how to restore a damaged tooth
Fixing crowns on implants: screw or cement - which is better?
General information Composition Advantages of the drug Disadvantages Method of administration Review of manufacturers Price Almost all patients
Acry-free dentures: features, reviews from dentists and patients
Dental prosthetics is the restoration of the functions of the human chewing apparatus. The best removable dentures –
How digital technologies have changed the approach to aesthetic dental restoration
Higher aesthetic demands have always been placed on teeth that are visible when smiling. However, "old" technologies
acrylic dentures
4 facts about acrylic dentures that you may not have known before
May 3, 2019 When the question arises about how to restore a large number of teeth, many
clasp prosthesis on attachments what is it
Clasp dentures with attachments: what they are, indications for use, contraindications, advantages, manufacturing and installation features, care
Clasp prosthesis with attachments is the most aesthetic option for removable prosthetics. Its design is based
Guide to growing teeth (“Popular Mechanics” No. 3, 2018)
Guide to “growing” teeth, or bioengineering in dentistry
Margarita Morozova “Popular Mechanics” No. 3, 2018 Shock and awe before visiting the dentist are familiar to us
How do Ney system clasps work?
Types and application of Ney system clasps in dental orthopedics
1785 To fix the prosthesis in the mouth without allowing it to move, clasps are used in orthopedics.
Metal-plastic bridges: description, types, contraindications, manufacturing stages, care
The metal-plastic prosthesis does not cause any harm to the installed implants; on the contrary, due to the metal base it
ceramic inlay
Ceramic inlay for a tooth: an intermediate link between a filling and a crown
A ceramic inlay is a micro-prosthesis, used when a tooth cannot be restored with a filling. Tabs vary
Metal ceramics and zirconium dioxide. Technology comparison
From this article you will learn: the pros and cons of ceramic zirconium crowns, their varieties
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