pharmachologic effect

Combined preparation for local use, stimulator of tissue regeneration.

The drug is a chemically and biologically standardized deproteinized dialysate obtained from the blood of healthy dairy calves using the ultrafiltration method. Contains a wide range of natural low-molecular compounds weighing up to 5000 Daltons: glycolipids, nucleosides and nucleotides, amino acids, oligopeptides, trace elements, electrolytes, intermediate products of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Activates the transport of oxygen and nutrients at the cellular level, increases oxygen consumption by the cell, stimulates ATP synthesis, enhances the proliferation of reversibly damaged cells, especially under hypoxic conditions, thereby accelerating wound healing processes. Stimulates angiogenesis, promotes revascularization of ischemic tissue, as well as creating conditions favorable for collagen synthesis and the growth of fresh granulation tissue, accelerates re-epithelialization and wound closure. The drug also has membrane-stabilizing and cytoprotective effects.

Polidocanol 600 - local anesthetic; acts in the area of ​​peripheral nerve endings, causing their reversible blocking. It has a quick and long-lasting local anesthetic effect. After applying the paste to the oral mucosa, the pain stops within 2-5 minutes; pain relief lasts for 3-5 hours.

Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste forms a protective healing layer on the affected area of ​​the oral mucosa and protects it from mechanical and chemical damage for 3-5 hours, performing the function of a medicinal bandage.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is intended for local use on the oral mucosa.

The affected surface of the mucous membrane must first be dried with a cotton or gauze swab. Apply a strip of paste about 0.5 cm long, without rubbing, onto the mucous membrane in a thin layer with your finger or using a cotton swab, and then lightly moisten the applied paste with water. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day after meals and before bedtime. Treatment is carried out until symptoms disappear.

Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste forms a protective therapeutic layer on the affected area of ​​the oral mucosa and protects it from mechanical and chemical damage for 3-5 hours. When applying the paste to undried mucosa, the duration of the therapeutic effect can be reduced.

When treating bedsores from removable dentures, apply the paste to a dry denture and moisten with water.

The recommended course dose of the drug is 1 tube (5 g).

Solcoseryl dental paste - reviews


Great pasta. I heard about it from a friend's dentist. Now I only clean with it, I don’t even want to try others anymore.

Margarita B.

I was very surprised when our pediatric dentist prescribed Solcoseryl paste for the treatment of stomatitis for my ten-month-old son. I used Solcoseryl ointment to treat the consequences of postpartum tears and it was definitely contraindicated for children. However, at the pharmacy they explained to me that there is an ointment for treating wounds, and there is an adhesive paste called Solcoseryl. It is used specifically to treat problems in the oral cavity and has no contraindications for children. We started treatment and within five days everything was cured. Solcoseryl paste helped us a lot, so I think this medicine is quite effective.

Natalya Petrovna

I have suffered with teeth all my life, as long as I can remember. Due to the poor environment where I live, it is difficult to maintain healthy teeth, no matter how promptly you visit the dentist. As a result, in my fifth decade, I am missing half of my teeth, crowns were placed, and over the last ten years, against the background of metabolic disorders, periodontal disease has also appeared. It is still the first degree, the teeth are not loose, but the necks are very exposed. Sensitivity has worsened when eating hot, spicy, sweet foods, and the most unpleasant thing is painful purulent bags on the gums that constantly bleed. The dentist advised me to lubricate them with Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste. You need to apply a small amount of paste to the gum area and a protective film is formed; in addition to the analgesic effect, it perfectly stops bleeding and accelerates healing. It should be applied after eating, there are no unpleasant sensations, you just feel a minty, sweetish taste, the paste quickly dissolves. Of all the remedies that the doctor prescribed for me, this is the most effective. I noticed that my gums became less inflamed and the unpleasant odor disappeared.

Plush Ksyusha

What would I do without him?)


  • 100% helps
  • remains on the wound for a long time


  • the price is too high

I would like to write an extremely positive review about the Solcoseryl dental paste. I have been suffering from chronic aphthous stomatitis for many years. It manifests itself in very painful ulcers that prevent me from eating and speaking normally. I get aphthae for various reasons: sometimes from exacerbations of gastritis, sometimes from mechanical trauma... I often bite my cheeks. Previously I used Metrogyl Denta, but firstly, it practically did not linger behind the oral mucosa, and the effect was zero. What happened to it - that without it - the aphthae went away in 2 weeks. But one day the dentist recommended Solcoseryl, I was simply delighted. I myself the paste has a granular structure and is very convenient to apply. It protects the mucous membrane from damage, it heals aphthae faster and, most importantly, I don’t feel pain after application and can lead a normal life. But solcoseryl not only treats stomatitis, but also helps for gingitis, alveolitis and jams. I haven’t noticed any side effects. I always keep this paste in my medicine cabinet and so far I haven’t found any analogues to it. I recommend it to everyone)

(bagration) Konstantin

This gel should be in everyone's first aid kit.


  • Great effect


  • A little expensive

My grandson had no teeth for a long time. More precisely, they were, but not much. The bottom two came out, then the top two and that was it. The child is growing, requires feeding, but there are still no teeth.

He gnaws with his front teeth and grinds what he has bitten with his gums. My daughter gave me some drops that the doctors prescribed, but it didn’t help. I reassured my daughter as best I could, saying that the time will come for them to grow up. But he himself began to worry a lot.

And now the time has come. As our teeth began to cut, all in unison. It was, oh my God, what. The child cries, does not eat, does not sleep. I tried to bring traditional medicine to the child, but the mothers, nannies, and grandmothers drove me away.

There were many different medicines in the pharmacy, but the pharmacist recommended Solcoseryl. The effect was amazing. The gel numbed the gums. Just wrapped it in such a film. And that’s it, the baby cheered up, calmed down, life began to get better.

The gel tastes a little minty and makes the tongue a little numb. The tube was enough for the entire dental period and even remained, but we did not even expect such a good effect.

The gel is good for both children and adults. A good remedy for stomatitis. I recommend to all.



  • removes gum disease
  • easy to use


  • unpleasant consistency

Hello dear readers!

I would like to tell you about the drug solcoseryl dental adhesive paste.

I want to tell you what experience I had with this drug and how it helped me.

My dentist, where I always treat my teeth when I have any problems, recommended this paste to me for gum disease.

I don’t know why my gums started to hurt, but they became so red and swollen that I immediately went to the dentist and he told me to smear my gums with this paste.

You can find it in almost all pharmacies, for example, in which I asked, it was on sale in almost every one and it cost 75 hryvnia. Although the tube is quite small, only 5 grams, it will last you a long time because the paste only needs to be applied a little, and then only to the affected areas.

The composition is completely natural, but it is made from calf’s blood, but this is certainly not pleasant, but it is completely natural.

It has practically no smell, and its consistency is sticky, which is why it is called a paste.

This paste has a very interesting feature: when it is just in the air, it hardens quite quickly, and when it comes into contact with water, it gets wet and becomes viscous.

Therefore, if you apply it to your finger and then smear it on your gums, it will simply harden and stick to your finger, so it is better to first apply a little paste to your finger, and then wet your finger a little with boiled water, and then apply it to sore gums.

And be sure to not eat or drink for 3 hours when you apply the paste to your gums, otherwise everything will be washed off from your gums and nothing will help. Of course, if you want to drink too much, you can try it through a straw, but I just applied it before bed and then you don’t need to invent anything.

Of course, you’ll have to endure it because it feels like chewing gum or glue in your mouth and it’s not particularly pleasant, but it’s better to let it be this way than your gums hurt and you can’t eat or sleep normally.

It’s just that if I apply it at night, then in the morning it doesn’t remain in my mouth at all, and this way it helps better and the effect occurs faster.

The most important thing before applying the paste is to brush your teeth well and thoroughly so that there is no plaque left, and then apply the paste to the affected areas. You can also rinse your mouth with herbs after brushing your teeth to kill all bacteria.

Therefore, this remedy helped me very well and after five days I completely forgot what pain in the gums was.

Before using this patsa, you should consult your dentist.

I wish everyone good health!



  • perfectly heals wounds on gums
  • has a pleasant taste
  • relieves pain


  • not found

Almost everyone in my family has already become familiar with Solcoseryl paste, so now I can write a review about it. As a rule, dentists prescribe this paste. I’ll tell you a little about the cases in which this paste is used. And it is used for gingivitis, stomatitis, after dental surgery, when installing implants, and for lesions of the oral mucosa. The paste has a pleasant taste and acts like a bandage. When applied to the gum, it seems to stick, covering the area where it is applied. It perfectly helps heal wounds and also has an analgesic effect.

One day my daughter complained that her gums hurt, so we made an appointment with the dentist. During the examination, a problem with the gums was identified and the doctor prescribed us Solcoseryl paste. Probably mothers know how difficult it is to force a child to take medicine, as well as to carry out any manipulations in the mouth. I applied a little paste to a cotton swab and, through persuasion, anointed my daughter’s gums. Since the doctor prescribed smearing the gums three times a day for three to four days, for the second time my daughter opened her mouth without persuasion, and all because the paste tastes good. As a result, the gums disappeared in three days. After application, it is advisable to refrain from eating and drinking for a while. The drug is very effective. The volume of the tube is only five grams, and since you only need to apply the paste a little, this is enough to cure the problem.

This paste helped my mother cope with problems during the installation of dental implants. So if you are doing dental work, your dentist will most likely prescribe this paste for you.

When using dental floss, I can sometimes injure my gums and then Solcoseryl paste also comes to the rescue; I just need to anoint the injured gum once at night and the problem disappears.

Probably many people are familiar with this problem, when the gums swell and hurt, but in this case, of course, it is better to visit the dentist, but here Solcoseryl paste will come to the rescue.

In conclusion, I want to say that Solcoseryl paste is a fairly effective medicine that really helps.


A dental dentist recommended Solcoseryl to me when I came to him with my daughter for a routine check-up. My five-year-old baby developed stomatitis.

The doctor advised us other remedies, but emphasized that the paste was best suited. However, having bought it, I doubted whether the drug would be enough for complete recovery: it was a very small tube. It was enough for us until the disease disappeared, which was already on the fifth day, and there was still a little left in the tube. Very pleased with the effect!



  • valid
  • low consumption


  • expensive

I have problems with my gums, like everyone else, and during a recent trip to the dentist my gums hurt. Everything was fine on the feed, the cause of the pain was not clear. The doctor advised me to buy this paste. I read reviews on the Internet, and now I’m writing my own. And I went to buy. It turned out that it was not cheap, but nevertheless I took it and did not regret it. I read the instructions, it turned out that it is an assistant for stomatitis, herpes, after tooth extraction and mouth ulcers. And who doesn't have this? It seems to me that everyone has had something at least once. I started applying the paste in the evening before going to bed, the pain subsided and by the morning nothing hurt, I stayed there for several days. Now I know what I will do if one of the listed ailments happens to me or my loved ones. Thanks to the dentist for recommending this paste to me.

Overall impression: Buy it will be useful


I periodically develop cracks in the corners of my mouth. I used many ointments and gels, but they didn’t help much. But Solcoseryl helps me very well. I use it especially often in winter, when small cracks appear in the cold. I use the ointment for prevention (I lubricate my lips before going out into the cold). The ointment is quite greasy and protects the lips well. Moreover, I have never had an allergy to it.

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