Ulcer on the gum: causes, symptoms, treatment, first aid
Physiological causes of gum swelling Pathological causes Gums are swollen and painful Gums are swollen and bleeding
Lump on the gum. What to do?
What to do if a lump appears on your gum? How to treat it?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Gel for children's gums
Kamistad or Cholisal: what is the difference and what other gels treat stomatitis
Teething is a difficult period for babies and their parents. Every child in this
location of the dental cyst
 Tooth cyst - symptoms and treatment of cystic formation.
From this article you will learn: what is a cyst on the gum - photos, symptoms, how
What's wrong with the gums - periodontal disease, periodontitis or occlusal injury?
From this article you will learn: the causes of gum inflammation, how gums are strengthened at the dentist,
Periodontal tooth: structure and functions
From this article you will learn: what is periodontium and its functions, alternative classifications of fibers
Gel for children's gums
Gel for gums during teething in babies: TOP-9 gels
Teething is a difficult period for babies and their parents. Every child in this
Photos of the stages of development of periodontitis in pictures
Periodontitis and periodontal disease: symptoms and causes of gum inflammation
From this article you will learn: what periodontitis is - symptoms, photos, anti-inflammatory therapy regimen,
Cervical caries: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Dental caries is the most common dental disease, occurring in more than 90% of cases.
What is fume, the reasons for its appearance and how long does it last?
Why does the smell of alcohol appear? Each alcohol contains tartar or ethyl alcohol (ethanol). He
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