Efficacy and safety of paracetamol in patients with back pain and osteoarthritis


There are cases when toothache strikes suddenly and there were no other harbingers of rapidly developing caries until the lesion reached the pulp. The question arises: does paracetamol help for toothache? How to take it correctly to alleviate your condition?

Understanding that you need to go to the doctor, it is not always possible to get an appointment in the middle of the night or on the weekend, when the pain has reached its peak. It is impossible to tolerate aching, sharp or throbbing painful sensations. Fortunately, in every first aid kit of the average family there are simple and affordable means to help cope with this.

When is it used?

At the moment, the pharmacological industry produces quite a lot of medicines based on paracetamol. Among them, the most famous are “Panadol” and “Efferalgan”.

Paracetamol has long been known as an antipyretic and analgesic.
This medicine has two beneficial properties at the same time:

  • Antipyretic
  • Painkiller – relieves toothache, migraine, headache, pain arising from burns and injuries

Does paracetamol relieve acute toothache?

The product can successfully cope with any pain syndrome, including headache or toothache. What sets Paracetamol apart from its competitors is its good absorption: it ends up in the blood, quickly passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine begins to act approximately half an hour after administration. It does not belong to hormonal (steroid) drugs.

Paracetamol was previously thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. But the results of recent research in this area indicate that the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is minimal. At the same time, this does not mean that the drug can be taken for a long time without any control.

It is necessary to be aware that paracetamol is intended only to combat the symptoms of diseases, but has absolutely no effect on the source that caused the pain or fever.

Paracetamol as a remedy for toothache

The international name of the drug is acetaminophen. For several decades, paracetamol has been used both in the CIS and in other countries.

Some medicines based on paracetamol:

  • "Paracet"
  • "Calpol"
  • "Panadol"
  • "Tylenol"
  • "Efferalgan"
  • "Opradol"
  • "Akamol"
  • "Mexalen"
  • "Volpan"

Various forms of paracetamol packages can be found in pharmacies for free sale.

The forms of release of drugs based on paracetamol are also very diverse: ordinary tablets, capsules, ampoules, elixirs, syrup. The product is available at literally any pharmacy without a prescription. This method of dispensing gives people the erroneous illusion that the medicine is completely safe for health.

Paracetamol for teething in children instructions for use

When teething in children, the pain usually intensifies during sleep. Therefore, doctors recommend using the substance immediately before bed, but if he sleeps several times, then it is possible before each one. The dosage is calculated directly from the form of release in which the medicine will be offered, but at the rate of 10 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight.

Attention: before using if you experience toothache, you should consult a doctor as the doctor can change the dosage as necessary.

How to use

All medications containing paracetamol must be taken 20 minutes after meals and washed down with plain water. For this purpose, it is not recommended to use coffee or other drinks containing caffeine, since this substance, in combination with paracetamol, has a negative effect on the liver.

When using the drug without a doctor's prescription, the maximum single dose is 1 gram. For toothache, take it up to 4 times a day.

The greatest caution should be exercised when treating children with the drug. Self-medication in this situation is contraindicated. The best solution would be to call a doctor or an ambulance to see the child.

The maximum time during which you can take paracetamol is 3 days. In addition, it is generally prohibited for children under three years of age.

When calling a doctor, you need to tell him about the presence of chronic diseases and medications currently taken. No significant interactions of paracetamol with other drugs were found, but it is safer not to take the drug simultaneously with sodium valproate and sodium barbiturates.

Interaction with other drugs

When using paracetamol and other drugs simultaneously, you should know:

  • consumption with socilates can lead to the formation of tumors in the bladder
  • together with barbiturates, ethanol will lead to toxic effects on the liver, and will also reduce the effect of paracetamol itself
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause kidney problems

Attention: if any other medications are given, then under no circumstances should you start giving paracetamol for toothache without consulting a doctor. And you should definitely study the instructions for its use.

Contraindications and side effects

Often people taking paracetamol or drugs containing it experience pain in the liver. This medicine can negatively affect this organ and sometimes even cause death when taken in large dosages. There are cases where taking paracetamol without any medical supervision led to exacerbations of liver pathologies.

Patients taking medication without receiving a doctor's prescription should be aware of the risk of complications. It is necessary to carefully choose the dose, avoiding overdose. If you have liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, taking the drug is strictly prohibited.

People with bronchial asthma can take paracetamol only after consulting a doctor

Caution should be exercised by people with bronchial asthma. They should also avoid using paracetamol unless advised by a doctor as it increases the likelihood of bronchospasm. It can develop in patients who are hypersensitive to aspirin and other non-steroidal drugs.

You should be aware that large amounts of medication taken over a long period of time can negatively affect the metabolic system, suppressing the functioning of the thyroid gland.

There is no information on the effects of paracetamol on the kidneys, but consultation with doctors is a good idea as some patients have developed kidney failure when the dose is increased. People who abuse alcohol are also at risk.

People suffering from serious heart, kidney, respiratory and liver diseases should exercise caution when using the drug. An overdose of paracetamol primarily affects the liver. As a result, everything can lead to organ necrosis, which can be fatal.

Despite the fact that particularly careful attention is required to select a safe dose, even a relatively small amount of medication can lead to complications.

Side effects

As a rule, each drug has certain side effects in case of overdose:

  1. on the part of the circulatory system, anemia, thrombocytopenia, etc. may appear.
  2. can also have an effect on the baby’s nervous system; he will become drowsy or, on the contrary, nervous overexcitability
  3. Possible pain in the abdomen
  4. sick, vomiting

With frequent and long-term use of paracetamol, it may have a toxic effect on the liver.

Paracetamol for pregnant women

Already at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. This is known to any woman who has decided to become a mother. Among the specialists whose visits are necessary is the dentist. After all, during pregnancy, most women complain of dental problems.

The reason for this is hormonal changes in the mother’s body and the growth of the fetus, which needs vitamins and minerals. As a result, pregnant women may experience toothaches.

During pregnancy, it is safest to use lotions and rinses prepared according to traditional medicine recipes for toothache. However, even folk remedies during pregnancy should not be overused. After all, sometimes even safe herbal preparations can harm the mother and fetus, causing an allergic reaction.

Moreover, among dental pain relievers, gynecologists prefer paracetamol, since it acts directly on the source of pain without affecting other organs. In addition, it is able to pass through the placenta without adversely affecting the fetus.

Taking the drug during pregnancy should be minimized, since long-term use can still negatively affect the development of the child. In general, you should avoid taking any medications during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is at this time that the main systems of the baby’s body are formed.

Any medicine at this stage can harm the fetus. Of course, taking one tablet of paracetamol will not hurt, but with frequent use of the drug, the risk of developing negative consequences greatly increases.

Contraindications include diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys, and bronchial asthma. Only a doctor can prescribe a pain reliever with the fewest side effects.

During pregnancy, teeth can be removed and treated. When treating, if necessary, the doctor will use the least harmful anesthetic drugs.

If seeing a doctor is not possible, you are allowed to take a minimum dose of the medicine. In addition, during pregnancy it is recommended to make an appointment with a dentist for a preventive examination.

Paracetamol is an excellent remedy for toothache and all other pain syndromes, but it is best used as a one-time drug.

Taking paracetamol is recommended only in case of urgent need. It is a one-time remedy for use as an antipyretic and pain reliever. However, at the first opportunity you need to see a specialist.

special instructions

Before you start using a medicine for toothache, you should carefully study the instructions in order to avoid side effects. And follow some instructions recommended for use in children:

  • give the remedy after meals no earlier than an hour has passed, since food will slow down absorption
  • drink plenty of liquid (water)

If the age is under two years, then use the syrup in accordance with the established doses and after consultation with a doctor.

Paracetamol for the treatment of nursing mothers and children

Paracetamol can be taken once by a mother while breastfeeding.

If a nursing mother needs to relieve pain, doctors recommend paracetamol. It minimally passes into milk (less than 0.25%) and does not harm the child with a single use.

Breastfeeding women with toothache should take the drug immediately after feeding. Its highest concentration in a woman’s blood is achieved half an hour after administration.

It is advisable to avoid feeding during this time. Feeding a child becomes safe a few hours after taking the drug, when it is eliminated from the body.

If a child over three years old has a toothache, you can give him half a tablet of medicine. After this, you must urgently consult a dentist to eliminate the cause of the pain.

Indications for use of the drug

Paracetamol has several indications for use:

  • the appearance of fever, body aches caused by colds
  • pain of various types, but not those caused by inflammatory processes.

Doctors also recommend giving it as a prophylactic after the vaccine is administered.

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