Problems and inconveniences during dental treatment


Calluses are often confused with stomatitis and pemphigus. This comparison is incorrect, since the main reason for the appearance of calluses is systematic trauma to the oral cavity.

In infants, injury occurs during feeding, especially if it is carried out not according to time, but at the request of the baby, and he remains at the breast for a long time. Rubbing of the thin mucous membrane occurs, as a result of which seals can appear not only on the tongue, but also on the palate and upper lip.

Adults suffer from the pathology most often after eating seeds, nuts, chewing candy and other hard foods. They may develop calluses on their gums or the roof of their mouth from wearing braces.

If wisdom teeth erupt incorrectly, sores may appear on the inside of the cheeks due to constant trauma.

A callus forms on the tongue after carelessly consuming hot food or drinks. Trauma to the mucous membrane occurs, which leads to tissue necrosis.

Causes of pain

Soreness of the muscular organ in the mouth occurs under the influence of external and internal factors. Causes range from banal wounds, scratches or accidental tongue biting to serious illnesses.

Most often, pain occurs in the following cases:

  • inflammatory process. The penetration of infection into the oral cavity often affects not only the mucous membranes and gums, but also certain areas of the muscular organ in the mouth. The filiform papillae become inflamed, ulcers and redness often appear on the side, a burning sensation and itching are felt. The infection penetrates both from the outside and from the internal organs, often from the nasopharynx in chronic processes;
  • injuries. Accidentally biting your tongue is one of the causes of severe pain. Mini-trauma often occurs when jumping unsuccessfully, falling, or chewing large pieces of solid food. Some time passes before the injured surface reminds itself of itself with redness and soreness. Patients suffering from epilepsy sometimes bite their tongue during seizures;
  • exposure to uncomfortable dentures. Sharp, poorly processed edges, large parts, and locking joints often interfere with the normal chewing process. When wearing complex orthopedic structures, during the period of adaptation, the lateral surface of the muscular organ in the oral cavity is often injured; (Read about prosthetics for complete absence of teeth here; for partial absence - on this page);
  • poor quality dental filling. Uneven edges, protruding parts of fillings, and excess composite material sometimes rub not only the mucous membranes, but also the sides of the muscular organ. The problem often manifests itself after visiting inexpensive clinics. Low qualifications of personnel and ignorance of modern techniques for polishing the surface of a filling lead to unpleasant consequences for the patient. (Read more about dental fillings at this address).

Learn about the beneficial properties and methods of using sage for oral diseases.
Read about the benefits and features of dental treatment under sedation on this page.

Several other reasons have been identified:

  • glossitis. The disease of an important muscular organ has several forms. The cause of catarrhal glossitis is diseases of the oral cavity: candidiasis, stomatitis, plus surface trauma. In the ulcerative form, the tissue becomes covered with ulcers, swells, and blood appears. The desquamative form is a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases, liver pathologies, parasitic infections, and metabolic problems;
  • glossalgia. A dangerous disease in which pain is felt on the side and at the base of the tongue. Burning sensation, long-lasting itching, pain poison life and interfere with the process of eating. Provoking factors: problems with the stomach, intestines. When hormonal balance is disturbed and frequent stress occurs in the mouth, unpleasant symptoms also appear. Without proper treatment, pain affects the gums and the inside of the cheeks;
  • allergic reactions. It is possible that pain on the side of the tongue is associated with a negative response of the body to certain foods or medications. For several days, write down what you eat and what medications you take. Surely you will understand what is an allergen;
  • stomatitis. Common dental disease has several forms and different causes. The symptoms are similar: ulcers, redness, swelling of the mucous membranes and gums. Often, ulcers appear on the lateral and central part of the tongue, covered with a cloudy white film. The dentist can easily diagnose and prescribe treatment;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the secretory activity of the stomach is abnormal, the lateral surface of the muscular organ in the mouth is covered with erosions. Small ulcers have a white film and a red edge. The formations are painful and heal poorly. Secretory erosions are observed as long as there are dysfunctions of the stomach.


Externally, a callus looks like a compaction or a blister filled with liquid, it all depends on the nature of its occurrence.

In children, the formation looks like a blister; after a rupture, a whitish compaction appears in its place. In adults, the callus may have the same appearance; if it ruptures, there is a high risk of developing a small ulcer.

As a rule, patients do not feel any discomfort, their body temperature does not rise and fever does not occur. In general, such a formation is not dangerous; it requires special attention if it ruptures, since there is a high risk of infection in the wound.

Drug therapy

The main goal of treatment is to prevent the infectious process at the site of the burst callus. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms can quickly infect the deep layers of the mucous membrane and lead to infection of the oropharynx.

If a callus is detected in infants, it does not need to be treated; it will go away on its own after stopping breastfeeding. If the formation ruptures, you can treat the tissue with three percent hydrogen peroxide . The use of iodine or brilliant green is not recommended, as they can severely dry out the thin mucous membrane.

Adults can rinse their mouths with antiseptics, for example, Chlorhexidine. You should use mouthwash after every meal. It is also recommended to take a vitamin complex to strengthen the body's defenses.

If, after spontaneous opening of the callus, the patient feels increased pain, has an increase in temperature and general weakness, he should immediately consult a therapist. These symptoms may indicate the development of a bacterial infection, which in severe cases leads to the formation of purulent abscesses.

Traditional treatment

If a lump is found in a child, it is not recommended to resort to using any folk remedies on your own, as they can negatively affect the baby’s condition.

For adults, rinsing with antibacterial compounds is perfect. They will help prevent the development of inflammation in the injured area of ​​the mucosa, and will also help maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity. An important addition: you can use traditional methods only if there are no allergic reactions to herbs. Otherwise, it is better to refuse alternative treatment. The most effective recipes are described below:

  1. Salt rinse. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth after eating; after treatment, you should stop eating for at least an hour.
  2. Chamomile decoction. It is most convenient to use ready-made filter bags, which are sold at the pharmacy. You need to fill one such packet with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and use it to treat the oral cavity.
  3. Calendula. For this rinse you will need an alcohol solution. Twenty drops of tincture are dissolved in a glass of warm water and used after any meal, preferably before going to bed.
  4. Propolis. This beekeeping product has excellent antiseptic and healing properties . It is used in the amount of one teaspoon per glass of warm water.

The above recipes are not only effective, but also affordable, and if used regularly, they will help to avoid infection of the oral cavity.

Traditional medicine at the service of the people

Here is a selection of recipes for solutions, the use of which will help disinfect, heal wounds and reduce pain:

  1. A decoction of bedstraw helps to cope with tongue pain . Brew 1 tablespoon of dried herb with boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain the resulting mixture. The decoction is suitable for both rinsing and internal use.
  2. Sage tincture is an assistant in the fight against pain during the treatment of oral injuries. By brewing 2 tablespoons of the substance with half a liter of boiling water and letting the infusion “rest” for 30 minutes, you will get an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicinal drug. Rinse frequency: 5-11 times a day.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Use the strained solution after meals and before bed to heal wounds and relieve inflammation.
  4. St. John's wort tincture is a panacea for pain caused by a tongue injury. Use 40% alcohol and dried herb in a ratio of 5 to 1, respectively. Add 30-40 drops to 250 ml of water and rinse your mouth.
  5. Finding potatoes in a cellar or drawer is not difficult, but peeling them is a matter of two minutes. Feel free to use sliced ​​raw vegetables to relieve pain from burns.

Read also: Jaw fracture treatment


It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of calluses in the mouth in infants. As long as breastfeeding or artificial feeding continues, the delicate mucous membrane will be involuntarily injured. It is necessary to regularly examine the child’s oral cavity and prevent foreign objects or insufficiently clean toys from entering.

If there are suspicious symptoms, such as an increase in the number of calluses, a change in their color and structure, or a deterioration in the baby’s well-being, you should immediately consult a pediatrician. The fact is that the oral mucosa is the first barrier to pathogenic microorganisms, and a violation of its integrity threatens the occurrence of an inflammatory process, the treatment of which can take a long time.


Soreness on the side of the tongue is often accompanied by the appearance of other symptoms. In most cases, a strong or weak inflammatory process occurs in the affected area.

Read also: How many teeth does an adult have?

If there is discomfort, check whether the following symptoms are noted on the surface or inside the muscular organ of the oral cavity:

  • redness;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • erosion;
  • wounds;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • noticeable enlargement of filiform papillae;
  • swelling/severe swelling of the edges and other areas.

It is often observed:

Tongue traumatism: theory

Before you begin treatment of the tongue, you should carefully study the nature of the injury and its causes.

The first type of damage - mechanical - is the most common cause of tongue injuries. Due to mechanical damage, ulcers and superficial erosions form on the tongue.

Conditions under which mechanical injuries occur are of a domestic nature:

  • damage to the integument by dental instruments - probe, bur, disc;
  • the occurrence of a wound under the influence of a sharp object - a bone, a knife, a fork;
  • biting the tongue while eating, epileptic seizure;
  • the appearance of tongue injuries from blows to the face.

Healing of a wound caused by mechanical impact occurs depending on the depth and area of ​​damage to the mucous membrane.

Chemical burn

Chemical injury to the tongue, as the second type of injury, occurs due to contact with the mucous membrane of a chemical substance of an acidic or alkaline nature.

Under the influence of an irritant, chemical burns occur on the tongue. The latter are characterized by the appearance of dark-colored areas, scars, blisters and blisters on the tongue (in severe cases).

Instant rinsing of the mouth with solutions with neutralizing properties is the key to rapid restoration of the integument.

For chemical burns, it is preferable to seek help from medical institutions.

Damage to the mucous membrane by steam, hot water, fire, electric current or ionizing radiation is called physical trauma to the tongue.

Characteristic of this type of injury is pain that gradually subsides from the moment of injury.

The main danger of physical injury is the development of acute catarrhal glossitis (inflammation). Consultation with a doctor in complex stages of injury is mandatory.

Deep damage to the tongue caused by various kinds of external irritants can be accompanied by complications: abscess or phlegmon of the tongue.

Painful swelling and accompanying difficulties with swallowing and speaking are symptoms of an abscess. In later stages, with increasing inflammation of the tongue, the abscess turns into phlegmon. The victim requires emergency hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Biting your tongue - everyone knows this

Biting the tongue, cheek or lip is accompanied by painful sensations, as damage to the mucous membrane occurs.

Obviously, the initial goal after a bite is to reduce pain. So, what should you do if you bite your tongue, what and how to relieve pain and inflammation?

The main rule is to remain calm. Calm down and try to come to terms with the pain, because tantrums and tears will not help heal the damage.

And then you should do the following:

  1. Be sure to stop bleeding , if any. An elementary solution would be to repeatedly rinse with cold water: it will help narrow the blood vessels and reduce bleeding activity. A worthy alternative would be a piece of ice.
  2. Cotton swabs soaked in 2% Lidocaine help in the fight against painful sensations . Another variation to reduce pain is eye drops with an anesthetic - Tetracaine, Alcaine.
  3. It is important to disinfect the entire oral cavity : brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth.
  4. Maintain regular rinsing : it is advisable to wash away the remains of eaten food after each meal.
  5. Use antiseptics such as Antiangin, Trachisan, Furacilin in the form that is optimal for you: spray, lozenge or solution.
  6. Avoid eating rough, cold or hot foods . During the restoration of the oral mucosa, it is advisable to create a daily menu of liquid soft foods at medium temperature: purees, soups.
  7. Avoid cold foods - ice cream, frozen juice and other foods with temperatures below zero - they slow down the healing process.
  8. Take a course of vitamins to help restore damaged areas. The optimal solution would be to include vitamin C and group B in the diet.

Do not forget to adhere to sanitary and hygienic measures: do not reach into the oral cavity with dirty hands, do not put pressure on the resulting injury.

Never pour iodine or brilliant green or peroxide into a wound: give preference to treating the environment around the injury. Antibiotics can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment Basics

As mentioned earlier, treatment for tongue injuries depends on the nature of the injury. While a home first aid kit is sufficient to heal superficial injuries, eliminating the consequences of traumatic factors in case of serious injuries requires, first of all, consultation with a doctor who will select the necessary medications and prescribe recommended procedures.

What to do depending on the type of injury:

  1. The standard method of treatment or initial treatment of mechanical injuries is the use of antiseptics (alcohol, iodine, brilliant green). Rinsing with disinfectants helps in restoring the mucous membrane: furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate dissolved in water in a ratio of 1 to 3000 or baking soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. Do not neglect plant decoctions with calming properties.
  2. Knowledge of chemical neutralizing reactions will be useful in case of chemical burns, because the “golden rule” of first aid for this is as follows: rinse with a neutralizing solution. Timely implementation of the necessary procedures will avoid further treatment. Blisters appearing on the tongue indicate severe damage. Opening of formations with subsequent processing should only be carried out by specialists. After neutralizing the blisters, doctors most often prescribe rinsing the mouth with disinfectants.
  3. Profusely bleeding wounds require immediate tamponade. It is unacceptable to independently remove foreign bodies from ulcers.

Having diagnosed the exact cause of pain in the tongue during an in-person consultation with a doctor, you can begin complex treatment.

Burning pain on the tip of the tongue of vegetative-vascular origin requires the administration of B vitamins and sedative correction. To relieve severe pain, local analgesics and novocaine blockade are recommended. Glossalgia, which develops against the background of iron deficiency, often occurs with a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue receptors. To eliminate iron deficiency anemia, appropriate medications are prescribed.

An injection of nicotinic acid and no-spa will help improve microcirculation inside the capillaries. Transnasal electrophoresis has proven itself well in treating this problem. Positive dynamics are observed with the use of a galvanic collar.

Tranquilizers and sedatives are prescribed to people suffering from nervous disorders and panic attacks. Psychoanalysis plays an important role in the treatment of glossalgia. On its basis, autogenic training and even a hypnotic session are developed for the patient.

An effective method of treating this pathology is acupuncture, which can reduce the impact of neurological disorders that are not amenable to traditional treatment. Speech organ pain complicated by paresthesia is treated with laser therapy.

Methods and rules of treatment

After diagnosis, therapy is carried out by a specialist. When a “bouquet” of diseases is identified, complex treatment is required.

Main directions:

  • injuries from prostheses, poor-quality fillings. Elimination of defects, treatment of tissues with dental gels, rinsing with herbal decoctions. Aloe juice, propolis solution for treating wounds. Delicate oral care is important;
  • dental diseases. The doctor fills carious areas, gives advice on caring for the oral cavity, and recommends high-quality toothpaste. For stomatitis and glossitis, the doctor prescribes medications that reduce inflammation and suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms. General therapy is combined with tissue treatment with antiseptics, medicinal gels, and decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • problems of the endocrine system. Normalization of hormonal levels, taking medications that restore hormone levels. Control of diabetes mellitus;
  • stomach diseases. Taking antacids, drugs against Helicobacter Pilori, sorbents, missing enzymes. Medicinal mineral water, diet, treatment of the oral cavity with anti-inflammatory gels, herbal decoctions, aloe juice for healing erosions;
  • penetration of infectious agents. Elimination of the source of inflammation, taking antibacterial and antiviral drugs. When yeast fungi are activated, antimycotic agents are recommended. It is mandatory to take medications that increase general and local immunity. Multivitamins, mineral complexes, healthy food additives will strengthen the body's resistance;
  • pathological changes in various organs. If pain occurs due to problems within the body, systemic treatment is required. Local treatment + taking medications to treat the underlying disease is effective;
  • microtraumas, tongue burns. Avoid foods that irritate the filiform papillae, crackers, and chips that injure delicate tissues. Less candies with sharp edges and harmful synthetic dyes. Forget about the freshly brewed first course for 15 minutes, wait until the tea/coffee cools down a little;
  • allergies to medications. The doctor will prescribe drugs with similar effects without components that provoke negative manifestations. Taking antihistamines will help eliminate allergy symptoms: Tavegil, Cetrin, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin. Sorbents that bind and remove allergens have a positive effect. White and activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb are suitable.

Regardless of the cause of damage to the tissues of the tongue, during treatment it is necessary to switch to soft, pureed food. Dishes should have a moderate temperature and not irritate the mucous, filiform papillae. Puree soups, chicken broth, fruit/berry jelly, mashed potatoes, and steamed cutlets are useful. Boil vegetables, puree, avoid large pieces and seeds. Seeds, chips, and crackers are prohibited.

Find out about the causes and methods of treating the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child.

The nuances and features of installing clasp dentures on the lower jaw are described on this page.

At, read about how to cure a fistula on the gum of a child.

You can learn about therapeutic dental products to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity on our website. For example, read about Metrogyl Dent gel here; about Stomatofit - here; about Asept gel is written in this article; Find out about the use of Chlorhexidine at this address; We have a separate article about Kamistad gel.

Traumatic stomatitis of the oral cavity - the result of soft tissue injury

Any injury can sooner or later lead to serious delayed consequences. And although getting an injury to the oral cavity is more difficult than hitting a limb, damage to the teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue is not uncommon. The consequence of injury can be various diseases; in this article we will look at one of the options - traumatic stomatitis. From the article you will learn what the causes and symptoms of this disease are, as well as how it can be diagnosed and treated.

The best way out is to avoid injury

Statistics show that most tongue injuries are mechanical in nature, which, in turn, is evidence of negligence. To avoid damage to the oral cavity, follow these simple rules:

  • do not get lost in thoughts while eating;
  • When eating, do not be distracted;
  • do not talk with your mouth full of food;
  • Chew your food thoroughly and slowly.

Often the cause of wounds is a malocclusion or unsuitable dentures.
An improperly growing or filed tooth also poses a risk to the integrity of the oral cavity. Be extremely careful and remember that it is better to prevent a traumatic situation from occurring than to suffer trying to cope with its consequences. If you observe suspicious symptoms, be sure to seek help from a dentist or ENT doctor.

What it is

Damage to the oral mucosa can be caused in a variety of ways. In a healthy person, minor injuries disappear quite quickly and without leaving a trace. In the presence of chronic diseases that reduce the level of immunity, any infection or dirt that gets into the wound provokes the development of inflammation.

Traumatic stomatitis is the result of a single or long-term impact on soft tissues, as a result of which painful formations appear in places of damage that are not characteristic of the normal state of the mucous membrane. These may be small blisters, ulcers, erosions, ulcers or wounds covered with a grayish or white coating.

Most often, with a single exposure and the absence of infectious contamination, such consequences of injury disappear quickly and without drug treatment. If soft tissue injury occurs over a long period of time (by braces, a sharp tooth fragment, tartar, dentures, etc.), gum inflammation and stomatitis can develop into a chronic form.


The causes of traumatic stomatitis may be the following:

  1. In children, this phenomenon is most often associated with active games and damage to the tooth or soft tissue as a result of a blow (for example, with a ball) or an unsuccessful landing on a hard object. However, this disease can also occur in infants as a result of injury to the gums by a protruding tooth.
  2. In the everyday life of an adult, the main cause of the onset of stomatitis can be a simple burn from hot tea. And if a person consumes very hot food and drinks systematically, such a burn and, accordingly, stomatitis, become chronic. By the way, you can get burned not only by hot food, but also by chemicals and medications used not according to instructions, acids, alkalis, and even electric shock and fire. In addition to a burn, stomatitis can also be caused by frostbite.
  3. Constant friction against the sharp edge of a chipped or broken tooth, poorly ground metal of braces, or poorly fitting dentures can also cause traumatic stomatitis. It is for this reason that you should not endure discomfort and pain due to the problems described above. The only correct solution would be to contact a dentist to eliminate the interference.

Another reason for the occurrence of this disease is bad habits, as a result of which the mucous membrane is injured:

  • biting lips and inner cheeks;
  • frequent consumption of seeds, which injures the tongue;
  • haste in eating with frequent biting of the cheeks and tongue;
  • the habit of holding sharp objects in the mouth and much more.

All these mechanical effects lead not only to permanent injuries to soft tissues, but also to the formation of swelling, inflammation and even ulcers.

Causes of chafing

The cause of tongue rubbing can be not only a broken tooth, but also other factors:

Poorly placed filling. Low-qualified specialists in inexpensive clinics sometimes treat their work with negligence. As a result, the placed filling has uneven edges. All excess material slowly begins to cause discomfort in the mucous membrane of the tongue. Sometimes this rubbing reaches the muscle organs.

Uncomfortable dentures. Some people wear dentures, but they can sometimes be uncomfortable. At the initial stage of wearing, a complex orthopedic design can injure the entire oral area. Inconvenience is caused by a poorly polished surface, large prosthetic elements and locking joints.

An uncomfortable denture can hurt your gums and tongue.


Traumatic stomatitis can be distinguished from other types only by knowing the background of its occurrence, since the manifestations of symptoms of the disease are quite typical for all types:

  • At the site of injury, a slight swelling or bruise first appears, the skin turns red, swells, and slight tissue hyperemia may appear;
  • gradually the painful sensations increase, over time it becomes difficult to open the mouth and chew food;
  • ulcers, wounds, ulcers, blisters, erosions appear;
  • with severe lesions, irreversible soft tissue necrosis may occur;
  • as a result of an acid burn, a dense film forms over the damage;
  • until the cause of injury is eliminated, the manifestation of symptoms of stomatitis can be wave-like;
  • Severe cases of traumatic stomatitis may be accompanied by suppuration or fungal infection.


Like any serious disease, traumatic stomatitis requires immediate treatment. First of all, the doctor will have to eliminate the source of injury:

  1. In the case of a broken or chipped tooth, it is necessary to cure or remove this tooth, depending on the depth of the damage.
  2. Braces and dentures are improved or remade from higher quality material.
  3. Tartar is removed and the sharp edge of the tooth is ground down.
  4. If there are minor injuries, wounds and cracks are washed with antiseptics (peroxide, furacillin, infusions of calendula or chamomile).
  5. More serious injuries are numbed and treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  6. For quick healing of wounds, ulcers and erosions, your doctor may recommend applications with rosehip or sea buckthorn oils, vitamin A oil solution and other keratoplasties.
  7. In cases of thermal burns or frostbite, applications of an anesthetic drug may be necessary, but in case of a chemical burn, you must first thoroughly rinse the damaged area with a neutralizer. For an acid burn, use an alkali solution, and for an alkaline burn, accordingly, use an acid solution. And only after eliminating the traumatic substance is further treatment with antiseptics and anesthetic rinses possible.

A tooth has chipped and your tongue is scratching: what to do?

First of all, you should evaluate the degree of chipping and the condition of the tooth as a whole. Small chips in the enamel will wear off on their own in a few days. They usually do not pose any danger to a healthy tooth and oral cavity; minor wounds and abrasions from scratching the cheek or tongue heal quickly.

To treat a sharp area of ​​the tooth, it is better to seek help from a dentist. The doctor will file it with a drill and cover it with a special agent. If the area of ​​the chip is large, then most likely, restoration or even prosthetics of the tooth will be required.

In cases where going to the doctor is impossible, and a broken tooth is very annoying, you can try to treat it with improvised means. For such purposes, a file with a fine abrasive, a glass nail file, or the finest sandpaper may be suitable.

Pre-treat any of these items with alcohol or any disinfectant solution. You need to act very carefully so as not to damage the enamel and gums. This method is extreme and its use is highly undesirable.

If there is caries in a broken tooth and dark spots are visible at the chip site, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The dark color of enamel and dentin indicates that an active process of tissue destruction has begun and without timely filling or prosthetics, the tooth will continue to chip and will have to be removed.

If a tooth breaks off below the gum level, the discomfort will be very intense. Often this happens due to serious facial trauma. A deep chipped tooth can severely injure the gums and even expose a nerve. If you can’t see a doctor quickly, you should often rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or sage, and also take a pain reliever. Only a visit to the doctor can decide what to do next with the tooth.


It’s difficult to immediately figure out why the tongue hurts. It is easier to determine injuries or burns from hot food without the help of a specialist; to diagnose dental diseases and systemic pathologies, the help of specialized specialists is required.

Visit your dentist first. The doctor will examine the affected areas and give an opinion. You may not need to consult other doctors.

After identifying low-quality dentures, poorly ground fillings, sharp edges of dilapidated units, the dentist will correct the defects himself. If injuries are detected due to friction of orthopedic or orthodontic structures, the doctor will refer you to a specialist: an orthodontist, a prosthetist.

If the dentist does not have serious complaints about the condition of the oral cavity, an in-depth examination is required. It often turns out that ulcers and soreness of the tongue are caused by malfunctions of the stomach, infection from the nasopharynx, or an allergy to a potent drug.


  • therapist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • allergist;
  • surgeon

Clinical studies will help you understand what caused the pain in the tongue area:

  • general and detailed blood test;
  • control of pancreatic hormone levels;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • study of gastric secretory function;
  • X-ray of the stomach with a contrast agent;
  • MRI or CT (tomogram) to exclude oncological pathologies.

Should I treat or remove my wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth almost always cause a lot of trouble and doctors often advise removing them immediately, since they can have an atypical location and cause significant discomfort during eruption. But what to do when a wisdom tooth breaks off: treat it or remove it? In this situation you need to think carefully. If the tooth is of normal shape and has grown correctly, then it is completely unnecessary to remove it. Like all other teeth, the wise tooth can be treated, restored and even prosthetically fitted, because, as you know, there are no superfluous teeth.

Any of the situations described above is quite unpleasant. Therefore, the main task is to prevent chipping of teeth and enamel. Proper oral hygiene and timely visits to the dentist can significantly reduce the risk of chipping the tooth wall. Also, life situations in which mechanical damage to the jaws and teeth in particular can occur should be minimized.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the foods you eat and, if possible, excluding those that may be too hard or potentially dangerous because, as you know, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole depends on the health of your teeth.

Prevention from chips

The best prevention against chipped teeth is daily oral hygiene and timely visits to the dentist.

You should also be less involved in extreme sports and avoid life situations that can lead to mechanical damage to the jaw and teeth in particular. It is also not recommended to eat too hard foods (nuts, seeds).

Careful hygiene - prevention of tongue wounds

All of the situations described above are very unpleasant, so you need to watch your teeth very carefully. Dental health directly affects the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, it is very important that your teeth are in perfect condition.

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