The best DIY kitchen cleaner: baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide simultaneously according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin
There are universal products that can be used for medical purposes, in cosmetology, and in the household.
doctor's certification category
What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Categories of dentists
Specialists who literally save or recreate snow-white teeth from scratch - dentists
Why do you dream about a broken tooth?
Why dream that a tooth is broken: interpretation of the meaning of sleep for women and men
Such a tooth can cause a lot of trouble - it can ruin the appearance, cause acute
Salt for brushing teeth
9 salt recipes that will clean and whiten your teeth
The first European who decided to determine for certain the benefits and harms of salt for the oral cavity was Anthony
Miramistin in gynecology
The effectiveness of the drug Miramistin® in the treatment of vulvovaginitis in preschool girls
Miramistin is a substance with an antimicrobial effect. This is an antiseptic that has found application in various fields,
Is it painful to remove stones from teeth? Feelings during cleaning
Is it painful to remove subgingival calculus? Is it painful to remove tartar during periodontal disease? Will it be
The best toothpastes - how to make the right choice?
Regular and complete oral hygiene is the key to healthy teeth, gums and other structures in this area.
Treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis (sinusitis)
From this article you will learn: what acute and chronic sinusitis is, how to recognize the symptoms
We clean and treat? What additives should you buy toothpastes with?
From history The mention of the first means for cleaning teeth dates back to the 3rd-5th millennium BC
Toothpaste for sensitive teeth ROCS Sensitive Instant Relief
From this article you will learn: how to choose toothpaste for a child, reviews from dentists and analysis
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