Types and methods of using essential oils for teeth

Some impressionable women compare this condition with labor pains in terms of the strength of sensations and thoughts, so that everything ends faster.

And it’s a shame when a person who finds himself in such a situation does not know that essential oil for toothache is a time-tested remedy that can relieve suffering.

You just need to arm yourself with the necessary tools and expand your knowledge in this interesting topic, which can suddenly become relevant for everyone.

Toothache tends to take a person by surprise and disarm. The pain can be so unbearable that it is difficult to immediately figure out where quick help can come from. And it doesn’t matter who or what will provide it, the main thing is that it is quick, so that there is an opportunity to at least breathe and wait for a visit to the doctor.

For quick relief from toothache, there are a large number of remedies and ways to cope with an emergency condition. And in this case, when a suffering person does not have medicine and the opportunity to immediately contact a specialist, essential oils come to the rescue, saving in a wide variety of situations.


The oils contain several active ingredients that have a positive effect on teeth. However, the greatest effect in the treatment of toothache is achieved by using mint and clove oils. Through their anesthetic effect, they numb the nerve for a while. The procedure for using the product is as follows: you need to apply a cotton swab to the inflamed area for a while, moistening it with a composition of several types of oils. Hold the tampon until it becomes easier.

Lavender essential oil is a soothing, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-migraine agent, and also has a pronounced antimicrobial property.

To prepare one of the most effective compositions, you need to mix a few drops of the following oils:

  • Mint;
  • Lavender;
  • Carnations.

Next, the composition is mixed with 1 teaspoon of almond oil. The moistened cotton wool is applied to the inflamed area. In order to relieve acute pain, you can add chamomile to the mixture. Fir is often used to combat viruses and other harmful microorganisms. However, when using it, care must be taken, otherwise you are likely to get a burn to the oral mucosa. To treat a diseased tooth, cotton wool is applied to it every five hours for about three minutes.

Fir essential oil

Fir oil copes with diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. Dental treatment with this oil is carried out by massaging the gums; a bandage is secured on the index finger, a few drops of oil are applied to it and the gums are massaged in a circular motion. At the same time, you should not hope for instant healing of the gums; you must undergo a course of treatment, massage of the gums with fir oil for at least twenty days. You can also apply tampons soaked in oil to the painful tooth, this will help relieve toothache, especially if it prevents you from falling asleep at night.

Sage is also used, it is known for its ability to relieve gum inflammation. For treatment, you will need to make an infusion, preferably in a thermos. To do this, you need to take one part of the plant and pour five parts of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. You can use sage oil to relieve inflammation. Sage helps gums stop bleeding, protects against unpleasant odor when rinsing, and fights stomatitis when taken orally and applied to a cotton swab and used as a lotion.

Despite their tangible benefits, it is not worth choosing essential oils yourself for prevention and treatment. It is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe a specific type of essential oil to use so that it has the maximum benefit on your dental health.

Pain relief

Cloves and mint can help reduce pain. A swab or piece of ordinary cotton wool should be slightly moistened in essential oil and then applied to the disturbing area. Using this remedy can relieve pain for a while. There will be no long-term effect similar to anesthesia, so it is best to consult a dentist if possible.

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of clove oil can only be compared with the best pine antiseptics. It is perfect for preventing the spread of infections and epidemics, and speeds up recovery during viral and colds.

The use of sage also helps combat this problem. A cotton wool soaked in sage oil is applied to the ear relative to the side of the problem tooth. If the pain does not stop, it is advised to use incense. However, we should not forget that its long-term exposure has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. Basil, geranium, and lavender also have analgesic properties.

1 recipe This recipe for pain relief is especially effective: cotton wool is moistened with clove or basil oil and then applied to the tooth.

Oil applied to the tooth will help relieve pain and disinfect the infected cavity.

Pine or fir also relieves tooth pain. To prepare the solution, three drops of oil must be dissolved in fifty milliliters of water, which should be warm.

Recipe 2 An excellent option are baths that require oil of pine, spruce, sandalwood, cypress, lavender, eucalyptus, Douglas fir and fir. They must be taken within 15 minutes. Then the component is rubbed drop by drop into the wrists and feet. Properties of oils in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the gums Cypress, dew, fir, and eucalyptus have an inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane. In such cases, lotions with oil of orange pine, myrrh or geranium are indicated. Mint and fir are effective in the fight against periodontal disease.

Benefits of clove essential oil

It helps relieve throbbing pain in the tooth, thanks to a substance in its composition called eugenol. Clove oil is obtained from the clove tree, using the buds, leaves and the tree trunk itself. Clove oil fights gum inflammation and has analgesic and antiseptic properties.

It can be prepared at home, for this you need to take edible cloves, throw five buds into one glass of vegetable oil and boil, then cool and apply a cotton swab dipped in this oil to the sore tooth.

Fighting bad breath

The problem of unpleasant odor can be solved by using lemon, wormwood, cinnamon and lemon balm. Tea tree essential oil is worthy of attention, which should be used when brushing your teeth, applying a drop of the product to toothpaste, as well as when rinsing the mouth. This provides additional protection against caries. People who wear dentures often suffer from irritation and problems with their oral microflora. They are recommended lavender and rose as a protective agent against diseases caused by bacteria.

A drop of essential oil will improve the condition of the gums, the color of teeth, and prevent caries.

What types of toothache are affected by essential oils?

It is immediately necessary to clarify that essential oils can ease and temporarily eliminate toothache caused by a number of different reasons. It could be:

  • Toothache, when the tooth itself hurts due to advanced caries or other complications
  • Pain in the gums due to inflammation of the periodontal space
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, which have various manifestations

And in all cases, various oil esters will help cope with the painful condition, since they have anti-inflammatory properties, antiseptic and temporary anesthetic effects.

For children

Lavender and chamomile are especially useful for parents during the period when their children begin to teethe. In order to avoid allergies, you should first consult your doctor. 3 Recipe When children's teeth grow, it is recommended to use the following: mix 1 drop of lavender or chamomile with 5 ml of any essential oil of your choice. The mixture is brought to room temperature and massaged onto the cheek near the ear, where the growing tooth is located.

Chamomile oil is considered one of the best calming tools. It brings relaxation and peace on both the physical and emotional levels, perfectly relieves excitement and irritation, and allows you to quickly cope with anxiety and tension.

It is important to know that essential oils cannot be given to children in their pure form! Ordinary ones are possible, but before use, consultation with a specialist is necessary for the possible manifestation of allergic reactions, which can occur in both children and adults.


Since dental problems vary widely, it is important to understand essential oils for teeth that have unique properties:

Tea tree

Tea tree essential oil for teeth is known for its antiseptic and disinfecting properties, thanks to which various pathogens are destroyed. In dentistry, the ethereal extract in question is primarily used as a component of rinsing solutions, which help relieve inflammation of the gums and get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath. Also, tea tree essential oil for teeth is well suited as a preventative against caries, diseases of the oral cavity and gums. Daily use of aromatic tea extract provokes quick results. In order to have a beneficial effect on the entire oral cavity, you can use toothpastes containing tea tree oil. The essential essence presented is especially effective in whitening tooth enamel. You can check this by preparing a special whitening paste based on tea oil:

  • The peel of one banana is dried until completely dry and dark in color. For this purpose, the peel is placed on parchment-type paper and left in the sun. If you don’t have time, you can dry it in the microwave at medium temperature.
  • The dried banana peel is ground into a powder.
  • Fine salt in the amount of one teaspoon is dissolved in a similar amount of olive oil.
  • An essential extract of tea tree in the amount of 3 drops and ground banana peel are added to the “oil salt” solution.
  • Next, the resulting mixture is mixed.
  • Next, take a toothbrush and rinse it under warm water.
  • A small amount of the resulting oil paste is applied to the brush, after which the teeth are brushed for a couple of minutes.

The considered paste option effectively not only has a whitening, but also a healing effect. It is recommended to use this paste a couple of times a week.


Lemon essential oil for teeth also effectively whitens tooth enamel and leaves a fresh aroma in the mouth, and also has a safe effect on teeth in comparison with other toothpastes and products with a whitening effect. There are several ways to use lemon essential oil for teeth:

a) Undiluted

For this purpose, a cotton pad is soaked in lemon juice and then applied to the surface of the tooth enamel. After a certain period of time, the oral cavity is rinsed with water, and the teeth are brushed with regular toothpaste.

b) Diluted in water

Lemon essential essence in the amount of a few drops is added to a glass of water, where it is thoroughly mixed. The resulting solution is great for rinsing after each brushing of your teeth.

c) With alcohol

To obtain a solution, a few drops of lemon are dissolved in alcohol and then in water. It is worth noting that this method has the greatest aggressive effect on tooth enamel.

d) With soda and hydrogen peroxide

It is known that baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, even separately, are effective means of combating yellow teeth. However, in order to achieve a quick and maximum effect, the presented components are used together with lemon essential oil. However, frequent use of such a composition should be avoided, since there is a high probability of irreversible damage to tooth enamel.

Other types of essential oils for teeth are also often used in dentistry according to the following problems:

  • Toothache: mint, cloves, frankincense and sage. Cotton pads or gauze are soaked in these oils, which are then applied to the sore spot.
  • Gum inflammation: fir, eucalyptus, rose, sage, chamomile. Applications are also made using these essential oils for teeth.
  • Tooth decay : lavender, tea tree. As a rule, rinsing solutions are prepared from them.
  • Teething : lavender, chamomile, mint. The presented mixtures will not only help children cope with the unpleasant sensations associated with the appearance of teeth, but will also perfectly calm them down and put them in a sleepy mood.
  • Stomatitis : rose, sage, lavender. Cotton pads or gauze are moistened in an oil solution of these oils, after which the ulcers are treated with them.

You can also whiten your teeth not with lemon oil, but with the whole fruit! How? Watch the video:

Oily mouth rinses

4 Recipe Mix 1 tsp with one glass of warm water. salt or soda, add a couple of drops of oil. Rinse 3 – 5 times a day, or every hour. Treatment using lotions: mix 5 drops of oil with 10 ml of alcohol or vegetable oil. If you wish, you can choose two proposed methods, or one that is most suitable. A cotton wool soaked in the solution is applied to the problem area for 15 minutes.

Salt/water/essential oil is the best solution for oral care.



Prevention is better than cure, so you need to pay enough attention to your teeth and gums so as not to face various problems. In the assortment portfolio of a modern pharmacy, you can now purchase a lot for careful oral care: mouthwash, toothpastes with the addition of necessary microelements and extracts of herbs, oak bark, etc., various types of toothbrushes, dental floss for cleaning from food debris.

The rules for caring for teeth and gums are simple:

√ Consume less sweet foods and drinks. Sweets in themselves are not very beneficial for the whole body, and even more so for teeth, which will be the first to be subject to destruction and rotting.

√ Take proper care of your teeth. Clean them (preferably) three times a day, but at least twice (in the morning and before bed). Make sure that the correct toothbrush is used for the type of teeth and gums (ideally, use a soft one). It is very important to master the correct cleaning technique: without using force, make circular movements, and not from side to side. When cleaning chewing surfaces, use straight strokes. The cleansing process should take about three minutes.

√ Use dental floss for areas that a toothbrush cannot reach.

√ Visit the dentist twice a year, even if you don’t feel any problems with your teeth.


Pain inside and around the tooth is a serious cause for distress. Its severity ranges from mild discomfort to excruciating pain that makes it difficult to do everyday things such as eating, oral hygiene, and more. etc. In addition, toothache forces you to concentrate all your attention on yourself, which causes even more unpleasant physical sensations in people who are susceptible to psychological experiences and do not know how to relax.

This malaise causes a lot of unpleasant, painful sensations, especially during eating, and may not stop during the day or flare up with renewed vigor at night. A damaged tooth often reacts to hot, cold, and sour things.

In short, there are more than enough reasons for suffering. What factors can cause toothache?

√ Loss of filling.

√ Loose or broken living tooth, implant. This happens if you bite hard on something hard, or as a result of injury.

√ Tooth decay occurs due to the presence and growth of bacteria that produce harmful acids that destroy tooth enamel, which in turn leads to caries.

√ Exposed tooth root due to improper brushing. Also, the tooth root can be affected by the destruction of the crown and inflammation of the gums. This is generally common with hypersensitivity.

√ The dental nerve is affected (with any tooth decay).

√ Wisdom tooth.

√ Untreated dental abscess.

√ Inflammation of the gums around the damaged tooth, ulcers on the gums, formation of pus.

√Damaged pulp (the core of the tooth), it contains blood vessels and nerves. When the pulp is inflamed, pain is felt in the jaw and can be transmitted to certain areas of the face.

√ Weather changes. Some people experience this relationship (temperature fluctuations), but in most such cases the pain is short-term.

√ Unhealthy diet (excessive consumption of sweets) and lack of hygiene.


  • If the discomfort is caused by a broken tooth or damaged filling, naturally, you cannot do without the help of a dentist.
  • However, in an emergency situation, when there is no way to see a doctor, you can do it on your own.
  • First you need to rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush your teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss. If you have sensitive teeth, avoid industrial rinses with harsh chemicals. They can make the pain worse.


√ Ice is a kind of anesthesia; you can use an ice cube both outside and inside the mouth, applying it for 5–7 minutes. and listening to your feelings.

√ Press a warm tea bag onto the painful tooth. Or rinse your mouth with freshly brewed warm tea.

√ Salt and pepper. Mix 1/4 tsp. salt and pepper with a few drops of water until thick. Apply this paste to the damaged tooth.

√ Alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac, alcohol) can be used as an anesthetic by rinsing your mouth for a minute. Or soak a cotton pad and apply it to the sore spot.

√ Vanilla extract, due to its alcohol content, destroys bacteria on inflamed gums. It is enough to hold a cotton pad with a few drops of extract on it to relieve pain.


Sunflower oil.

Rinse your mouth with 1 tbsp for a few minutes.

Sesame oil

- used in the same way as sunflower.

Oregano oil

has antibiotic properties. Place a few drops under your tongue and hold for a while. Repeat the procedure every hour. You can rinse your mouth with oil (but do not use more than 230 ml per day).

Nutmeg oil

also effective. A drop of oil is applied to the damaged tooth several times a day as needed.

Tea tree oil.

Place 1-2 drops on the affected area, apply a cotton swab with a few drops, or add to warm water to rinse.

Clove oil

. Eugenol is the main valuable component of clove oil and is often an important component of medicinal and oral hygiene products.

Peppermint oil

Its properties are similar to cloves: it relieves pain, soothes, and relieves inflammation.

Lavender and chamomile

, or rather, the essential oils of these plants are an excellent combination for soothing pain and relieving discomfort.



- one of the powerful natural antibiotics and an effective remedy for toothache. Crushed garlic releases two substances that are converted into allicin. This substance is known for its antibiotic and analgesic properties.

However, garlic can irritate the gums, so it is necessary to apply it directly to the crown of the tooth, avoiding contact with the gums.

Limes and lemons

, according to scientific research, can relieve toothache due to the content of vitamin C. To have an effect, a piece of lemon or lime is placed in the affected area. Another option is to squeeze a little juice onto a cotton pad and wipe the sore area. A paste made from a mixture of lemon juice and salt also helps.


in its raw form it is recommended even by dentists. It is known for its antimicrobial properties. Those who suffered from toothache claim that if they chew a piece of onion, abscesses in the mouth, swelling and pain will disappear.


- alternately apply thick slices of the vegetable to the damaged tooth.

Spinach leaves

can also be chewed to relieve pain. Or make a paste from them (grind the leaves) and apply to the sore tooth or gum.

wheat sprouts

- a natural antibiotic that destroys harmful bacteria in the mouth and removes toxins. Wheatgrass juice is used as a gargle, and the sprouts themselves can be chewed.


- Apply a piece of raw potato to the sore spot for 15 minutes.


- an excellent healer! It will help get rid of toothache and has anti-inflammatory properties. A softened piece of cabbage leaf is placed between the diseased tooth and gum.


The most unpleasant thing is that toothache can not only be unbearable, but also occur late in the evening, when you can no longer get to the dentist. In such cases, medicinal herbs and spices will bring relief.


Using the root of this plant is one of the most common natural aids that has been used for many decades. Peel the skin from the plant, cut a piece, apply it to the damaged tooth and chew. Apply fresh root as needed.


has many beneficial properties, and one of them is the fight against various ailments in the oral cavity (toothache, abscesses, infections of the gums and teeth).


(Canadian goldenseal) contains berberine, an effective substance against various types of bacteria. They treat sore throats and various infections, in particular oral ones.


also recommended in the treatment of toothache. According to research, this spice has antiseptic, antifungal and medicinal properties that make it effective against gum inflammation and tooth decay. When combined with fenugreek, thyme treats infections, and when combined with mint, it destroys bacteria and reduces inflammation.


- undoubtedly one of the most effective painkillers for toothache.


acts very quickly, bringing temporary relief from problems with teeth and gums. You just need to chew fresh leaves, apply them to the affected area, or prepare a rinse (infusion).


Whole or crushed dried buds have anesthetic and antimicrobial properties. As a quick fix, it is recommended to chew the spice for a while.


(leaves). The following home remedy helps well: 2 crushed mint leaves (fresh) are applied to the sore spot for a few minutes, and then rinse your mouth with a saline solution (2 teaspoons of salt per glass of water).


As a rule, toothache occurs at night due to increased blood flow to the head. Keep your head elevated while sleeping. This will relieve some of the pressure.

If your toothache gets worse, try pain relief medications ( ibuprofen, naproxen, codeine, Tylenol, aspirin, acetaminophen)


Taking good care of your teeth is not about overcoming the pain on your own. After all, she might come back and take you by surprise again. Be sure to visit a dentist so that the consequences do not become more serious.

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