Biomed biocomplex toothpaste
Research work “The effect of toothpaste on the strength of teeth”
Toothpaste composition Is the composition of toothpastes dangerous for oral hygiene Snow-white healthy
Is it painful to treat caries - Line of Smile Dentistry
Caries on the front teeth: what to do, how to treat it and whether it hurts to remove it
Just a few decades ago, caries treatment was a painful and extremely unpleasant procedure. IN
New aspects of assessing dental morphology
Anatomical structure of the tooth, tooth surface, group of teeth.
The dental organs are an integral part of the masticatory apparatus. The chewing apparatus of an adult contains 32 teeth.
dental polyodontia
How many wisdom teeth does a person grow in a lifetime?
Polyodontia (hyperodontia, hyperdentia) is the appearance of supernumerary teeth. Normally, an adult has 28-32 teeth
Splat paste for teeth whitening and care: range and composition
Most people want their smile to be snow-white. However, not everyone has teeth
How to overcome the fear of visiting the dentist?
A child is hysterically afraid of the dentist: what to do?
Imagine a mouth with rotten teeth and the smell that comes from them, it’s not difficult to guess how
How to choose toothpaste - the right composition and tricks of manufacturers
Without fluoride? With calcium? With medicinal herbs or whitening? If you are wondering how
Sore throat during pregnancy: “Protection for two”!
Plugs in the throat are accumulations of pus that form in the recesses of the palatine tonsils. Purulent accumulations
Tooth extraction: indications, alternatives, consequences
When is it advisable to brush your teeth?
Eight dental care mistakes that each of us makes
In dentistry, as in any human activity, there are a number of controversial issues and unresolved
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