stages of periodontitis treatment
Non-surgical adjuvant therapy for the treatment of periodontal diseases
Lincomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. And if we take into account the diversity of microflora in the oral cavity,
tooth reacts to cold
What to do if a tooth reacts to cold and hot: why does a sensitivity reaction to cold occur?
A healthy tooth reacts strongly to hot and cold - what does this mean? When
groups of teeth
Crowns for chewing teeth: which ones are better to install, installation principle
In the lateral sections, teeth (molars, premolars) are subject to regular high loads, while their anatomical
Why does the jaw hurt near the ear and how to treat it?
If something hurts somewhere, you should not endure the pain, but go to the doctor. If it hurts
The effectiveness of the technique of immediate sealing of dentin with delayed fixation of restoration
We always pay a lot of attention to tooth enamel; that’s what we clean, to
The best whitening toothpastes of 2019–2020: rating of effective products with safe composition (top 10)
White, attractive teeth are one of the main signs of health. For various reasons they may
How is surgery to remove a sinus cyst performed?
Quite often in their practice, ENT doctors are faced with such a problem as a paranasal cyst.
Gel for strengthening teeth Rox instructions for use
Gel for strengthening teeth Rox instructions for use
12/01/2019 ROCS gel (Rox) was created specifically to restore the structure of tooth enamel
Dental hygiene indices - Hygiene indices in dentistry
Oral hygiene index: the real picture of dental health
Oral hygiene is one of the most accessible and at the same time one of the
Gel for strengthening teeth Rox instructions for use
Gel for strengthening teeth Rox instructions for use
12/01/2019 ROCS gel (Rox) was created specifically to restore the structure of tooth enamel
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