How long does it take for internal and external sutures to heal after tears during childbirth? Stitches after childbirth: care, treatment, reviews
The day on which sutures are removed after surgery is determined by their type. Stitching the incision is the most
Why are the papillae on the tongue inflamed, what internal diseases of the body can this indicate?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system [1]. Its frequency
Changes in the oral mucosa in diseases of the hematopoietic system
Reasons why the roof of the mouth may hurt The upper part of the oral cavity, covered with mucous membrane,
Removal of formations on the labia - methods and results
Many women try to squeeze out the strange formation that they find on their labia. Do this
Lip bruise: how to cure and remove swelling without consequences
Lip bruise is damage to soft tissues and subcutaneous capillaries as a result of exposure to various
Wisdom teeth: problems they can cause
Most people aged 17-27 years old experience problems caused by the appearance of wisdom teeth.
Reasons for the appearance of Fordyce granules in girls photo
White pimples on the lips are a possible sign of Fordyce granules
Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin gland (large gland of the vestibule), which is located at the entrance to the
They treated, but did not complete the treatment - the tooth under the filling itches
Temporary filling. What is a filling? This is a special composition that is used to fill damaged or prepared channels,
Piercing “Medusa”: features and care recommendations
Jellyfish piercing is one of the most popular types of decorative piercings on the face. Hole
tooth bruise
Possible diseases and damage to teeth
Mechanical damage to a tooth due to injury without violating its integrity is called a bruise. This type of injury
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