Reasons for the appearance of black dots on the tongue

Reasons for the appearance of a black dot on the tongue in an adult

A dot or black bump that appears in the tongue area cannot be ignored. This may be a symptom of a serious illness.

There are many reasons leading to darkening of the mucous membrane of the muscular organ in adults. Often the problem is provoked by infections that cause inflammation in the mouth. The spot may indicate poisoning, allergies, fungal infection, liver or pancreas dysfunction, or HIV. A doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

A small black dot can be seen in the absence of health problems: if you bite your tongue or eat foods that stain the mucous membrane.


Injuries lead to the appearance of black dots in the tongue area: tissues are damaged by biting. Maxillofacial and dental surgeries can cause dark spots to appear on the mucous membrane.

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During piercing, the puncture site often turns black.


Among the infectious diseases that have symptoms in the form of black small and large dots on the tongue, experts include:

  • sore throat and other ailments accompanied by inflammation of the oral cavity. Pathogenic microflora provokes the formation of a dense layer of plaque on the back and root of the organ. The painful condition is accompanied by dry mouth and fever. Together, the factors cause the appearance of black areas in the microbial plaque in the form of dots and specks,
  • cholera A sign of the disease is multiple dark areas on the back of the tongue. The pathological process occurs against the background of high body temperature and dehydration. This provokes darkening of the plaque,
  • HIV AIDS. The problem of weakened immunity leads to metabolic disorders and acid-base imbalance in the body. A black necrotic coating forms on the tongue: the epithelium covering the muscular organ in the mouth dies.

The appearance of dark spots is caused by fungal infections:

  • candidiasis. The patient's tongue and cheeks are covered with a snow-white coating of a cheesy consistency. With an advanced form of the disease, spots and black spots appear on it, a consequence of chemical processes in deposits,
  • chromogenic fungus. Its reproduction is characterized by increased intensity, which leads to the production of chlorophyll. Dark spots with a green center appear on the tongue.

Black small and large dots on the organ of the mouth arise from diseases of the internal organs:

  • liver dysfunction. A sign of a problem is a layer of yellow plaque on the surface of the tongue. There is a change in the acid composition of the salivary fluid. The plaque oxidizes, black large and small dots appear,
  • disruption of the pancreas,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract lead to the appearance of a layer of yellowish plaque. Multiple foci of blackening are evidence of an advanced pathological process,
  • malfunction of the adrenal glands. Due to the intense breakdown of red blood cells, acute iron deficiency develops. The consequence of the painful condition is staining of plaque on the tongue.

Among other pathologies that cause the problem in the form of multiple black dots in the mouth, there are:

  • acidosis. Metabolic processes are disrupted, acid-base imbalance in the oral cavity - dark spots form on mobile muscle growths,
  • Remarque syndrome, lead poisoning. Black spots on the surface of the tongue are one of the symptoms of the disease,
  • granulomatous enteritis or Crohn's disease. The muscular organ in the mouth turns black. The mucous membrane changes color completely due to an excess amount of melanin in its cells,
  • radiation sickness. Pathology leads to disruption of tissue structure and death of mucosal cells. Black necrotic dots appear in the area of ​​the root of the tongue.


Other reasons can provoke the formation of points on a moving muscular organ in the mouth:

  • taking a course of antibiotics, iron supplements, oral contraceptives,
  • dark coloring of the tongue occurs due to the consumption of activated carbon, coffee, strong tea, sweets, sweet drinks, and blueberries. Alcohol abuse, smoking,
  • intoxication. The appearance of black and gray dots on muscle growths in a person’s mouth is a sign of poisoning by medications or waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to the lesions, there is nausea, vomiting, dizziness, putrid breath,
  • allergic reaction of the body,
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy for people suffering from cancer.

The black dot on the tongue may be a birthmark. Moles of this localization appear more often in women. They do not cause discomfort and do not require treatment.

Homeopathic remedies for black spots on the tongue

Many doctors, along with traditional remedies for the treatment of tumors on the tongue, also prescribe homeopathic medicines . Below we provide a list of medications that treat black spots by eliminating the main cause of the disease.

Fungal plaque, which has various shades from light to black.
  • Baptisia,
  • Apis mel,
  • Crotalus horridus,
  • Secale,
  • Kali bichromicum,
  • Pyrogenium.
Brown plaque, accompanied by dehydration and stomach diseases.
  • Arsenicum album
Brown plaque, necrosis of the pharynx and palate.
  • Mercurius cyanatus
Brown and black spots in acute respiratory infections with elevated temperature and nasal congestion, the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, profuse snot and nasal congestion.
  • Arum triphyllum
Brown and black spots, tongue is dry and itchy.
  • Sulfur
Dark brown plaque localized in the center of the muscle.
  • Arnica (Arnica),
  • Colchicum,
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum,
  • Lac caninum.
Black spots.
  • Cinchona
Black and black-purple spots on the root of the muscle.
  • Arsenicum album,
  • Cinchona.

The appearance of black pimples on the tongue of a child

A black pimple on the tongue can appear in childhood, in infants. The reasons for the formation of dark spots on muscle growths in a child’s mouth are:

  • thrush,
  • antibiotics. Some antimicrobial drugs tend to provoke pimples, spots, black spots on the tongue,
  • taking medications containing bismuth subsalicylate,
  • antidepressants. Some medications belonging to this group have a side effect in the form of a change in the color of the tongue to black,
  • inhalations,
  • anemia. A decrease in the red blood cell count and hemoglobin level in the blood causes the formation of black pimples and spots on the muscle growths in the mouth,
  • hairy tongue syndrome. Darkening of the muscular organ manifests itself. Children are susceptible to pathology, but cases of morbidity occur in adults. The disease is poorly understood; the cause of its development is considered to be poor oral hygiene and long-term use of medications.


In the course of careful research, it was discovered that with a lack of vitamins PP and B vitamins in the child’s body, the mucous membrane of the tongue changes its color. Black plaques or spots appear.

Special cases

Difficult to explain cases include the so-called “black hairy tongue.” The nature of this phenomenon is still being studied, and today doctors cannot give a comprehensive explanation. The picture looks like this: at the tip and root of the tongue, the normal pink color remains, while multiple dark papillae grow on the back.

Dangerous symptoms and which doctor to contact

When black spots on a person’s tongue do not go away within two to three days, increase in size, new spots appear, and the temperature rises, you should go to the doctor.

The first thing you need to do is visit the dentist. If this nature of the problem is excluded, then the doctor will refer the sick person to the therapist’s office. You may need help from a specialist in gastroenterology or oncology.

The main method of diagnosing the disease is bacteriological culture of plaque to determine the type of pathogenic microflora in the mouth, donating blood for analysis. If there is a suspicion of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a coprogram and ultrasound examination of the organs will be used.

How to treat dark spots on the tongue

If a black dot appears on the tongue, which is not a sign of pathological processes, then it does not need to be treated. When a stain has formed due to medication or poor oral hygiene, it can be easily removed with a toothbrush.

In another situation, the doctor will prescribe treatment for small blackheads. This is done in two ways:

  1. Medication. If the spots are caused by an infection, an oral antibiotic will be prescribed. If it is a fungal infection, then appropriate medications will be prescribed.
  2. Surgical. When the black spots in the mouth are fibroids, the patient will have them excised.

If darkening occurs on the mucous membrane of the tongue, do not panic. You need to go to the hospital. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. The main thing is to remember to maintain oral hygiene. This will eliminate many health and appearance problems.

Treatment of black plaque

To determine the cause of unpleasant symptoms and properly treat the disease, you must first make an appointment with a therapist. After diagnosis, the patient may need:

  1. A dentist who provides dental and oral treatment.
  2. Infectious disease specialist to eliminate the source of infection.
  3. Gastroenterologist to eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines and stabilize the microflora.
  4. A pulmonologist who deals with respiratory diseases.
  5. Toxicologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

All this will eliminate pathological layers on the mucous membrane and return the tongue to its natural color. The body could use multivitamin support to stabilize its defenses. It is useful to rinse the mouth with pharmaceutical products and infusions of sage, St. John's wort, and chamomile. Use special products and decoctions as prescribed by your doctor. Only he can develop the correct therapy program.

As practice has shown, the best way to prevent plaque is systematic oral hygiene. In this case, soft brushes and scraping spoons recommended by a specialist are used. Rinse your mouth even after a snack. If possible, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Don't get carried away with sugary energy drinks; it's better to switch to healthy and nutritious smoothies.

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