How to keep your teeth healthy during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body requires a large amount of nutrients and minerals. All this is necessary not only for the health of the expectant mother and her baby, but also for dental health. During pregnancy, the concentration of calcium and phosphates contained in saliva decreases significantly, which leads to the destruction of enamel. Other parts of the oral cavity suffer no less: hormonal imbalances impair blood circulation, causing bleeding gums and even the development of periodontitis. Fortunately, modern dentistry allows you to cope with any ailment. But what about pregnant women who are temporarily contraindicated for dental procedures?

It is best, of course, to take care of your oral health in advance: treat your teeth, correct your bite, or remove damaged roots, perform implantation and other necessary operations. You will also need professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. But don’t forget about taking care of your dental health on your own and follow the main rules:

Visit your dentist regularly

Scientists have proven that caries, or when a woman suffers toothache, negatively affects the development of the fetus, so if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, this does not mean that you will have to endure it until childbirth. It is better to turn to professionals for help. An experienced dentist in Minsk will examine the dentition, take into account all the nuances associated with the patient’s pregnancy and, if possible, cure the tooth or at least help cope with the pain, and only then, in the second or third trimester, when this is permitted, will carry out dental treatment .

In general, many patients have probably noticed that every time, before starting dental treatment under anesthesia , the dentist asks if they are pregnant.
This is due to the fact that anesthesia is contraindicated for pregnant women, but at the same time, the doctor can select the optimal pain reliever that does not harm the health of the baby and the expectant mother. The specialists of the Center for Family Dentistry provide treatment with high quality, precision and maximum comfort for patients, especially for pregnant women.

Dental care during pregnancy

Quite often, expectant mothers begin to develop periodontitis in their mouths, during which pathological processes affect not the teeth, but the gums. Inflamed gums begin to bleed and change color. An unpleasant odor emanates from the mouth and an unpleasant burning sensation occurs.

If cavities form between the gums and the roots of the teeth, the teeth simply begin to loosen. All troubles begin with gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gums, but without the appearance of signs of destruction of the periodontal tissues. This same gingivitis appears in many people, mainly as a result of certain hormonal imbalances (this is exactly what is observed during pregnancy). Lest you think that this disease is not very common, suffice it to say that in medicine there is a special name for this phenomenon - gingivitis of pregnant women. It appears mainly in the first 4-5 months of pregnancy, but by the time of birth, almost 80% of women who did not take special care of their oral cavity suffer from this disease.

Expectant mothers, as a rule, do not attach much importance to the listed symptoms, exposing both the baby and themselves to significant danger. Do not forget that the later a pregnant woman turns to a specialist, the greater the likelihood that the disease will develop into a dangerous source of infection. When treating this problem, doctors use antibiotics (you can’t do without them in this case), which is very harmful for the child. That is why, if you feel even the slightest discomfort in your mouth, you should immediately visit the dentist. In the first stages, gingivitis is quite easy to cure, which should not be forgotten. If bleeding occurs only because of an incorrectly chosen toothbrush, the doctor will tell you the best way to prevent your tooth enamel and gums, which can be done at home. For most pregnant women, unfortunately, these measures are not enough and they need special treatment of the oral cavity with a special agent that relieves inflammation and eliminates the bleeding process in literally 2-3 procedures. Of course, the dentist needs to be told about pregnancy so that he chooses drugs that do not endanger the child’s health. Your dentist may recommend eliminating certain foods and dishes from your diet that irritate your gums and lead to plaque.


It is generally accepted that the child takes calcium and its compounds from the pregnant woman’s teeth. However, this is not entirely true. The necessary elements for the growth of a child must be supplied from the outside, but not from the mother’s bone tissue. If a pregnant woman’s diet does not contain enough calcium and vitamins, they will begin to be replenished directly from the pregnant woman’s body, which instantly affects the teeth: dark spots form on the enamel, teeth become loose, progressive teeth appear, and the like. All this can be avoided by taking vitamins and dairy products daily. However, very responsible pregnant women also sometimes face problems with gums and teeth.

It has long been noted that during pregnancy, the blood circulation in the gums of many people worsens, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, and the gums often bleed. But these troubles are easily dealt with by conscientious women, that is, those who take preventive measures, visit the dentist and follow a diet. An important factor is daily brushing of teeth. Pasta is also important. After all, it should help strengthen the pregnant woman’s gums, as well as their healing, and prevent inflammatory processes. In addition, the paste should help reduce the development of bacteria in the oral cavity. If the patient’s condition is still serious and she feels constant itching, the dentist recommends a special course of treatment, which consists of 6-8 applications to the gums. These procedures take place in the clinic. In order to eliminate inflammatory processes, the dentist can perform an anti-inflammatory injection using a needle-free device, which allows the injection of a significantly smaller volume of the drug than when using a medical syringe. At the same time, the pregnant woman will not feel stress, since the injection is completely painless. Thus, pregnant women should carefully monitor the condition of their teeth, regulate their diet, monitor nutrition and regularly visit the dentist to eliminate the risk of gum and dental disease.

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Advantages of contacting PROFI-Dent

  1. Absolute safety of dental intervention at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. A team of experienced dentists of all specialties.
  3. An integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Unique proprietary therapeutic techniques.
  5. Affordable prices for the full range of dental services.

Prosthetics and tooth extraction

Most procedures require the use of anesthetics. Pregnant women are allowed to inject drugs that cannot cross the placental barrier and are harmless to the fetus. Also, such substances should not affect blood vessels. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is prohibited to use Lidocaine, as it often causes a decrease in blood pressure, as well as spasms and cramps.

For pregnant women, tooth extraction is undesirable, since this process is associated with a strong psycho-emotional load on the body. In addition, the operation involves the use of anesthesia. Removal is possible only in emergency cases, for example, in case of a fracture of the tooth root or its apex, in the presence of a cyst and acute pain.

As for prosthetics, it is allowed to install crowns and bridges during pregnancy, but it is best to refuse implantation. This is explained by quite a lot of stress for the body during the procedure itself, as well as the need to take strong painkillers and even antibiotics during the rehabilitation period.

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What kind of water should a pregnant woman drink?

It has been proven that fluoridation of drinking water significantly reduces the likelihood of developing caries. In our country, fluoridation is carried out (the standard concentration of fluoride in drinking water is 1.5 mg/l), however, unfortunately, there are frequent cases of both a lack and an excess of fluoride in drinking water. Don't think that low fluoride levels are the only cause for concern. An excess of this element is fraught with fluorosis (a specific lesion of tooth enamel, manifested externally in the form of yellow spots), which threatens not only the mother, but also the unborn baby (after all, baby teeth are formed at 3-5 weeks of intrauterine development). You can find out what the concentration of fluoride is in your drinking water at your local SES (but do not expect that SES employees will, on their own initiative, inform you about the level of fluoridation in your drinking water!). To regulate the level of fluoride in water, you can use special filters that are now commercially available.


First, as already mentioned, you should limit your intake of foods rich in carbohydrates, and first of all, your intake of sugar. It is necessary that food contains in sufficient quantities all the macro- and microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body. Calcium, phosphorus and fluorine1, as well as vitamin D are especially important (cod liver oil, cod liver and Atlantic herring, chicken eggs and some other foods are rich in vitamin D).

Dear expectant mothers, this may sound like a pun, but remember: your teeth are in your hands!

1 About the role of calcium in the body, food and other sources of calcium, see this issue of the journal: L. Belinskaya “Macroelements”. A continuation of this article will be published in the next issue, where you will find information about microelements, incl. phosphorus and fluorine.

Fluoridation of pregnant teeth

To preserve and strengthen tooth enamel, doctors often recommend so-called local fluoridation with fluoride-containing solutions and varnishes. The fact is that fluorides suppress the metabolism of bacteria, promote hardening of the surface of the teeth and increase the resistance of teeth to acidic environments. In domestic dentistry, two methods of fluoridation are practiced. With the application method, a so-called “individual tray” is made - a kind of individual wax impressions of the teeth. A fluoride-containing composition is poured into the recesses of such impressions, and then they are applied to the patient’s teeth. This procedure requires 10-15 visits to the dental office. The second method is to apply fluoride-containing varnish with a brush to the surface of the teeth (in 3-4 visits).

Treatment in different trimesters

In the first trimester, which is considered to be 12 weeks of fetal development, the formation of the main organs in the body occurs, the placenta is formed. At this stage, it does not yet reliably protect the baby from external influences, so it is better to postpone any treatment to a later date. To relieve pain and inflammation, topical medications, for example, Miramistin, can be prescribed.

The second trimester is suitable for dental procedures, but extreme caution is still required. The placenta can already protect the baby, even with X-ray examination, the risk of negative effects on the fetus is minimal.

The third trimester (after 25 weeks of development) involves the appearance of increased sensitivity of the uterus to any drug treatment. Also, a woman is more susceptible to stress at this time, so it is best to refuse serious interventions from the dentist. However, in emergency situations, treatment of caries and inflammation, as well as the administration of certain anesthetics, is allowed.

What happens if you delay removal?

Sometimes the tooth does not have to be pulled out; it is treated. Proper sanitation of the oral cavity is less painful and dangerous for both the woman and the baby. Therefore, doctors try to use all available therapeutic agents so as not to resort to extraction. Even very deep carious lesions can be cleaned and the cavity sealed in order to “hold out” until childbirth.

But, as we said, there are indications in which it is strictly forbidden to delay the operation. Because in some cases there may be a serious infection of the tissues, bacteria enter the bloodstream, and pain causes muscle spasms, including the uterus.

We recommend that you act in accordance with your dentist's opinion.

Features of treatment

Fortunately, pregnancy is not a contraindication to the treatment of dental pathologies, especially if they cause severe pain and discomfort in the expectant mother. It is very important, even before starting any manipulations, to warn your doctor about your situation and the approximate duration of pregnancy, then he will be able to select the best option for the drugs to be used.

The main indications for emergency treatment are: carious tissue damage, periodontitis, any inflammation in soft tissues, pulpitis, etc. For the restoration of destroyed hard tissues, any composites can be used: chemically and light-curing. However, it is best to avoid enamel whitening procedures for a while.

General anesthesia is contraindicated in this position. It is also worth noting that before treating any pathologies, an x-ray examination of the oral cavity is required. This can be quite harmful for the baby; the safest time for this procedure is the second trimester. In this case, it is very important to cover the surface of the abdomen and thighs with a thick, protective apron.

Types of dentures

Dentures can differ in the time of fixation - temporary and permanent, in the type of installation - removable and fixed, on your own teeth and on implants, as well as in size (how many teeth they replace). Orthopedic structures are also classified by material - acrylic, nylon, polyurethane, with and without metal inclusions (nickel, gold, titanium), ceramic, glass-ceramic, zirconium dioxide and others.


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