysts, believing that they are the same as cancer. Not everything is so simple here. Yes, one of the bad things that can be distinguished is that this is still a formation, which means that plus excess tissue means that something was not normal before, but has now appeared. The good thing is that such cysts rarely become malignant, that is, the chances that it will become cancer tend to zero,” notes the ENT specialist.

At the same time, Vladimir Zaitsev also says that against the background of such data, the cyst should not be ignored. “If you don’t treat the cyst, but come to terms with it and get used to it, then you can lead to polycystic disease, when yesterday there was one cyst, today there are two, and tomorrow a third will appear,” explains the doctor.

There should be no self-medication; there is a risk of worsening the situation with your own hands. For example, polycystic disease can develop even if a person himself decides to remove the formation. “If the cyst is removed incorrectly, for example, it is simply opened, as a result of which the cystic fluid comes out, but the membrane is preserved, then the following will happen: the membrane will collapse, the cyst will lose its tone, then it will stick into the tissue, a bridge will develop, and two cysts will appear in one place.” , notes the ENT. At the same time, you cannot climb into your throat either with improvised means or with small scalpels, which can be purchased at the same pharmacy.

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Drug treatment of tonsillitis

If the factors causing purulent plugs that cause a pleasant odor from the mouth lie in the presence of bacterial persistence and tonsillitis, then the doctor prescribes a specific treatment. Therapy of this disease is the specialization of an otolaryngologist. The severity of the disease determines whether the patient will be treated at home or in a hospital setting.

Drug therapy involves a whole range of measures:

  1. Taking antibacterial agents.
  2. Strengthening the immune system with immunostimulants.
  3. Taking vitamins.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Gargling.

Before using antibiotics, a preliminary procedure is performed to determine sensitivity to the environment. It is sown on a Petri dish.

In the first 3 days, to get results, cephalosporins (Cefepin, Ceftriaxone) are prescribed. After receiving the results of sensitivity tests, this group of antibiotics may be replaced by another.

Therapy that eliminates purulent discharge from the mouth lasts 5-10 days. In this case, you should gargle with antiseptic agents (Furacilin, Angilex) at least five times a day.

At the same time, it is necessary to activate the body's defenses by taking immunomodulatory drugs. The most popular immunostimulants are:

  • immunity;
  • Immunomax;
  • Immunofan.

Regarding vitamins, it is better to take them in combination. You can also carry out monotherapy with vitamin C, but this will not be enough.

White plaque on the tonsils is a common cause of chronic tonsillitis. The main goal of home therapy for the disease is to stimulate the immune system and flush out pus from the throat. In a hospital setting, these measures are supplemented by physiotherapy and antibacterial treatment.

It is worth noting that chronic tonsillitis can be treated at home only if the white spots are eliminated by rinsing and in the absence of pain. When purulent discharge is not coughed up, then you should immediately contact an ENT specialist. After all, a quick and accurate diagnosis will help identify and eliminate the causes of tonsillitis, the appearance of which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

But in any case, purulent lumps in the throat require prompt treatment. Indeed, in the opposite case, a violation of homeostasis will lead to a malfunction in the functioning of systems and organs. Moreover, in the absence of diagnosis, the patient may not find out about this immediately, but after several years.

The video in this article will demonstrate how to treat tonsillitis.

Latest discussions:

When is surgery necessary?

If left untreated, pathogenic bacteria can infect the tonsils so severely that over a certain period of time they cease to perform their barrier function and become a source of infection, from where it spreads throughout the body and can cause damage to other organs.

In such situations, huge plaques form on the tonsils, white lumps regularly come out of the throat, smelling disgusting, and the patient is constantly plagued by discomfort in the throat.

In such situations, conservative therapy often no longer produces the expected results, and the otolaryngologist may recommend the patient to remove the tonsils.

This operation is called tonsillectomy.

This surgical intervention is performed under local anesthesia and can be performed either by classical surgery or by more modern methods: laser, radiofrequency ablation, etc. The procedure takes little time and is characterized by a short and simple recovery period.

If white balls periodically or regularly come out of your throat, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of antibacterial drugs. However, to prevent relapse, a number of additional measures need to be taken.

If the formations on the tonsils are large enough, located too deep and cause discomfort, and also appear on the tonsils again after drug therapy, surgical intervention may be required. Under local anesthesia, the doctor will remove the plugs and also clean the surface of the tonsils.

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