tooth rots under the crown
If the tooth under the crown is sick, it can be cured without removing the structure
Sign up for a consultation +79252035555 Most often, people, having felt a bad odor coming from their mouth, contact
Stages of dental prosthetics: where to start with prosthetics
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
Uneven surface of teeth - Smile Line Dentistry
Method of direct veneers for restoration of anterior teeth
Over the course of a person's life, cracks sometimes form in the enamel of teeth. She can break away
swelling after dental implantation
Recommendations for patients: what to do after dental implantation
Can I eat it right away? When can you eat What foods can you eat Example of a diet Impact
Cost of dental veneers and features of their installation
Ideally straight and snow-white teeth by nature are very rare, most often the natural color of the enamel
Characteristics of titanium crowns on teeth: advantages, disadvantages and cost in Moscow
For the manufacture of crowns, different materials are used, differing in properties, cost, and service life. Titanium crowns,
9 services that are necessarily included in turnkey dental implantation
January 14, 2020 Today there are a lot of clinics where dental implantation is performed. However, dentistry, where
What you need to know about dental restoration
Microprosthetics and dental restorations - when it is within the competence of the dentist-therapist
Author of the article: Goldstein Maria Anatolyevna Expert doctor Specialization: Dentist-therapist Total work experience: since 2008
chipped crown
How dentures are repaired: analysis of different situations with orthopedists
May 9, 2021 Anyone may be faced with a situation where repair of prostheses fixed to
Possible applications of flowable composites
Dental composite materials (composites)
Dental composites are polymer multiphase compositions of varying degrees of viscosity used for treatment and
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