Reasons for clenching teeth while sleeping | Dental Health

If your teeth involuntarily clench and grind during your sleep, you need to understand that these are clear signs of a disease such as bruxism.

Timely treatment is necessary to prevent the development of other diseases and complications. Bruxism can cause: tooth wear, dysfunction of the temporomandibular system, periodontitis, frequent headaches, etc.

The difficulty here is that such treatment will only be effective if there is an integrated approach. In addition to dental treatment, psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic treatment will be required, as well as massage and the use of protective caps.

What is bruxism

Bruxism, or uncontrollable teeth grinding, most often occurs during sleep. According to dentists, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws at rest should not touch each other except for episodes of eating.

This also includes strong clenching of the jaws as a result of spasms of the masticatory muscles (clanchus), including during the day (bruxomania). If we can still somehow cope with daytime grinding or compression by controlling it (although not always), then at night our “controller” mind turns off.

With the harmful bruxing process, the effect on the teeth can be called destructive. They wear out and loosen faster, the enamel becomes thinner, sensitivity increases, the bite is disrupted, resulting in cracks and chips appearing on the teeth. Gums also suffer, there is a risk of inflammation and the service life of installed fillings, implants and dentures is reduced.

Often, a patient with bruxism will wake up with tightly clenched teeth and a feeling of pain in the jaw, teeth, or facial muscles. Morning headaches and dizziness, ringing in the ears, pain in various parts of the spine, daytime drowsiness and a feeling of lack of sleep are also likely.

How is excessive tooth clenching treated?

Treatment methods are selected taking into account the causes of teeth clenching. Young children do not require special treatment; usually by the age of 6-7 years the problem disappears on its own. Medicinal, psychotherapeutic, dental and physiotherapeutic techniques are applicable to adult patients.

If psychogenic factors play a role, it is important to practice relaxation and self-control. To reduce the activity of the masticatory muscles during sleep, the doctor prescribes vitamins, sedatives and mild sleeping pills. In some cases, massage and manual therapy sessions are useful.

Dental methods for treating bruxism and muscle hypertonicity involve the participation of a therapist, periodontist, orthopedist, and orthodontist. A set of measures may include:

  • production of protective mouthguards;
  • correction of bite;
  • selective grinding;
  • prosthetics;
  • implantation

And only after eliminating the causes of the pathology do they begin to correct aesthetic defects - eliminating wedge-shaped defects, placing fillings, crowns, veneers.

As for the prevention of increased jaw clenching, it is not difficult. It is enough just to get rid of bad habits, normalize your psycho-emotional state, learn self-massage and relaxing techniques. It is also important to treat teeth in a timely manner and monitor the health of the nervous system.

Main causes of bruxism

  • osteopathic (due to malocclusion, postural disorders, birth trauma or diseases of the cervical spine);
  • dental (as a result of violations of the structure and functions of the dental system);
  • neurological (due to disturbances in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system);
  • psychological (due to the emotional state of a person, various manifestations of psychosomatics).

Let us dwell on the last reason in more detail, since, according to researchers of bruxism, psychological components influence its formation up to 70%.

Who will save you from bruxism – a dentist or a psychologist?

Yes, bruxism is a problem, both psychological and dental. In the first case, the doctor may advise you to take a sedative, rest more, get enough sleep and avoid overexertion.

Dentists give more practical recommendations. If you have missing teeth, you need to fill the gap. Fortunately, dental implantation offers different ways to restore teeth in terms of time and money.

Fluoridation of teeth and the use of strengthening toothpastes to maintain enamel will help compensate for the aggressive consequences of bruxism.

Who is susceptible to bruxism

The disease is often considered characteristic of people who are overly busy and busy, and is attributed to great psycho-emotional stress and stress in everyday life. This is not always the case - even adequately busy people can suffer from bruxism.

According to a survey of those seeking psychological help and concerned about bruxism, such patients do feel tension during the day. However, the level of this tension is quite optimal and necessary for most often performing intellectual work. Many clients have an optimistic character, but there is still a tendency towards workaholism. Most often, grinding at night was found in closed and secretive people who strive to keep all experiences and emotions to themselves (both positive and negative).

Also, according to observations, bruxism manifests itself in people with a strong sexual constitution, who do not always manage to fully realize their sexual potential. Probably, the accumulated tension could become a trigger for the manifestation of bruxism, as a release of energy at night due to unsatisfied activity. Because on the lips, which are related to the dental system, there are a huge number of sensitive areas.

Another hypothesis is that teeth grinding and jaw clenching can accompany patient people who keep all their passions, tears, resentments, anger and irritation within themselves due to their nature or lack of ability to express negative emotions. Anxiety, the presence of neurosis, unresolved internal contradictions and complexes can also cause the development of bruxism. Hippocrates also believed that “confusion of the soul is the main cause of teeth grinding.”

Strong-willed people, trying to gather strength and overcome fears, are subject to strong jaw clenching. A highly developed instinct of self-preservation also plays an important role here. The clenching of the jaws and teeth resembles an element of struggle or a defensive reaction, proving that the person is still alive.

Thus, the reasons for the persistence of bruxism may vary depending, including on age .

  • For children, these may be protest reactions to the prohibitions or behavior of adults, parental divorce, moving, changing kindergarten or school;
  • in adolescents - rebellion, suppression of anger and the desire to escape from the care of elders, uncertainty with the choice of profession or incorrect self-determination.

There are two main types of TMJ dysfunction:

  • Myogenic (source: muscle pain);
  • Arthrogenic (associated with TMJ condition).

Myogenic TMJ dysfunction usually occurs due to fatigue or tension in the masseter or accessory muscles. Leads to facial pain, headaches, and sometimes neck pain.

Arthrogenic dysfunction of the TMJ, as a rule, is the result of inflammation, degenerative changes in hard and soft tissues in the joint. It most often occurs due to capsulitis or synoviitis (inflammation), slipped discs, and degenerative arthritis.

Treatment and prevention

Dentistry suggests constantly wearing a mouthguard - a custom-made rubber structure that protects teeth from abrasion and loosening.

magnesium, calcium and B vitamins, light sedative and hypnotic infusions in order to calm the nervous system Before going to bed, you can apply a warm, damp towel to relieve tension, and undergo massage sessions of the chin and jaw system.

You should avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system (chocolate, coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, chewing gum).

Psychological and physiological ways to overcome bruxism

  • You can learn autogenic training methods, breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation and stress relief.
  • You should make a list of your favorite calming activities that allow you to relax and switch your attention from worries (to form a so-called “ bank of positive emotions ”). This could be long walks in nature, playing a suitable sport (swimming, running, cycling, yoga or qigong), taking warm relaxing baths with herbal decoctions, listening to music, chatting in a pleasant company, watching interesting films or programs, reading books, traveling to new places.
  • A visit to a psychologist or psychotherapist will help the patient speak out, understand himself, internal conflicts, frequent mood swings, overcome depression and find spiritual harmony and balance.

Patients with bruxism are often torn between reason and emotions, between “want” and “should.” As a result, a person seems to eat and strive to destroy himself, grinding his teeth in his sleep when control over the psyche is weakened. Bruxism manifests itself as a destructive form of auto-aggression (aggression that has not found a way out). And the task of the psychologist is to recognize and bring out, work through and make conscious to the patient these suppressed elements of his psyche (including through the use of hypnotic techniques). Find acceptable options for expressing suppressed emotions, allow the patient to realize himself, turning aggression into a constructive direction.

Also, with the help of a psychologist, you can learn useful relaxation skills, for example, according to Jacobson . This technique consists of alternately working with different parts of the body - tensing and then relaxing the muscles, including the maxillofacial muscles.

In case of an excess of sexual energy, it will be useful to think about having a partner and regularly realizing your sexual potential, which in itself brings positive emotions and relaxes.

How to get rid of the disease

At first glance, teeth grinding is not a very serious ailment. But if treatment is left untreated, various dental problems may arise:

  • cracks appear in the enamel;
  • caries develops;
  • teeth wear out, become loose and fall out;
  • gums are injured;
  • sores appear in the mouth;
  • the bite is disturbed;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joints develop.

In addition, bruxism causes constant psychological discomfort. The person feels inferior, becomes withdrawn and irritable. It complicates the quality of life, there is rapid fatigue, constant headaches, and depression.

Special exercises and massage

Exercises and self-massage will help in the treatment of bruxism:

  1. Squeezing your jaw with your palms below on both sides, you need to press lightly with your fingers, massaging it in a circular motion. It is advisable to repeat such manipulations, which help relieve tension from the problem area, every day for at least 2-3 minutes.
  2. Chin muscle training. With your mouth slightly open, you need to push your jaw back with your fingers. The procedure is repeated several times during the day, at least 10 times in 1 approach.
  3. Chewing gum exercise. You need to roll the chewing gum balls from one corner of your mouth to the other. It is better to do this before going to bed, until you feel tired in your muscles, then the likelihood that your jaw will be clenched tightly in your sleep will sharply decrease.

Types of odonterism

The disease occurs during the day and at night. Attacks of daytime bruxism occur while a person is awake, mainly under strong emotional stress. Treatment of this form of pathology largely depends on the patient himself and his ability to self-control.

In the second case, signs of the disease appear at night, when the person is sleeping and cannot control himself. Such attacks can be repeated. In this case, a person’s breathing becomes impaired, blood pressure and pulse rate change.

In addition, bruxism occurs:

  • noisy (with grinding). The grinding of teeth that occurs in humans is accompanied by a characteristic sound. The disease can cause premature tooth wear;
  • quiet (with squeezing). With this form, the teeth clench silently. The consequences of quiet (oriented) bruxism are minor defects of tooth enamel;
  • mixed. It is a combination of both forms, alternating with each other.

General recommendations

  1. At the first signs of bruxism, it is recommended to consult a specialist - a neurologist or psychiatrist.
  2. Before going to bed, forced relaxation is done. Gradually it will become a habit.
  3. During the day you need rest, maintaining a good mood.
  4. Maximum exclusion of stressful situations.
  5. Before going to bed, the jaw is subjected to heavy load. You can chew hard vegetables and fruits (pears, carrots). Well, the jaw gets tired of the seeds.
  6. You can take sedatives and soothing tea (only after consulting a doctor).
  7. It is important to combine a daily routine where work and rest alternate.
  8. During the year, vacations, sports, and leisure time in the fresh air are required.

Prevention of bruxism in children

  • Give your jaws a rest. Unless your child chews, swallows, or talks, the top and bottom teeth should not touch. If your teeth touch, they clench, which is just one step away from grinding. Explain this to your child and ask him to try to keep his teeth slightly apart when his jaw is relaxed.
  • Encourage exercise. Regular exercise can help your child relieve stress and muscle tension, which can cause nighttime teeth grinding in susceptible individuals.
  • Quiet activities before going to bed.
    The child should not take part in wrestling, active and violent games before going to bed. Tense muscles need time to relax before your baby falls asleep. Make sure that the child is in a calm state an hour before going to bed. During this time, you can read a book or let him read on his own or look through a picture book.
  • Try putting your baby to bed earlier.
    Your child may be overtired, which may encourage him to grind his teeth while sleeping. In this case, going to bed earlier may help.
  • Avoid eating before bed.
    If digestive juices are working during the night shift, this can lead to unnecessary stress for the child during sleep. Don't give your child anything to eat or drink other than water an hour before bedtime.
  • Talk to your child about his problems.
    If your child is worried about a difficult assignment or the upcoming premiere of a school play, this may be the reason that makes him grind his teeth at night. If something is bothering your child, don't let him go to bed with that worry in his head. Talking to him before going to bed so that he can leave all his worries behind, this often helps relieve tension. Make a five- or ten-minute conversation with you a daily calming procedure before your child falls asleep.
  • Apply warm, moist compresses.
    If your child's jaw hurts in the morning, soak a washcloth in warm water, wring it out, and apply it to the sore jaw until your child feels better. This will help soothe the pain.

Grinding of teeth - maybe we can tolerate it?

“Well, he grinds his teeth, come to think of it,” say the relatives of those who like to grind their teeth in their sleep, plugging their ears with cotton. Earplugs are also an option against bruxism, unless you feel sorry for your loved one.

Excessive stress on the teeth, jaw joints, facial and neck muscles results in pain, spasms and tension.

Regular grinding at night wears down teeth - first the enamel is injured, hyper-sensitivity appears, then caries sets in and after a couple of years there is simply nothing left of the teeth. And not only from our own people.

No ceramic crowns or dental implants can withstand such pressure. And you say “no big deal”!

General information

Teeth grinding is scientifically called bruxism - a literal translation from the Greek phrase “to grind one's teeth.” According to statistics, about fifteen percent of the world's inhabitants suffer from this phenomenon. Children are more susceptible to it (30% of children grind their teeth in their sleep). Bruxism usually occurs during sleep.

While awake, a person does not grind his teeth in the full sense of the word, but he strongly clenches his jaw, and he himself records this movement. Most often, no one pays attention to this, but in vain. Although this phenomenon itself is not harmful, teeth are gradually destroyed. Isolated cases of squeaking can be observed in absolutely healthy people; most children outgrow this phenomenon.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment measures depend mainly on the root cause of the deviation and can vary greatly. For example, a treatment regimen for bruxism may include several areas at once:

  1. Relaxation procedures.
  2. Drug therapy.
  3. Massotherapy.
  4. Complete elimination of all defects in the dental profile.
  5. Psychotherapy.
  6. Bite correction.

Therapy must be comprehensive; only in this case can recovery be achieved.

If we talk about the bad habit of teeth chattering, then there are no medicinal or surgical methods to combat the problem. You need to deal with it yourself. You can turn to a psychologist for help; the doctor will help you choose the most effective “treatment” tactics, and at the same time determine the causes of the habit.

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