The benefits and harms of modern tooth powders and homemade products

Many people dream of flashing a Hollywood smile. The first thing you need for this is healthy teeth. Their condition largely affects a person’s communication skills, his ability to find a job, friends, and a worthy place in his living space.

Along with good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of improving immunity, brushing your teeth takes a special place in achieving your goal. It is necessary that it becomes regular, correct, using carefully selected means.

Dentists these days, along with toothpaste, recommend tooth powder for use, noting a number of its undeniable advantages.

What may include

Modern powder is chemically precipitated chalk with the addition of flavoring agents. Among them are menthol, anise and mint oils, and others. The powder may contain clay, aluminum chloride, baking soda, and minerals.

The composition of the product is constantly being improved; different manufacturers include new useful and effective components in the products of their brands.

Among them are plant extracts, all kinds of oils, calcium carbonate, ginger, nuts, even dairy ingredients.

Ingredients included in the composition

Manufacturing companies are increasingly choosing white clay as a base. Other possible components include the following:

  • sea ​​salt for remineralization of hard tissues and strengthening gums,
  • baking soda for additional abrasive effect (with whitening effect),
  • aromatic oils to eliminate inflammation, additional antibacterial treatment and fresh breath.

Chalk is still used today, but now it is not crushed, but a chemically precipitated substance is obtained. It has a lower degree of abrasiveness, which means it provides gentle cleansing of the enamel with minimal risk of damage.

Operating principle

The powder consists of solid particles that, acting on the enamel, polish it and whiten it. The minerals and medicinal plants it contains help reduce bleeding gums and strengthen them.

At the same time, the condition of the mucous membrane is normalized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. In terms of abrasive effect, the powder is twice as effective as the paste. In pastes, antibacterial properties are more pronounced due to the introduction of antiseptics, fluorine, vitamins, calcium, and phosphorus.


  1. High ability to clean teeth from stains, loosen stones .
  2. High-quality removal of food debris and all kinds of plaque.
  3. Naturalness and absolute safety of the product . The presence of chemical elements is minimal, unlike toothpaste.
  4. There are no toxic components. Thanks to this, allergic reactions and inflammation of the mucous membrane are excluded.
  5. Bringing the acid-base state of the oral cavity back to normal . The registered effect is much stronger than when using a paste.
  6. Prevention of caries, periodontal disease, bleeding gums, protection of tooth enamel.
  7. Whitening in just 3 procedures thanks to chalk particles, high-quality teeth polishing.
  8. Massaging the gums with powder particles.
  9. Relief of unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  10. Parallel household use as a cleaner and stain remover.
  11. Comparatively cheap.


  1. With frequent use, damage to tooth enamel due to abrasiveness is possible. This can lead to defects and erosion of dental tissue.
  2. It is possible that bacteria may enter when the brush is lowered into the container . This can be eliminated by using disposable containers.
  3. The free flow of air and moisture can negatively affect the quality of the product .
  4. The danger of inhaling microparticles may arise when children use the powder, which will adversely affect their health.
  5. Household inconveniences. Packaging does not exclude the possibility of unintentional spillage. There is no dispenser. The product is inconvenient for transportation.


Tooth powders are found in the product range of many well-known manufacturers.

  • Gum Gold is an Ayurvedic remedy produced by the Indian company Nidco. Consists of many natural ingredients: peppermint, cumin, lavender, ginger, mountain salt, red stone. When used correctly, it strengthens enamel and gum tissue, reduces bleeding and inflammation. The drug is recommended for people with sensitive gums.
  • Peppermint powder from the Russian company Avanta contains natural mint and menthol oils. Effectively whitens enamel, but with frequent use it increases its sensitivity.
  • Lion Tobacco is a Japanese-made product designed to lighten teeth and remove nicotine stains from enamel. In addition to eliminating plaque, it freshens breath and has a pleasant taste.
  • Lacalut active forte contains extracts of medicinal herbs, which prevents pain, inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Has an antimicrobial and astringent effect. Indicated for increased gum sensitivity.
  • Veda Vedica is a product that has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Its key advantages are the ability to strengthen enamel, prevent gum looseness, prevent tissue inflammation and freshen breath.

Myths and their debunkings

There are a number of negative myths about tooth powder. They are transmitted from one person to another. Many people don’t realize that everything is changing. Tooth powder is not what it used to be.

The number of advantages has increased significantly. But the myths continue to raise various problems:

  1. The powder is harmful to health. But can a natural product that contains many natural ingredients be harmful? Modern powders are much safer. Dentists welcome their use.
  2. Weaker than paste in antiseptic action. But modern manufacturers include new components in its composition, many of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. The products are relatively uniform. But new brands are appearing, professional, high-tech, each of which has its own zest.
  4. The powder destroys the enamel. All you need to do is use a soft brush, use it without pressure, and limit the frequency of use.

Find out reviews about teeth whitening with soda and precautions. This article is all about Swiss Curaprox toothbrushes.

Follow the link if you are wondering whether tooth powder will whiten your teeth.

How does the product work?

The action of tooth powder is based on the abrasiveness of its composition - the smallest crystals, upon contact with the enamel, effectively remove plaque accumulated overnight or during the day, remove food debris and bacteria. Additional beneficial components penetrate deeper layers and strengthen teeth from the inside. You cannot overdo it with this product - use it every day for a long time. Otherwise, there will be a risk of injury to the enamel and the development of hyperesthesia, that is, its increased sensitivity.

From the history of occurrence

Several tens of centuries ago, a special product was already made on Earth that helped teeth become smooth and clean. They were made from shells, corals, pumice, and gypsum.

As the years passed, the composition improved. The main ingredients were eggshells, salt, and chalk. Tooth powder was first identified as a product in England in the 18th century. Chalk is the main component.

However, they began to produce it artificially in order to improve the composition. Crushed herbs, different types of oils, red and black pepper, sea salt and other components are added to it.

How to properly brush your teeth with powder?

In order to get the greatest effect from using tooth powder, it must be selected correctly, taking into account the condition of the teeth and gums. Tooth powders

are divided into preventive, therapeutic and whitening, the best option would be to select the powder you need based on consultation with a specialist.

Tooth powder: an effective oral care product

Cleaning method

  1. Diluting a small amount of the product to a mushy mass.
  2. Moisturizing your toothbrush.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the bristles.
  4. The actual cleaning process (no longer than 3 minutes). The brushing technique is identical to using toothpaste.
  5. Thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush again.
  6. Rinsing and drying the toothbrush.

Recommendations and tips

  1. Limit the use of the powder to one or two doses per week (but no more than four).
  2. The brush should be soft to reduce the load on the enamel.
  3. It is not advisable to put it in the general packaging , but pour a little of the product into another container for one-time use.
  4. Brush movements should be softer than when brushing with paste - circular or vertical, without pressure.
  5. Store the product at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Avoid exposure to sunlight. You can pour it into a more convenient container. Choose the optimal location for keeping.
  6. Avoid contact with water. Limit air humidity to 70%.
  7. The correct individual choice of powder is especially important It is recommended to carefully read the instructions when purchasing a product and take into account compliance with GOST. It would be a good idea to consult a dentist.
  8. It is recommended to use the product if traces of nicotine or coffee .
  9. Use is not recommended for gum diseases to avoid tissue injury.
  10. It is recommended to use the powder twice during one toothbrushing procedure to achieve a better effect. But in terms of time, both periods must be kept within a time period of 3 - 5 minutes.

All about the possible causes of a green coating on the tongue and methods of treating the pathology. Read here when you need an opinion on oral sanitation.

Follow the link if you have a question about whether it is possible to treat teeth with anesthesia for pregnant women.


In order for tooth powder to bring maximum effect, it is important to choose it correctly. The dentist will help with this. It is the doctor who will determine which product should be used based on the condition of the gums and enamel.

When brushing your teeth, you must follow these rules:

  • The product should be used no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • A wet brush does not need to be dipped into the product in the box to avoid the accumulation of dust and germs. In a separate container, dilute a little powder with water and apply the resulting mixture to the brush.
  • The brush used in conjunction with the powder should have soft bristles to minimize the risk of damage to the enamel.
  • The duration of dental cleaning should not exceed 3 minutes.
  • When brushing your teeth, you need to make vertical or circular movements with the brush without strong pressure. It is better to start with the front teeth, slowly moving towards the molars.
  • After completing the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

Manufacturing Improvement

Many popular tooth powder manufacturers can be called market leaders. Here are some of them.


The product is recommended for people with depleted enamel. The large amount of minerals contained in it promotes remineralization.

The extracts of the plants included in the composition strengthen gum tissue and prevent inflammatory processes. The powder also contains zeolite, which promotes whitening.


The calcium carbonate and lemon oil contained in this brand of powder effectively remove plaque.

Anti-inflammatory properties are clearly expressed thanks to mint essential oil. In addition, the manufacturer offers the lowest prices.


A relatively new product, distinguished by unique components, such as ginger and elements of mare's and cow's milk. This helps enhance the whitening and anti-inflammatory effects.

The powder helps strengthen the oral cavity's immunity and lighten the enamel. Thanks to its pronounced ability to fight bacteria, it prevents the development of caries.


This is an excellent preventive measure. It has proven to be a good remedy for compresses. The extracts of thyme, sage, mint, St. John's wort, and licorice included in its composition help prevent diseases of periodontal tissue.

Thanks to the presence of lemon extract, a high degree of whiteness is ensured. The product has proven itself in the fight against tartar.

Types and composition of tooth powders

The main component of most tooth powders is calcium carbonate, obtained from chemically precipitated chalk.
It has a pronounced abrasive effect and is capable of not only removing soft plaque from teeth, but also softening hard plaque.

Also, sodium bicarbonate, a substance better known as baking soda, is often added to tooth powders - it enhances the abrasive properties and also helps regulate the acid-base balance of the oral cavity (with each meal, the acidity in the mouth increases, and tooth enamel is very sensitive to acids ; sodium bicarbonate, due to its alkaline properties, helps reduce acidity to a safe level).

Since both of these substances themselves are not very pleasant to the taste, various essential oils are added to the powders - they not only improve the taste and smell, but also have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, the “Special” tooth powder, the most famous and popular, contains peppermint, anise and coriander oils, the “Family” toothpowder contains sage oil, the “Whitening” toothpowder contains lemon oil, and the “Mint” toothpowder, in addition to peppermint oil, also menthol is added.

There is an option for those who do not like the minty smell and taste of most powders - “Special” powder with orange essential oil. In addition to the oil, which gives a pleasant citrus aroma, saccharin is added to this product, a safe chemical sweetener that improves the taste of the powder.

Quality home remedy

Without detracting from the professionalism of the manufacturers, it is not at all difficult to make the product at home. There are a lot of folk recipes. Here is what, for example, some of the craftsmen offer:

  1. Take clay or chalk, add a little chopped sage or eucalyptus oil. Mix. As supplement options, use any medicinal herbs, for example, thyme, chamomile, oak bark, black pepper.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of black salt to 5 tablespoons of alum (buy at the pharmacy) . It is fresher than usual and enriched with minerals. You can also use sea water. Add a pinch of turmeric (this is a natural antibiotic) and a spoonful of camphor oil (it is useful in fighting bacteria). Mix all ingredients evenly.
  3. Prepare a mixture of ingredients : 1 kg of chalk (purified), 500 g of starch flour, 20 g of quinine sulfate, 10 g of mint oil.
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