9 services that are necessarily included in turnkey dental implantation

January 14, 2020

Today there are a lot of clinics where dental implantation is performed. However, there are few dental clinics where the service is truly provided at the highest level, and where the payment terms are extremely transparent for the patient. Some modern medical institutions offer turnkey dental implantation, but not all patients know and understand what this means. What is actually hidden behind this concept, what makes up the cost of treatment with this approach, and where can a catch lie in wait for the patient? About this and much more in today’s article by the editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal.

What does the term “turnkey dental implantation” mean?

Many patients think that dental implantation involves a surgical stage for the implantation of artificial roots and, in fact, the installation of fully functional dentures. But before and after this, the patient also needs to undergo a number of procedures: do several x-ray examinations (at least before and after surgery), sanitize the oral cavity, take blood tests. During the period of adaptation and healing of the implants, in most cases you will need to wear a temporary prosthesis, and only after that you will be given a permanent one.

Turnkey implantation involves a range of many services

Do you think that all of the above manipulations are included in the cost of treatment that you see in bright advertising or on the clinic’s website? Even if they are partially included, everything is not always limited to just this. After all, each patient has individual characteristics, and to obtain a high-quality result, they must be taken into account. So, someone will need to build up the bone tissue of the jaw due to its deficiency and plastic surgery of the mucous membrane. Some people will first need to have their diseased and decayed teeth removed.

It turns out that it is quite difficult to objectively name the final cost of restoring one or all teeth. But a number of dentists offer patients to have all teeth or one tooth done “turnkey”. The clinic announces in advance and stipulates in the contract a clearly fixed amount, i.e. full cost, including all necessary procedures that may be required. You will get a preliminary estimate of the price, and during the treatment process you will not have to pay extra or urgently look for money, which was not discussed at all earlier at the consultation and preparation stage.

Turnkey implantation is an excellent option to save on treatment and maintain your financial and psychological well-being. This is confidence in the future, extreme transparency of calculations and a guarantee that you will not be deceived. There should be no hidden fees with this approach, and the cost remains the same throughout the entire treatment period from visiting the clinic to leaving it with new teeth.

However, often the phrase “turnkey” is used by unscrupulous dentists to only lure patients. Therefore, we need to follow the saying “trust but verify.” If you are offered a service, then clearly discuss with your doctor exactly what it includes. Conclude an agreement with the clinic, where all manipulations will be prescribed. First, let’s take a closer look at what is or can be included in the actual cost of “turnkey” treatment. But we note right away that this approach will be of interest only to those patients who do not have all or almost all teeth, that is, an integrated approach and a large number of additional manipulations are required.

Brief history of the development of implantation

Attempts to implant artificial teeth into the jaw have been made throughout the history of medicine. But it would be correct to consider the 19th century to be the real beginning of the era of implantation. In the second half, several significant events occurred at once: Lister invented antiseptics, Bury described the principle of biocompatibility, the founder of odontology N.N. Znamensky in his work listed the properties of materials for implantation and indicated that the artificial root should be implanted not into the hole, but into the bone. In the second half of the 20th century, Branemark discovered osseointegration and experimentally proved the possibility of implantation. For several decades, dentists around the world have been working on creating a dental implant design. Because of this, today there are many types of structures that form the root of a tooth. They are made of titanium and zirconium, with a porous and rough surface, with various modifications of notches and cutting. And the dentist today can choose the shape of the implant for each patient: cylindrical, screw, plate.

Diagnostic examination

Implantation involves at least one surgical stage if a one-stage technology with immediate loading of the prosthesis is used. Or two or more surgical interventions using the classic two-stage method with delayed loading of the prosthesis. Accordingly, careful preparation for treatment is required, as well as careful monitoring of the condition of the oral tissues and the survival rate of the implants after their installation.

A computed tomography scan will be required for diagnosis.

To carry out such control at all stages of treatment, doctors use modern research methods, namely, computed tomography of the jaw. The price usually includes as many images as needed at all stages of treatment. If you pay for them separately, then the price for 1 CT image starts from 2,500 rubles.

Today, the highest level clinics offer patients free consultation and diagnostics upon initial treatment. You should definitely take advantage of this offer to get a second opinion about your clinical situation. Especially if you plan to visit not one, but several clinics at once. True, the CT scans themselves will not give you away, but at least you will have an idea of ​​what treatment options are possible.

Removal of irreparable teeth

This point is especially relevant for those patients who undergo single-stage or simultaneous implantation, because These methods allow you to simultaneously remove decayed teeth and replace them with implants. The cost of extracting just one tooth in different clinics can range from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. Agree, it is much more pleasant to save on this procedure than to pay for both the removal and installation of implants. However, this is more likely to be possible only if the clinic operates on a turnkey basis.

Non-restorable teeth should be removed

What is a plate implant

A plate implant is a straight plate with a “snake” macro-relief or a corrugated plate, necessarily with perforation for bone tissue growth. This type of implant can be installed in patients with bone deficiency when its thickness reaches at least 3 mm and height – 8 mm.

There are non-separable and composite plate implants. They are installed in patients with complete and partial edentia with a lack of incisors, canines, and absence of chewing teeth in the middle of the row or at the edges. They are considered an alternative to cylindrical implants, but not a panacea, as they are inferior in physiological indicators.

Preparing for treatment

This is the most extensive stage, which includes many components. And here it is important to understand which services in some clinics may be included in the turnkey price, and which, in any case, will always and everywhere have to be paid separately.

So, we have already discussed above what is included in the price, which may be the removal of destroyed elements and the rehabilitation of their holes - this is an integral stage of preparation, because Teeth that cannot be restored become a source of infection for the entire body and contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora, and for successful implantation, the oral cavity must be sterile. Some dentists also include in the price sanitation and anti-inflammatory therapy for patients who have inflammation in the oral cavity. Sometimes the service includes professional oral hygiene.

Now let's talk about what you will have to pay for separately in any case, because... These procedures will not be included in the price in any dentistry. It is important to know about this:

  • treatment of caries or other dental diseases on remaining teeth - the measures taken help reduce the risk of developing peri-implantitis. The cost of the procedure is from 3000 rubles. for one tooth
  • restoration of antagonist teeth: for example, with the help of removable or fixed prosthetics - this is required to normalize the bite relationship,
  • surgery to build bone tissue or sinus lift: the procedure becomes necessary if you need to restore 1-2 teeth that have been missing for a long time, because the bone tissue in this place has undergone atrophy and is not enough to fix the implant. The cost starts from 10 thousand rubles,

    The photo shows a diagram of the sinus lift operation

  • periodontal treatment: for example, a patient has periodontitis, but he plans to retain some of his vital teeth. Accordingly, an experienced doctor in this case will not place implants until the disease is transferred to the stage of stable remission - to achieve this, it takes a lot of time, gum curettage, injections, plasma lifting, and patch surgeries may be required. Price – at least 10 thousand rubles,
  • gum plastic surgery: it may be required during classical two-stage implantation, when the patient again restores 1-2 long-removed elements. With complex approaches to express implantation, when it is necessary to restore a full row at once, this procedure is no longer necessary, because The prosthesis is already equipped with a thin gingival edge, which naturally imitates natural mucous membranes. Price – from 2000 rub. for tissue restoration in the area of ​​one tooth.

Myth #1: Implants often fall out because they don’t take root.

The implant is made from biocompatible material. After implantation, the integration of the artificial root occurs: bone fibers adjoin the dental implant, growing around it on all sides. The main causes of osseointegration disorders:

  • decreased immunity, for example, a cold or viral disease in the patient immediately after implantation
  • metabolic disorder, such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • non-compliance by the patient with oral hygiene recommendations

The general health of the patient is an important success factor; therefore, during the planning period for implantation, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary examination in order to identify violations and correct them. After implantation, it is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day to maintain a healthy level of oral microflora.

Blood tests

Even if you do not have health problems and factors complicating edentia (osteoporosis, old age, diabetes, heart problems), then still, when preparing for implantation, you must undergo a general blood test to exclude possible contraindications and assess your current health status and blood clotting indicators.

When preparing for implantation, you must undergo a general blood test.

It’s good if the dentistry has an agreement with a research laboratory - this means that you will undergo the examination quickly, and it will already be included in the price. If the clinic does not have such an agreement, then you will have to pay separately for the tests, at least 3,500 rubles. Or you will have to go to a public clinic, take tests on a first-come, first-served basis (and this despite the fact that you will first have to make an appointment with a therapist to get a referral), and wait a long time for the results. But such certificates have a certain expiration date - this must be taken into account.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for express implantation:

  • Damage to teeth with deep gum defects.
  • Lack of ability to restore teeth.

However, this method is considered the only option for updating the dentition, since the patient may have contraindications to surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages

If such a recommendation is not simply seen as a commercial promotional process, but actually meets the best expectations of the buyer, then it has a couple of advantages:

  • therefore, it is possible to quickly and easily replace completely lost units, which will restore the measured load and performance of the entire jaw;
  • Due to the fact that during implantation there is no need to grind strong teeth, this contributes to their absolute care.

The difference also lies in the fact that for quick implantation, the product can be a one-piece structure, which is immediately tested in full. Leave a request by phone: 8 (812) 438-21-17.

Planning the operation

The most advanced clinics today use advanced technologies and 3D modeling of the treatment process, which makes it possible to eliminate any risks and errors at the preparation stage. Using three-dimensional computer programs, doctors assess the condition of the patient’s bone tissue, select suitable implants, determine the location of their installation in the jawbone, and create surgical guides.

3D modeling of future dental implantation

The operation of smart technologies costs additional costs, so if you are treated not according to a turnkey system, then you will have to pay for it separately - on average, from 10 thousand rubles and more. Everything will depend on the number of teeth that need to be restored.


Local can be considered typical or basic. For high-quality pain relief at the time of implant installation, in most cases, local conduction and infiltration anesthesia is sufficient. If 1 tooth is being restored, then less pain medication will be needed. If all the teeth are on the jaw, then turnkey implantation is a profitable solution, otherwise you will have to undergo up to 8-12 injections, the total price of which will be at least 4,000 rubles.

But if you require anesthesia or sedation, then even the best clinic will not be able to include these procedures in the price. You will have to pay for them separately, which will affect the final price. Remember that to carry out such serious manipulations you need to involve highly specialized specialists, anesthesiologists. To carry out procedures under anesthesia, it is necessary to have specialized equipment that monitors the patient’s parameters, a ventilator, and an intensive care unit - all this costs additional expenses.

General anesthesia is available at an additional cost

Turnkey implantation: price at the ViDentis clinic

Many people are interested in the question, how much does it cost to install a turnkey dental implant? We offer various solutions within this service. For example, an elite Straumann implant (Switzerland) on a turnkey basis together with a metal-ceramic crown will cost 65,000 rubles. An ICX implant (Germany) with exactly the same crown will cost 51,000 rubles, and the turnkey price of a titanium root from the manufacturer NeoBiotech (Korea) will be 45,000 rubles.

Tags: turnkey dental implantation price, turnkey dental implant, installation of a dental implant price, cost of a turnkey tooth implantation, cost of a dental implant, installing dental implants, how much does it cost to install a dental implant, turnkey dental implant price, installing a dental implant, inserting a dental implant, dental clinic dental implantation

Dental implantation method

Today there are two main directions of high-quality implantation.

The first approach is the classic two-step method.

At the first stage, you will receive an implant; at the second stage, namely 3-6 months after the implantation of artificial roots, you will receive a permanent prosthesis. In the interval between the two stages, you will need to wear a removable denture. The turnkey price will include the implant model you have chosen, its installation, payment for the work of an implantologist and orthopedist, the creation and installation of a temporary removable denture (or a lightweight crown). Everything else will have to be paid separately.

The photo shows a diagram of a classic two-stage implantation

It is worth remembering that in 90% of 100 cases of long-term absence of teeth, you will first have to build up bone tissue. Also, with this approach, you will have to separately remove damaged teeth and wait until their sockets heal - only then can implants be placed. And you will need to pay for all this separately, as well as for the manufacture and installation of the final permanent permanent crown.

Second approach - one-step methods

Why not method, but methods (plural)? The approach involves several treatment options within one concept - all-on-4, Trefoil, all-on-6, basal complex or even zygomatic. Prosthetics with fixed structures, in contrast to the first classical method, occurs within 2-3 days after the installation of implants. In 90% of cases, one-stage methods make it possible to do without bone grafting, even with severe bone atrophy, and the removal of decayed teeth and installation of implants can be carried out simultaneously.

The photo shows a diagram of dental implantation using the All-on-4 protocol

You will not have to spend money on additional manipulations - bone grafting, tooth extraction, manufacturing and installation of a fixed structure. True, the turnkey price will only include a temporary (adaptation) fixed prosthesis; you will have to pay for a permanent one separately - it will have to be changed after the implants have completely healed, i.e. 3-6 months after the surgical stage of treatment. However, some patients manage to wear it for up to 3-5 years. Of course, only in agreement with the dentist, who conducts preventive examinations and can confirm that the structure is in good condition.

With one-stage implantation methods in conditions of extreme bone tissue atrophy, a number of professional doctors can suggest the use of zygomatic implants - their price is higher than classical ones, because they make it possible to carry out high-quality and fast prosthetics in a short time and in the most complex clinical cases. But if you go to a clinic where, then only the total cost of treatment will increase, and you will not have to pay extra for the volume of standard manipulations that we have listed.

“I had a difficult situation, because... I had periodontitis and had to have all my teeth removed. I was lucky that I ended up in a good clinic, where they offered me turnkey implantation. Given my problems, this was generally an ideal option, otherwise I would probably have gone broke. And one more thing - they immediately offered me a permanent prosthesis on implants; it is made of ceramic composite, i.e. Although I initially paid more, I didn’t have to pay separately for both temporary and permanent prostheses, plus go through all the associated manipulations.”

Alla, review from the dental portal gidpozubam.ru

What's included

Implantation, regardless of the type of technology (single-stage or classical), is carried out in several stages. At the same time, the prosthetic protocol implies that the patient has no contraindications and acute and chronic forms of periodontal disease.

List of mandatory events

  • diagnostics, including tests and x-rays;
  • anesthesia;
  • implantation;
  • installation of abutment;
  • fitting, production and installation of crowns.

Model and number of implants used

It's no secret that today there are economy class brands on the market, as well as premium segment brands - these are completely different price categories. Which ones are better to choose? To save budget, of course, many patients choose inexpensive models. However, you need to understand that these do not always pay off in the long term. And the price of premium brands is always justified by a number of convincing factors:

  • rapid osseointegration (reduced healing time): for this, manufacturers give artificial roots a special active surface, reinforced, for example, with phosphorus or calcium, which promotes the rapid growth of bone tissue cells around the implants,
  • absence of harmful and toxic impurities in the composition: for example, the highest quality brands, for example, Nobel or Straumann, are made of commercially pure titanium without vanadium and aluminum impurities that slow down osseointegration,

  • long existence in the implantology market and product quality confirmed by scientific research works: for example, if a manufacturer has existed for only 10 years, then it cannot give a lifetime guarantee for its products and collect a sufficient base of research confirming this fact,
  • preventing resorption of the marginal bone at the interface of the implant with the mucosa: this allows your smile to remain as natural and beautiful as possible for many years.

The turnkey price should include all components for the implants: abutments, gum formers and plugs. Remember that for your safety they must all be original, i.e. from the same manufacturer as the implants themselves. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications.

Manufacturing of prostheses

Conscientious innovative dentistry at this point necessarily includes: taking impressions of the jaws and bite parameters, photometry, the work of an orthopedist and technician, developing the concept of a prosthesis using modern computer programs (for example, Digital Smile Design), creating a prosthesis and its correction. All these services will actually be included in the price if the dentistry has its own equipped laboratory for creating prosthetics. If not, then you will have to pay separately for almost every item: for impressions from 1500 rubles, for the use of an articulator from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, for modeling a future prosthesis from 5000 rubles, for correction - from 3000 rubles.

The photo shows dentures on implants

As a rule, the turnkey price includes the production of a temporary adaptive prosthesis from certain materials, for example, metal-plastic. But for permanent dentures made of ceramic composite, metal ceramics or zirconium dioxide you will have to pay separately. But again, this should not affect the number of standard manipulations, much less an increase in their cost.

Surgery and prosthesis

The final price of the operation is influenced by many factors: the level and experience of the clinic, the professionalism of dentists, the use of imported technologies, etc. It is also important to consider the need for osteoplasty, that is, increasing the missing volume of bone tissue. This procedure is not only expensive, but also quite lengthy.

One-stage and classic, two-stage procedures also have different costs. After the implant is installed, the crown portion of the tooth will need to be fabricated. To do this, an impression is first taken from the patient’s jaw, and then it is sent to a special dental laboratory to create a prosthesis.

When extracting a tooth and fixing an implant at the same time, the cost will also necessarily include the creation of a temporary crown. It is set for a period from several days to several months, depending on the specific clinical picture.

Recommendations to help avoid being scammed

Not all dental clinics have a transparent pricing policy. Some use the phrase “turnkey” only for advertising and attracting patients, but in fact it turns out that the price does not include even half of the manipulations we have listed. How can you avoid becoming a victim in this case? Please note the following points:

  • check what is hidden under promotional offers: it often happens that the price of a turnkey promotion implies the use of a specific brand of implant, and the patient does not have a choice,
  • an agreement with the clinic: it must be in place - there are even no options if you are counting on some guarantees and obligations in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In the contract, it is important to find clauses indicating guarantees, the responsibilities of the parties, the list of services provided and their cost,
  • Do not believe turnkey prices until you undergo a comprehensive examination and diagnosis: the service includes standard measures, but each clinical case is unique. During the examination, it may turn out that you have related problems - pulpitis, gingivitis, bone atrophy, and you may also need the help of specialized specialists (endocrinologist, cardiologist) - all this costs additional money and time.

Tips on how to save money on implantation without risking your health

Here you need to understand what you can save on and what you still shouldn’t. Thus, one cannot skimp on the professionalism of a doctor, because low-paid personnel in most cases do not have the necessary skills, experience and qualifications to carry out such serious treatment. You may encounter a situation where implantation is carried out by a dentist, and not by a maxillofacial surgeon and implantologist, as it should be - naturally, his work will be cheaper, but the quality guarantees drop sharply here.

You cannot save on the brand of implants and on the examination before the procedure; you should not agree to reduce the cost by installing non-original suprastructures - for example, cheaper plugs and abutments from other manufacturers. Yes, this will reduce the cost of treatment, but it will call the result into question - the risks of rejection of the system and its failure are very likely.

Regarding the examination, remember that complications arise in patients precisely because they have not undergone sufficient preoperative preparation1 and x-ray control. If the clinic offers to place implants immediately after treatment, bypassing the listed steps, leave and look for another dentistry.

Be careful when choosing a clinic

We exist in a world that offers a large number of solutions, and a modern patient can choose: a doctor, a clinic, compare prices and attitude of staff, read reviews of former patients. Today it is possible to save safely by choosing complexes, pre-New Year and holiday discounts, using accumulative bonus systems, participating in surveys and competitions, and social projects. The patient can pay for treatment in installments or on credit, and return the social tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the total cost of treatment. And remember that you need to save wisely!


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  1. Kamalyan A.V., Pashinyan G.A., Bazikyan E.A. Analysis of professional errors and complications during dental implantation in order to increase its effectiveness. Problems of expertise in medicine, 2021.

Expert “Patients need to be provided with all the necessary quality guarantees, and not just help to save on treatment. It is important that a person has support even after implants have been implanted. For example, confidence in the future can be obtained in the form of a lifetime guarantee for the work of doctors, after-sales service, and free professional hygiene according to complex implantation protocols.” Implant surgeon, ch.l.h. Bespalov Roman Dmitrievich

Consulting specialist

Bespalov Roman Dmitrievich

Specialization: Implant surgeon, Ph.D. Experience: 25 years

Cost of branded implants

The price of implantation systems in Moscow varies widely. Even if you want to save money, do not agree to install implants produced by little-known companies - this is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous.

List of implant manufacturers with a reliable reputation all over the world

  1. Nobel (Sweden) - offers products that have a special rough coating and phosphorus components, which provide a high percentage of survival rate. The price of 1 implant is about 10,000 rubles, installation will cost 30,000 rubles.
  2. Nobel Biocare (Sweden, America, Japan, Israel) - a wide selection of models of different shapes and sizes for any type of bone tissue. The cost per unit is 20,000 rubles, with prosthetics with a metal-ceramic crown - from 90,000 rubles.
  3. Astra Tech (Sweden) - products have a conical shape, about 800 types of models with different types of threads. The cost of the implant is 30,000 rubles, the complex service starts from 70,000 rubles.
  4. Straumann (Switzerland) – used for simultaneous implantation. They take root quickly; there are angular models for installation in case of insufficient bone tissue. Price – from 30,000 rubles, turnkey – from 70,000 per unit.

Installing implants from little-known companies is a health risk


Everything that is written is very good. But I would like more specifics regarding which clinics to go to so that the implantation is done efficiently...

Ivan S. (01/24/2020 at 04:31 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Ivan! We invite you to read the article - TOP 20 best clinics where you can undergo dental implantation. We hope this material will help you make the right choice.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (01/29/2020 at 09:12) Reply to comment

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