Professional teeth cleaning for children: types, indications and contraindications


Children's baby teeth have a thin layer of enamel, so they are more fragile. Because of this feature, almost every 3 children under 6-7 years of age suffer from caries. During this period, it is especially important to regularly perform oral hygiene. To preserve dental teeth from caries, doctors quite often use the fluoridation method, which protects the incisors from caries and mechanical damage.

What is the procedure

Fluoridation in children is carried out to protect children from caries, since they have a very fragile bone structure. For this reason, caries in children progresses very quickly, destroying the incisors. The procedure is aimed at strengthening the enamel by applying microscopic crystals with fluoride particles to it.

It reliably seals the dentinal canals, increasing the thickness and strength of the enamel. This treatment allows baby teeth to be more resistant to various mechanical damage, pathogenic microorganisms and food acids. The procedure allows you to quickly restore the mineral composition of the enamel.

Quite often, parents neglect the condition of baby teeth and the child. And this subsequently leads to problems and diseases at an older age. Therefore, at the slightest sign of caries or if the integrity of the enamel is damaged, it is necessary to visit the dentist. Only a doctor decides whether children need fluoridation.

There are 2 types of procedure:

  1. Simple fluoridation, in which strengthening enamel, gel or varnish is applied to the surface. These components cannot protect the MH from caries, so this procedure is in most cases carried out for preventive purposes.
  2. Deep fluoridation of teeth in children is carried out using special enamel, after application of which the liquid firmly seals microcracks, penetrating into the very depths of hard tissue. It contains a large amount of fluoride ions, which not only strengthen the enamel, but also protect teeth even from deep lesions. The enamel becomes dense, due to which children do not experience subsequent destruction of baby teeth. After this procedure, children are not diagnosed with caries, and temporary teeth remain healthy until permanent teeth appear.

How is the procedure done?

Deep fluoridation

It is carried out only in a dental office using special preparations.
The procedure requires minimal preparation. It can be divided into five quick stages

  1. Teeth cleaning. Usually a special paste is used to prepare for fluoridation. But if the child has heavy plaque, another cleaning method is chosen.
  2. Drying the surface of the teeth.
  3. “Sealing” the enamel. The doctor applies a drug based on magnesium and calcium (fluorides).
  4. Second drying of the surface of the teeth.
  5. Application of the final preparation. Dental clinics use a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide.
After the procedure, both applied layers react. All components gradually penetrate deep into the tooth, significantly enhancing its mineral structure. An important advantage of deep fluoridation is durability. Components applied to the surface are not washed out and are not affected by food or water.

Indications for fluoridation

IMPORTANT: Only the pediatric dentist can determine whether fluoridation is necessary.

Fluoridation can be done for children after 1.5 years. There are a number of indications for the procedure.

  • If children have sensitive teeth to hot, cold or sweets.
  • In the presence of caries.
  • If your drinking water is low in fluoride.
  • When, during the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones, there is a high risk of damage to the enamel.
  • If most of the baby's teeth are prone to caries.
  • When in adolescence, due to hormonal disorders in the body, the enamel is destroyed or becomes thinner.
  • If your baby wears braces. Their long-term use contributes to thinning and damage to the enamel.

Prices for pediatric dentistry

Child therapy
Children's professional oral hygiene2,200 rub.
Filling teeth with glass ionomer cement (Fuji, Vitremer)1,500 rub.
Dental treatment using vital amputation in one visit (excluding anesthesia)3,600 rub.
Seal “Dyract”2,200 rub.
Pulp amputation with placement of a therapeutic bandage1,200 rub.
Mechanical and medicinal treatment of carious cavity500 rub.
Application of devitalizing paste500 rub.
Deep fluoridation of all teeth2,500 rub.
Carrying out the resorcinol-formalin method (one session)700 rub.
Filling root canals with paste (one canal)300 rub.
Carrying out the method of silvering baby teeth (one tooth)200 rub.
Application of medicinal paste “Pulpotek”1,000 rub.
Temporary chemical filling300 rub.


Parents should not insist on the procedure if caries or problems with enamel appear, since there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before fluoridation.

  • Fluoridation cannot be carried out if children are diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • If there is an increased level of fluoride in the drinking water where you live.
  • If there is deep caries on the teeth.
  • For inflammatory processes on the gums.
  • If you have allergic reactions to substances.

Advantages of fluoridation compared to silver plating

Previously, silver plating was used as a preventative measure. But most leading dental clinics abandoned it in favor of deep fluoridation. Here are the reasons:
  • Silvering does not go unnoticed. After the procedure, a dark plaque remains on the teeth.
  • Lack of effectiveness for chewing teeth.

Dentists speak flatteringly about the deep fluoridation procedure. In an interview with the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, maxillofacial surgeon David Grigoryan Fr.

You can carry out deep fluoridation at our Nikadent clinic in Mytishchi. The cost of the service is quite affordable - about 2.5 thousand rubles. This price includes: professional consultation, preparation, cleaning of tartar, drying of teeth, application of fluoride.

Positive effect of fluoridation

  • The procedure enhances the protection of milk and permanent teeth from caries.
  • By strengthening the enamel and improving its density, MGs are not subject to destruction and are resistant to mechanical stress.
  • The procedure is painless and the baby does not experience discomfort.
  • After applying the composition, the incisors remain snow-white and do not darken.
  • Sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet foods decreases.
  • If fillings are treated with the substance, their service life increases.
  • For prevention, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a year.

Tips for maintaining dental and oral health

Doctors recommend following these rules:

  • brush your teeth to remove plaque twice a day;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with warm water or special means;
  • limit weaknesses;
  • visit the dentist once every six months for a medical examination;
  • buy your child toothpastes and brushes recommended for his age;
  • promptly treat dental diseases.

In raising a child, taking care of your health is an important factor, and you need to accustom him to this as early as possible. The first visit to the dentist is recommended from the moment of teething (5 - 7 months) or from one year.

Algorithm for the procedure


If the baby is prescribed simple fluoridation, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Plaque and deposits are removed from the teeth.
  2. Taking into account the structure of the child’s incisors, special casts are made.
  3. They are coated with a composition that, upon contact with the enamel, begins to release ions. This treatment takes about 15 minutes.
  4. Then the manipulations are repeated again. Thanks to this, calcium fluoride crystals saturate the hard tissue of the tooth, due to which the enamel is strengthened and the destruction of the incisors from caries is stopped.
  5. The procedure is repeated 10 to 15 times.


The procedure is divided into several stages. Despite the fact that the algorithm of actions is quite simple, it is very important to carry it out correctly in order to obtain the necessary positive effect.

  • The dentist removes plaque and stone.
  • The gaps are being cleaned.
  • For this purpose, special nozzles and brushes are used.
  • Next, the surface is dried using warm air to create a strong adhesion between the enamel and the substance.

IMPORTANT: It is very important to achieve maximum cleanliness.

  • The surface of the teeth is treated with a solution of calcium fluoride, which contains fluoride ions.
  • Treat with warm air again.
  • Next, the cotton swab is soaked in a solution consisting of calcium and copper hydroxide.
  • Apply the composition on all sides.

If parents decide to carry out this healing technique, you can find on the Internet how fluoridation of children’s teeth has a positive effect, photo. The incisors become snow-white and healthy.

Why is it necessary?

Fluoridation has obvious benefits that have made it a primary treatment for tooth decay prevention.

This procedure can solve the following problems:

  • reduces the likelihood of developing caries by 65%;
  • increases enamel hardness;
  • improves the structure of hard tissues;
  • increases the service life of fillings;
  • sensitivity decreases;
  • improves the condition of the gums and mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • reduces the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The procedure has distinct advantages compared to others.

These include:

  • low price;
  • painlessness;
  • safety.

These properties make it widespread in modern dental practice. This procedure is carried out from two years of age.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about dental fluoridation in children?

Regarding fluoridation of teeth in children, Komarovsky claims that this procedure is not therapeutic, but for preventive purposes it gives a positive result, preventing damage to the enamel surface from mechanical stress and caries. This technique ensures the integrity of the dental teeth and, after replacing them, the permanent incisors remain healthy for a long time.

It is not recommended to use the application if children have an advanced stage of caries. In this case, it is necessary to either carry out treatment or remove the diseased incisor. The doctor believes that if parents monitor the condition of their children’s oral cavity from an early age and use toothpastes containing fluoride, their children’s teeth will be healthy and snow-white without additional procedures.

Therefore, this method is a forced preventive measure, which is prescribed not for the aesthetic beauty of the oral cavity, but to prevent the development of caries and destruction of the enamel surface.

In order for the baby to have healthy teeth, parents need to select toothpastes that contain fluoride, teach the child to use a mouthwash, and also visit the dentist regularly to prevent oral diseases

Category Children Published by Mister stomatolog

How much does dental treatment for children cost in Moscow?

The cost of treating children's teeth consists of several components. First, the clinical case itself is assessed. In particular, with serious tooth decay and carious lesions, deeper and more complex treatment is necessary. Much depends on the treatment technology, the materials used, as well as on the level of the clinic itself (the higher its status, the higher the prices). Below is a table in which we have indicated the cost of various services for the treatment of primary and molar teeth.

ServicePrice in Moscow
Treatment of simple caries of a baby toothFrom 2,000 rubles
Treatment of complex caries of baby teethFrom 3,000 rubles
Treatment of molar cariesFrom 3,000 rubles
Treatment of pulpitis4,000 - 7,000 rubles depending on the complexity and number of dental canals
Treatment of caries without a drill using Icon technology5,000 - 7,000 rubles
Fissure sealing700 - 1,000 rubles per 1 tooth
Fluoridation of baby teeth3,000 - 4,000 rubles for all baby teeth
Air Flow teeth cleaning3,000 rubles
Removing a baby tooth1,500 - 3,000 rubles depending on complexity
Molar tooth extractionFrom 2,000 rubles
Local anesthesia500 rubles
Sedation2,000 - 5,000 rubles depending on the degree of depth and duration
General anesthesia12,000 - 16,000 rubles

Indications and harm

The fluoridation procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • at the first signs of initial caries;
  • increased sensitivity, pain;
  • lack of fluoride in food and drink;
  • protection of tissues when wearing orthodontic structures, braces;
  • extending the service life of already installed fillings;
  • for prevention.

The procedure is not recommended in the following situations:

  • the fluoride content in the diet is high, it is necessary to control the amount of the element, excluding fluorosis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of strengthening compositions;
  • the presence of medium, deep caries;
  • penetration of infectious processes into dentin.

Technology of deep fluoridation of baby teeth

By and large, deep fluoridation is not a complicated procedure, but it is done in a mandatory sequence, the observance of which determines the final result.

At the first stage, the pediatric dentist thoroughly cleans the child’s teeth of plaque. If a child has stones on his teeth, they must be removed. This procedure is not done with a regular toothbrush, but with a special dental instrument that allows you to achieve absolute cleanliness in the child’s oral cavity.

After this, the doctor dries the little patient’s teeth with a stream of heated air. This is necessary so that the fluoridated liquid comes into closer contact with the entire surface of each tooth.

Next, the dentist directly moisturizes the teeth with fluoridated fluid using a swab. At this stage, crystallization of fluoride ions occurs both in microcracks and in the bone structure of the teeth itself.

Why is it better to choose our dentistry?

Treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the dental system in children should always be carried out competently, fully and taking into account all the individual characteristics of the little patient’s body.

Our pediatric dentists are highly qualified specialists who find contact with any child, carry out all medical procedures painlessly, and tell in a playful way how the treatment of caries of primary teeth is carried out. Our doctors also pay great attention to teaching home hygiene, selecting individual products for home care (brushes, pastes, rinses, floss, etc.)

The clinic's advanced equipment and modern equipment help our doctors provide medical care even in the most complex clinical cases, and carry out treatment under anesthesia and sedation.

Properties of materials for fissure sealing

The basis of the method of sealing fissures is to fill them with liquid sealant, a special composite sealant, which differs:

  • high fluidity - easily penetrates into the smallest cracks and grooves,
  • special strength - retained on the tooth for several years,
  • complete moisture resistance - eliminates contact of vulnerable areas of enamel with saliva and food,
  • useful composition - it contains active fluorine, which gradually, over the course of a year, penetrates into the tooth tissue, additionally strengthens the enamel,
  • colored or transparent texture - with a colored sealant it is easier for the doctor to monitor the quality of filling the fissure, and a transparent sealant is chosen if there is a risk of caries developing underneath it.

Expert opinion of RAIDEN specialists

The fluoridation procedure is useful for the teeth of young patients, subject to indications for its implementation and taking into account contraindications. Fluoride is certainly useful for the formation of a growing organism. Its deficiency during the formation of the dental system can affect not only the health of the teeth, but also the entire body as a whole. Excess is also harmful. Therefore, the correct dosage of fluoride varnish during the procedure is an important point. Fluoridation “within reasonable limits” is a means of avoiding more complex, expensive and painful treatment. It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Prices for dental fluoridation depend on the amount of work.

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