Dantinorm Baby - drops for teething in children: instructions for use, reviews from doctors and parents, composition, analogues, price
Babies usually go through the teething period extremely anxiously. Special gels and ointments help relieve the condition
Photo: 9 month old child has no teeth
The child is 7,8,9 months old and has no teeth, what should I do?
It often happens that mothers of babies who are 10-11 months old begin to worry about
Yellow teeth in adults: reasons for changes in enamel shade
Why do teeth turn yellow? You want a snow-white smile, but your teeth are not particularly different
Acute laryngitis - symptoms and treatment
A sore throat is a symptom that probably each of us has encountered. But the pain
Children's bruxism in pictures
A child grinds his teeth - the cause and effect of grinding
Author's rating Author of the article Elena Stanislavovna Zelenaya Otolaryngologist of the second category Articles written 665
Child at the dentist
The child's baby teeth are not growing. This is fine?
No teeth at one year of age Why does a child not grow teeth after a year of life:
The child's baby teeth are not growing. This is fine?
Teething: sequence and timing Normally, teething in infants occurs according to the following:
Cariogenic bacteria
Is it necessary to treat caries on baby teeth: a simple answer to a complex question
Why does caries occur in childhood? It is known that caries is a pathological process that
White spots on teeth: causes and prevention
Causes of white spots on teeth Pigment spots can be small, glossy, barely noticeable.
Infections and viruses can cause bleeding gums
The expert explained what to do if gums bleed in children and adults.
Why do my gums bleed? If you notice traces of blood in the sink after brushing your teeth,
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