Everything you need to know about periodontal pockets
Insufficient oral care leads to the formation of soft plaque and stones on the teeth,
What modern methods of caries treatment exist?
Conservative methods of treatment Gentle, conservative methods of treatment of caries, that is, treatment of caries without traditional
Gum inflammation after professional teeth cleaning
Inflammation after professional oral hygiene
Features of professional cleaning Modern methods of removing tartar are a safe and comfortable procedure.
Yellow teeth in a child
Where does yellow plaque on a child’s teeth come from, what does it mean, how to get rid of it and prevent it from happening again?
The key to health is proper body care from childhood. This also applies to the oral cavity.
10 types of caries with photos and treatment features for each
October 9, 2017 “Caries is the No. 1 problem of our time,” this is how they speak about it
why do my teeth hurt after cold weather?
Pain and cold. How to deal with tooth sensitivity in winter.
Teeth can hurt for various reasons. Often toothache occurs from cold. For hypothermia
Analgesize it... Which drugs will best cope with pain
A lot of people suffer from pain very often or even constantly. Many almost
girl has sensitive teeth
Why do teeth react to cold, hot, sour, sweet and what to do about it?
If your teeth have a painful reaction to cold or hot food, sweet, sour, dental
Fistula on the gum - what is it, what causes it and how to cure it
Visually, a fistula is a hole in the gum, directly connected to the source of inflammation located near
Prevention of caries
Prevention of dental and oral diseases: methods and methods for adults, children and pregnant women
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
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