Stomatitis in a child
Ulcers on a child’s tongue – causes and various treatment methods
Causes of childhood stomatitis There are 6 main factors that can provoke the occurrence of stomatitis during
first tooth lost
Why does the tooth fairy collect teeth and how much does she pay for them?
The Tooth Fairy is one of the most popular characters in American folklore. He sincerely believes in her
There is an abscess on the gum above a baby tooth, what to do?
Pustule (abscess) on the gum of a child: causes, symptoms, treatment
12/01/2019 One of the rather unpleasant and dangerous situations for a child’s health associated with diseases
Silvering of teeth in children: why is it necessary, indications, methods of silvering baby teeth
From this article you will learn: how teeth silvering is carried out - photos, indications and contraindications
Can teeth be cut at 3-5 months?
Teeth are cut as early as 3 months - about early teething in children
11.20.2019 The first thing parents should understand is that children’s development is always individual, so when asked
Teething in children
Can infants cut their first teeth at 2-3 months, is this good or bad?
The order in which baby teeth erupt Every person is different, but it is still important to know how they develop
Teething in children: modern concepts
Teething is an important event in the life of every child, because he will finally be able to taste
Photo of initial caries of baby teeth
Five main questions about the treatment of baby teeth in a child with explanations from a pediatric dentist
“Mom, I want a big chocolate!” - the three-year-old child bursts into loud hysterics throughout the store.
Bottle caries in children: types of disease, treatment features
According to statistics, by the age of six, approximately 70% of children have dental caries. Big percentage
A child has a fistula on his gum. What should parents do?
If you notice an abscess or lump on your child’s gum, this is a reason to go to
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